This is my first story so hopefully it is good enough and you all enjoy it. Please don't repost it as I created it just for this site in thanks for all the other great stories.
My name is Tom and I have always liked extreme places and adventure. I have travelled through deserts, outback and jungle building my portfolio as a photographer so jumped at the chance of a cheap trip to Siberia. I am lucky that I get to do all this at just 23 and have often been told that with my blonde hair, slim but toned 6ft frame and good tan I could be the young Indiana Jones. Anyway I never bother booking accommodation just cheap flights and off I go. The cheapest option was a flight to Azerbaijan with a short stopover then on to Siberia. That gave me some free cash to spend on cold weather gear which I packed straight away. 3 days later and I was getting ready to go. Azerbaijan was going to be hot so I just wore cool black nylon shorts and a white T-shirt to the airport and boarded the plane.
The first flight was pretty awful, to start with a major delay at Heathrow and then being stuck with a crying baby meant I got no sleep and would have a rush to get my next flight. Then at the airport in Baku my luggage did not turn up. I waited as long as I could then decide to head to Siberia anyway. It was not the start I wanted but at least I had my camera and I could by more clothes.
I got to Lankaran airport just in time to check in. Of course I got 1000 questions as to why I was trying to board a plane with only hand luggage and why I was heading to Siberia in shorts and a t-shirt. It is not just the Americans that are hot on airport security. They searched through my hand luggage and camera equipment then patted me down. Now I never wear underwear when I am in shorts as I like the way they feel and it seems that the security guard did too as his hand lingered at my crotch a bit longer than expected and he also gave my ass a good grope through the soft nylon giving me a semi. One thing I have learnt is never muck around with airport security so I kept my mouth shut and anyway he was kind of cute. Finally I got to board the plane and I am sure one of the passengers already on the plane was checking me out. He looked me up and down keeping his eyes on my slightly bulging crotch. I adjusted my cock and took my aisle seat a few rows in front on the opposite side to him. After all I had been through I was not in the mood for someone giving me funny looks.
About half way into the flight the attendant came round with the drinks he spoke for a few seconds with the man that was looking at me and carried on serving drinks but missed me out. I was desperately thirsty so pressed the button to call the attendant back. I had a bit of a go at him and told him to get me some water. He looked at the man giving me funny looks who seemed to nod and then went to get my drink. I felt bad for snapping but after my lack of sleep lost luggage, agro at the airport and the bloke giving me funny looks I was not in a good mood. The flight attendant returned a little nervous and as he was pouring my water he dropped the cup soaking my shorts and turning my t-shirt see-through. That was the last straw, I shouted at him as these now wet clothes were all I had. I got up to try and go to the toilet to clean up but he kept on asking me to sit down. I was trying to explain that I had to clean up when all of a sudden I was hit by a bolt of electricity and then I was on the floor.
The man who was giving me funny looks had tasered me. He raced over and as I was getting my head back together stuck me with a needle. I felt a total loss of control over my limbs but could see and hear fine. The man seemed to be asking others for help two men started picking me up whilst he went to the front of the plane. After a few minutes he returned with a large bag putting it down in front of me. He opened it and proceeded to pull out a strait jacket. I could do nothing to resist as they fed my arms into the jacket pulling it right up. I could feel them tightening it down my back and saw the shocked look on the other passenger’s faces. Once all the straps were tight I felt a series of small clicks before my arms were crossed in front of me and fastened tight. Lastly the man reached down and pulled two straps between my legs fastening them either side of my wet crotch with my shorts sticking to my cock making my bulge look huge causing me to blush. The crotch straps were also pulled tight and a button pressed which I assumed locked the straps. Next I was dragged to a seat at the front of the plane and dumped into it. Seatbelt straps went over my body holding me to the seat. Next out of the bag were a set of leg cuffs that were locked on and went through a bolt in the floor keeping me from moving my legs at all. I could not believe what was happening and I was powerless to stop it. The man had sent all of the helpers back to their seats when he took the last item out of the bag, a small bundle of leather. A strap went round my neck and there was the familiar click. He then reached into his pocket and stuffed four blue pills into my mouth before pulling more straps over my face and head, all I could do was swallow. A sort of muzzle now covered the lower part of my face with two straps either side of my nose. I could feel straps all over my head and the click of each one when it was in its tight place. The man then covered my body with a blanket with just my muzzled head sticking out. Then over the speaker I heard the pilot say that an attempted terrorist attack had be prevented and we were returning back to Azerbaijan. I was shocked, confused, frightened and could not wait to get all this sorted out and most of all to get out of these restraints. The feeling started to return to my body telling me the d**g was wearing off but for some reason it felt like my cock was rock hard, what was going on now?
My name is Tom and I have always liked extreme places and adventure. I have travelled through deserts, outback and jungle building my portfolio as a photographer so jumped at the chance of a cheap trip to Siberia. I am lucky that I get to do all this at just 23 and have often been told that with my blonde hair, slim but toned 6ft frame and good tan I could be the young Indiana Jones. Anyway I never bother booking accommodation just cheap flights and off I go. The cheapest option was a flight to Azerbaijan with a short stopover then on to Siberia. That gave me some free cash to spend on cold weather gear which I packed straight away. 3 days later and I was getting ready to go. Azerbaijan was going to be hot so I just wore cool black nylon shorts and a white T-shirt to the airport and boarded the plane.
The first flight was pretty awful, to start with a major delay at Heathrow and then being stuck with a crying baby meant I got no sleep and would have a rush to get my next flight. Then at the airport in Baku my luggage did not turn up. I waited as long as I could then decide to head to Siberia anyway. It was not the start I wanted but at least I had my camera and I could by more clothes.
I got to Lankaran airport just in time to check in. Of course I got 1000 questions as to why I was trying to board a plane with only hand luggage and why I was heading to Siberia in shorts and a t-shirt. It is not just the Americans that are hot on airport security. They searched through my hand luggage and camera equipment then patted me down. Now I never wear underwear when I am in shorts as I like the way they feel and it seems that the security guard did too as his hand lingered at my crotch a bit longer than expected and he also gave my ass a good grope through the soft nylon giving me a semi. One thing I have learnt is never muck around with airport security so I kept my mouth shut and anyway he was kind of cute. Finally I got to board the plane and I am sure one of the passengers already on the plane was checking me out. He looked me up and down keeping his eyes on my slightly bulging crotch. I adjusted my cock and took my aisle seat a few rows in front on the opposite side to him. After all I had been through I was not in the mood for someone giving me funny looks.
About half way into the flight the attendant came round with the drinks he spoke for a few seconds with the man that was looking at me and carried on serving drinks but missed me out. I was desperately thirsty so pressed the button to call the attendant back. I had a bit of a go at him and told him to get me some water. He looked at the man giving me funny looks who seemed to nod and then went to get my drink. I felt bad for snapping but after my lack of sleep lost luggage, agro at the airport and the bloke giving me funny looks I was not in a good mood. The flight attendant returned a little nervous and as he was pouring my water he dropped the cup soaking my shorts and turning my t-shirt see-through. That was the last straw, I shouted at him as these now wet clothes were all I had. I got up to try and go to the toilet to clean up but he kept on asking me to sit down. I was trying to explain that I had to clean up when all of a sudden I was hit by a bolt of electricity and then I was on the floor.
The man who was giving me funny looks had tasered me. He raced over and as I was getting my head back together stuck me with a needle. I felt a total loss of control over my limbs but could see and hear fine. The man seemed to be asking others for help two men started picking me up whilst he went to the front of the plane. After a few minutes he returned with a large bag putting it down in front of me. He opened it and proceeded to pull out a strait jacket. I could do nothing to resist as they fed my arms into the jacket pulling it right up. I could feel them tightening it down my back and saw the shocked look on the other passenger’s faces. Once all the straps were tight I felt a series of small clicks before my arms were crossed in front of me and fastened tight. Lastly the man reached down and pulled two straps between my legs fastening them either side of my wet crotch with my shorts sticking to my cock making my bulge look huge causing me to blush. The crotch straps were also pulled tight and a button pressed which I assumed locked the straps. Next I was dragged to a seat at the front of the plane and dumped into it. Seatbelt straps went over my body holding me to the seat. Next out of the bag were a set of leg cuffs that were locked on and went through a bolt in the floor keeping me from moving my legs at all. I could not believe what was happening and I was powerless to stop it. The man had sent all of the helpers back to their seats when he took the last item out of the bag, a small bundle of leather. A strap went round my neck and there was the familiar click. He then reached into his pocket and stuffed four blue pills into my mouth before pulling more straps over my face and head, all I could do was swallow. A sort of muzzle now covered the lower part of my face with two straps either side of my nose. I could feel straps all over my head and the click of each one when it was in its tight place. The man then covered my body with a blanket with just my muzzled head sticking out. Then over the speaker I heard the pilot say that an attempted terrorist attack had be prevented and we were returning back to Azerbaijan. I was shocked, confused, frightened and could not wait to get all this sorted out and most of all to get out of these restraints. The feeling started to return to my body telling me the d**g was wearing off but for some reason it felt like my cock was rock hard, what was going on now?
11 years ago