Hot Step-sister

Hot Step-sister

“Man, that sister of yours is fuckin’ hot. I would so love to tap that ass.”

“Dude, she’s not my sister.”

“Okay, your step-sister is hot”

“I know that but you don’t have to be so crude.”

“If she was my step-sister I’d fuck her.”

“You’d fuck a donkey if there was one around here.”

“You may have a point there my friend, but your step-sister is definitely not a donkey and I would chop off my pinkie finger for the chance to make mad passionate love to her.”

“Sure, why not, after all you have two pinkie fingers right.”

“That’s right. How would you like to earn a fifty dollar bill?”

“Doing what?”

“Get me a pair of her soiled panties. Freshly soiled, like right after she strips to take a shower. I’ll give you fifty bucks if you do.”

“Your serious?”

“Of course I’m serious. Look, as much as I’d like to sniff her pussy for real, I know she doesn’t like me and she won’t agree to it. So this is the next best thing.”

“You are one sick, perverted person.”

“But I know that you need the money and your gonna do it aren’t you?”

“I’ll try, but I ain’t makin’ any promises.”

That was the conversation earlier that day between Tyler and Nathan. Nathan had been brash and unapologetic for as long as Tyler knew him, and Tyler was not surprised in Nathan’s reaction when he saw he saw his step-sister Kimberly for the first time. She was home from college for the summer and she was quite a knockout. Long jet black hair framed a perfect face. Sky blue eyes, a cute pixie nose and a mouth that seemed to be designed for sucking a cock. Her body was even better. Tall and slim with curves in all the right places. Even Tyler occasionally caught himself staring at her ass. He was eighteen now and he thought about girls all the time. He wasn’t proud of himself but sometimes when he jerked off he would think about her sexy jean clad ass. He would never admit it though. And now he was going to steal a pair of her panties so he could make some money. It should be fairly simple, he thought, she always takes a shower after working out down stairs and he could easily sneak into the bathroom while she was in the shower and take the panties out of the hamper. He waited in his room and listened to her close the bathroom door and a few minutes later the shower started up. He waited another full minute, knowing that she always took at least ten minutes in the shower. His room was connected to the bathroom as was her room on the opposite end so he carefully, quietly opened the door and walked in. They had always had an agreement about the bathroom. The toilet was in a nook that had it’s own door so there was no worries about using that. As for the shower, the rule was that if someone was in the shower, the other would respect their privacy. It had always worked and Kimberly had no reason to believe it wouldn’t still work. Tyler worked his way to the hamper, opened it, and peered inside. Her clothes were sitting on top of the pile and he quickly spotted her undies. The were pink with thin straps, but larger than a thong. Tyler closed the hamper and quickly went back to his room. That was easy enough he thought.
Up until the moment he carried the undies into his bedroom and closed the door behind him, the only thing they represented to him was money. Fifty dollars to be exact, and he hadn’t thought about much more than that. He knew what Nathan was going to use them for but hadn’t really put too much thought into it, until now. As he walked around the side of his bed he really looked at what he had in his hand. The thin pink material had a wet stain in the crotch area and suddenly, Tyler had an overwhelming urge to sniff the spot. He knew it was wrong, but he was mostly just curious. After all, he had never smelled the private parts of a female and Kim was a female, and a very fine one at that. His mind rationalized that just a sniff wasn’t that bad, and nobody would ever find out. He raised the garment up and took a tentative sniff from about six inches. It wasn’t close enough so he brought it closer and took another whiff, pulling it away quickly when he smelled a musky scent. He decided that he wanted a better smell, after all nothing could be worse than Nathan’s nuclear farts. Tyler was quite certain they could peel paint off the side of a building. This time he brought the material up close, about a half an inch away, and inhaled deeply. The effect was almost instantaneous. His penis expanded rapidly as it filled with blood, and he became incredibly horny. He was surprised by the response but remembered what his Health teacher had told the class about the female smell being a turn on to a male. Apparently his teacher had been right on that. He decided right then that he had enough time to masturbate. The shower was still running and he knew that Kimberly would be in there for several more minutes. By the time she shut the water off, dried up, fixed her hair, got dressed and whatever else girls did in the bathroom, he figured he had at least twenty minutes and that was more than enough time. He also knew that his step mother was busy downstairs and she never bothered him when he was in his room. He decided that he wanted to be naked. He had masturbated plenty with his pants pulled down and that was alright, but there was something about getting naked to jerk off that just made it so much better. Part of it may have been the risk of getting caught, even though he couldn’t imagine getting caught. The embarrassment would be so great he would want to die, but it raised the adrenaline and made it somehow better. Quickly he stripped his clothes off and piled them on the floor next to his bed. Before climbing on his bed he dug beneath his mattress and box spring for the porn magazine that Nathan had given him. It was an older book, mid 90’s, and the condition of it was rough. The book was a fetish book simply titled BDSM. Tyler climbed onto his bed with the underwear in one hand, the mag in the other, and his erect penis flopping around. He realized right away that in order to stroke his penis and look at the magazine, he needed to put the panties somewhere where he could smell them without using his hands. So out of necessity, he put them over his head so that the crotch of the undies was covering his nose and mouth and his eyes were looking through the leg holes. It worked perfectly. Every breath that he took was filled with the smell of pussy, and his hands were both free. With his right hand he opened the book and found his favorite photo spread. In it one man was being dominated by two sexy women. One of the women was older and was dressed like a teacher. The other woman was probably in her twenties but made to look like she was young with pony tails, a lollypop, and a mini skirt to complete the illusion. The man was supposed to be a student, who was a dumb jock or something. They were all alone in a classroom setting and the ‘teacher’ was pointing menacingly at the ‘jock’ while the ‘schoolgirl’ looked on with a bemused smile. A few pictures later and the ‘jock’ was naked while the teacher sat astride his chest and the ‘schoolgirl’ gripped his rock hard cock in one hand. Tyler was so turned on that he knew it wouldn’t take long for him to explode. The smell of the soiled panties over his face was such a new thrill that he couldn’t remember the last time his dick had been this hard. He was well on his way when the unthinkable happened. The door to his room opened. Not the door into the bathroom, but the door to the rest of the house, and Kimberly walked in. She was starting to say something when she saw him in all his glory and wound up shouting “TYLER, OH MY GOD”
Tyler was in shock and jumped about a foot off the bed. He quickly pulled the covers up in an attempt to cover his private parts. His first attempt failed and he yanked them again yelling “KIMBERLY, GET OUT” but instead she walked toward him. The look on her face was one of revulsion, confusion, and curiosity. Tyler wanted to crawl away and never come back. He couldn’t understand why Kimberly, who was supposed to be in the shower, was now in his room. And then things got much worse.
“Is that Mom’s panties on your face?”
Just when he thought it couldn’t get worse he was reminded that he still had a pair of soiled underwear on his face. He quickly yanked the material off his face before the full meaning of her question hit him like a ton of bricks. They weren’t Kim’s panties, they were her mothers.
“Oh my God your sniffing Moms panties.” This was said in a more controlled voice as she came to grips with what she had witnessed.
“NO” Tyler was still in freak out mode and it was only getting worse. “I THOUGHT YOU WERE IN THE SHOWER!”
“Moms using our shower because hers is not draining good. You are a nasty little pervert.”
“KIM GET OUT!!” Tyler shouted this which was the worst thing he could do.
In the bathroom, Sarah had just stepped out of the shower when she heard yelling from the next room. At their age it was rare for them to fight like this, and the ferocity of the shouting made her rush to wrap a large bath towel around her and quickly enter her step-sons room.
“What’s going on in here? Why are you screaming?” She said mostly to Tyler and then realized that he was naked and his face was redder than she had ever seen. “Tyler where are your clothes?”
Tyler was crying now, his shame was so bad, even at eighteen years old, and he just wanted to be alone. “Sarah, please just leave me alone. It was all a mistake. I need…” he trailed off as he started crying harder.
Sarah looked at Kim for an explanation, but she just smirked and shrugged her shoulders. That’s when she noticed the magazine that had been knocked on the floor in all the commotion. As she bent to pick it up, Tyler lunged for it with one hand. Unfortunately, he wound up falling out of the bed and the blankets that he had been covering up with were knocked aside, exposing his genitals and the panties that he had tried hiding.
“Are those my underwear?” Sarah asked, now completely confused. “Tyler, you need to explain just what the hell is going on. I’m not leaving until I get an explanation.”
If ever there was a time that he wanted the earth to open up and swallow him whole, this was that time. There was no way out of this and he knew it. The only thing that he had was the ugly truth and as bad as that was it all that he had. He took a few moments to try to calm down and work up his courage. Finally he spoke. “It was all just a big misunderstanding. Nathan was going to pay me fifty dollars for a pair of Kim’s underwear.”
“That fucking maggot” Kim angrily snapped.
“Go on” Sarah prodded.
“So I thought that Kim was in the shower and I snuck in and took these.” He held up the pair. “I was only going to hang on to them until I saw him later and then get the money, but I…” He didn’t know how to tell the rest of the story. It was too embarrassing, too humiliating to go on.
Sarah had an idea what happened, but pressed him anyway. “So tell me what happened”
“I can’t.”
“He was jerking off with your panties.” Kim said giggling.
Tyler shot an angry look towards his step-sister.
“Was you wearing my panties Tyler?”
“NO” He didn’t know what was worse, what she thought or what he did.
“Yeah, on his head.” Kim snickered.
“SHUT UP BITCH!!!” Tyler screamed. He wanted to kill her now.
“Tyler I will not allow you to talk that way to my daughter.”
“But ….” This was all going very bad and it was about to get worse.
“Don’t you ‘but’ me young man. So lets put this all together now, you steal my underwear thinking that they are Kim’s, then start to masturbate with this filthy magazine and my undies over your face. Is that about right?”
Tyler just wanted this whole nightmare to be over. He wanted to change the events of the day so this debacle never happened. But he knew Sarah was not in the mood for any lies. He was in enough trouble so he hung his head and said “Yes, that’s what happened.”
“So what do you think your punishment should be?”
He shrugged, still unable to look anybody in the eyes.
“I can’t believe he is so perverted”
That was the last straw for Tyler. He couldn’t control himself any longer. Losing complete presence of mind he launched himself at Kimberly, his hands going for her throat, but she was quicker and stronger and she caught his wrists before he could grab her. His momentum only pushed her back a half step and then she pushed back much harder and they both fell on his bed with her on top of him. She held on to his wrists and climbed up so she was sitting astride his chest.
“GET OFF ME” He screamed vehemently, kicking his feet and trying his best to dislodge her. She simply slid forward and used her knees to pin his arms to the bed, this move put her crotch almost on his neck.
Sarah quickly moved around to the other side and said “Kimberly, let him up.”
But Kim was not ready to quit now. “Mom, are you going to let him get away with what he’s done? He needs to be punished.”
Tyler had been in this spot before when he was younger and had fought with his older and stronger step-sister. In the past when she held him down like this, she had forced him to yell ‘mercy’ before she let him up. He had always held out for as long as he could because he secretly liked it when she held him down like this. It had always given him a hard on that was hidden by his clothes. This time however he had no clothes on and despite his anger, his penis started to grow. He felt the slow movement of his cock and with every ounce of his strength he flung his legs up in an attempt to dislodge her so he could cover himself up. Unfortunately, his plan backfired by pushing her forward so her sweaty shorts covered crotch was right in his face. Had Sarah not been right there, Kimberly would have lost her balance and fallen face first off the bed, however, she saw her daughter going over and caught her. This caused the towel that was covering her to be knocked to the floor and Kim’s face went right into her breasts. This took them both by surprise and Sarah had to hold her daughter for a few moments ‘til she caught her balance. Meanwhile, Tyler’s nose and mouth were up against his step-sisters bare thigh as her shorts had ridden up when she was bucked forward. He turned his head back to try to get air and wound up with his nose pushing aside her panties and coming into contact with her moist pussy lips. It all happened very quickly and was totally unintentional by all involved but the effect was felt by all. Tyler realized in a moment that he had his mouth and nose in contact with pussy and his cock expanded even more, now standing straight up and waving in the air. His arms were free and he was all done being mister nice guy. He knew he was in trouble and he figured that he might as well take advantage while he could so he wrapped his arms around his step-sisters waist and pulled her down tighter to his face and then he stuck his tongue into her vagina.
Kimberly was still getting over the fact that her face was plastered against her mothers tits when she felt her brothers arms wrap around her waist. For a moment, she thought he was trying to keep her from falling off the bed and then she felt his wet tongue slide into her and she gasped. Sarah had no idea what was happening but heard her daughters gasp and as she leaned her back away from the edge of the bed, she heard a slurping noise and Kimberly grasped her mother closer as her step-brother hit her sensitive clit with his tongue. For her part, Kim was very quickly lost in the sensations of the cunnilingus that she wasn’t expecting but was suddenly enjoying. Sarah caught a glance over her daughters shoulder and spied her step-sons seven inch penis standing tall and quickly looked down to see what was happening right below her.
“oh my god” she whispered, then louder “KIMBERLY”
Kim opened her eyes and seemed to come out of a trance as she realized what was happening. :TYLER” she shrieked and tried to pull away but he held tight and by now had pulled her shorts and panties aside with his hand and his mouth was attached to her cunt.
“Tyler stop” Sarah ordered climbing onto the side of the bed to try to get him loose.
Tyler was not going to be denied. He was not going to let go. He was determined.
“MOM, GET HIM TO STOP” Kimberly half shouted. It was so wrong, but it felt so good. If her mother hadn’t yelled her name she would probably have let him finish her because it had been so long since she had a tongue in her cunt. But he was her little step brother, even though he was not so little anymore, and it was not right. She tried raising herself up on her knees and Tyler went right up with her. It was a strain on his arms but he was not ready to stop. As she came back down, her clit lined right up with his nose and for a time, he was smothering. The effect on Kim was instant. His nose pressed up against her sensitive bud and his tongue jammed into her pussy was intense. “UNNNHHHHH” she moaned not even realizing she was making noise. She didn’t want this she was trying to tell herself.
Sarah was beside herself. She didn’t know what to do, and then Kim moaned and she realized that her daughter was enjoying herself on Tyler’s face. And even worse than that, her own pussy was starting to moisten. What was happening was so taboo but it was hot. It was so wrong, but it was exciting. And she leaned back and let it happen.
Kim saw her mother sit back and looked her in the eyes. It was almost as if she was asking for permission without saying a word, and the look that Sarah gave her was a look of reassurance.
Kim looked down at the top of her step-brothers head and into his eyes which were just visible between her thick thighs. Reaching down with both hands, she wrapped her hands around his head and held him even tighter to her tingling pussy. He was not getting any air but her motions were not lost on him. She wanted him to continue. She was going to let him make her cum. His lungs were starting to scream to him. He needed to take a breath and it was rapidly getting urgent. He had to let go of her panties and shorts and try to move her enough to get some air. At first she thought he was stopping and she was past the point of letting him stop. ‘He started it’ she thought, he was going to finish whether he wanted to or not. After a few tense moments though she realized that he was trying to breath and she decided that she wanted to get her bottoms off anyway. She jumped up and off the bed and quickly pushed her shorts and panties down her shapely legs. Without a hesitation, she turned around and climbed back onto the bed, once again straddling her step-brothers head, but this time facing his feet. She noticed for the first time how red his face was and his chest was still heaving as he sucked in great breaths of air, but that didn’t stop her from lowering herself onto his face again. This time his nose slid into her ass crack as her pussy came to rest on his mouth. At least he was able to breath like this.
Tyler was still in shock over these events. He didn’t like being nearly smothered u*********s but he figured that was a small price to pay for what he was doing now. When Kim had stepped off the bed he was sure that it was all over except for the crying. He had been so out of breath at that point that he was just glad to be able to get any air. Then, all of a sudden he felt her crawling back onto the bed and when he opened his eyes he was looking up into her naked womanhood. She was looking down at him with a look of lust in her eyes and all he felt was love for her. As she settled herself back onto his face he realized where his nose was. Right at the entrance to her asshole. Any other time the thought of it would have turned his stomach, but right now in the heat of the moment, it was another turn-on. At that moment he felt something completely unexpected, a smooth hand wrapped gently around his rock hard erection. Because his face was buried under ass, Tyler couldn’t see who had his penis in their hand but he automatically assumed it was Kim. He assumed it was Kim that is until two slender hands slid down on both sides of his face and spread the ass cheeks that were caressing his face cheeks. His nose now wedged deep into Kim’s puckered asshole, he realized that the hand that was gently stroking his cock belonged to Sarah his step-mom. This was getting way more intense then he ever expected and he wondered how far it would go.
Above Tyler, Kimberly was getting close. She opened her eyes and saw that her mother was lazily stroking her step-brothers rock hard manhood. Her mother was staring at the member in her hand hungrily, as if she wanted to devour it. It was so exciting, so intense, so incredible that she started to rub her clitoris with her fingers and within moments, she started to cum. It was the most earth shaking orgasm that she had ever experienced. It kept going in wave after wave and she felt like she was going to pass out from the sensations. She let out an involuntary scream as she ground her clenching pussy down on Tyler’s face, and trickled her thick juices into his mouth. Sarah watched her daughters orgasm and was entranced. She had never seen another woman in the throes of an incredible orgasm and now she was watching her own daughter. The look of pure joy on her face, her mouth open, the flush of her skin was incredible to watch. As Kim’s orgasm died down she sat for a few more moments on Tyler’s face catching her breath.
“Mom , that was awesome. You have to try riding his face.” She started to climb off, noticing that her mom had let go of her step-brothers penis.
“Oh I don’t think that would be appropriate.” Sarah said. In reality, it did look like fun to her but she was scared of the repercussions.
“Don’t worry mom, no one will ever find out. He’s not gonna tell anyone. How would he explain that?”
Kim had a point. The embarrassment of what he’d been caught doing would be enough to ensure that he would keep his mouth shut about all of it. She had time before her husband, Tyler's father, came home and she was so turned on from watching her daughter cum that she wanted her own release.
Tyler’s hand moved toward his recently released penis. He needed release also and was going to take matters into his own hands. Before he could though, Kim saw what he was reaching for and quickly slapped his hand away. “Oh no you don’t. you don’t get to cum until you get mom off as good as you got me off. I’ll think about letting you jerk off then, only if I think you did a good enough job.”
He heard what she said but still tried with the other hand also. He was so close to the edge that it wouldn’t take more than a couple strokes and he’d be past the point of no return. Kim was quicker though and snatched his hand up by his wrist. Quickly, she grabbed his other wrist in her other hand and slid off the bed, pulling his arms up over his head. She wrapped her long left arm around both of his wrists and in his position, he was helpless to stop her. With her free hand she yanked the cloth belt out of her shorts and quickly and effectively tied his wrists together tightly. Holding his arms over his head she motioned to her mother to climb aboard.
Sarah hesitantly swung her leg over Tyler’s chest and backed up so that her ass was hovering above his head. His face was still wet from Kim’s sweat and pussy juices.
“Go on mom, do it. He needs to be punished for what he did. He deserves to get used.”
It was all the encouragement she needed and she sat herself down on her step-sons face. The feeling was indescribable, and she liked the sensation already. Tyler noticed right away that Sarah’s ass was wider and a bit more flabby than Kim’s athletically toned ass. This ass had more cushion which felt better, but the trade off was that it was more difficult to breath. Sarah adjusted herself so that her cunt was lined up with his mouth and once again Tyler found his nose uncomfortably close to another asshole. With his arms secured over his head and behind Sarah’s back, he was helpless to change his position.
Kim climbed back onto the bed to watch the depraved scene play out. She decided to tease her step-brother some more like her mom had done earlier. Instead of stroking him though, she used one finger under the crown of his penis where the skin comes together and slowly traced gentle circles around and around. She didn’t vary the speed or the amount of pressure. It was all very methodical and intended to keep him on the very edge without letting him have the release that he needed so badly. She knew it was working to because after a few seconds of twirling her finger around, she heard him moan loudly from under her moms ass. His penis looked to Sarah like it was full of pain. She had never seen a cock head so purple, never felt a foreskin stretched so tight as the one she was working on now. It gave her a feeling of power.
Sarah was still having a hard time believing what she was doing right now. The feeling was unlike any that she had ever experienced before and she liked it, a lot. But there was a feeling of guilt in her that was eating away at her pleasure and keeping her from letting go. For several minutes she sat unmoving, allowing Tyler to use his tongue on her pussy. It felt good but it wasn’t enough to set her off. She wanted to cum. She needed to cum, but her conscience was stopping her.
After nearly ten minutes of Tyler trying desperately to make her cum, his tongue was completely worn out and it was too painful to continue. Sarah was ready to call it quits to. She wanted to go into her room and finish herself in private. “This isn’t going to work” she sighed “I’m going to let him up.”
Kim however, had other ideas. “No mom. You just need to use his face to masturbate yourself. Wiggle your ass around and slide up and down. He needs to suffer more. Make him suffer mom.”
Far a moment Sarah thought about what her daughter had said. As crude as it was she realized that it was right. She looked into Kim’s eyes and nodded her head. Slowly, ever so slowly she started to rock her bottom back and forth. As she started to pick up speed she began sliding back and forth from the top of his forehead to the bottom of his chin. Every time her clitoris passed his nose she was jolted with pleasure. As the pleasurable feelings grew, so did the intensity of her motions. She was lost in the feelings and had forgotten that it was a human head, her step- sons head, that was under her. It didn’t matter anymore to her. Her only mission was to make herself cum and she was quickly approaching the point of no return. Back and forth she careened on his face, sweat rolling down her breasts and dripping off her erect nipples. And suddenly she was at the peak of the mountain. She tensed every muscle in her body at once, her throbbing clitoris resting right on the tip of Tyler’s nose, and held her position for a count of three. Then the release that she had craved was upon her. Wave after wave of sensations crashed over her. Her entire being was racked by spasm after spasm of delectable pleasure. She was completely out of control of her body. It wasn’t an earth shaking orgasm, it was earth shattering, and right in the most intense wave, she gushed. Not just a little trickle like Kim though, it was a river of juices spraying out forcefully. A jet of clear fluid that completely soaked Tyler’s torso and the bad around him. It was unexpected and a large amount filled his mouth and went down his throat. He swallowed the hot musky liquid to keep from choking.
Kim was entranced by the scene she was witnessing. She was so caught up in the moment that she forgot what she was doing to his penis with her finger. She had grabbed hold of it in the heat of the moment and as she watched her mother explode and spray her fluids all over the place, her hand tensed, just a bit but it was more than enough to send him over the edge also. She felt his throbbing member lurch once and she glanced down in time to see a blast of cum squirt out of the tip and arch its way to his neck , leaving a line of sticky semen from his belly button to his chin. Instead of stroking his member through his orgasm like her other lovers liked, she just held it steady, tipping it to about a forty five degree angle. The next blast was just as powerful as the first if not more and the cum plastered her mothers tits. This was followed by a half dozen more jerking spasms. By the time it stopped, Sarah’s breasts and belly were dripping long strands of thick cum down onto Tyler’s chest.
When Tyler started to cum, he desperately wanted someone, anyone, to stroke his cock, but with his hands secured behind his head and Sarah still sitting on his face, he was unable to do anything. It was almost agony to finally reach the pinnacle, only to be deprived of the most intense feelings of his release. He wanted to cry out but at the moment he was still being smothered by the fleshy pillows of his step-mothers posterior. And then it was all over. Sarah climbed off and nearly collapsed as her legs gave out. Kim gave his penis a final squeeze, too little, too late though and watched as a glob of cum leaked out and ran down her fingers. She let it drop back onto his belly and as he started to sit up, she slapped her hand down on the center of his chest and mounted him again, this time sitting on his chest. The bed around him was soaked and she was kneeling in it but that didn’t bother her. He looked up at his older step-sister and was worried that she wasn’t done with him yet.
“So baby brother” he had always hated it when she called him that, and she did it just to spite him. This time though, it didn’t even register with him. “If you know what’s good for you, you won’t ever tell a soul about what just happened. It would be awful hard to explain anyway now wouldn’t it. And from now on, you’ve got a new position in this family, and that position is under mine and moms ass whenever we want it.” those last words she emphasized by poking her cum slicked finger on his chin and mouth. “So be prepared whenever your father’s not around, because you’re gonna have to get used to having your face attached to our asses.” she smirked down at him as she swung her leg over and climbed off the bed. Tyler sat up in his wet bed and watched as Kim picked up her clothes and Sarah made her way gingerly back toward the bathroom to presumably have another shower. As she picked up the last garment and turned to leave, she stopped and turned back toward the bed. From several feet away she flung her mothers soiled underwear back at Tyler. The undies landed on his lap and he looked down at them in confusion. “You can let that horny bastard Nathan get his jollies with those. Make sure you get the money from him because your gonna buy a new strap-on dildo that we can attach to your chin so we can have more fun when we sit on your face.” she laughed a hearty laugh and walked out of his room still naked. It was going to be a very strange summer.

Part 2

The most embarrassing and most erotic day in Tyler’s life had passed and his father Scott was back from his business trip. Life went on in the house even though Tyler had trouble looking his step mother in the eyes, and she was definitely avoiding him. Kim on the other hand was using every opportunity to torment him.

On his first day back from all trips, Scott always tried to get the whole family to eat dinner together and this time was no different. Tyler tried to think of a good excuse why he couldn’t join them but his dad made a big deal of it so he relented. At the table, he sat as usual beside his step sister and his father and step mother sat across from them. At first things went normally. Sarah was obviously uncomfortable sitting at the same table with her husband, whom she loved dearly, and her step son, whom she had rode to an orgasm just yesterday. And then there was Kim who was having a ball watching the other two squirm.

“So Kim,” Scott started the conversation. “how’s spring break treating you so far?”

Kim smiled and put her hand on Tyler’s leg, rubbing inside his thigh. The table blocked the view of her mother and his father. “I’ve had some fun already.” she answered as Tyler coughed at the sudden invasion. He was wearing thin shorts because of the heat and she slid her hand up his thigh and under his shorts until she was touching the tip of his penis. This was very nerve wracking for Tyler with his father sitting so close, but he couldn’t stop himself from growing an erection.

Somehow, Kim managed to continue eating with her other hand as if nothing was happening. She felt him become aroused and pulled her hand out. Then she started talking about some stuff that happened at college while she slid her hand into her own shorts and rubbed her wet pussy, getting her fingers slicked up. She was talking to Scott and then looked past him out the window and said “Who’s cat is that?” When her mother and step dad turned to look out the window, she rubbed her wet fingers under Tyler’s nose on his upper lip. He wasn’t expecting it and pulled away, but then he smelled the intoxicating scent of her cunt and felt his prick lurch.

“That’s Donna’s cat” Scott answered, turning back to the table none the wiser at what had just occurred. “damn cat is always walking on top of my car. I wish she would keep it inside.” Donna was the single woman who lived next door. She was not well liked around the neighborhood because she was such a busybody.

Kim reached over and opened her step brothers fly and began fishing around in his underwear for his cock. He squirmed as her slender fingers wrapped around it’s length and pulled it up and out into the air. The tablecloth hid everything and she began to slowly stroke him. It was exquisite but also very disturbing because it was so risky. If they got caught, they would never be able to explain it. For the next few minutes they ate in silence and Tyler was struggling to maintain control.

Kim picked up the speed of her hand and tightened her grip and it became clear to Tyler that she meant to make him come. He tried to focus on eating his food. Even though it felt good, he didn’t want to cum because it would make a terrible mess. Then, Kim did something that made his heart nearly stop, she dropped her butter knife on the floor under the table. “Oops, I’ll get that.” she said and leaned back to look under the table. Then she said “Mom, it fell by your foot, could you reach down and get it for me please?”

Tyler nearly choked on his mouthful of food as Sarah nodded and said “sure hon”. As she reached down beneath the table to grab the knife, Kim reached her foot over the knife at the last second so her mothers hand landed on her foot instead of the knife. She looked down at her daughters foot and saw the foot waving and motioning so she stuck her head further under the table and saw what was going on. She nearly gasped at the sight of Tyler’s rock hard penis being stroked by her daughter literally right under her husbands nose.

“Do you want me to get it for you?” Scott asked when he realized how long it was taking his wife to get the knife. He actually started to reach down toward the dropped silverware when Sarah quickly grabbed it and sat up, pushing the tablecloth back down. She reached across to hand the knife to her daughter and also gave her a wide eyed stare, trying to urge her to stop doing what she was doing.

“Thanks mom” Kim smiled as she reached for her knife and set it aside, giving her mother a wink and a grin. She was enjoying the excitement of the danger of being caught, but she was more enjoying the fear that she was putting in her mother and Tyler.

It was starting to get real serious for Tyler. He could feel his balls starting to tighten up and was well on his way to the final approach. It was going to make a mess but he didn’t care anymore, it felt too good to worry about that. Then to Tyler’s surprise, Kim let go of his penis and stood up with her plate. “I’m full, that was delicious. Thanks mom.” she announced and left the table. Tyler wanted to yell at her and nearly said something that he would have regretted, but he managed to bite his tongue.

“What’s the matter son, not hungry or you don’t like it?” Scott asked as he noticed that Tyler wasn’t eating very much.

Tyler looked down at his plate, which was still more than half full, and shrugged. “It’s okay, I’m just not feeling well I guess.” He was tucking his still erect penis back into his shorts and buttoning the fly.

“Oh that’s too bad. I hope your not coming down with something. Maybe you should take some pain medicine.”

“No I’ll be fine. I’m gonna go to my room and try to get some rest.”

“Alright, we’ll leave you alone. We’ll be taking our walk soon anyway so you should have some quiet time.”

“Thanks” He got up on shaky legs and turned quickly so his dad wouldn’t see the bulge in his shorts. A few minutes later he burst into his step-sisters room and angrily approached her. With a hushed but venomous voice said “What the hell was that all about? Are you fucking crazy? What if we got caught?”

Kim calmly turned around and slapped him hard across the face. It stunned him into silence. Then she let him know who was boss. “Let me make myself perfectly clear you perverted little cretin. First of all, I don’t fucking care if your father catches us of not, it’s not my ass on the line and I’m not the one who was jacking off with my step mothers panties on my head. Second, if you don’t want your father to find out, then you will do as I say when I fucking say it. If you happen to enjoy it, then so be it. If you don’t like it then to fucking bad. Get over it. Deal with it. Do you understand?’

Tyler was rubbing his stinging cheek and reluctantly nodded his agreement.

“Good, now I’ve got to take a piss and you are going to come with me and clean my pussy when I’m finished. Let’s go baby brother.” she hooked her hand in the waist band of his shorts and led him into the bathroom.

Meanwhile, downstairs in the kitchen, Scott and Sarah had finished their meals, taken care of their dishes, and were heading out on their walk. They always took an hour long walk every evening when Scott was home. As they walked out of the house and down the front steps, they didn’t notice their next door neighbor Donna watching them through her living room window. The nosy neighbor watched the couple until they were out of sight and then she went next door.

Tyler stood in front of his step-sister as she sat on the toilet and watched her spray of urine blast the water in the bowl. When the flow slowed to a trickle, he reached for the toilet paper, but Kim grabbed his hand.

“What do you think your doing?”

“I’m getting some paper to clean you up.” he replied, a little disgusted with her attitude toward him.

“I don’t think you understand. I want you to clean me with your tongue.”

Tyler scowled and backed up a step. “That’s disgusting, I’m not doing it.”

Kim stood up and grabbed his arm roughly. She was bigger and stronger than him and she twisted his arm painfully, bringing him to his knees. “You will do it or I’ll break your fucking arm like a twig.” she jerked it again to get her point across and Tyler yelped.

“OKAY OKAY I’LL DO IT” he shouted. She held him a moment longer until he leaned toward her bush and stuck out his tongue, then she released his arm. As he stuck his face between her strong legs, he inhaled deeply before licking up the length of her vagina. He tasted the salty bitterness of her urine and sweat, and after a few more licks she pulled him away.

“There’s a few drops running down my leg because I had to stand up. You know what to do.”

He looked down her legs and saw that she was right, two rivulets of pee ran down each leg. She sat back on the toilet seat and lifted each leg so he could lick the urine drop off. He was halfway up the second leg when the doorbell rang.

“Shit. Go find out who it is and get rid of them, you’ve got more work to do here.” Kim ordered.

Tyler got up and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. His cock was once again forming a tent with his shorts. As he headed back downstairs readjusting his penis in his shorts, the doorbell chimed again. He cursed under his breath and opened the door, standing slightly behind it to cover his bulging shorts. It was Donna the next door neighbor. Tyler didn’t like her at all, but he was still civil to her.

“Hello Donna, is there something I can do for you?”

“Why yes Tyler there is. May I come in?”

Tyler wanted to get rid of her quickly like Kim had told him, “I’m kinda busy right now, can this wait til’ later?”

“No Tyler, it’s very important that I speak with you now, while your father is gone.”

“What does this have to do with my father?”

“It has nothing to do with him, and it has everything to do with him. Let’s just say that what I need to discuss with you is something that you don’t want him to hear. Of course if you don’t have the time now I can come back when he is home.”

Tyler was confused and just a little perturbed. Enough so he that backed up and invited her in.

Donna was a short, plump woman with a very large ass. As long as Tyler could remember, she never had a significant other in her life. She was in her early forties and had never been married. She wasn’t terribly ugly either, just fat, and Tyler had thought that if she lost a hundred pounds, she might even be considered pretty. She also had huge breasts that always threatened to burst out of her tops. She never wore anything that showed off her cleavage, preferring instead to wear sweaters, even in the summer.

“How long is this going to take? I’ve got a shit load of stuff to do.” Tyler was trying to hurry this along so he wouldn’t piss off Kim anymore.

Donna walked to the couch and made herself at home. “Well I guess that all depends on you Tyler. You see, I know your secret, and I want to be involved.”

“What secret?” Tyler was getting very uneasy.

“Maybe you have forgotten that your bedroom window is adjacent to my sewing room window. Imagine my surprise when I went to work on my quilt yesterday afternoon and I happened to glance into your window and what do I see, you, naked on the bed, masturbating with a pair of ladies underwear over your face.”

All the blood drained from Tyler’s face and he suddenly felt very afraid.

“It was quite a sight to behold I’ll tell you, but then, things got so much more interesting when Kim and her mother came in. I never would have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes. The things you all did together, it was depraved. It was also very hot, and now I want to try to.”

Before he could answer, Kim started yelling from the top of the stairs. “Tyler, what the fuck is taking so long?”

Donna smiled and shouted back “Hello Kim, it’s Donna from next door, could you come down here please.”

They both heard a disgusted sigh and then “Just a minute” Tyler put his face in his hands and tried to figure out a way out of this mess. A few moments later Kim came bounding down stairs. She looked at her step brother and knew something was wrong. “Okay, so what’s going on?”

Donna said “Go on Tyler, tell her.”

Tyler hesitated and then said “She knows.”

“Knows what?” Kim questioned.

“What we did yesterday”

Kim looked from Tyler to Donna and back “How?”

“Through the window”

Suddenly Kimberly burst out laughing. To her it was hilarious while to Tyler it was the end of the world, again. When she was finally able to calm down a little, she asked “So what do you want now, our money? We don’t have much.” She started to giggle again, this was just too funny.

Tyler was shaking his head slowly back and forth. Donna leaned forward and spoke “I was real nervous when I decided what I was going to do. At first I thought about telling your dad Tyler, that’s probably what I should do. But then I realized that would do nobody any good. Then I thought about what you and your mother did Kim, and I realized that I wanted to try it to. It’s been so long since I’ve had a man between my legs, and Tyler is young and handsome.”

Once again Kim was laughing so hard that she was almost doubled over. Tyler looked like he was going to be sick, and if he could, he would have gladly crawled into a hole and never come out.

“Why do you find it so funny Kim? After all, what you and your mother did was just as depraved. Suppose Tyler’s dad finds out. That would ruin things for your mom.”

Kim calmed down again and said “ My mother is a big girl and she can handle herself. Furthermore, if you want to tell Scott what happened than go right ahead. Do you think that Tyler will stick his face between your legs then? I don’t care if Scott finds out, but Tyler cares. So why don’t we all go upstairs and have some fun.”

Danna grinned “That’s what I wanted to hear.”

Tyler had no choice and followed the two women up stairs. Behind Donna, he got a good look at her huge ass. He had no desire at all to do anything sexual with this woman, because he was not attracted to her.

Once in Tyler’s room Kim turned to Donna and asked “So what do you want him to do first?”

“Take your clothes off.” she ordered him. ‘What the hell’ he thought ‘she’s already seen me naked anyway’. In less than a minute, he was standing bare ass naked and shivering with trepidation. It was obvious that Donna liked what she saw, as she devoured him with her eyes. It was creeping him out.

Donna walked over to Tyler when he was nude and walked all around him, looking up and down every inch of his body, as if she was inspecting livestock. When she got back around to his front, she reached down and wrapped her pudgy hand around his limp penis. Her hand was warm and despite his disgust, he started to expand in her hand. She noticed this and smiled up at him saying “You like that don’t you.” It wasn’t a question. She fondled him clumsily until he was sporting another solid erection, then she started stroking him. Kim watched all this while sitting on the edge of the bed.

Because he was so close to cumming earlier at the table, it didn’t take very long before he was panting and moaning again. He was trying to not look at Donna and instead think about his step sister, pretending it was her that was stroking him. It felt so good and he was nearly there when she stopped and let go.

Frustrated once again, he opened his eyes and watched as the large woman pulled her sweater over her head and dropped it to the floor. It was then that he realized just how massive her breasts were. They were in a very large bra and were almost exploding out of that. He was transfixed as she reached behind her back to unsnap the latch and the juggs dropped about two inches without the support. Then she peeled the bra off her body and Tyler and Kim saw the largest natural breasts and the biggest nipples they had ever seen. Each tit was larger than his head, and although they sagged a little, they were still quite nice. Her nipples were about the diameter of a quarter and the areola around them was the diameter of a softball.

From the bed they heard “Oh my God”.

“They are kinda big aren’t they.” Donna commented.

“I’ll say” Kim agreed.

Tyler just stared in amazement until Donna grabbed his ears and pulled his face down between them saying “You like them so much why don’t you stick your face in them.”
He didn’t even hear the whole sentence because his ears were covered by tit flesh. She had pulled his whole face all the way in and brought her flabby arms up, wrapping them around him so he couldn’t pull away. He also couldn’t breathe and he struggled to pull away.

His legs were up against the end of the bed and when he tried to pull back, she leaned forward and they both fell onto the bed next to Kim. Now this heavy woman was on top of him and he was still smothering in her immense fleshy pillows. What was worse was that when they landed, her weight knocked the wind out of him so now he was really struggling and fear gripped him. He started to kick and punch at her but she was so big that she hardly felt anything. She held him like that for another twenty seconds, waiting until his struggling slowed down and then she pulled up.

Finally able to breathe, Tyler sucked in a huge lungful of air while Donna slid off him and stood up to finish undressing. He was still catching his breath when she climbed aboard once again and crawled forward so she was perched atop his chest. Her ass was nearly twice as wide as his narrow chest and he was suddenly very worried, when he remembered what she had said downstairs, that she wanted to do what she had witnessed through the window. What she had witnessed was Kim and then Sarah sitting on his face while he munched away on their pretty pink pussies. Donna didn’t have a pretty pink pussy though as far as he was concerned. She had a full, thick bush over a slit that was mostly hidden by blubber.

“Now, I want what you gave your step sister and step mother yesterday. I want you to eat me and make me cum Tyler, and if you don’t do a good enough job, you won’t get much air. Do you understand me?”

Tyler nodded slowly, and Donna began to slide herself higher up, pushing his arms above his head as she went. When she was over his face, he had a moment to look into her now spread cunt. The smell was very different than the two pussies he had on his face yesterday. She had a strong unpleasant smell that he attributed to her being overweight. She had to slide her knees up past his head, which pushed his arms up painfully, in order to be able to lean back so she was on his mouth. It was very claustrophobic to say the least, and when her weight settled down, he panicked.

Kim was watching, fascinated and turned on at the sight, and saw that he was freaking out. Quickly she climbed onto his waist, laying his swollen penis against his belly and sitting on top. With his arms pushed up past his head, Donna’s weight on his head and his step sister sitting astride his waist, he was completely at their mercy.

Donna started yelling “Lick…Lick dammit.”

Although it was very muffled, Tyler heard her demand and quickly started to lick her fevered cunt. He wanted her off of him as soon as possible and the only way to do that was to get her to cum. Her smell was unpleasant but her taste wasn’t too bad. There was much more hair in the way though and he did not like that. Kim and Sarah obviously kept themselves groomed down there, as their pussies were clean of hair around their cunt lips. The hair tickled his nose and got in his mouth, but he blocked it out. He went after her clitoris with a vengeance, hoping that would help her orgasm quickly. It was definitely having an effect.

Donna’s body began quaking like a bowl of jello as tremors of pleasure shot through her. It had been years since she had any sexual relations with another person, and the excitement was overwhelming.

“Ohhhh god I’m gonna cum so fucking hard. Don’t stop. Keep doing that right there ohhhhh yesssssssss aaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh.” As her orgasm tore through her, she sat down hard and her large body shook even more.

Tyler felt the weight on his head suddenly increase ten fold and he thought his head was going to squish like a g****. He couldn’t move, he couldn’t breathe, he couldn’t talk, but he could moan, and he did as loud as he could. Unfortunately, no one could hear him underneath Donna’s big ass.

It took about thirty seconds before Donna finally got her faculties back and picked herself up. Tyler was in a daze as he breathed in fresh air for the first time in several minutes.

“That was so fucking good, I’ve never done anything like that before.” Donna gushed excitedly. She looked at Kim “Are you gonna have a go at him too?”

Kim was so horny at this point that she had actually been contemplating fucking him. His prick had been so hard while he was being sat on and it was tempting to just climb aboard, but she still couldn’t bring herself to do it. “Yeah, I’m gonna ride his face again.”

“Well, I’d love to stick around and watch, but unfortunately I’ve got an appointment that I can’t postpone and I have to leave now or I’ll be late.” She looked down at Tyler, who seemed as if he was still in a daze and said “I want to see you tomorrow at my house, let’s say around one o-clock. I want to ride that face again.”

“Oh no you don’t” Kim protested. “I let you use him today because I was curious. Your gonna have to find someone else to blackmail into being your slave. Tyler is already taken and your not gonna fuck with him unless I give you permission. Your threats don’t mean shit to me.”

Donna looked as if she was going to challenge her but after a moment, she smiled and said “Okay you can have him, I don’t care. I just thought of someone else who has a secret to keep, and I’m quite certain that she will do anything to keep it.” She picked up her clothes and made her way to the bathroom.

“Holy shit!’ Kim exclaimed as she suddenly realized what Donna meant. “I think mom is in for a big surprise.”

Tyler looked at Kim “So what are you going to do now?” he asked.

Kim shrugged her shoulders, “Nothing I guess. Moms a big girl, she can handle it.”

“She wants to make your mother her slave, and your all right with that?” Tyler asked incredulously.

“Your all right with being my slave aren’t you?”

“I don’t have much choice in the matter.”

“But look how hard your little friend is.” She reached over and grabbed his cock, giving it a squeeze that sent a tremor through him. “You just had your face in dingbat Donna’s twat, and you still have a raging hard-on. Most guys would never get hard again after suffering through that. It’s obvious to me that you like having a woman sit on your face.”

He couldn’t deny that his penis was excited, that was as plain as the nose on his face. But did he really like having Donna sitting on his face? After all, he never liked Donna as a person, and she was quite large. Tyler had never been attracted to large women before. It was a question that he was not prepared to answer yet. Right now, he wanted to cum. “I don’t know Kim, but if we are gonna do something, we better get started before dad and your mom come home.”

“You must be forgetting that I don’t care if your father catches us. Maybe he should catch us. I bet he’d like it. Probably ask me to sit on his face too. In fact, maybe one of these days I’ll seduce him when we’re alone and then he can be my slave just like you.” As she was saying this, she was taking off her shorts and underwear. Once she had her panties in her hand, she started rubbing them all over her step-brothers face.

She swung her long leg over his chest and pushed him down on the bed. She threw her panties aside and mounted his face. As she settled her steamy cunt down onto his open mouth, she felt the bed jiggling and looked back to see him stroking his penis. She quickly leaned back and slapped his hand away. “I didn’t tell you to play with yourself, keep your fucking hands off that thing.”

Just then the bathroom door opened and Donna came out fully dressed. She walked to the side of the bed and watched the two step siblings for a few moments. She had already formed a plan to have her own slave, and couldn’t wait to put it into action. It was however getting late and she had to leave, so she stepped back and leaned over, taking Tyler’s near bursting prick head in her mouth, and twirled her tongue around it just once. Her mouth was full of saliva and she let her spit run down the shaft to nestle in the thatch of pubic hair. She then stood up straight and left the room.

Tyler felt the warm wet lips wrap around the head of his cock and the tickle of the tongue and nearly blew his load. Unfortunately, the sensation was much too fleeting and just left him wanting more. He felt the spit runnels slide down his erection and he longed to reach out and grasp it and stroke it to orgasm, but he was in the process of licking his step sisters musky hot pussy, and she wasn’t letting him touch himself at all. Lucky for him, Kim had made herself hot from their earlier fun and was really close to cumming.

Earlier, before Donna made her unexpected entrance, Kim had played with the idea of making Tyler rim her asshole with his tongue. It was something that she heard about at college and wondered what it would feel like. She figured she would probably never feel it because most guys would be grossed out by doing something like that, but with Tyler, she could order him to do it and he would have to, whether he liked it or not. Now she thought that she would wait until next time because right now, his lips and tongue were driving her wild with desire. She rocked her ass back and forth and tensed up as she hit her peak and started to cum. “OOOOOHHHHHHHHHGODTHATSSOGOOD” she wailed as her juices ran into Tyler’s mouth.

After a few moments she climbed off his face and looked at his spit slick penis still waving in the air. “You’ve got thirty seconds to get that thing off starting now maggot.”
Tyler wasted no time stroking himself and being so turned on it only took twenty seconds before he was shooting his load.

They both cleaned up and dressed before their parents returned and Kim was back in her room scheming up a plan to add even more spice to the pot.

Chapter 4

The next morning, after Scott left for work, the phone rang and Tyler answered it. It was Donna from next door. “Hello Tyler, how are you feeling today?”

“I’m fine Donna, what do you want?” he found it difficult to be polite to her now.

“I want to talk with Sarah, would you put her on please.”

Tyler spoke in a whisper “You shouldn’t do this Donna, leave her out of it.”

“Your step sister is the one to blame Tyler, I would have been perfectly happy to share you with her, but she made it clear that she wouldn’t allow it. Don’t worry though, I won’t do nothing with her that I wouldn’t do with you.”

“What if she doesn’t agree to do what you want her to do? Are you going to tell my dad?”

“For your sake, you better hope she agrees to do what I tell her to do. Now let me talk to her please.”

Tyler held the phone down by his side and yelled to Sarah. A few moments later she entered and took the receiver. “Hello” she spoke cheerfully into the mouthpiece and was somewhat surprised to hear that the person on the other end of the line was her neighbor, whom she didn’t like.

“Hi Sarah, it’s your next door neighbor Donna. Listen there are a few things that I need to talk to you about and I would like it if you came over here so we can discuss them.”

Sarah didn’t feel so cheerful anymore, Donna was the kind of neighbor that she liked much better when she didn’t have to see or talk to her. “What is this about Donna?” Usually the only time Donna spoke to her it was to complain about something and she wasn’t in the mood for that now.

“It’s very important that you come over here Sarah, right away. If you value your marriage that is.”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” She was suddenly very angry. She had very little patience for someone who was always in other peoples business.

“Sarah, Sarah, calm down please.” she was being condescending “I know that you have many questions, and I have answers. If you come over here I will give you the answers.”

Sarah felt like screaming at her through the phone, but she held her temper and reminded herself that Donna was just a lonely lady who had way too much time on her hands. “Okay, I’ll be over.” she nearly spat into the phone and quickly hung up. She was seething inside, the nerve of that woman. As she headed for the front door she hollered “k**s, I’m going out.” then she was out of the house.

When Tyler gave the phone to Sarah he immediately went to find Kim. She was on her bed reading a magazine when he entered her room. “That was Donna on the phone.” he said, somewhat out of breath from rushing to find her.
She looked up from her article and smirked “Wow, she really is going to go through with it isn’t she. I thought she would chicken out.”

“What are we gonna do?” Tyler was worried that this was going to blow up in their faces.

“We are going to do nothing, this is my mothers issue now. But in the mean time, I have to take another piss and I need your tongue to clean me again.”

Chapter 5

Sarah walked next door and knocked loudly. She waited until she heard “Come in” and she entered the house. She wasn’t at all surprised to see her overweight neighbor still in her nightgown, it only confirmed her suspicions that Donna was a lazy person.

“Please come in and sit down.” Donna offered.

Sarah was really not in the mood but did take a seat. “So what is so important Donna?” she asked, doing her best to be polite.

“I know that you don’t like me very much Sarah” she began “but I think that we can be very good friends and help each other out.

“How can we help each other out?”

“Well, I figure that I can help you by not telling your husband what I saw and you can help me to not be so lonely.”

Sarah had no idea where this conversation was going. “What do you mean Donna? What did you see?”

“I saw three people in some very compromising positions. Namely you, your daughter Kim and your step-son Tyler.”

With dawning horror Sarah realized what had happened and she shivered in fear. “Oh my God” she whispered. Her face becoming white as a ghost. “It wasn’t supposed to happen.” She tried to rationalize as she had done over and over in her own head since it had happened, but no matter what she told herself or anybody else, it had happened, and now somebody else knew. Perhaps the worst possible somebody, as Donna was the area snoop.

“Of course it wasn’t supposed to happen,’ Donna agreed ‘but it did happen and now the question is ‘how bad do you want to keep it a secret from your husband‘?”

Sarah looked at her and realized with sudden clarity that she wanted something to keep her quiet. She was going to get blackmailed by her neighbor. “I would lose everything if Scott found out. Please Donna, I know we’ve had our differences in the past and I know that I probably haven’t been the best neighbor…” she was really thinking that it was Donna who hadn’t been the best neighbor, and the rest of the neighborhood would agree with that, but at this moment she didn’t want to upset her. “but if you have any compassion at all you will forget what you saw.”

Donna seemed to mull it over, as if she was really thinking about what Sarah had said, and then responded. “I don’t want to tell your husband what I saw, that’s not my intention. What I want is someone to give me those feelings that you and your daughter got from your step son. It looked like so much fun and Kim won’t share Tyler with me so that leaves you.”

To say that Sarah was confused would be a huge understatement. “What do you mean Kim won’t share Tyler with you?”

“I went to visit Tyler yesterday while you and Scott were on your walk. I talked him into giving me a ride like you and Kim got on his face.” Sarah squirmed in her seat at that description. “It was wonderful, it had been so long for me. Anyway, I told him to come see me today and your daughter made it perfectly clear that Tyler was all hers and I should find another ‘slave’ as she called it. She basically, without so many words, told me to lean on you. I’ve never been with a woman before. What about you?”

“Donna, you need to listen to what your saying. It’s crazy. I can’t…we can’t--do what your talking about. It’s not right. I made a mistake the other day and this would be another mistake, a big mistake. I can’t get involved in”

Donna cut her off abruptly “You can if you want me to keep it secret.”

“I’m not a lesbian.”

“Neither am I, but I need a tongue in my pussy and beggars cannot be choosers. Face it Sarah, I have you between a rock and a hard place. You have two choices. One involves losing your husband, your home, hell your whole life as you know it. The second choice is simple, just agree to be my bitch. I’ll be discrete. No one will ever find out, and who knows, you may find out that you like eating pussy.”

Sarah was in a daze. Her mind was in a quandary and she really had no idea how to get out of this. Doing what Donna wanted her to do was out of the question, but the alternative was so much worse. She had to try again to get through to her. “Donna please, listen to reason, this is insanity, you must see that.”

Donna put her hand up and said “I’ll give you two minutes to think it over. I’m going into the bedroom and I’ll be watching the clock. If your not in the room in two minutes, I’ll know your answer.” she got up and walked to the bedroom door. Before she walked into the bedroom she untied her robe and let it drop to the floor. She was now naked and Sarah looked at her pear shaped body and her enormous breasts and shuddered. Donna smiled and walked into the bedroom.

As she settled on the bed, Donna shivered in anticipation. She didn’t realize how much fun this was going to be. Getting Tyler to do what she wanted was fun, but he was a young guy with a healthy appetite for sex. He may have complained, but she suspected that he really enjoyed what happened, and what was the old saying, ’you can’t **** the willing’. She knew beyond a shadow of a doubt though that Sarah would be so against what she wanted her to do. She also knew that there was a chance that Sarah would not be able to go through with it, and then she would take great pleasure in ruining her life. Either way it was a win-win situation for her and a lose-lose situation for her neighbor. She watched as the second hand on the clock made its way slowly around for a second revolution and with just six seconds to spare, the door opened and Sarah walked in.

It felt like the longest walk she had ever taken in her life even though it was no more than ten steps to the door. She felt like she was having an out of body experience, like she was watching herself from a movie screen. It didn’t feel real to her because her body felt numb. She knew what had to be done and as she opened the door to the bedroom she steeled herself to the horrors that lay on the other side. She thought that this must be the way a condemned person felt as they were led to the room they would breath their last breath in. And then she was in the room and Donna was waiting for her on the bed.

To Sarah, Donna looked like a giant slug, or a smaller version of Jabba the Hut, as she lounged naked on the bed. She had always known that her neighbor had a lot of nerve, but this was going way beyond all level of decency. Then it got worse as Donna spread her huge thighs, exposing her bush to Sarah. She reached one plump hand down between her legs, patted her pussy and said “Get your ass over here and eat my cunt…NOW.”

Kim led Tyler into the bathroom again and sat down to piss. Once again she made her step brother kneel down and when she finished pissing, she scooted her ass forward so that her pee soaked pussy was right on the edge of the seat. She grabbed him by the ears and pulled his face into her dripping cunt. “Come on, clean my pussy. Lick it clean.”

The taste was warm and salty and bitter, but not terrible. Tyler licked all around and then Kim told him to suck her pussy. He didn’t know that she had a surprise for him and when he wrapped his lips around her whole cunt and sucked, she let another squirt of scalding piss go. He was caught off guard and the spray quickly went down his throat before he had time to pull away. He gasped in surprise and tried to pull back but she was gripping the back of his head tightly and refused to let go. The hot liquid seemed to burn all the way down to his stomach like a drink of hot cocoa. The after taste was the worst though, it left his mouth tasting like he just woke up after a night of heavy drinking.

After Kim was certain that he had swallowed her last squirt of pee, she let his head go and pushed him back so he was sitting on the bathroom floor. He started coughing and holding his belly “You just pissed down my throat.’ he complained ‘that’s so gross. Why would you do that?”

Kim was beaming. She loved being dominant. “Oh stop whining you little maggot, it’s just pee. You should be thanking me for the privilege of drinking my urine.” she was standing over him now and stepped forward so her pussy was inches from his head. Reaching down, she grabbed the hair on the top of his head roughly and tilted his head back so he was looking up at her from between her legs. “In fact, I’ve been wondering just what it feels like to have a tongue in my asshole, and you are gonna help me find out.”

Tyler looked up at his incredibly hot step-sister and wondered what to do. Part of him wanted to push her away and run. She was starting to scare him with all this talk lately. She was acting like she controlled him completely and she expected him to do whatever she said. He remembered what she had said to Donna yesterday, about him being her slave, and he shivered at the thought. She was really taking this seriously and it was unnerving him. At the same time, Kim was so fucking sexy and ever since he stuck his tongue into her pussy, all he could think about was doing it again. He wanted to lick her again and again, it made him so hard, but she was expecting more every time. Peeing in his mouth was crossing the line and asking him, no telling him he was going to lick her asshole was preposterous. He could never do that, it was nasty. And suddenly he was licking her cunt again, and she was pushing his head further under her, and before he knew what he was doing, his tongue was tickling her rosebud. His head was tilted up at an unnatural angle and his tongue was extended as far as it would go.

‘He’s licking my asshole’ Kim’s mind was reeling as she felt her step brothers wet tongue snaking around her anus. It was great, but she wanted to get more comfortable so she pulled away and dragged him up so he was standing. She then led him into her room and she kneeled down on the bed with her ass in the air. “Come on baby brother, stick that long tongue up my ass.”

He didn’t know why he was doing it, maybe because her ass was so fucking sexy, or maybe because his dick was so hard, but whatever the reason, he leaned over and licked up the crack of her ass. The smell was not too bad, musky and funky, but manageable, and the taste was bitter, but he still had the strong taste of urine in his mouth so he really didn’t notice. After licking all around the brown area surrounding her anus, he started wiggling the tip into her hot hole. At first, her tight sphincter kept pushing his tongue back, and he thought that he wasn’t going to be able to do it, but after several tries, she relaxed enough so that he could slide in. He couldn’t believe that he was sticking his tongue in Kim’s anus. It was so wrong, but it was incredibly erotic also. He could hear her grunting in pleasure and he knew that she was really enjoying it. That was just what he wanted.

Kim was so turned on at this point, she almost couldn’t hold herself up. Getting her ass eaten out was incredible and she didn’t want it to stop. It felt great when he was licking around her puckered hole, but when he stuck his tongue inside her she wanted to scream. Instead she just moaned and closed her eyes, lost in the erotic sensations. She wanted him to continue until she had an orgasm, and she reached between her legs to play with her soaked pussy.

Tyler noticed her hand playing in her cunt and knew that it was almost time. He bided his time, knowing it was pertinent that he wait for the right moment. He knew that she didn’t want him touching himself so he pulled away for just a quick moment and took a deep breath before plunging his tongue back in. pulling his head away allowed him to look at her face and see that she was lost in the sensations. Her eyes were closed tightly as she neared orgasm. Now was the time. He reached down to his own shorts and slowly, quietly, released his raging member. He wrapped his fist around his penis and got ready, hoping that she didn’t open her eyes and see him with his dick in his hand again. With one last deep thrust of his tongue, he pulled out and in one swift motion, stood up and slid his cock halfway up her ass.

Kim was getting so close to an explosive orgasm when she felt the wet snake like tongue pop out. She didn’t think anything was wrong, just that he was getting another quick breath. By the time she realized what the little fucker was up to it was too late. Her mistake was letting herself get too overwhelmed in the intense feelings and believing that Tyler would only do what she told him to. She felt a searing pain as he forced his swollen prick into her tight hole. She tried to pull forward and get away, but he was ready for her and had already grabbed her around the waist.

“OOOWWWW TYLER STOP IT HURTS” she yelled and reached back to try to push him away, but he had the positioning and the leverage and the determination. He held her waist and climbed on the bed, pinning her down. His penis was only half way in her and when he was on top of her, he shoved down again, driving another half inch into her. She screamed again, her eyes wild with pain, and tried again to scramble forward.

Tyler now had her shoulders and even though she was stronger than him, he was finally in the dominant position, and he wasn’t about to give it up. “Just relax Kim and you will enjoy it.” he whispered while grunting in her ear. She was so tight, he wasn’t sure he was going to fit it all in. He held her tightly and shoved again, harder this time, and now only about an inch of his cock remained outside.

“AAAAHHHHHHHHHH STOP IT YOU FUCK YOUR SPLITTING ME.” Kim’s hands were curled in fists, clutching the blankets, her legs were thrashing back and forth. It felt like he was driving a hot poker up her ass. “Your gonna pay for this you piece of SHIT” she yelled the last word as he shoved forward again, driving the last inch all the way in. Tears streamed down her face. She was not only in pain but she was also angry at herself that she didn’t see this coming.

Once he was buried to the hilt in her clenching ass, he stayed still to let her get used to the feeling. He also was trying to calm himself down so he wouldn’t cum so quick. Her sphincter was so tight that he knew it wouldn’t take long once he started pumping. He listened to her breathing deeply, trying to get herself through the pain. To him it felt wonderful. He had never fucked a girl let alone sodomized one and now he was dick deep up his step-sisters ass. He wasn’t the type of person to force any girl into doing something she didn’t want, but he felt that Kim had pushed her luck too far and needed to be brought down a peg. Besides, he could still taste the piss and ass that she made him eat. She deserved this.

Kim was trying to remain as motionless as possible and breathe deeply. It definitely helped the pain, and as the seconds ticked by it started to become bearable. They lay in that position, him fully on top of her with his cock balls deep in her rectum, for nearly three minutes, neither one spoke. By the time he started moving again, there was no more pain, and she started to think that she might actually be able to enjoy it. As he started to pull back out though, his saliva had dried, and it felt rough. “It’s too dry.” she gasped, moving back with him to stop the pain.

“Get back up on your knees and I’ll take care of it.” Tyler said, and although Kim was still angry with him, she moved with him to create less friction. Once they were on their knees again, he drooled a load of saliva onto the crack of her ass and the stump of his penis sticking out. He then began slowly pumping in and out, just a half inch at a time, until it became more slick and he was able to pull out and thrust his entire seven inches into her bowels. It was a heavenly feeling, the tight grip of her sphincter muscle sliding back and forth, building the pressure up in his balls. It was better than he imagined.

Kim was grunting with each thrust. There was still some pain, but it was also starting to feel good. It was way different than regular intercourse, it felt so much fuller. She already knew that she would like to do it again sometime, just with someone else. She could tell by the sounds Tyler was making that he was getting close to orgasm and now she wished he would hold off so she could get off to. He was thrusting so hard that there was a clapping noise each time their thighs came together. If he could just continue a little bit longer, she was going to cum. She started to play with her pussy again, working her fingers around her clitoris to bring her closer. She was so close, she started to moan loudly as realized that she was going to make it, she was going to cum. Just then, Tyler shouted “YES” and shoved his erupting penis all the way into her. “NO” Kim shouted back as she felt his hot juices flood her abused rectum.

Tyler had held out as long as he could but the eroticism was too intense. He shoved himself forward into the deepest depths of his step-sister and unloaded his largest load of semen ever. He couldn’t remember ever having an orgasm as powerful. It was an entire body experience, concentrated in his penis and balls. It seemed like it was never going to end and he lost control of himself for a moment. It was all Kim needed.

To say she was pissed would be a huge understatement. Kim was irate. ‘The nerve of him’ she thought. She had been so close and he disregarded her feelings so he could get himself off. He would pay dearly for that. She waited for the perfect moment when he was lost in his own sensations, and then she sprang. He had basically collapsed on top of her, becoming dead weight, and she realized that he was worn out from his own exertions. She twisted her body and rolled him onto the bed. In a flash, she was sitting atop his head, with her freshly stretched asshole right above his mouth. He was surprised by her quickness and with the remnants of his powerful orgasm still rippling through him, he had little strength to push her off.

“Your gonna pay for that you piece of shit.” she bared down and a clump of Tyler’s cum plopped out of her bowels with a farting noise and landed on his upper lip and teeth. He quickly closed his mouth as Kim dropped her ass down on his face, sealing his nose closed. She had a lot of gas from the thrusting in and out and her belly was cramped, but she was determined to make him pay. His hands came up to push her off, he was out of breath still from the frenzied fucking, and she was smothering him. She struggled with him for just a moment and then caught both of his hands in hers. He opened his mouth, trying to get some air, but there was none, her ass was completely covering his face. Once again, she bared down and blasted a loud cum loaded fart, this one right into his open mouth. The cramping in her belly felt better with each release of gas and cum so she kept pushing, the foul gas expanding his cheeks, the warm cum dripping into the back of his throat.

Tyler was suddenly scared for his life. He needed air badly and Kim wasn’t allowing him even the slightest breath. And to make matters worse, his mouth was nearly half full with his own cum that was leaking from her ass. There wasn’t much taste, probably because his nose was blocked and smell is a big part of taste, but the texture was so slimy and sticky, and the thought of what was in his mouth and where it had been was stomach turning. He felt more liquid spray into his mouth and was unable to stop himself from swallowing the whole mess.

Kim watched closely as he struggled and didn’t move until she felt and saw him swallow. She smiled in triumph and lifted her ass up to give him a breath. She looked down at him between her legs and gloated “Did that taste good? I sure hope so because now your gonna lick all the rest of your cum out of my ass or else I’ll smother you u*********s.”

“Get your ass over here and eat my cunt…NOW.”

Sarah moved to the side of the bed and looked pleadingly into Donna’s eyes. Tears streamed down her cheeks and her hands shook with fear but she saw absolutely no remorse in the eyes of her neighbor. Her mind was in a quandary. She still felt so much guilt over her role in what happened with Tyler and now she was about to add to that guilt in order to keep her dirty little secret. She opened her mouth to say something, anything, but nothing came out.

“Well, what’s it gonna be, end of marriage, or licking pussy?” Donna was so smug that Sarah wanted to punch her. Instead, she climbed onto the end of the bed, fully dressed and moved between the oversized thighs of her new nemesis. She looked down into the hairy cavern and shivered. Doing this was going to be much harder than she ever imagined, but there was no good alternative. She leaned down closer and the strong smell of crotch sweat assaulted her nose. Her stomach did a flip and she wondered if she was going to be able to keep her breakfast down. Sticking her tongue out as far as she could, she slowly moved forward until the just the very tip touched the wrinkled flaps of skin that made up her neighbors labia majora. She was trying with all her being to do what she had to do without tasting anything.

Donna watched this all with amusement. It really was hilarious, watching Sarah as she struggled over her decision. She wanted nothing more than to humiliate and embarrass her and what better way than to force her without the use of force. Making Sarah go down on her without holding her down was somehow more satisfying, and she felt her pussy juices flowing without the slightest touch.

Sarah held her tongue against the hairy vulva for about five seconds without moving. She knew it wasn’t going to be enough, but for now that was all she felt she could handle. The position she was kneeling in was uncomfortable, with her head tilted back in an unnatural angle, and she had to pull back to avoid cramping. She was unable to bring herself to look at Donna’s face due to the shame she felt.

“What the fuck was that?” Donna barked angrily, “I said eat my cunt not just put your tongue on it.”

“I can’t” Sarah cried “I tried, I don’t think I can do it.”

“So don’t think about it. Maybe your problem is that you think too fucking much. Just stick your pretty little face right in there and lick me. And you better hurry because I’m running out of patience.”

Sarah whimpered like a c***d and once more leaned forward, this time she slid her legs out so she was down lower and at a better angle. Then, steeling herself for the affront of what she had to do, she moved in again and licked. This time she licked from bottom to top with more than the tip of her tongue. The taste, thick, musky, salty, filled her mouth, and she had to pick off a pubic hair. She wanted to rinse with a gallon of mouthwash, but that would have to wait. Before her brain could stop her again, she moved in once more and licked even more forcefully. The creamy discharge of Donna’s pussy now covered Sarah’s tongue, and there was no stopping now, she was committed. Closing her eyes tightly, she began to lick all around.

Donna watched Sarah reluctantly dive in and her face beamed with the victory. She decided to rub it in even more. “There you go,’ she taunted ‘it’s not that bad now is it? You definitely need a lot more practice, but I think that you will learn how to be a fabulous pussy licker in time. Hell, I bet that after a few more times between my legs you’ll start to like it.”

Tears were streaming down Sarah’s face even with her eyes still tightly closed. (She can’t be serious) her mind screamed (I won’t do this again, ever). This whole scene brought back terrible memories for Sarah, memories that she had repressed. When she was in middle school, a family moved in the house just across the street. The oldest daughter was a large girl who was in high school. She was also a bully who liked to pick on her younger and smaller neighbor. The girl, whose name was Belinda, never physically hurt Sarah enough to leave marks, but she would force her to do things by threatening v******e. The things that she had to do were not exactly sexual, although once she had to give the bitch a foot massage. Mostly she was forced to steal little things from the general store in town, or give up her favorite things. But the worst was when Belinda would humiliate her in front of the other k**s in the neighborhood. She would say things like “She’s my slave and she’ll do what I tell her to do.” then she would prove it by ordering Sarah to do something embarrassing. The worst was when she was forced to strip down to her underwear in front of some high school boys. The boys laughed but seemed uneasy about the whole thing and eventually they gave Sarah her clothes back. She used to cry herself to sleep most nights.

Today’s humiliation brought back the feelings of helplessness that she remembered from when she was a girl. Back then, the bullying finally stopped when Belinda got arrested for shoplifting and was sent to a juvenile detention center. Sarah vowed to never allow herself to be put in that situation again, and yet here she was, doing this depraved act for another bully. It made her want to scream and fight and flee all at the same time. This time she wasn’t being threatened with v******e though, this time she was being blackmailed. She didn’t know what was worse.

After a few minutes of licking, the flavor was not really an issue anymore. The pussy she was licking had opened up like a flower and Donna was starting to really enjoy the sensations. Sarah could tell because she was breathing heavier and making mewling sounds. Even though she had never gone down on another woman, she seemed to know what to do to bring her nasty neighbor to orgasm. She just did what she herself enjoyed and it seemed to be working. For a while she couldn’t bring herself to look Donna in the eyes, but when she finally did glance up over the distended belly and watermelon tits, she realized that the fat bitch had her eyes closed.

Donna was loving the sensations in her pussy. She had always wondered what it would be like to have sex with a woman and now she knew. It was exciting and a big thrill to be in control. She wanted to make it last a long time but the feelings were too much and she was nearing her peak. It didn’t matter though because she would just order Sarah to come back tomorrow, and she would make things worse by not washing herself. She knew from first hand experience how funky her smell became if she went just one day without a shower. It would be such a rush to order her prissy neighbor to lick her smelly pussy clean. Just thinking about it made her cunt start twitching. She reached down and grabbed a handful of Sarah’s hair and pulled her face roughly in, squeezing her legs tightly as her belly tightened and her orgasm tore through her body.

Sarah noticed a difference in the amount and the thickness of discharge that was leaking out of Donna’s pussy, and knew that she must be getting close. She focused all her attention on the thick clitoris that had swelled considerably since she had begun and suddenly she felt her hair being roughly grabbed and the thick thighs squeezed tightly on her head. There was no way for her to pull her head out and getting a fresh breath of air was out of the question for the time being. Sarah began to panic and reached her hands around to try to pull apart the thunderous thighs, but she quickly realized that she didn’t have enough strength. It was a terrifying spot to be in, and she struggled mightily.

Donna felt the struggles but was not about to let up until she was satisfied. Over the years of living alone, she had gotten used to getting herself off with masturbation. This sensation was so new to her that she was wasn’t about to be shortchanged. She also wanted to send a message to her goody-two shoes neighbor that for the time being, she owned her. To send that message loud and clear, she held her longer than she needed to after her orgasm had passed.

Her lungs were screaming, her eyes were bulging, her hands became claws and started scratching and digging and beating at the powerful legs, her own legs kicked and twisted, thrashing around as her oxygen starved brain sent panic signals to all parts of her body. Sarah was blacking out, her vision narrowed as darkness closed in and her whole body tensed up, becoming stiff. Then the prison around her head opened and cool, fresh air rushed into her depleted lungs. She had no strength to push herself up because she had been on the verge of losing consciousness. Instead she turned her head just enough to be able to breath and coughed and gasped lungful of air, slowly regaining her depleted strength. As she came back to her senses, she was angry, more so than she had ever been in her life, and as she started to sit up she tore into her neighbor.

“You… you bitch, you could have killed me.” She screamed. “You’re fucking crazy.” she started to climb off the bed and continued her rant. “I can’t believe that you could do that to a person, you fat fucking whore…” There was going to be more but suddenly Donna launched herself forward, grabbing Sarah and throwing her back down on the bed. Her quickness surprised them both and in a flash she was sitting atop her, pinning the angry woman to the bed.

“Now you listen to me you miserable piece of shit.” She spat the words out, spraying her captives face with strands of spittle. “If you ever speak to me like that again I will smother you to death. Don’t EVER call me fat. DO YOU FUCKING UNDERSTAND?” she screamed down, and without waiting for an answer, she crawled forward until she was hovering over Sarah’s face.

Sarah struggled to no avail, Donna outweighed her nearly double. She couldn’t believe that she was staring back into her pussy again after being free. She silently cursed herself for allowing it to happen. And before she even could comprehend what was happening, the wet, sticky pussy above her face was suddenly lowered onto her. Once again she was smothering in the slick, fleshy folds of Donna’s cunt.

“I could fill your belly with piss right now and there would be nothing you could do about it.”

Sarah’s eyes were wild and full of fear. It was true, her mouth was open and right under Donna’s wide open pussy. There was nothing she could do and if the bitch started pissing, she would have no choice but to swallow it. It was a terribly frightening feeling.

Donna continued. “Your lucky that I’m such a nice person, I’m not going to piss in your mouth,’ she paused for a moment while she thought, then finished ‘but, I want you to kiss my ass before I let you up, just so you know who is the boss.” Without giving Sarah any time to contemplate this latest turn of events, she slid higher and tilted her pelvis so her chunky, pimpled ass was now sitting right on top of her face.

The change in positions was not great but at least Sarah managed to suck in a quick breath during the transition. It wasn’t the best smelling air because half of it was right underneath, puckered brown ass hole. And what was worse was that she had kept her mouth open in an attempt to get a larger breath and now her mouth was trapped open under Donna’s heavy frame. It was horrible, and she could hear Donna yelling at her “Come on bitch, pucker up and kiss that asshole. I want to feel those lips kissing and that tongue licking or I ain’t getting’ up.”

Little did they both know but at that very moment, in the house next door, Kim was holding Tyler down and farting great gobs of cum into his mouth. It was turning out to be a very interesting day indeed.

The first thing Sarah did when she got back to her house was head straight to her daughters room. She was not expecting what she walked into. Tyler was tied down to the bed, his arms were pulled straight back, the wrists wrapped tightly together and tied to the headboard. His legs were tied spread eagle to each corner bedpost. He was also completely naked. Kimberly was standing on his chest and cramming one foot into his open mouth. As Sarah walked in her daughter was snapping angrily at Tyler “Eat my fucking dirty foot you--” She was suddenly startled by her mother “MOM” she yanked her spittle covered toes out of his mouth and dropped from her standing position to slam her ass down onto his chest, knocking the wind out of him and eliciting a groan of pain. She leaned in close to his face and said “You stay put now and I’ll be right back.” then she leaped off the bed and wrapped her robe around her naked body as she walked toward her mother.

Sarah was shocked at her daughters actions and Kim could see it in her face. “Kimberly, what on earth are you doing?” she was genuinely concerned.

“Just having a little fun ma, wanna join in?”

“No. why is he tied up?”

“Don’t worry about it, he loves it. He’s such a pervert mom.”

Sarah was beginning to wonder who was the bigger pervert, Kim or Tyler. “Are you blackmailing him like that fat bitch next door is blackmailing me?” she asked.

Kim feigned surprise. “Your being blackmailed by Donna?”

“Damn it Kimberly you know damn well what she’s doing to me. She told me that it was your idea. How could you do such a thing?”

“Mom, I don’t know what she told you but I didn’t tell her to blackmail you. She wanted to blackmail Tyler and I told her that Ty was mine and she should find someone else to blackmail. I never thought that she would go after you.”

“Well she did and now she expects me to perform oral sex on her. She’s a disgusting pig who smells like feet and she wants me to do horrible things. You have to help me Kim. I won’t go back there. That woman is crazy.”

“Okay, I can help you, but you may not like it. It’s gonna go against everything you believe in but I think it’s the only way for you to get out of this situation.”

“Honey, if you can help me, I don’t care what it takes.”

Kim smiled a sly smile “Well mom, here’s my plan. You’re worried that when Scott finds out about what the three of us did together, he will leave you, and with good reason. But if Scott has done the same thing that you did, then he’s got nothing to complain about.”

“Kimberly, what are you talking about? Has Scott been unfaithful to me?”

“Not yet, at least not that I know of, but I can change that.” Kim opened her robe and shook her boobs around seductively.

Suddenly it all became clear to Sarah and she gasped at the audacity that her daughter was displaying. Her own daughter was talking about seducing her husband. “You want to have sex with Scott?” she asked, still in disbelief.

“Not really, but if Scott is willing to fuck me, then how can he get mad at you when he finds out what you did with his son. Makes sense doesn’t it?”

When she thought about it, as crazy as it sounded, it did make sense. Scott would be mad, but he would also be guilty himself, so maybe he would understand that sometimes things happen in the heat of the moment that you wouldn’t normally do. “Kim honey, I don’t know if I can sit back and let you fuck my husband.”

“But that’s the beauty of it mom, I don’t have to even fuck him, you didn’t fuck Tyler.” Tyler was listening in on the conversation like a fly on the wall. He was surprised by Kim’s idea but thought it might work also. At least if his father was pissed about what he had done, they could say ‘well look what you did’. Kimberly continued “All I have to do is get him naked and horny, make him cum, and he’ll be in the same boat as you and Tyler.”

Sarah was going through some inner turmoil as she tried to come to grips with what her daughter was proposing. It pained her immensely that she had put herself in this position and was now considering the unthinkable. But the more she tried to come up with another plan, the more she realized that there was no other choice. She could continue to be Donna’s bitch, or she could throw the dice and hope and pray that she could win her freedom. “Okay, do what you can, but please don’t fuck him. Give him a hand job or a blow job, but I won’t be able to live with him if I know that he fucked you.” She knew how crazy that sounded, but it was what she felt.

“I promise I won’t fuck him mom.” Kim looked at the clock. She had about an hour before Scott got home from work. Time enough to shower and dress as sexily as she could. “Why don’t you deal with that piece of shit. Watch him though, he likes to stick his dick where it doesn’t belong.” She was talking about Tyler and his face turned bright red at that. “Your under a lot of stress, why don’t you use him to get yourself off while I’m in the shower. It’ll do you good.”

“That’s what got me into trouble in the first place.”

“Mom, no one else is here. Who’s gonna find out?”
“I don’t know, I’ll think about it.” In spite of what she had been forced to do earlier, she was surprisingly horny. Maybe she would just this one more time to release the stress. She watched as Kim walked around and opened up her top drawer of her dresser and dug to the bottom for something. What she pulled out made Sarah gasp and start to giggle a little bit. It was a thick neon pink vibrating dildo and she handed it to her mother. “Here, you can use this to help get you over the hump, don’t worry, it’s clean.” Sarah took the sex toy and was surprised by how soft it was. Kim turned and headed for the bathroom.

Tyler waited until the bathroom door had closed before he spoke and quietly asked Sarah to untie him. Instead, she sat on the edge of the bed. “What was Kim talking about with you?” she inquired. Tyler’s brow furrowed as if he didn’t understand the question so she elaborated. “She said I should be careful because you like to stick that thing where it doesn’t belong. What did she mean by that?”

“Well…she, she thinks that… she tells me I’m her slave and I have to do what she tells me.” He blurted, still keeping his voice lowered as if he was afraid someone in the other room, like the bathroom, might hear. “She says if I don’t do what she wants me to do to her that she’ll tell my dad everything. She makes me do some really bad stuff and she doesn’t care about my feelings. She gets me so worked up and I’m not supposed to touch myself and…” he trailed off, not knowing how to tell her that he held her daughter down and fucked her asshole.

Sarah wanted more info and when she glanced down she noticed that his penis was inflating. “So tell me what happened.”

“I can’t” he nearly whispered.

“Then I won’t untie you, and you deal with Kim.” She stood up and started for the door.

“Wait” Tyler said “I’ll tell you, but only if you’ll untie me.”
“I will after you tell me what you did.” She walked back to the bed and sat down, still holding the dildo.

Tyler was turned on by Kimberly, she was a fucking knockout after all, but he was also a little scared of her. After he had held her down and fucked her ass, he found out that she was quite sadistic. She had promised him that she was going to make him regret doing it, and he believed she would. At this point, being tied to her bed was not where he wanted to be. “Okay, I’ll tell you. I…” this wasn’t going to be easy. He closed his eyes and just said it. “I had anal sex with her.” There it was out, he told her, and if she was angry he would tell her what Kim did to him.

Sarah let it sink in for a moment. At least there was no worry of her getting pregnant, but Kimberly had obviously been angry, so that meant- “Oh my God Tyler, did you **** her?”

“NO… No she was making me clean her after she went pee, clean her with my tongue. And” he saw the look of disgust flash in her face and he kept going “then she even peed some in my mouth and made me swallow it. Then she made me lick her butt hole, and I was mad at her, and she kept yelling at me, telling me to stick my tongue in deeper, and I tried but it wasn’t good enough, and finally I just had enough and I climbed on top of her and…” he couldn’t say anymore, he told her everything, except how she made him eat his own cum directly from her freshly fucked rectum.

The story Tyler had told her sounded way too similar to what had happened to her at Donna’s. Except Sarah didn’t force herself on the fat cow like Tyler did on Kim. If it was true, and she believed that it was, then Kimberly probably deserved what she got. But still, she was angry at Tyler. It was after all his fault that this whole mess got started. Her problems with Donna and the possibility of her marriage being destroyed was all his fault. He had no say in what was done to him because he had put himself in this position, and now he expected her to untie him so he could go hide somewhere and probably jerk off again. Well that wasn’t going to happen because she needed a little stress relief and he was going to provide that relief. Whether he wanted to or not.

When Scott arrived home he found a note on the kitchen table that said Sarah had gone shopping with her friend Melanie. It was not uncommon for the two of them to go shopping together and they would take turns picking the other up, so he did not question why his wife’s car was still in the yard. He walked into the living room and saw Kim outside sunning herself in a very skimpy string bikini. She was incredibly sexy and he found himself staring at her youthful beauty. He may have been twenty years older than her and married to her mother, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t look, right. He was trying to convince himself that it was alright to enjoy the view, after all, what harm was it doing, when he realized that she had turned her head and was looking right at him. She had caught him staring at her nearly naked body. Staring, hell he had practically been drooling. He turned away and quickly walked toward the kitchen, trying to suppress the lustful thoughts that were consuming him.

Kim smiled inwardly as she got up and headed into the house. Phase one of her plan had worked perfectly and now she was going to start phase two. As she walked into the kitchen, she watched Scott as he tried to avoid eye contact with her. “Scott, I’m glad your home, I could really use some help. I’ve been laying face up out there because there is no one around to put suntan lotion on my back.” She handed him the lotion and said “You don’t mind do you?”

Scott looked at the bottle in his hand and for a moment didn’t know what to do. Of course he wanted to rub lotion onto Kim’s back, but that would be treading into dangerous territory. She had grown into a beautiful young woman and ever since she returned from college, he would catch himself taking long lingering looks at her sculpted body, wondering what it would be like to run his hands all over her. Now he had his chance, but his conscience was screaming that it was wrong. “Ahhh I don’t think…” he began

“Come on” Kim interrupted and grabbed his arm leading him to the couch where she proceeded to lay face down. She reached around and pulled her hair to the side, glancing at his expanding crotch and grinning. “Make sure you use plenty, I don’t want to burn.” she instructed.

For a few more moments, Scott wrestled with his feelings. Then, he realized that if he didn’t do it, he would have to explain why. He was sure that Kim was innocently asking him for help and he was the one who was worried about it. With that thought he squirted a generous amount of the liquid onto the center of her back and began to spread it around. His penis was doing it best to break through his pants and greet the world, but he figured that after he was done he could go to the bathroom and wack off. No one would be the wiser. He rubbed the oil around her shoulders and upper back, then worked his way down to her lower back. He hovered just above the gentle rise of her ass cheeks, not daring to go any lower.

Kim realized that he didn’t dare yet to touch her ass so she encouraged him “Make sure you cover every inch of me, I’d do it myself but I’m afraid I’d miss a spot.” she wiggled her oh so sexy ass and sighed a contented sigh.

“Um, I ah - I don’t think I should.” he managed, almost in a whisper. He was perspiring now, and his cock felt ready to explode.

“Oh come on, don’t get all shy on me now, just when it started to feel good. I just want to make sure I don’t get burned, please.”

Scott’s mind was racing now. Did she just say that it was starting to feel good or was that my imagination? he wondered. I should stop now, I already went too far, his rational mind told him, but his irrational mind said something else. It said, go on, where’s the harm in it? It’s just sunscreen. That voice won out and he squirted another dollop of the oil into his palm and began rubbing the liquid into her buttocks. Her ass was the most perfect ass he ever had his hands on and rubbed a little longer than necessary, eliciting a moan from Kim. He glanced up at her face and noticed that she had her eyes closed and was breathing deeply, almost like she was asleep, but she wasn’t sleeping. He realized with utter amazement that she was getting into it, she was enjoying it. He realized that he was still rubbing her ass and quickly moved his hands down lower to her upper thighs. There was a sharp intake of air from his step daughter as his hands found their way into the triangle of space between her soft thighs and touched upon her bikini covered crotch. He looked at her face again and to his amazement and relief he saw no change. He started feeling around her crotch and she spread her legs a little more, giving him better access and encouraging him to push on into unexplored territory.

Kim had him right where she wanted him, now she just had to reel him in. She waited until she felt him rubbing her bikini covered pussy, then she moaned. “Ohhhhh yeah, that feels so nice.” She pulled her knees in some which raised her ass up off the couch, closer to Scott’s face.

At that moment, two things occurred to Scott at the same time. One was that he wanted to fuck this beautiful temptress more than he ever wanted anyone in his life, and two was that he could smell the wonderful scent of her pussy. The fact that she was his step-daughter suddenly didn’t matter to him anymore. He moved his nose closer to the smell that was driving him crazy and inhaled deeply.

Kim, who had opened her eyes just a crack to watch him, was waiting for the right moment to reel him in. When she saw him smelling her scent, she struck. “Oh, you are a dirty old man aren’t you? Your getting all hot and bothered right now.”

Scott was taken aback and suddenly realized exactly what he was doing and who he was doing it with. He tried to explain “No, it’s not like that, I’m just helping you out, like you wanted. I wouldn’t do that Kim.” he felt that she wasn’t buying it and he started to sweat.

Kim sat up and grabbed a handful of his still erect penis. “Try explaining this to mom.” she said brazenly. Then added “Your busted Scott, and you know it. Your sweating right now.” She still had her hand wrapped around his cock through his pants.

This was not going well. “Look, Kim, I’m sorry. I don’t know what I was thinking, I lost my head. It won’t ever happen again.” A bead of sweat was running down the side of his temple and he brushed it away. “Lets just forget this ever happened okay.”

“How can I forget that you tried to feel me up Scott? You were sniffing my pussy.” she had him where she wanted him and she pushed him backward so he landed on his ass with his hands behind him. She quickly stood up over him, her feet on either side of him. “You like the smell so much, maybe you need to get closer.” With that she grabbed him by the hair and pulled his shocked face into her crotch.

Scott was so confused that he let himself be manipulated and allowed her to hold his face in her crotch. “You like that don’t you? Your just a dirty old man who likes young pussy. What would mom think if she could see you now?”

With that, Scott somewhat came to his senses and started to pull away. Kim was ready and as he pulled back she simply squatted and rode his face down. He hadn’t intended on going all the way to the floor but as he leaned back and her weight became too much, he suddenly collapsed, flat on his back with his sexy step-daughter sitting full weight on his neck and chin. He gasped as his throat was constricted with her weight, and he tried to push her off, but the seductress held tight onto his hair and although he did manage to lift her ass off his throat, she wound up sitting full on his face. In all of Scott’s years, he had never before had a woman sit on his face, and at first, he wanted her off. He couldn’t breathe, and it was too weird. He struggled and pushed again, but Kim had locked her strong thighs around the sides of his head, sealing his ears tightly, and was still holding his hair in her fists.

Their scuffle continued with Scott attempting to buck Kim off, but she rode his face like a bull rider trying to last eight seconds. It actually took a few moments more before he realized exactly where his face was and how strong the scent of her arousal was. She was wet, no, more than wet, she was inundated with pussy juices that had soaked through the thin material of her bikini and was now plastered all over his face. She’s getting off on this his mind screamed, and that’s what did it, that’s what changed his mind. Suddenly, his libido surged again and he went from trying to get her off of him to trying to get her off. He started using his tongue on her and she could feel the change in his behavior even through her bikini. Smiling with delight, because she knew her plan had worked so far, she reached down and untied the sides of her string bikini and in one deft move, raised herself just enough to pull the piece of wet cloth out and dropped back down.

Scott dove in with his tongue. His whole mouth trying to devour her sloppy, engorged cunt. It was absolute heaven, the smell, the taste, the feel, the view and even the sounds of her moaning which he could now hear because she had loosened her grip with her thighs. He had never been in this position before with any woman, but he knew now that he definitely wanted it again.

Kim was well on her way to the pinnacle of pleasure and her brain was now locked in to achieving that goal. Her shapely body, covered with a thin sheen of sweat, was barely under her control anymore. Her hands busily squeezed and massaged her sensitive tits and swollen nipples. Her back arched and humped, arched and humped, over and over swirling like a belly dancer or a snake being charmed by a flutist. Her breath came in short hitches and gasps. His tongue was hitting all the right spots and being on top gave her total control of where she wanted it to be.

What they didn’t know was that they were being watched. Standing in the doorway was Sarah. She had been unsure about this plan from the start and watching her daughter and her husband going at it was not easy. Earlier, in Kim’s room with Tyler, she had roughly ridden his face while he was tied down and unable to stop her. She had let out her frustrations, got some stress relief and had an incredible orgasm all at Tyler’s expense, while riding his face. She left him tied up with a raging hard-on and no way to take care of it. He reeked of sex and sweat and was sobbing when she left, begging her to let him loose so he could jack-off. Instead, she said she would be back in a little while, and left. She didn’t know if she would be able to watch what was going on downstairs until she peeked around the corner and saw what was taking place. It gave her conflicting emotions. On the one hand, she felt jealous and angry that her husband would allow himself to be manipulated that way, especially by Kim. On the other hand though, she herself was guilty of the exact same thing, so it was hard to stay mad at him. Besides, it was kind of a turn on.

Kim’s body, now on autopilot, rocked a few more times and then froze, all her muscles tense and vibrating, and held for a couple of heartbeats, until her pussy exploded into a series of intense spasms. Her mouth opened with a wail of ecstasy as her cunt gushed forth, her orgasm consuming her entire being. She managed to raise herself up as she ejaculated a forceful jet of liquid into Scott’s open mouth. Several more squirts followed as her legs gave out and she plopped back down on his worn out face. As she slowly recovered from her latest orgasm, she caught sight of her mother, still standing in the doorway, and winked at her. She collapsed backward so she was laying across Scott’s chest and his ardent member stood erect beside her head, against her ear.

Now was the time for Sarah to make her entrance and she stepped into the living room clapping her hands. For a moment, Scott didn’t quite understand what the sound was, or maybe his brain was still too fried after what he had just been through, but suddenly he realized that there was another person in the room, and that meant bad news. He literally flung Kim off of him and sat up. To say that he looked surprised at the sight of his wife standing there would be the understatement of the century. He looked utterly traumatized, and as white as a sheet.
“Oh god” he mumbled, certain that the gates of hell were about to open and Satan himself would come and drag him kicking and screaming to eternal damnation. “Honey, I can explain, please let me…” he stopped because he realized that he didn’t know how to explain because no explanation would be sufficient. He had nothing. Finally, he settled for “I’m so sorry Sarah, I don’t know what came over me.” actually, he did know what came over him, lust came over him, but that wouldn’t work either.

Sarah calmly sat on the couch, which smelled of suntan lotion, and crossed her arms over her chest. Kim got up and sat beside her mother. “How was it Kim?” she asked matter-of-factly.

“Wonderful, I came so fuckin’ hard.” Kim answered still glowing from her climax and the sweat coating her skin.

“Good, it was hot watching you two, I almost creamed my jeans when you went off.”

Scott felt like he had just fallen down the rabbit hole and woken up in Wonderland. “What the hell is going on?” He demanded. This whole situation was very strange indeed.

“I think it’s obvious Scott, you just had your tongue two inches deep into my daughters pussy. I should be very angry at both of you…but I’m not”

“Your not mad?”

“No dear, I’m not mad at all. Kim is a very beautiful woman and any man would be turned on by her, including you and Tyler.”

“What’s Tyler got to do with this?”

“Honey, there’s something that you need to know. The things that you did with Kim just now, well, I kinda did with Tyler the other day.”

Scott was certain that he was about to have a nervous breakdown. He nearly started shouting, but instead he took a couple of deep breaths and said “You had sex with my son?”

“Well, actually I sat on his face, like Kim just did to you. He liked it a lot.” Sarah was somehow keeping all her emotions together. She was still waiting for Scott to blow up, but she had decided that it would be best to play it calm and cool, like she was the one in control. Otherwise, if she started crying and begging for forgiveness, he would be more apt to go ballistic. So far it seemed to be working.

Scott was putting together the pieces now “So you messed around with Tyler and you felt bad, so you set me up with Kim to make yourself feel better. That sound about right?”

This was a critical point for Sarah and her response could mean the difference between divorce and staying together. “If that’s what you want to think in order to justify what you did to Kim then you go right ahead. I’m not going to deny what I did with Tyler, it was wonderful, but don’t start playing the victim and think that anyone is going to side with you. You made your own choices with Kim. We can fight over it if you want, or we can put that cock of yours to good use and fuck. What’s it gonna be?”

This was a side of Sarah that Scott had never seen before. It was almost as if she had been possessed by someone else. It was strange and unexpected and it turned him on. Of course it didn’t hurt that he could still smell Kim’s juices on his face. The desire to cum won over his anger and he started taking his clothes off.

Kim smiled as she watched Scott start to strip, realizing that her plan had worked to perfection. Everything was out in the open now so there could be no more blackmail on Donna’s part. She also knew that she could still control Tyler and she would offer to help her mother to control Scott. She decided it was time to make her exit and go check on her stepbrother who was still tied to her bed. As she walked out of the living room she took one last look at her mother and stepfather, both of whom were now completely naked.

As she entered her bedroom she had to stifle a laugh at the sight of Tyler, still tied to her bed. He was a mess. His face, chest and hair was a sticky slimy mess, and before Sarah left him, she had gagged him and blindfolded him. Quietly she closed her door and walked to the side of the bed, wrinkling her nose at the smell that was wafting from him. It was the smell of cum and sweat and sexual excitement and Kim was certain that the smell was going to be hanging around the house a whole lot more now. “You stink” she said suddenly, causing him to jerk in his bonds from the surprise. She leaned in close to him and sniffed the mixed smells. “Your cock smells like shit, your face smells like ass, and I’ll bet your breath smell like cunt. Maybe I should go get Donna and let her sit her fat ass on you. Would you like that?” He shook his head quickly. “I’m still pissed at you for sticking that fuck stick of yours in my ass. I hope it was well worth it because you’re gonna pay for a long time.” She reached up to untie him, figuring that he had been confined long enough and he probably needed to use the bathroom, when she felt a bubble in her belly and decided to give him one more thing to remember her. “Got something for you.” she said and quickly climbed on top, sticking her ass into his face and using her hands she pulled apart her ass cheeks. Placing her puckered rosebud right on the tip of his nose she pushed down with her abdominal muscles and expelled a loud ripping fart. She giggled when she heard the choking sounds Tyler made as he was forced to inhale the noxious smelling gas from her bowels, and she stayed in position long enough to blast him two more times with slightly less force but just as smelly fumes. When she had no more gas to share, she sat back for a moment, full weight, then clambered off, waving her hand around her to try to dispel her stink which was quite bad. As she started to untie him she laid down the law.

“Your daddy knows everything now, but don’t worry, he seems okay with it. In fact, he’s fucking mom right now. You’re still gonna be my bitch though, aren’t you.” it wasn’t a question. “You are going to do whatever I want whenever I want and not complain about it or else I’ll call Donna and let her have you for a day. I’m sure after a few hours sweating underneath her mammoth ass, you’ll change your tune. You okay with that?”

Tyler finally had his hands free and as he pulled off his blindfold and gag, he nodded slowly and said “Yes mistress”

The End
Published by laffalot
14 years ago
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jot50 10 years ago
gotta be careful around those scheming sisters. i still amazed that sarah got involved from the beginning. hot story though.
mikey1ra 14 years ago
he should have told dad from the start