Long Distance Relationships & Love Found

Long Distance Relationships and A Lesson In The Love Found There

Read this today, and it was exactly what I needed. So this is posted for You, my Gentle Heart.

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"Being in a long distance relationship sucks. Let’s be real, it does. Sometimes, it downright blows. It’s hard on the heart and mind. It requires a lot of work.

It also requires a connection. Something fundamental must draw those two people together; so much so that the suckiness I mentioned above is just a minute detail. Connection doesn’t happen often… maybe even only a few times in your lifetime. Don’t pass it up.

When you love someone, you love them. You can’t explain it, you just feel it. You don’t know why, you just do. Simple as that. Love doesn’t know borders, it doesn’t know geography, it doesn’t know distance.

Love is love… is love.

If you love someone—near or far—love the shit out of that person. Give them all the right reasons to love you back. Give them your all, let them do the same. Everyone says age is just a number, well, miles are just a number, too.

Love will prevail if it’s meant to be. Even though you might miss the person—hell, you might even be angry that you can’t be with them—never lose sight of why it’s worth it. And if it’s worth it, keep going. Let go if it isn’t.

Distance is such a small concept; Love is a huge one. Love helps you grow, it shows you what you’re made of. Let love overcome the distance. Just have faith."

Unknown Author

Published by kuntsusan
11 years ago
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wizerone 8 years ago
love the statement....
MarkAnon7007 9 years ago
I know only too well...
wizerone 11 years ago
beautifully and simply spoken by one I love....:smile:
MasterPerv 11 years ago
"They" say it's impossible...and somehow it does seem improbable...but for those who have experienced "it"....can only say Wow...this is so true!
It really only sucks...though...if it's an affair and one partner is married the other not.
Or both partners are married and divorce is not an option.
I imagine if both partners are single...then there's always hope of physically getting together!
Hope is life...hope is strength...hope fuels desire...when you have to let go..."It Sucks" and hurts like hell!!
BUT....with all that said....Love is awesome and is a drug and it's addictive...it's a reason to look forward to the next day... and when you find that someone that when you're with them ....hours seem to vanish and time disappears....like you said....Love them for all your worth...say it, show it...cause when it's gone....you'll regret not having one more minute...one more kiss....one more talk...
I'm glad I saw this...it made me remember!
MorePeter 11 years ago
I have had a number of LDR's and it sucks. Or in fact it doesn't suck because she is to far away to suck. But then again I can imagine her lips on me when I chat with her. When I have her on the phone. Just the mere fact of seeing her name pop up on my screen makes my heart jump.
margiehank 11 years ago
You may have a dirty mind, which is fun and fine but what is nice is that you have a nice loving heart, the best of both worlds:smile: