

Currently I receive a large number of invitations to friendship every week. It's not quite as bad as some of my friends who seem to receive hundreds of them and essentially appear to be swamped with people wanting to get to know them. Nevertheless I have my fair share of them and to be truthful I reject the vast majority of them. Now I don't actually like doing this. I am tormented by the fact that I may have summarily dismissed the possibility of friendship with some genuinely wonderful people. I am also concerned that my rejection might appear close to arrogance and aloofness and just be downright rude. Yet the sheer volume of invitations forces me to be selective. Were I not so, my friends' list would very quickly be full to capacity and largely with people who I never talk to or have much in the way of contact with. Already the list is overburdened with contacts with whom I have very little or no contact. There are however a lot of contacts on there for whom I have a great deal of affection and in whom I am genuinely interested. Nevertheless I concede that it is more than likely that I have rejected large numbers of people that, given the chance, may well have turned out to be fascinating individuals with whom I could have struck up a genuine friendship. I think it therefore incumbent on me to explain why their invitations were rejected and what kinds of invitation genuinely attract my attention.

I do look very carefully at every invitation I receive and subject it to a considerable amount of consideration. In order to do so I take a careful appraisal of the person's profile and any contacts I may have with them. These factors are, after all, the only criteria that I have to judge whether or not the person sending me the invitation might or might not interest me. Sadly, in the great majority of the cases, such criteria are notably absent. I seem to consistently receive invitations from people who furnish virtually no information whatsoever about themselves or any content by which I can determine whether or not we might share interests in common. I realise that many people who send such invitations might not fully appreciate that the person to whom they forward them might require some substance to the invitation. Perhaps it would be useful therefore to list the kind of things I look for in order to regard an invitation sympathetically.

To begin with I am always a little baffled by those invitations that seem to come from nowhere without any previous contact whatsoever. A lot of my friends are introductions from other people. These I naturally am open to accepting. If they are friends of my friends then they automatically are of great interest to me. Perhaps I am old fashioned but I like to be introduced before accepting a relationship. Generally anybody who first sends me a message introducing themselves I am inclined to consider seriously. I just think that it is a common courtesy. I don't normally extend an invitation to anybody whose profile has interested me without the courtesy of sending them a message. It only takes a minute or two to compose a little message telling the person in question that you have come upon their profile, been impressed by it and the content, and feel that you might have common grounds for interest. It's not necessary to include private details about yourself but a few words to introduce yourself shows that you are courteous and genuinely interested in contact and not simply rattling off invitations at random. You like to feel that the person sending the invitation is seriously interested in you. You're not just a tick in somebody's collection.

By such a message I do mean a message of genuine introduction; courteous and friendly. I'm sorry but messages that say “Hi babe! I want to cum on your face!” or “U r hot! Want to cam 2 cam?” or “Want 2 fuck? Add me on Skype.” go down like a lead balloon at this end! They go straight in the trash can. I like to be wooed! These people seem to think that seduction is something to do with hydro-dynamics!

Then again I look carefully at the contents of the person's profile page. It is incredible the number of people who send you an invitation from what is essentially a blank page! How on earth would they expect anybody to think that this might be a nice friend to have. They are a nonentity as far as the other person is concerned; a blank; a gaping void! There's not a single damn thing for the other person to know them by. You might as well make friends with a blank wall! So if your profile contains absolutely zilch then, whether you are a nice person or not, it is entirely irrelevant. Your profile simply makes the statement that you are nothing and your invitation goes in the bin!

So yes, some content on your profile is essential. This doesn't mean that it has to include deeply personal and private details about you. Indeed some details come under the heading of “too much information” as far as I'm concerned. I'm sure there are people out there who are engrossed by the information that you have a 10 inch penis, are circumcised and shave your pubic hairs off. I'm just not one of them! I am unlikely in the extreme to ever meet your genital organs socially so I'm afraid they are of marginal interest to me. I do however look for people to talk with and if you have nothing to talk about then I see no future in a friendship. So I want to see in your profile what you THINK about things.

You can tell a great deal about a person from the contents of their profile. To begin with there is their avatar. Incredibly a lot of people have absolutely no avatar whatsoever. It's back to being a nonentity! An avatar should be a reflection of you... something that you feel points to a feature of you that a person can identify with. Some people of course use their own picture as an avatar. That's very brave of them but not necessary should they wish to keep their appearance private. What an avatar should NOT be is a picture of a person that the one using it falsely purports to be them self. Now of course it's difficult to know that but I've had invitations from people with a picture on their profile that they claim to be them and the last time I saw a picture of that person they were starring in “The Hot Girls of Stockholm!” My own avatar is a recognisable image from a mainstream movie whose main character I personally identify with. That character is Japanese. I am not Japanese!

Avatars can be nearly anything. I tend to be sympathetic towards people whose avatars are beautiful images or funny. This tells me straight away that the person using them has an appreciation for beauty or a sense of humour; two characteristics that I find essential in anybody I might wish to befriend. If you can make me laugh or demonstrate an aesthetic sensibility then you are very likely to be accepted as my friend.

What I don't like to see is yet another tiresome picture of a person's penis! This can get a bit extreme sometimes. I've seen all too many profile where the only information conveyed is uncalled for graphic images of male sexual organs. Some profile even go further than a picture of the owners organ in the avatar and there are numerous other pictures of it on the wall or accompanying galleries. “This is my penis from above.” “This is my penis from one side” “This is my penis from slightly below in strong sunlight” “This is my penis on the beach front at Copacabana”! Ok I just made that last one up although that is the one that might get me interested. I mean if somebody is loopy enough to photograph their penis at famous locations around the world they've got to be worth knowing!

Otherwise I really can't see why a person feels it necessary to furnish us with endless pictures of their penis. If I was that interested I'd read illustrated medical journals. Now don't get me wrong. I'm sure you have a very nice penis and doubtless you are very proud of it but remember something.... this is a porn site! There are literally thousands, no tens of thousands, of penises on display here. Why on earth would you think that yours is so special as to warrant particular attention? It's not quite the case that if you've seen one you've seen 'em all but it doesn't exactly jump off the page does it? I am not going to fall down in a swoon at the privilege of seeing your penis and if a penis is all you have to offer in a friendship then it doesn't auger well for scintillating conversation!

It comes back to that point of an avatar being something that is representative of you. If your avatar is a penis think what it is saying about you. It is saying in simple, no nonsense terms, “I am a prick!” This is not the foundation of a meaningful relationship!

I look for content on a person's page as well. Now I have added a formidable amount of content to my own page during the time I have been a contributor here; thousands of pictures hundreds of thousands of words of my own writing. Naturally I don't expect other people to match my frenetic input. I do however want to see that the person is at least contributing something. Even if it is only the occasional blog or little picture gallery. That tells me that the person is at least creative and trying to share their own tastes with other people. Zero content is not a starting point for friendship.

If even if it is just a collection of favourites it at least gives me some guidelines to a person's personal tastes. There at least is something there to discuss with them. I'll be honest too... if my own contributions turn up among a person's favourites I'm likely to look favourably on them as well!

The other item I look for is evidence of a person's network and the way in which they interact with other users. I look perhaps for interesting discussions on their walls or a friends list populated by interesting people. If on the other hand I see a profile of a person with no content, no discussions on their wall and they've made just two comments in the past year it does not encourage me to believe that I am liable to enjoy lively conversations with that person.

I had one invite from a person the other day who'd been here for around a year, had no content on their page, had made just three comments in their time, obviously communicated with nobody and yet had accumulated over 2,000 “friends”! Into the bin it goes! Even if their own contributions are non existent I would at least expect a person to engage with those people who do contribute by rating their contributions, favouring them and making the odd comment about them. If a person simply can't be bothered to interact to that degree why on earth would they think that anybody would be interested in befriending them?

In short I am interested in meeting interesting people. I would sincerely suggest to anybody thinking of forwarding an invitation to look at their own page. Ask yourself a simple question. “Would I be interested in getting to know the person represented by my own profile.” If the answer is no then don't bother to send the invite as it'll only irritate the person that has to bin it. Instead go away and think about how to spice up your profile and to turn it into a page that a person would want to visit. Let people know whether or not you are somebody with something to say and contribute. Then maybe we can be friends!

Michaela xxxxx

Published by Mikebasil
11 years ago
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bakedsteve 8 years ago
All good points. How did my camel no that's not the right image.

Try this one: How did I slither. No wrong again. I got it:

How did my nose end up on your thigh ?That is the image you will take away and still wonder, how did that get there? We will work out the consequences later. S-
Mikebasil Publisher 9 years ago
to Lisatt76 : Thank you for your kind comment. I'm pleased that you found much to agree with in it. :smile: I would have liked to thank you personally in a private message but sadly I see that your PM system is set to exclude people of my gender identity.

Michaela xxxxx
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Lisatt76 9 years ago
Currently I have 77 unaccepted invitations on my profile for the reasons you clearly lay out in you post. Thank you for justifying my reluctance :smile:
You nailed it!
creative13 10 years ago
Re-read this again this evening (Had it posted on our front page, but way down, but after re-reading lifted it up). What you said about avatars struck us especially this eve.
Spot on!
merry christmas!
Coolman75 10 years ago
Well said. I could have not said it better myself. I think everyone ought to favor this blog. it is the exact food for thought that everyone needs to read if they do not understand this or know this already. It is very nice and polite and straight to the point. You are right on here. This is going into my favorites.
Polarity 10 years ago
Well stated.
Justified any rejections perfectly.
A great read.
Mikebasil Publisher 10 years ago
Thank you very much for your comment. I'm pleased that you enjoyed the blog and hope it will tempt you to sample more of my writing. I would have liked to thank you personally in a private message but sadly your PM system is set to exclude people of my gender identity.

Michaela xxxxx
creative13 10 years ago
Our sentiments precisely; bravo!
The only problem is that the people who really need to read your essay probably don't read much to begin with. They see films of yours or of someone else's on your site, and they immediately hit the "invite friends" button, not realizing that they really know little about you because they fail to read what you've written on the front page of your site.
Both of us like adding content to our front page and show off art that we enjoy and try our best to express the people that we are. We see it as a way of filtering, as many here (based on their responses) do.
When someone sends a friend request, we do the same as you: vet the person's page (or people's if a couple). In truth, most of the time when opening up our invites, we hope that the person has no avatar or content--makes it easier to dump them. Sad but true. "Friend Harvesters" as we call them honestly befuddle us on a relationship level; friend, really? We believe that they use them as lazy place markers on their own front page and click on them rather than clicking over to their subscriber's folder/page.
We appreciate your candid and articulate treatise on this subject.
PS On another parting note: Hope your sex life is spicy! :smile:
PPS By the way, we found your essay at Tardor's site:
You are a remarkable human being! You're charming, eloquent, witty, massively talented, polite, the list could go on, but I don't want to appear to 'stalkerish.' Everything that you have said above is so accurate, plus it has made me reconsider my own profile and avatar. Definitely food for thought. Thank you.
jonboi18 10 years ago
I couldnt off said it better myself, Once again your blog has said It in much better terms Than I ever could.
talonequ 10 years ago
to Olive8 : I am pleased and honored to count both Olla and Michaela among my small group of friends. I loved reading the full essay as originally written and was impressed by the Readers Digest Condensed version. I wouldn't presume to try any additional condensation but what I will do is copy and paste the very brief Friends Requests section from my own profile page. It's short, to the point, covers some of Michaela's points in what one would think is an easy-to-read and easy-to-understand format. And yet.....I still get and occasional (two, just today) invitation from someone with no avatar, no content, no previous contact, etc. I'd like to think that my simple request deters some people but, of course, I'll never know.

Friends requests

I am NOT a collector of friends. I've been a Hamster for 7 months and have only 29. I am interested in being your friend if:
1. We have had a dialog already and seem to have something to say to each other.
2. You are an uploader of videos that interest me and/or you make regular useful (not just "Hot!") comments on videos that I'd be likely to see.

If you want to be my friend and you don't meet at least one of these qualifications, send me a PM telling me why we should be friends and, if it makes sense, I'll go with it. Otherwise, if you just send me an invitation, I'll decline it.
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edintx99 10 years ago
I love the free flowing and humorous writing style of this essay. However, I've always been a bit competitive so will try to do "one better" than Olive8. Here's the fifty word summary.

What kinds of invitation genuinely attract my attention? I am unlikely in the extreme to ever meet your genital organs socially so I'm afraid they are of marginal interest to me... I like to be wooed!... the person (must be) at least creative... I am interested in meeting interesting people.

Oh well, I tried!

ff-admirer 11 years ago
Very interesting and revealing..
TTT_X 11 years ago
Michaela, What a refreshing perspective! Courtesy and respect should be paramount!
TTT_X 11 years ago
to Olive8 : Wow Olla! I think the editor in you is showing! Thanks!
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anthony_weston 11 years ago
to Olive8 : Excellent comment. My slow step-by-step process here has been to try to share more but also to show respect for boundaries. There's a really nice tone to a lot of XH. I've used my own profile's blogs to try to talk more about my life, my bi-sexual history and life. And then I find blogs like this and others on some profiles (people) I'm friends with. Anyway, I just didn't want to say, "thank you for your comments." BTW, just this. I never comment to draw a comment or anything else. So just take this on the "incoming" deluge of comments you no doubt get and know your words were carefully read and I'm glad you took the time to share them. :smile:
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anthony_weston 11 years ago
Well gosh darn -- I posted a very nice comment here. Hit, "post comment" the page refreshed and the comment didn't appear. Maybe it will show up eventually :frowning: Anyway, the dog didn't eat my homework... This is agreat blog, added immediately to favs. :smile:
anthony_weston 11 years ago
Michaela, this is one of the best blog's I've yet read on XH. I have many reactions to it but we're very much on the same page with so much of what you've said here. I've saved this to my Favs. so others might find it if they are lucky enough to see what I've got on my Favs. list for blogs. There are some wonderful blogs on XH and it helps us connect in all kinds of ways. I'll keep this short. I tend to get a bit loquacious at times. One of the things I regularly do is read the comments of others on the blogs and from there I've found some great thought-chains leaving from Profile to Profile... More to say later...
Human nature is complex. X Hamster is one of the highlights. Some people think that anonymity can do anything, say anything, regardless of the other.

MOi too, at first I could hardly refuse invitations. For fear of offending, hurting. But now, after having lived on the site, I realized many things.

And again, I think I will have some surprises.

15 days of absence from site : 32 invitations for me !??!
LadyCrow 11 years ago
I had the feeling of finding myself in your blog with which I completely agree. It's true that to build a strong friendship that's necessary to have a good starting point. Your perspective on avatars and content profiles is also mine, they help to know more about the person at the first glance. As usual, it's very well written and I couldn't stop reading until the end. I found some courage and sensitivity in your words.

Congratulations Michaela!

¤ Lady Crow ¤
thrash_assassin 11 years ago
to Mikebasil : *Officially a wonderful wordsmith, ahem. :smile:
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thrash_assassin 11 years ago
to Olive8 : Correction:
*Well done, yet Michaela's approach is just so damn classy!
: )
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Mikebasil Publisher 11 years ago
to Olive8 : So I'm officially a waffling windbag! lol Ok... no surprises there! In my defence I'm willing to bet that it took me less time to write the original version than it did for Olla to condense it to 258 words! I realise that I tend to go on a bit but my motto is "If it's worth doing, it's worth overdoing!"
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Olive8 11 years ago
to thrash_assassin : Classy, yes, as always, yet Michaela is the only one on this site who could write on this topic that one needs a *bookmark* to get through! :wink:))
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thrash_assassin 11 years ago
to Olive8 : Well done, but Michaela's approach is just so damn classy : )
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thailock 11 years ago
to Olive8 : I am convinced that, even Michaela, like me, is completely agree with your stunning comment, which is hilarious and smart too, as well as is well-written::))
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Olive8 11 years ago
I fully understand that many readers here may not have the time in your busy lives to sift through 16 paragraphs and 2,062 words of Michaela’s exquisite and exquisitely detailed exposition on the important matter of xHamster ‘friendship invitations.’ I therefore offer you, as a public service, this distillation of her four-page blog to save you all precious time in understanding what she’s looking for in requests for friendship. Her 2,062 words have thus been boiled down to a mere 258 to convey to you the essence of her thoughts and feelings on this weighty topic.

Paragraph 1:
~ I get lots of friendship requests, though not as many as some, and regrettably reject most, some of whom may well be wonderful people. There are already too many ‘friends’ I rarely, if ever, talk with. Here’s what I’m looking for in a request. [256 words reduced to 44.]

Paragraph 2:
~ I examine all requests for mutual compatibility, yet many lack substance enough for me to arrive at a meaningful conclusion. Here’s what I’m looking for. [498 words reduced to 25.]

Paragraph 3:
~ Here’s what attracts me: friends of friends; a short, courteous message of introduction accompanying the request. Here’s what doesn’t: blind requests out of the blue; people who appear to be ‘friend collectors.’ [215 words reduced to 32.]

Paragraph 4:
~ Serious, courteous messages interest me. Crass, idiotic messages do not. [81 words reduced to 10.]

Paragraph 5:
~ Those without content on their pages need not apply. [128 words reduced to 9.]

Paragraph 6:
~ By ‘content’ I mean that which reveals your personality, *not* your genitals. [135 words reduced to 12.]

Paragraph 7:
~ A blank avatar suggests a blank person. A stolen avatar one claims to be oneself is just as bad. [184 words reduced to 19.]

Paragraph 8:
~ Beautiful and humorous avatars greatly interest me. [74 words reduced to 7.]

Paragraph 9:
~ Penis avatars hold no interest for me unless creatively done. [145 words reduced to 10.]

Paragraph 10:
~ Your penis is but a ‘drop in the bucket’ on this site. If that’s all you feel you are, what’s the point? [150 words reduced to 22.]

Paragraph 11:
~ Penis avatars are empty and boring. [50 words reduced to 6.]

Paragraph 12:
~ Content of some type on one’s page is important to me. [110 words reduced to 11.]

Paragraph 13:
~ Merely adding ‘favorites’ to your page is at least something. ‘Favoriting’ my work is a big plus. [55 words reduced to 17.]

Paragraph 14:
~ An interesting assemblage of friends and interesting banter on one’s wall interest me. [87 words reduced to 13.]

Paragraph 15:
~ No content, no comments and no favorites = no friendship. [109 words reduced to 10.]

Paragraph 16:
~ If you want to attract interesting people, make your profile interesting. [116 words reduced to 11.]

I sincerely hope this saves you all some precious time.
uk_amateur_slut 11 years ago
Another great post from somebody who has possibly the best profile here! We've started being very selective about accepting invitations - especially from people who can't even show us the courtesy of reading a simple profile...
billy69boy 11 years ago
to tiatempest : @tiatempest: You are wise beyond your years!
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