My First Times
The spring of 1971 was a memorable year, it was the end of my senior year in high school, I had a girlfriend that just wanted me to take her out in the country to make out in secluded locations every chance we got and I felt like my days as a virgin were limited. It was the time of hippies, free love, the pill had liberated women, all known sexually transmitted diseases could cured with penicillin, and still I was an 18 year old virgin.
Lynn and I were rumored around the school to be a very sexually active couple, my friends would grin and ask me if sex with Lynn was good. When I would reply that we were not having sex, they would grin ear to ear and say "you lying fucker" and then begin to giggle. They believed I was trying to protect her honor when in reality I was telling the truth.
Now we were to blame as to why everyone was led to believe we were having sex on a regular basis. Lynn and I had been going out off and on for two years. We never went to a dance, we never went to an amusement park, we would rarely go to a party together but if we did we would leave a short while after we arrived. When we got together we would head to remote places in the country, and end up hidden on dirt lanes in corn fields, behind abandoned county homes, down dirt lanes through the woods and other isolated locations to make out. And when we would make out everything above the waist was free game. Our sessions would go for hours at a time. We would both get grounded for being out after curfew when we came in late. The first night we both were ungrounded we were out parking again making up for lost time.
The summer after we graduated we continued our make out sessions and I was trying even harder to get into Lynns pants. It was like she had super glue between the knees, I never even got a finger wet and the summer was over and she was heading out of state for college. I was still a virgin unless you can count the two times I lost control and came in my pants during one of our extremely hot sessions. In my teenage blues, I was totally unaware that the skills we had developed together would appreciated by all my future lovers.
A group of my classmates decided they were going to have a end of the summer bash at one of my classmates home. Their parents were out of town for a couple of weeks so we had the run of the house. Mass quanities of alcohol and pot were consumed and our host insisted that we all stay. She had us all go to a large upstairs room that had thick carpet and handed out blankets and quilts to everyone. People chose their area and I noticed an area open between a table and Joy. She was in the more popular group at school so we really had not socialized much except for the occasional group project assignment were we were in the same group.
When the lights went out it was very dark but I was noticing Joy was have trouble getting comfortable on the floor. I reached over and began rubbing and massaging her shoulders. She leaned into my massaging and seemed to be really enjoying it. We were both really stoned and the pot we had smoked made me feel speedy. After a while she rolled over and cuddled up with me and we kissed. I began kissing like Lynn and I used to do. She began cuddling closer and she raised a leg so my thigh could bury is self between hers. She was rocking to meet my thigh as I gently moved it back and forth. Everytime I tested the waters by moving my hand somewhere else I found it welcome. I unbuttoned her blouse and popped the clasp on her bra. Pushing the bra away exposed her very large breasts with small nipples. Once I started licking and sucking them she began moaning and pulling my head tighter to her breast. My right had went down to explore her pants and she did not object as my hand slid in over her pubic hair. I was suprised when she spread her legs wide apart giving me complete access. I shivered a bit as I lowered my hand between her legs. I had only seen vagina's in pictures and since I was born through cesearian section I had never felt one anytime in my life. As a finger slid between her pussy lips I felt wetness. After my finger was wet I began to make small circles around her swollen clit. Her breathing begins to increase and she has a small muted orgasm. She peels her pants and panties off and spreads her legs wide. Her vagina has me totally intreged. I turn around under the covers and place my right elbow between her legs and then begin to play with her pussy. As I slid my two middle fingers in I could not believe the feeling, so hot, so wet so slick, so tight, wow. I ended up with my middle two fingers in her and my thumb was on her clit. I had never heard of a G spot back then but I lucked into finger fucking her in such a way that I was stimulating the G Spot. When she came again it was intense, the contractions on my fingers were unbelievable, she gushed warm pussy juice on my hand and her back picked up off the floor and quivered.
Now this vagina thing has my full attention, it smells heavenly, it causes reactions more intense that the ones I exprience while jacking off and it is so much fun to play with. I begin licking her clit while my middle fingers rub that special place. She tastes so good. She is undoing my belt, unzipping my jeans and then slide them to my knees. As I lick her clit and and fuck her with my fingers she is jacking off my cock furiously. She comes 2 more times and then I begin cumming on her breasts. I turn around and she hugs me tighter than any woman had before and kissed me. Then she thanks me for making her feel so good. I felt good too, I had unloaded on her breast like only an 18 year old can. We lay there cuddled together feeling so good but it dawned on me I still hadn't technically lost my virginity. I thought to myself that Joy and I could get together again in the next day or two and we would solve my virginity problem.
I find Joy is tied up with packing for school and is gone before we could get together. It seems I was doomed to be the forever virgin. I packed to head to school also. I was going to a state school about 30 miles away.
After about a month into school I came home for the weekend. Most of my friends were either off at school or working. A younger girl that had adopted me as a big brother had moved in with a guy and she invited me to stop by their house and burn one. Liz was just a friend and when I got there her boy friend, a radio DJ was at work. She was there with an older girl that worked at the pizza place with her. Liz introduced her as Amanda. Amanda had long straight light brown hair, had a twinkle in her eye, she had a cute smile, had a shapely ass that her jeans accented and was wearing a loose flannel shirt. She appeared to have a nice pair of tits but the flannel shirt was obscuring the view.
We lit one up and proceed to get throughly stoned and Liz and I begin to play mind fuck games with each other, something we did everytime we got stoned together. Amanda watched and listen to our play and suddenly she looks directly in my eyes and says "Are you ready?". I look back at her with a puzzled look and say "Ready for What?". She looks and Liz and says "He is not ready." Liz looks back at Amanda and says "No, he is not ready." I now believe Amanda is into this mind fuck game and it looks like I am the target. We continue talking and listening to music and after a few more minutes Amanda looks me directly in my eyes and says "Are you ready?". I look back at her with a puzzled look and say "Ready for What?". She looks and Liz and says "He is not ready." Liz looks back at Amanda and says "No, he is not ready."
This continues several more times, the girls are giggling abit about my reaction. I am thinking to my self that this Amanda is really good at the mind fuck game and she was winning. She gets up and moves her chair half way between me and Liz, looks me in the eye and says, "Are you ready?". I look back at her with a puzzled look and say "Ready for What?". She looks and Liz and says "He is not ready." Liz looks back at Amanda and says "No, he is not ready." This time I am able to see her eyes better and it looks like lust in her eyes. I think to myself this woman is going to get me going and then drop me cold as part of her game. She repeats the question several more times and Liz is grinning from ear to ear as she replys "Hes not ready".
! am worried she is going to get me going and drop me. She moves her chair right next to mine and ask me if she can hold my hand. I cautiously aggree and I see liz grinning ear to ear which makes me even more nervious. Our hands lightly rub and squeeze the other and the sincation is nice. As she looks me directly in the eye, her eyes sparkle as she squeezes my hand tight and pops the question again. I take a deep breath to gain my composure and then I reply "Ready for what?". Her and Liz go through the whole speal again. Liz is giggly and looks like she can't wait for Amanda to say " I got you".
A few minutes later Amanda looks at me and ask me if she can set on my lap. Determined to not let her win I said yes. She sets sideways on my lap with her right arm behind my head and on my shoulders. My left hand ends up cupping her firm ass and she is holding my right hand in her left hand right above where her legs come together. Her long hair is rubbing up against my face and I can see has nice sized breast by the feel if
the one pressed against my chest. She smells so good and our eyes lock when we gaze at each other. I am trying to keep my cool but I suspect she can feel my fast heart beat. She wiggles her butt on my lap as she turns, stares me directly in the eye while face to face and once again says "Are you ready". I replied "Ready for what". Amanda looks at Liz and says "He's not ready".
Thinking she is going to get me even more nerious and add to this ultimate mind fuck of me, Liz pops up and says "Amanda has to go to bed with new friends before she can really get to know them, I had to go to bed with Amanda when we first met" while smiling ear to ear. When Amanda smiled like a cat that just ate a canary and began bouncing her head up and down in agreement I watched Liz's we have him now look go to the oh my god look. She gets up and looks confused, she stammers a bit and finally says "I don't know what's going on here but I am going to go up stairs and won't be back down. You two decide what you are going to do and you are welcome to use the spare bedroom behind the door next to you." She akwardly picks up a few things and heads throught the other door way and we hear her walking up the stairs.
We reajust abit and I find my lips moving slowly towards hers and we kiss gently. We begin lightly touch and kissing savoying the feel of the others body. We take our time like the make out sessions that I was use to participating in, ever so slowly escalating as we progressed. I ran my right hand over her left breast and begin to gently massage it. She stands up for a minute and sets back down straddling my thigh and our fore play becomes more intense. Our light kisses have turned to deep french kissing and we are also kissing each others ears and neck. We both are breathing rapidly and her pussy is rubbing my thigh rapidly as my hands on her butt help her along. Suddenly she stopped, pushed her head back abit, looked me directly in the eye and once again said " Are you ready". My cock was hard as a rock so I had to say " I am ready", She smiles and leans forward to givem me a big kiss and hug. She then stands up and extends her had to help me up. She holds my hand tightly as leads me to the spare bedroom.
In the small room is a twin sized waterbed. A small bathroom is on the far wall and Amanda excesses her self to the bathroom. I untie my hiking boots and kick them off. Whe she exits the bath I go in to take a leak. The angle my cock was standing made peeing difficult. When i get back to the bedroom I find Amanda lying on the bed, she had peeled the heavy flannel shirt and is lying there in her bra and jeans. I drop my shirt on the floor and laid down beside her. We begin to make out again and it is not long before I have removed her bra to expose a nice pair of firm breast with rock hard nipples. I quick switch from fondling her breast with my had to kissing, licking and sucking them with my mouth. Sucking her nipple makes her moan. She unfastened my belt , jeans buttom and fly and reaches for my cock straining at my tidy whities. She tells me to take off my jeans and then take hers off. I squirm out of mine and kick them to the floor. I undid hers and pulled them off her beautiful legs and piled them ontop of mine. She pulls me back up and we kiss again as my right hand explores her pink panties. She is so wet she had moistened the crouch so I slide my hand inside and down over her fine pubic hair. She had her hand in my underware and is rubbing my cock at the same time. My finger reaches the wettness and I begin to rub her clit with my wetted finger and shortly she arches her back and begins to moan and contract as I bring her to her first orgasm. When she had finished I knelt beside her to remove her panties and she dropped my underware to my knees. My cock was pointed up at a 10 or 11 oclock position. I started to bend down to go down on her and she said " No, I want you inside me". I asked if she had birth control and she said she was on the pill, I kicked off my underware and positioned my self between her legs. I was so scared/excited that I was shaking a little as she guided my cock into her wet love nest. I was about to no longer have the title virgin. The feeling on the head of my cock was like no other feeling I had ever enountered. A couple of small thrust later and I was all the way in. I was still shaking so I probably was like a live vibrator. I began to pump in and out of her and before too long she was cumming again. She damn near bucked me off as she came, the water bed had a recoil to it. Her pussy contracting on my cock almost made me lose control. After she had settled down I started pumping in and out of her again, my shaking had stopped but I could feel I was getting ready to cum. I tried to hold back until she had got of the second time but felt I had passed the point of no return. I felt the first load of cum heading out of me I rammed my cock to the hilt as a large stream of cum, the size and velocity that only an 18 can achieve splashes deep inside her. I pulled about half way out and I felt second contraction starting so I drove My cock back to the hilt as the second, slightly less powerful jet of cum hoses her cervix with my sperm filled cum. The second squirt caused Amanda to put my butt in a leg lock and caused her to begin to cum again. She held me deep and tight inside her until we both stopped cumming. I can feel the tip of my cock setting in a pool of my cum. She rolls her legs higher and I begin to slowly stir out love juices in her love full love pot. She came once again before my non-virgin cock relaxed and slid out of her. We kissed lightly and she said "Thank you, I really needed that. My boy friend has been out of town for several days and I had been so horny". I rolled off to the side and we cuddled for a few minutes. She then asked me what time it was, I responded 10:50 pm. She then said she was scheduled to work the mid-night shift at the local all night pancake house and asked if I had a car and if I could take her so she was not late. We threw on our clothes and headed across the street to her apartment. Once inside she stripped naked and ran around looking for her uniform and things she needed for her shower. We talked as she showered and dressed. Once she was dressed she grabbed me and gave me a hug and a kiss. She told me she would rather stay home and fuck me again but she said she needed the money so she had to go. we walked to my car and I drover her to the parking lot for the pancake house. She leaned over, gave me a big kiss and headed inside. That was the last time I saw Amanda but her memory lives on in my mind.
Lynn and I were rumored around the school to be a very sexually active couple, my friends would grin and ask me if sex with Lynn was good. When I would reply that we were not having sex, they would grin ear to ear and say "you lying fucker" and then begin to giggle. They believed I was trying to protect her honor when in reality I was telling the truth.
Now we were to blame as to why everyone was led to believe we were having sex on a regular basis. Lynn and I had been going out off and on for two years. We never went to a dance, we never went to an amusement park, we would rarely go to a party together but if we did we would leave a short while after we arrived. When we got together we would head to remote places in the country, and end up hidden on dirt lanes in corn fields, behind abandoned county homes, down dirt lanes through the woods and other isolated locations to make out. And when we would make out everything above the waist was free game. Our sessions would go for hours at a time. We would both get grounded for being out after curfew when we came in late. The first night we both were ungrounded we were out parking again making up for lost time.
The summer after we graduated we continued our make out sessions and I was trying even harder to get into Lynns pants. It was like she had super glue between the knees, I never even got a finger wet and the summer was over and she was heading out of state for college. I was still a virgin unless you can count the two times I lost control and came in my pants during one of our extremely hot sessions. In my teenage blues, I was totally unaware that the skills we had developed together would appreciated by all my future lovers.
A group of my classmates decided they were going to have a end of the summer bash at one of my classmates home. Their parents were out of town for a couple of weeks so we had the run of the house. Mass quanities of alcohol and pot were consumed and our host insisted that we all stay. She had us all go to a large upstairs room that had thick carpet and handed out blankets and quilts to everyone. People chose their area and I noticed an area open between a table and Joy. She was in the more popular group at school so we really had not socialized much except for the occasional group project assignment were we were in the same group.
When the lights went out it was very dark but I was noticing Joy was have trouble getting comfortable on the floor. I reached over and began rubbing and massaging her shoulders. She leaned into my massaging and seemed to be really enjoying it. We were both really stoned and the pot we had smoked made me feel speedy. After a while she rolled over and cuddled up with me and we kissed. I began kissing like Lynn and I used to do. She began cuddling closer and she raised a leg so my thigh could bury is self between hers. She was rocking to meet my thigh as I gently moved it back and forth. Everytime I tested the waters by moving my hand somewhere else I found it welcome. I unbuttoned her blouse and popped the clasp on her bra. Pushing the bra away exposed her very large breasts with small nipples. Once I started licking and sucking them she began moaning and pulling my head tighter to her breast. My right had went down to explore her pants and she did not object as my hand slid in over her pubic hair. I was suprised when she spread her legs wide apart giving me complete access. I shivered a bit as I lowered my hand between her legs. I had only seen vagina's in pictures and since I was born through cesearian section I had never felt one anytime in my life. As a finger slid between her pussy lips I felt wetness. After my finger was wet I began to make small circles around her swollen clit. Her breathing begins to increase and she has a small muted orgasm. She peels her pants and panties off and spreads her legs wide. Her vagina has me totally intreged. I turn around under the covers and place my right elbow between her legs and then begin to play with her pussy. As I slid my two middle fingers in I could not believe the feeling, so hot, so wet so slick, so tight, wow. I ended up with my middle two fingers in her and my thumb was on her clit. I had never heard of a G spot back then but I lucked into finger fucking her in such a way that I was stimulating the G Spot. When she came again it was intense, the contractions on my fingers were unbelievable, she gushed warm pussy juice on my hand and her back picked up off the floor and quivered.
Now this vagina thing has my full attention, it smells heavenly, it causes reactions more intense that the ones I exprience while jacking off and it is so much fun to play with. I begin licking her clit while my middle fingers rub that special place. She tastes so good. She is undoing my belt, unzipping my jeans and then slide them to my knees. As I lick her clit and and fuck her with my fingers she is jacking off my cock furiously. She comes 2 more times and then I begin cumming on her breasts. I turn around and she hugs me tighter than any woman had before and kissed me. Then she thanks me for making her feel so good. I felt good too, I had unloaded on her breast like only an 18 year old can. We lay there cuddled together feeling so good but it dawned on me I still hadn't technically lost my virginity. I thought to myself that Joy and I could get together again in the next day or two and we would solve my virginity problem.
I find Joy is tied up with packing for school and is gone before we could get together. It seems I was doomed to be the forever virgin. I packed to head to school also. I was going to a state school about 30 miles away.
After about a month into school I came home for the weekend. Most of my friends were either off at school or working. A younger girl that had adopted me as a big brother had moved in with a guy and she invited me to stop by their house and burn one. Liz was just a friend and when I got there her boy friend, a radio DJ was at work. She was there with an older girl that worked at the pizza place with her. Liz introduced her as Amanda. Amanda had long straight light brown hair, had a twinkle in her eye, she had a cute smile, had a shapely ass that her jeans accented and was wearing a loose flannel shirt. She appeared to have a nice pair of tits but the flannel shirt was obscuring the view.
We lit one up and proceed to get throughly stoned and Liz and I begin to play mind fuck games with each other, something we did everytime we got stoned together. Amanda watched and listen to our play and suddenly she looks directly in my eyes and says "Are you ready?". I look back at her with a puzzled look and say "Ready for What?". She looks and Liz and says "He is not ready." Liz looks back at Amanda and says "No, he is not ready." I now believe Amanda is into this mind fuck game and it looks like I am the target. We continue talking and listening to music and after a few more minutes Amanda looks me directly in my eyes and says "Are you ready?". I look back at her with a puzzled look and say "Ready for What?". She looks and Liz and says "He is not ready." Liz looks back at Amanda and says "No, he is not ready."
This continues several more times, the girls are giggling abit about my reaction. I am thinking to my self that this Amanda is really good at the mind fuck game and she was winning. She gets up and moves her chair half way between me and Liz, looks me in the eye and says, "Are you ready?". I look back at her with a puzzled look and say "Ready for What?". She looks and Liz and says "He is not ready." Liz looks back at Amanda and says "No, he is not ready." This time I am able to see her eyes better and it looks like lust in her eyes. I think to myself this woman is going to get me going and then drop me cold as part of her game. She repeats the question several more times and Liz is grinning from ear to ear as she replys "Hes not ready".
! am worried she is going to get me going and drop me. She moves her chair right next to mine and ask me if she can hold my hand. I cautiously aggree and I see liz grinning ear to ear which makes me even more nervious. Our hands lightly rub and squeeze the other and the sincation is nice. As she looks me directly in the eye, her eyes sparkle as she squeezes my hand tight and pops the question again. I take a deep breath to gain my composure and then I reply "Ready for what?". Her and Liz go through the whole speal again. Liz is giggly and looks like she can't wait for Amanda to say " I got you".
A few minutes later Amanda looks at me and ask me if she can set on my lap. Determined to not let her win I said yes. She sets sideways on my lap with her right arm behind my head and on my shoulders. My left hand ends up cupping her firm ass and she is holding my right hand in her left hand right above where her legs come together. Her long hair is rubbing up against my face and I can see has nice sized breast by the feel if
the one pressed against my chest. She smells so good and our eyes lock when we gaze at each other. I am trying to keep my cool but I suspect she can feel my fast heart beat. She wiggles her butt on my lap as she turns, stares me directly in the eye while face to face and once again says "Are you ready". I replied "Ready for what". Amanda looks at Liz and says "He's not ready".
Thinking she is going to get me even more nerious and add to this ultimate mind fuck of me, Liz pops up and says "Amanda has to go to bed with new friends before she can really get to know them, I had to go to bed with Amanda when we first met" while smiling ear to ear. When Amanda smiled like a cat that just ate a canary and began bouncing her head up and down in agreement I watched Liz's we have him now look go to the oh my god look. She gets up and looks confused, she stammers a bit and finally says "I don't know what's going on here but I am going to go up stairs and won't be back down. You two decide what you are going to do and you are welcome to use the spare bedroom behind the door next to you." She akwardly picks up a few things and heads throught the other door way and we hear her walking up the stairs.
We reajust abit and I find my lips moving slowly towards hers and we kiss gently. We begin lightly touch and kissing savoying the feel of the others body. We take our time like the make out sessions that I was use to participating in, ever so slowly escalating as we progressed. I ran my right hand over her left breast and begin to gently massage it. She stands up for a minute and sets back down straddling my thigh and our fore play becomes more intense. Our light kisses have turned to deep french kissing and we are also kissing each others ears and neck. We both are breathing rapidly and her pussy is rubbing my thigh rapidly as my hands on her butt help her along. Suddenly she stopped, pushed her head back abit, looked me directly in the eye and once again said " Are you ready". My cock was hard as a rock so I had to say " I am ready", She smiles and leans forward to givem me a big kiss and hug. She then stands up and extends her had to help me up. She holds my hand tightly as leads me to the spare bedroom.
In the small room is a twin sized waterbed. A small bathroom is on the far wall and Amanda excesses her self to the bathroom. I untie my hiking boots and kick them off. Whe she exits the bath I go in to take a leak. The angle my cock was standing made peeing difficult. When i get back to the bedroom I find Amanda lying on the bed, she had peeled the heavy flannel shirt and is lying there in her bra and jeans. I drop my shirt on the floor and laid down beside her. We begin to make out again and it is not long before I have removed her bra to expose a nice pair of firm breast with rock hard nipples. I quick switch from fondling her breast with my had to kissing, licking and sucking them with my mouth. Sucking her nipple makes her moan. She unfastened my belt , jeans buttom and fly and reaches for my cock straining at my tidy whities. She tells me to take off my jeans and then take hers off. I squirm out of mine and kick them to the floor. I undid hers and pulled them off her beautiful legs and piled them ontop of mine. She pulls me back up and we kiss again as my right hand explores her pink panties. She is so wet she had moistened the crouch so I slide my hand inside and down over her fine pubic hair. She had her hand in my underware and is rubbing my cock at the same time. My finger reaches the wettness and I begin to rub her clit with my wetted finger and shortly she arches her back and begins to moan and contract as I bring her to her first orgasm. When she had finished I knelt beside her to remove her panties and she dropped my underware to my knees. My cock was pointed up at a 10 or 11 oclock position. I started to bend down to go down on her and she said " No, I want you inside me". I asked if she had birth control and she said she was on the pill, I kicked off my underware and positioned my self between her legs. I was so scared/excited that I was shaking a little as she guided my cock into her wet love nest. I was about to no longer have the title virgin. The feeling on the head of my cock was like no other feeling I had ever enountered. A couple of small thrust later and I was all the way in. I was still shaking so I probably was like a live vibrator. I began to pump in and out of her and before too long she was cumming again. She damn near bucked me off as she came, the water bed had a recoil to it. Her pussy contracting on my cock almost made me lose control. After she had settled down I started pumping in and out of her again, my shaking had stopped but I could feel I was getting ready to cum. I tried to hold back until she had got of the second time but felt I had passed the point of no return. I felt the first load of cum heading out of me I rammed my cock to the hilt as a large stream of cum, the size and velocity that only an 18 can achieve splashes deep inside her. I pulled about half way out and I felt second contraction starting so I drove My cock back to the hilt as the second, slightly less powerful jet of cum hoses her cervix with my sperm filled cum. The second squirt caused Amanda to put my butt in a leg lock and caused her to begin to cum again. She held me deep and tight inside her until we both stopped cumming. I can feel the tip of my cock setting in a pool of my cum. She rolls her legs higher and I begin to slowly stir out love juices in her love full love pot. She came once again before my non-virgin cock relaxed and slid out of her. We kissed lightly and she said "Thank you, I really needed that. My boy friend has been out of town for several days and I had been so horny". I rolled off to the side and we cuddled for a few minutes. She then asked me what time it was, I responded 10:50 pm. She then said she was scheduled to work the mid-night shift at the local all night pancake house and asked if I had a car and if I could take her so she was not late. We threw on our clothes and headed across the street to her apartment. Once inside she stripped naked and ran around looking for her uniform and things she needed for her shower. We talked as she showered and dressed. Once she was dressed she grabbed me and gave me a hug and a kiss. She told me she would rather stay home and fuck me again but she said she needed the money so she had to go. we walked to my car and I drover her to the parking lot for the pancake house. She leaned over, gave me a big kiss and headed inside. That was the last time I saw Amanda but her memory lives on in my mind.
11 years ago