Masturbation Questions for women and men
Masturbation Questions for women and men. Past year I have been masturbating a lot more at work in my office in private. My wife and I have a good sex life it's mostly for a quick stress relief for myself during the work day of 12 to even 15 hours days. My wife and I are work together so while my wife is supervising employees or working with customers and she's not in the office I'll take a break go to our office, I'll go online watch some porn and jerk off alone. She now has notice all the napkins I use and figured out that I have been masturbating. It doesn't bother her at all she laughs about it, the only thing she may get mad at if I leave the napkins on the floor LOL. I would enjoy her watching me jerk off so I asked her to watch me jerk off and cum she said watching me would make her uncomfortable she couldn't do it. When my wife and I are having sex during our foreplay I will play with myself, we'll masturbate each other and she has used a dildo on herself while I watch,, so I don't know what the big deal is. I know men enjoy watching women masturbate so My questions are....
To the women would you enjoy watching your man masturbate and cum in front of you?
To the Men would you enjoy your woman watching you?
Do you enjoy watching someone of the same sex masturbate?
To the women would you enjoy watching your man masturbate and cum in front of you?
To the Men would you enjoy your woman watching you?
Do you enjoy watching someone of the same sex masturbate?
11 years ago
I would not mind the wife watching but I know she wouldn't
Do you enjoy watching someone of the same sex masturbate?
If done artfully. Not really interested watching someone try to rub a blister on it.
As a youngster I had a few friends that were jerk buddies. Suck & fuck too.A few stories on my page about it.
If interested, I can give you the links.