A Blackman's Needs

1st, allow me to identify myself as a mature, Renaissance Black-Alpha-Male, a (former) Wandering Warrior-Poet and itinerant cocksman of long-standing (no pun intended). I have--during the course of this life--lustfully pursued--and most often captured--more than my fair-share of delectable females; although, much-to-my-own-detriment, I have also just as often flagrantly cheated on and/or outright walked away from veritably ALL OF THEM! The problem, frankly stated, was/is that most of the females of my generation--the 70's--(unlike--thank god--most of today's t-girls/cd's/sissies/et al) simply lack any palpable zest, yen, enthusiasm for 'taking-care' of a naturally Dominant Blackman's sexual-needs; indeed, most of the ladies aforementioned seemed to have felt (and even acted) as though a Mandingo's dick was naught more than some abominable, demon-spawn that solely existed to tortuously hammer and humiliate them (hm-m-m.. that actually sounds pretty good)!

Speaking as an innately Masculine Man-Of-Bronze..and especially as one who once served prison-time--gang-related--in my youth..I eventually came to conclude that there is nothing so desirous, so irresistibly tantalizing to a true Black-Mack-Daddy's dick than a bald-smooth-skinned, ass-wiggling, pretty-faced white-sissy-girl! If there's anything that looks better than a big, bulky, dark-brown-f*ck-stick stiffly thrusting--chocolate-balls-deep--into a soft and delicate, pink asspussy--or mouth--then I, for one, have never seen nor felt it!

I assess from the profiles, pics and/or other self-descriptive details among (many of) those who can read this, that most of you have more liberal and healthier--i.e. alternative--points-of-view as regards to the issues and 'respectable-ladies' previously described herein.

Now, I don't claim to speak for all of my fellow 'Bruthas' across this planet; however, for many--perhaps even most--of Us, getting Our dicks lavishly sucked on and Our freshly-squirted cumloads toothsomely eaten--generically speaking--is a vital (in fact..indispensable) component of Our daily psycho-sexual regimens ..as it briefly quells the otherwise unbearable toxin of 'Black-Rage' that courses throughout Our minds and bodies during every moment that We draw breath.

Although I've had this cock of mine sucked more times--and by more individuals--than I could ever possibly recount in this text, I have, lamentably, NEVER experienced the sublime 'nirvana' that only comes to The Dominant Blackman when he's being righteously served by--or aggressively skull-f*ckin'--a modern-day (which is to say..emotionally liberated and self-accepting) sweet, white-sissy-cocksucker; one who enjoys going-down on some thick, bulging, dark-dickmeat purely for their own intrinsic senses of pleasure-giving, personal joy and good-old-fashioned nasty fun!
..it's like my dear-old-daddy used to say, 'No man goes out for a beer when he can stay home and drink champagne every night!' Well, clearly, what I need--what I've ALWAYS needed--is a 100%-feminine, beautiful, white-sissy-cumslut who IS the champagne that dad was referring to. Give me a passionate, hot cocksucker who looks good in high-heels, make-up and the sexiest of girl-gear imaginable, who can also service--in full--the needs of my bulky, Black, bone-hard dick a few times each-and-every day, and I GUARANTEE that I will never...'go-out-for-a-beer (lol)!' Thanks for taking the time. Peace. Speck (Spectre46)

Published by Spectre46
11 years ago
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