She comes in the early morn.
In the early morning often.... I see her in a dream, her pale form hovering over me. She arouses me with her mouth, her tongue lapping at my swelling head. When I am stiff and dripping, she hovers above me and lets me suckle at her hard nipples, brushing my face with her small breasts. My hungry mouth takes each nipple in turn, feeding my soul. As I suckle at her breasts, she lower herself onto me, taking all of me easily and deeply. She begins to move on me, riding and moaning, her breasts swaying to her erotic rhythm, her hot tightness driving me wild. She knows I am full...she drains me quickly and completely, expertly riding my writhing orgasmic body, her tightness emptying my glands.... I taste her lips, her tongue... and I see her no more. I am weak...warm, thick puddles cover me... I wait for her to come again.
11 years ago