Tips for Chatting/Making Friends

Hello my Hammys!

I've decided to write this blog because it's a question I get asked often - How do I make new/good friends on xHam?

I know other people have written about this too, so hopefully between their tips and mine, we'll all make xHam a better place :)

"Say what? Click on boxes and type information? I'm here to look at porn, not take an exam."

If that's your outlook on xHam, then by all means, go for it and enjoy your time. But if you're looking to make friends then you're going to need to put some info down.

Why? Because the idea is that someone who takes the time to fill out their page is someone who is going to be active and actually engage in conversation if you message them.

If you feel like putting up some pics, then go for it. If you don't, then don't. I would recommend that you at least find some kind of random pic/avatar though. Even if it's just a random picture of like.... Will Ferrell from Anchorman.

Again, if you're looking to make friends, then people want to see that you have put a bit of time and effort into your page.

If you invite/msg someone and you have a blank page, their thought is "Why bother writing to this person if they can't even bother with filling out simple basics?"

Again, this is kind of a baseline effort that honestly takes no effort at all. If you see a pic/vid/blog you like, click on the little Heart icon, and that's all there is.

Faves are a way for people to see what interests you have, and if they might have similar ones to you.

For example, if you like a certain porn star eg.Sasha Grey, then fave some vids of hers. Then when someone drops by and sees "Hey, this person likes Sasha, I like Sasha, maybe we have more likes in common. Maybe they can recommend some good vids to me."

I should also add in here to make sure your page is set to display your faves. Just because you can see it, doesn't mean everyone else can.

Okay, so by leaving comments, I do NOT mean that you should start spamming/cutting and pasting a bunch of crap on people's pages/pics/vids/etc.

For those of us who have been on xHam a while, we've all seen/gotten similar comments of "Hey, welcome to xHam! Be sure to come check out my videos!" etc. from random people, and that's basically all they do is cut and paste that same thing on 10,000 pages over and over.

I have no clue why, it's just what they do.

It doesn't take much to leave a nice comment, just say something like "Hey, great pics." or "You have good taste, I like looking through your faves."

It's simple, polite, honest, and people appreciate it.

Another tip I'll throw out there to everyone - If you fave a vid, make the extra few clicks to get to their page and give a quick "Thanks for uploading the Sasha vid, I put it in my faves!"

Also, please exercise good judgement in what you say. A good rule of thumb is to "Talk like you would in public."

Leaving messages all over that say "I WANT TO JIZZ MY COCK ALL OVER YOUR FACE YOU WHORE!" is a great way to get instantly blocked by 90% of all girls on xHam, and probably most of the guys too.

Again, people looking to make friends look to see if you comment as a sign of activity. If you've been on xHam for 1000 days, and only left 8 comments, people are going to think twice about inviting/accepting.

I know, I know, this is a porn site. How much manners can you expect from a bunch of horny people who just got done watching a girl get gangbanged by 20 guys?

To that I say this again:

When you see a girl you like, are the first words out of your mouth to her "YOU LOOK LIKE A SEXY SLUT. LET ME FILL YOUR CUNT" ???

If they are, I hope you're wearing some kind of protection, because the immediate reaction you'll get is for us to kick you right in the balls. Or, in the case of xHam, block you and report you.

Just use your common sense and basic manners, until you figure out what kind of topics/sayings are okay to go over, and if you're not sure, just ask before diving into it.

Don't go from "Hi, how's it going?" directly to "So, are you gonna get on Skype and fist your ass for me or what?". Blocked, Reported, Ignored.

Good rule of thumb for guys when you msg girls. Avoid the following words at all times:


Also, don't ask a girl "How many people have you slept with/fucked?"

What you see is: "How many people have you slept with?"

What girls see is: "Tell me an intimate and private detail about your life that I have no business knowing so that I can immediately judge you and call you a slut/whore if I think the number is higher than whatever subjective number I've decided is too high. Also, I don't care about your personal privacy or feelings."

Blocked, Reported, Ignored.

If you're looking to friend/message someone, and they've bothered to fill out a profile (as hopefully you already have) then please take the time to read through it a bit first.

Again, if your first message to someone is "So, what do you like to do?" and their screen name is "Love2GoBikeRiding", then be prepared to be ignored because that person's first thought is "Do ya read? Can ya read? Didn't even get past the first 3 lines of my info??? Really????"

Looking through faves is also good for striking up conversation like "Hey, I saw you fave'd that Sasha vid, I liked it a lot too. Have you seen the one where she is in the red corset? Its hot."

See that? Simple, polite, and fun. It's not that difficult.

Fact - Not everyone likes ALL of the porn on xHam. And just because YOU like something doesn't mean that other people want to talk about it.

Here's an example: If your screen name is "Fetish4Skirts" then its obvious you like girls in skirts. (Or maybe guys in skirts, whatever the case may be.)

If you do, then that's fine. I'm sure there are at least 5-10 others on xHam who share your same fetish. Hopefully you find them and become friends.

But if you're messaging someone who isn't necessarily into that same fetish, then don't push it on them.

Here's a real life example of what these conversations look like:

Fetish4Skirts - "Hey, do you like skirts?"
Me - "They're cute sometimes."
Fetish4Skirts - "You'd look really hot in a skirt"
Me - "Thanks, that's nice of you to say"
Fetish4Skirts - "You should post some pics of you in a skirt"
Me - "Uh, probably not. I live in a place where the average temperature for the year is about 38-48 degrees. Short skirts don't really happen that much."
Fetish4Skirts - "You should move somewhere warmer and buy skirts and take pics."
Me - "How about no"
Fetish4Skirts - "Skirts are so sexy"
Me - "........."
Fetish4Skirts - "You should totally wear a skirt today"

We get it. You like skirts. After we've said "No" more than once just drop the subject.

Go do a search for "SkirtFetish69" and get married. That or move to Scotland where people wear kilts. Either way just stop bothering the rest of us.

Hopefully these Tips help everyone out. If I think of any other things to add along the way, I'll put them in here.

Until then, big boobie hugs and kisses for everyone! *muah* :)

Published by kellykins2u
11 years ago
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tristar31 1 year ago
Well said
ErosUndaunted 2 years ago
to goodenuff : Thanks for your reply. Of course you have some limits, and your master will have them too. (After all, actual maiming is outside the field of eroticism in your life context and should be in everyone's!) And I can well understand that you will have had to field a great deal of superfluous idiocy from judgemental fools. I hope that on balance your project here is rewarding though, and that you do find some validating feedback amongst the dross. (I hope my small offering is of that nature. I feel a bit awkward to be honest, not sure what to say, but I really look forward to reading your posts and getting a better understanding of where you are coming from).
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goodenuff 2 years ago
to ErosUndaunted : I find so many rude and idiotic trolls. I started this is kind of a catharsis of the submissive, because, when you think about it who gives a damn about us except for what we have to do is our function of a master. But I am the real thing and I have agreed to what happens to me with very few limits. I do have some but that's not necessary to talk about here. In your words are very kind in this jungle of perversity.
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ErosUndaunted 2 years ago
to goodenuff : I could not agree more. I found you through this comment (whilst posting my comment on Kellykins's post above). I am glad I did. It is so refreshing to find cogent, insightful commentary here amongst the wilderness of inarticulacy and thoughtless rudeness. Thank you!
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ErosUndaunted 2 years ago
This is an absolutely golden post. An instant favourite. And I have subscribed. Your manner is delightfully frank and disarming, and brutal at the same time! I look forward to making my way through all of your work here that XH still allows me to see. And I regret not coming to you earlier - from many of the comments on your page that I have seen, I have obviously missed a great deal. Blessings to you.
goodenuff 2 years ago
I love this post. I get plenty of these trolls because I'm a pain and pleasure submissive and trying to get along in this world. I get some real idiots and I will play with them for a while but it becomes apparent they don't know what the hell they're doing norther they know how to talk to women like us. And they certainly wouldn't know what to do if we were naked on her knees in front of them, they think they would but they don't. And they all have 10 inch cocks until they want to do anal....... somehow they think the names they call us are useful. I just entertain it because I am a lot of those things inside my mind and if it makes them feel better to submit me to such stuff than what the hell...... I've been punished and disciplined degraded and humiliated by real Dom's and master's but these fools on here are just want to bees
Feverboi 3 years ago
Now that was a great read...thanks
nadia877 3 years ago
This is fantastic, straight to faves.  So much of it hits home for me.  i have made many good friends here over the years, but for every one good friend, i have probably weeded through 500 to 1,000 requests or intros.  Crazy!  i look forward to reading Your other posts as time allows!  
LongTimeGuy 3 years ago
I've only had a small handful of chats that were even interesting. Get to know the other human being before you make a fool of yourself! Thanks; this is totally relevant. 
most chats are so sad its funny.. thanks for spreading the message for how to chat and make friends.. cheers
Kingrod727 4 years ago
Thank you for the help and advice i really enjoyed reading your post!!
Primateprimaire 4 years ago
Hehe ??
TheBananaSlug 5 years ago
Seems like just common sense, but very true, many don't get it...
TheBananaSlug 5 years ago
100% agree!
Drfeelgood6 5 years ago
Good advice, well written and funny to boot! Thanks!
aguynamedchuck 5 years ago
The message is Great!  But, you are preaching to the choir.  Too many do not read or comprehend what they read.
aguynamedchuck 5 years ago
to Gia86 : You have a stunning avatar.  We would love to know more about you.
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Gia86 5 years ago
love That you took the time to do that. Is a recent newbie  here I am really pleased to have read that blog. Thank you Honey
rh62373 6 years ago
Great advice. I do all of this and still don’t get talked to.
Nenorevada 6 years ago
Thank you
nixonpam33 6 years ago
Well put
iamhooked 6 years ago
well there you go!!.....I like big boobie hugs
bassman30069 7 years ago
Hilariously true! You put a lot of thought into this. Great work to cull the herd Kelly.
Lance989 7 years ago
This is great stuff, thanks for the helpful tips!
Drfeelgood6 7 years ago
Thanks for all these tips. Hope more people will read your blog!
tito456 7 years ago
mlock76 7 years ago
Thanks for taking the time to hopefully make this site better for those of us with legit profiles and do want to be social with other users. To me, most of what you said would be considered common sense, but unfortunately, there will always be those who don't care. Hope you have an awesome day! :smile:
Mannyb29 7 years ago
I Appreciate the time you took to help us newbies out. Thank you.
sengels 7 years ago
Good points!
Thanks for that