The Easter Rising of 1916 is such a significant day in Irish history as it was 'THE' major step towards Irish freedom & the end of 800 years of tyranny.
The United States have 'Independence Day' to mark their freedom from tyranny.
The Australians have 'Australia Day' to celebrate their freedom from tyranny.
All celebrating freedom from the brits....
Published by apoolfan
11 years ago
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toshare7 9 years ago
Doesn't seem porn related
Lapnman39 10 years ago
Now we the Americans have Obama or what ever the hell he calls him self and if the people of America does not wise up we will lose the freedom we already are with all the damn laws they keep passing taking them away one at a time. and we still have the Brits in control of America this is just a Brit company.. getting way to many corrupt Dumbass Dick heads in the offices of the state Dept's. if they keep going they will get the civil war they want here.
apoolfan Publisher 11 years ago
not really sure what you mean !!!!
kozmik 11 years ago
Ur all happy-just have brits to solve n we have freedom just a bit more than 20years