A Little More About Me

First of all, I'm kind of an attention monger and a little psycho. Sometimes I analyze my thoughts too much.

My life has three distinct stages. I grew up on a farm in Nebraska. My dad is a fire-and-brimstone Baptist minister. We never spoke about sex at home. But I got the feeling that sex was very dirty and the devil's work and my dad preached that it was only necessary for procreation.

After graduating from high school I took off for San Francisco for my first vacation away from home. I saw things that I had never seen in Nebraska. To support myself, I rebelled and did a little stripping at one of the clubs in The City. Then, after feeling guilty, I quit and came back to Nebraska and attended the University of Nebraska for two years.

At the U of N I met my husband and we've been married for 5+ years. We live in a small town in Nebraska. He's the pastor at a church in town and he has another job that pays our bills. We have two wonderful little girls who are four and two years old.

How Sexually Active Have I Been?

I started masturbating when I was 11 years old. I was a virgin until I was 18 years old. I had never even given so much as a blowjob while in high school.

I lost my virginity in San Francisco to a guy I met on the bus when I was traveling there. We had sex at a hotel in San Francisco on my first night there and then he took off for Seattle which was his destination.

At the University of Nebraska I think I had sex with maybe 30 guys in the two years that I was there. Those were great times! Then I got married and I've never cheated on my husband. We have sex about a dozen times a week and I suck him off every morning like a faithful wife should.

What About Masturbation?

Like I said, I started masturbating when I was 11 years old. Back then, I used my hand and also anything I could get into my pussy – like carrots, cucumbers and squash. Masturbation created one of the first of many conflicts in my life because I knew it was a bad thing to do but I couldn't stop doing it.

Nowadays, I still use my hand and I have an assortment of dildos, vibrators and a sybian machine. I have some butt plugs on order right now and I'm getting more into anal stimulation. My husband likes to watch me masturbate and I like to watch him masturbate too. That's about as kinky as we get.

What's My Thing About Bondage?

I ask myself that question all of the time and I really don't have an answer. I've only been tied up a few times and never by my husband. My main fantasy (which I won't go into details about here because I'll be writing a story about it) involves being stalked and then sexually used against my will. I'm not into painful stuff like clamps or whips but I want to be degraded and publicly humiliated.

Why do I have these sick fantasies? I know that they have something to do with the guilt that I still feel from being raised by a Baptist minister. Deep down I still believe in those preachings and I'm sure that I'm going to hell and that I deserve to be abused and taught a lesson because I've been a slut.

My husband would never do any of the bondage to me and he would be appalled to know that I want it. Unlike my dad, my husband has quite a wholesome view about sex and women. He thinks sex is a wonderful thing between a husband and wife and he respects women as equals. His religion is not dogmatic like my dad's is.

I Like To Expose Myself

This fetish of mine started – or at least intensified – when I was stripping in San Francisco. The club that I worked at allowed the girls to get totally naked and masturbate ourselves in front of the men. If a man tipped me then I would spread my legs right in front of him and fuck myself with a dildo. Guys would pull out their cocks and jack off. It was incredibly exciting.

These days I expose myself in the big city of Lincoln Nebraska. I don't take a chance in the small town that I live in (population of 4,000) because people know me here. Sometimes I walk through a park with my breasts completely showing because my shirt is unbuttoned. I also like to spread and pretend that I'm not aware that guys can see my pussy. Sometimes I have a dildo in me when I do this. I like to tease men with a show when their wives are with them.

More Details on my Body

Aside from what's already on my page, here's a little more. I have 34B breasts. 115 pounds. No tatoos or unusual piercings. I'm mostly bare but I have some blonde pubic hair above my lips.

What's My Favorite Sex Position?

By far it is the doggy or any position where I'm getting it hard from behind. The penetration is the best that way. Sometimes I like to be on top. I also like my husband to lift me up with his hands cupping my ass cheeks and then he does me that way.

Where Do I Like a Guy to Cum?

Pretty much anywhere that he wants to. That's his right and I just love cum. Unfortunately, my husband only cums inside my pussy. He thinks cumming anywhere else on his wife is not respectful.

Do I Do Anal Sex?

Well, I did anal back in my college days. With the right guy it is amazing. My husband won't do anal with me because, again, he doesn't think that is showing respect to his wife.

What's the Craziest Thing I've Done?

Aside from stripping, it was probably back when I was in college. At the local gym I ran into this boy on the local high school basketball team and started flirting with him. I told him that I would be out on their football field after practice and that he should stop by and I would show him my pussy and tits. Not only did he come to look at my body, but he brought four of his teammates. We spent about an hour out on the field and all the boys looked very closely at my body. I thought their eyes would pop out. I was kind of hoping there might be a gangbang (I've never had more than one guy at once), but they turned out to be extremely shy high school boys.

Do I Like Girls?

Of course I like girls but I don't really consider myself bisexual. But I have masturbation parties almost every month with some of my college girlfriends from Lincoln. We look at videos of guys jacking off while we play with ourselves. Back in college, we used to coax guys into our dorm room and let them fuck us while all the girls watched. I do have one girlfriend right now who lives a couple of blocks away. We've been doing strap-on sex just for fun. She's the only one in town who knows the perverted side of me.

What's My Biggest Nightmare?

It's literally a nightmare. It's that I've been having sex with my husband and a black man. Not at the same time of course. Anyway, I get pregnant and I don't know who the father is. My faithful husband is with me in the delivery room when a black baby comes out of me. That scares the bejebbers out of me and I wake up in a cold sweat.

Will I Ever Cheat?

I honestly don't know. I would like to say “no” but if the right situation ever came up then I might cheat. The biggest problem that I have is with guilt. My husband is a wonderful man, an outstanding father, and – even if the sex is normal – quite good in bed. And I'm still not satisfied and have these sick fantasies. I know that I'm all fucked up from my dad's religion. I don't know if guys really want to fuck a psycho girl like me.

If there's anything else you would like to know, then just leave me a comment under this blog. Thank you for reading.
Published by my_secret_
11 years ago
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starfishdriller 5 years ago
Great expose we need you back darling xxx
Awesome honesty, something very rare to see. Glad to see you're developing your life.
jjrocker4449 8 years ago
Quite an internal struggle...one I know all too well. I wrestle back and forth too, but try to find a way to survive, somewhere in the middle. Thanks for sharing.
Nice read I say enjoy yourself girl :smile:
noto33 8 years ago
A very informative story.....I grew up in a catholic family and I mean catholic!!!....I remember when I was around twelve I attended sunday service all day to ask for forgiveness because I had masturbated.....It was a struggle for about three yearsI was around fifteen years old when sex won...
Jams419 8 years ago
We enjoyed reading about you.
Stripe17 8 years ago
Thank you for being so honest, warts and all.
phillymark1 8 years ago
thanks for being sincere. I wish you the best
ur2lipsonmycock 8 years ago
That was a refreshing honest confession of a small portion of your inner most secrets, and the anonymity on here allows you to find out,,,,,your not alone. Everybody has fantasies, desires, thoughts, perversions , secrets, of all types , you must be relieved to find out......your not the only one!! Being on a porn site is definitely feeding your desires, thoughts, fantasies, lusts like a fat kid likes cake! There's very little "love" or commitment to marriage on porn sites. Yet it is healthy to share these thoughts n ideas because you learn to discover its normal...just usually not something you talk about at the coffee shop. Being able to find others that have common sexual interests is very good for the mind and soul. You must keep in mind......marriage,love,commitment is the Godly perfect world. We don't live in a perfect world, so in my opinion you should find some kind of balance, Lust, perversion, sex.....is human nature, and feels so dirty that its an incredible feeling. Looking forward to see more of your blogs..... That forbidden fruit is really tasty !! ; )
tna209 8 years ago
well, that pretty much spells it out :wink:
wizerone 8 years ago
take your fantasies out of the realm of "sick"...stay conscious an interested
wizerone 8 years ago
forgive the therapist in me......the bondage is a reflection of feeling "bound" in expression of your sexuality...you're fine and honest....kisses
BassGuy222 9 years ago
Thank you for sharing your self and your fantasies. Most here dont seem to be able to share their innermost selves.
I think we would become friends. Wife an I.
Locksley7 10 years ago
Thank you. I understand exactly where you are coming from in this blog. While a guy, my life and the restrictions of strict parents could easily parallel your experience. And I, too, have settled into a kinkier and more lustful pattern (albeit, private and unknown to wife or others). I can not only sympathize but empathize with your situation. So thank you for openly and honestly sharing. It has been a help to me to realize that there must be many others (or at least some others) who have come up through the same upbringing and yet have chosen different paths, but are timid in bringing their path into the open.
Bueatiful page honey :smile:
This is such a great post...you had me fantasizing about my encounters at the strip clubs here in SF. I love your sexuality and it sounds like you do to! Keep it up and stay healthy!
cambriakid 11 years ago
I love the honest and exceptionally open attitude you express in this posting. My wife was raised in a VERY conservative christian household. I know this makes me like one "bazillion" other married men out there that crave a little more kinkiness from their spouse. My wife always tells me that those kind women that like that sort of variety in their lives only exist in the movies (non-porn she means, because she wouldn't watch porn). I don't believe that! I know that there must be women that can have a solid marriage while enjoying their body in an exciting way that is free to explore their sexuality without becoming some kind of trailer trash type person. I appreciate you! Thanks!
Very interesting post. Thanks for sharing; enjoyed it.
HotMaggieJewels 11 years ago
I started with carrots, but I beat you on masturbation age ( not counting inserting things... As far as I can remember) I was three and thought it was so great I told a friend and even did it at school as a kid! Yeah a little crazy but true.
scourfield 11 years ago
Just be true to yourself...
wizerone 11 years ago
I love your honesty and the sexual imagination in all of us is quite amazing....getting caught up in the guilt is true suffering and getting clear of it is a worthy task....
a_fun_deb1 11 years ago
Your quite normal, just to let you know. That was a very interesting read. I have many of the same or similar thoughts at times. I think most of us women do, only you put yours in writing. I admire you for doing so.
thelouche 11 years ago
I love xhamster.Thank u so much for sharing that.your openness and honesty about sexuality is very attractive.
dragonbull46 11 years ago
lil lady its notng wrong wit wat u feel god gav ur all free well
markpabear 11 years ago
Check out what I inboxed you I have an idea on how to approach to the hubby :smile:)
UnderratedGentlemen 11 years ago
From reading your other post about being guilty, maybe you should express your desire to explore sexually with your husband.
discreetpassion 11 years ago
sounds fun !
angeldiamond 11 years ago
Its funny how similar we sound:)i also dont consider myself bisexual , only been fooling around when i was little and a few years had a sorta sexual relationship with a woman who lasted some years....it would still do if i would pick up the phone!:)) point is that we r picky and that chemistry doesnt happen with everybody or anybody:) and about those mastrubation parties....DANG....and those dorm fucking....well thats one of those moments when i jsut wish i was born in the US :smile:) Kiss sweety, hopefully catch u sometimes on so we can speak in real time! xxx
wwolf502 11 years ago
Interesting.... Guilt is a tough one. Not sure how to assist you with that. But, personally, I think you should try some different ways to confide some of your secret desires in your husband. If you are sucking his cock every morning, I think that this is one minister who leans toward the more progressive side. One question, when he is fucking your mouth, where does he cum? He isn't cumming in your pussy then, right? So, he cums in your mouth? How easy would it be for you to "accidentally" lose your mouth's hold on his cock right as he is cumming and for it to splatter all over your face? Who knows, he might find that surprise crazy hot. Food for thought...
finBGD 11 years ago
i like everything about you :smile:
this is one honest and sweet life story