"Unconditional Love"

The below is shared as it spoke to me – loudly. Georgia so eloquently expresses my thoughts on Love. I feel strongly that there is only Love when it is Unconditional.
Many thanks to you Georgia, I appreciate your sharing this with us and for giving permission for me to pass it on.

Unconditional Love
We hear this bandied about, often by our parents. But we all know we choose a lifestyle that makes those around us question and judge us. Add into the mix subjects of sexuality, poly and gender identity and suddenly that unconditional love vanishes.
With yet another of us being judged harshly it made me sit and think what unconditional love means to me. I share my thoughts with you:
Unconditional love and what it means to me.

Unconditional love is about empowering someone to be all THEY want to be and not to limit someone based on our own fears.

Unconditional love has no barriers, boundaries, limits, caveats, clauses, it just is.

Unconditional love is about learning about a person, learning to accept them for all of whom they are, even all their faults and imperfections.

Unconditional love allows us to acknowledge someone's faults and still love them regardless

Unconditional love is about tolerance and understanding.

Unconditional love is not about trying to make someone be who we think they are or should be.

Unconditional love is for us to love another for the person they are.

Unconditional love will be tested, time and time again.

Unconditional love is about how we deal with these tests.

Unconditional love should never be used as a weapon to control someone.

Unconditional love is about empowering someone to be all THEY want to be and not to limit someone based on our own fears.

Unconditional love has no barriers, boundaries, limits, caveats, clauses,

Unconditional love just is........................................

– Georgia_63, Australia
Published by lxccooper
11 years ago
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