What is sexy

Sexy is that sultry voice

That plays on a mind

Sexy is the way you make

A heart skip a beat every time

You walk on by

Every time you say a name

Sexy is that smile

you flash

That’s meant for the hall of fame

Sexy isn't just your hair

Or your skin

Sexy is that golden heart

Sexy is that goodness

That lies within

Sexy can be the way you hug

or the way you lick your lips

sexy can be

the way you dance

The sensual swing of your hips


is the confidence you carry

sexy is your aura

sexy is the way you have him

calling your cell hour after hour

sexy is that mental challenge

you bring every time you speak

sexy is that voluptuous body

Damn it makes him weak

sexy is that spoilt pout

you make when things don't go your way

sexy is that freak in bed

the reason they all want to stay

sexy is your style

Sexy is being originally true

S imply

E rotic

X ceptionally

Y ou

Published by 9cock
11 years ago
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9cock Publisher 11 years ago
This one no but it describes how i feel : )
delnsacouple 11 years ago
Did you write this? Love it.