Nudist Beach early 2013 season.

Well its that time again, to vist my favourite place. I went to the nudist beach today 15/7/13 it was wonderful, lovely and warm with a slight breeze. This will be my fourth visit this year, but by far the best one yet.....

Got down there nice and early, found my spot, slapped on the sun cream and just absorbed the moment. AH the feeling of being compleatly naked outdoors and not having to worry about other people seeing you, is one of the best feelings in the world. After surveying the area and seeing a few other people about in various states of undress! I thought.....RIGHT.......

The tide was at its lowest point revealing quite a wide stretch of sand, so up I got and made my way down there. With the lovely light breeze blowing around my naked body I walked fully exposed to anybody who wanted to look towards the light surf. I must admit I wanted people to look at my nakedness, so with nothing to be ashamed of I reached and stood in the surf mmmmmm it felt soooooo good with my bare feet on the warm sand and in the cool sea.......

Looking back towards my little refuge I thought WOW thats quite a long way to be away from my clothes and stuff!! I suppose it must have been abuot a hundered yards away, dosen't sound much but it looked a long way to me!! but that made it all the more exciting, to feel fully exposed for everyone to see. This is F***ING fantastic I remember thinking........

So I wandered along the beach splashing about feeling the water and the breeze on my naked body, my cock was twitching by this time and I really wanted to grab hold and play with it. Better not I thought, control yourself, so with that I made my way back to my refuge and had something to eat and drink......

On my visit today I ventured down to the waters edge four times, which is a record for me!! each time a truly sensual experience. Looking forward to going again, maybe tomorrow. If you've done it yourself you'll know the feeling, if not!! well all I can say is just do it, you'll love it :)..........

Published by erotic7
11 years ago
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Leomoore 4 years ago
Totally agree, its a great experience being totally naked and no one cares.  
That's awesome, I feel exactly the same way. I love it.