Yvette in Social Media Land or Why Are Most Transe

First off, a caveat, I have a mild case of dyslexia and it makes proofing a bit erratic
 so if a word is missing now and then, its my genes. And if I ramble off in one direction don’t worry I will wander back (LOL)!

In February 2013 I stumbled into the world social media and friending on xHamster. It turned out it was quite addictive and interesting. I am a total neophyte in these cyber worlds. So please help me out, especially with the jargon.

Now I restricted myself to the xHamster transsexuals category – since there was no category for crossdressers. So my observations are limited to that niche of universe. Later, I discovered there were a significant number of crossdressers that used the men category rather then transsexual. Otherwise to my mind both groups seemed the same, just one group of men did not like/prefer/accept the term transsexual.

Here some observations and some questions, I would like to hear from others.

First, what is it with the white paper plates as IDs in verification photos? What I am I missing? The jargon on the profiles escapes me also
 pimps sluts etc etc

Second, most of the profiles in transsexual category aren’t! About 95-98% are crossdressers. Almost all are white, middle aged, educated and pretty normal looking trannies. There are very few really nut cases, although some of those German trannies are scary to poor little Yvette.

Third, men wearing women’s cloths in public is still a social taboo in most societies, so we have more than our share of headless trannies.

Fourth, I became fascinated by how we all talk about our crossdressing in our profiles
 especially what I call the “cooing”.

Since women’s clothing is a fetish for most of us, we almost always coo about dressing up and how the clothing feels on our bodies. Why not? The clothes and the act of dressing up are a buzz and a rush for most of us. Some other observations.

One of the first distinctions gurls make in their profiles is about “men”. Some gurls want nothing to do with males/men and say so. They tend to be sweet and mostly bi curious if they express any sexual sentiment. It seems to me that about half or more of these profiles fall into that category.

And there is the converse, gurls who are attracted to men. It is my impression that out and out gay crossdressers are about 1/3rd of the profiles I looked at. Among them there is profound proclivity to lust after BBC.

Some crossdressers disparage and demean their fem persona – they call themselves sluts, worthless, etc etc. Again it is my impression, that these gurls a minority. Most appear to be interested only in men. Humiliation as a way of life escapes naïve little Yvette.

Last, there are some truly beautiful people on xHamster... some are quite elegant and tasteful, especially some of the French and Italian gurls.

As a senior citizen who was in the closet for years I find the young crossdressers particularly refreshing. Talk about attitude!

I paid little attention to men or couples. I did befriend a few lesbians that I found refreshing. In fact, I find their love scenes more to my taste, than the wham, bam, thank you mam shemale videos.

What I found illumining was how your “sixth sense” develops as you get more and more experience inspecting a gurl’s profile. I looked at three elements, their particulars (location etc) and whether they wrote about fem selves; second, who they befriended; and did they have pictures posted of their fem selves.

Profile details seemed to fall into intuitive and logical patterns. When things did not seem right or something was “wrong” you know the whole profile was a fake. (And there are goodly number of fakes
 mostly male males trying to masquerade as a tranny.)

Now most cross dressers are enormously narassitic about themselves dressed. So even in the “not passable” profiles with their headless photos it was always fun to see how they presented their fem persona. There are some really great photo sequences on xHamster, and we no doubt would differ depending are peculiar preferences. (I love chic, classy and sensual while others may like the slut or bimbo. There is something on xHamster for everyone.) My impression is that about half the sites had no personal pictures or an odd mix of favorite photos.

Who a gurl befriends is also a revelation of the gurl’s personality. What is the predominate category befriended? Men, fems, trannies, girls, couples etc?

Well “birds of a feather” friend each other. Old gurls with old gurls. Pantyhose with pantyhose. People from Texas with people from Texas and so on.

Some friending addicts, like myself trolling for cute and chic gurls, amass a 1000 or so friends while others friend only a few hundred. I found myself going back to those gurls with a few friends. Others have such Ă©lan and verve their personalities leap off the screen
 I literally always wanted to see where they were today on the site.

Further, there is a clique of regulars, people who always show up on the most profiles; after awhile they got to be “old friends” and a I sometimes wondered do these people ever sleep?

As for the videos, I curiously find them the least satisfying part of the friending process. Maybe it’s my age, its not that I have seen it all, it’s that most videos, even the most explicit and lurid are clichĂ©d and redundant.

There are only so many narassitic masturbation scenes one can suffer through; just as the guys with a shemale videos are very predictable; and those eastern European videos are appalling. As you can see on my profile I have found less than 10 videos that I sort of like. (I know a lot of that is due to our personal preferences.)

Now just like you, I have my favorite gurls and I love to see them pop up in the “My News” section. Still this is social media, not a real meeting nor even a phone call. So one should keep a sense of perspective in all this
 this is our secret selves made “somewhat public” and there is the rush of risk and seeing how much others will reveal about themselves. That keeps our hormones flowing.

Last, I stayed away from the live cam shows and other “social” activities. While my experience is limited, I found the rare encounter with men a melancholy experience, since most seemed lonely and lacking in basic social skills to engage in any interaction. In sense some of the gurls might be just as isolated and lonely – it is called “being in the closet” for a reason – but still we have are fem selves to savor 
 usually that’s a lot fun, along with a little hormonal rush.

Overall it was a fun experience. I shall soon go into withdrawal, got to get some work done. Send me a note telling me what you think.

Published by Yvette_faux
11 years ago
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tatianatakme1 9 years ago
LOL I may be introverted but not Flaky :smile: I used to have fun being on line then I met my future wife (she knows everything). But really once the make-up is done and the dress is on, there is a total change in the mindset and what a "gurl" might just do! :smile:
heather_mackenzie 9 years ago
I wouldn't try to compare XHamster to anything that exists in the real world. Online crossdressers tend to be introverted (and flaky, in my experience). You really have to get out and mingle with your own kind to get properly socialized.
EricaCallas 11 years ago
Your text was one of the best and interesting texts for years on any sex/T-girl related sites. It really made me recognise many details about this social media that were there "almost oobvious" for all to see, but reading a text and someone other T-girl making same observations and maybe with a bit wider lens that would`f come to my mind, this all was like a injection of visdom, hih!
MichelleFaye 11 years ago
Yvette, that was a very nice blog, we stated and intelligent, IMHO. I rarely read these long ones as they are so redundant. Yours was interesting, thanks for sharing. Bit now I wonder what category of "gurl" do you put me in? LOL, hugs, M.
ritacdncal 11 years ago
Very astute observations, Yvette!
Hello Yvette (a french name !) and excuse me for my poor english... I just want to share my thoughts about crossdressing and trannies I am observing since quite a long time. In deed, I think that CD and TV create their "ideal woman", the woman they dream of and are desperatly seeking. They are not totaly a woman, they are living with the woman they have created for themselves, temporary. I think CD and TV aren't homosexual at all, but really heterosexual. they don't really love men and that's why most of them are looking for other CD, or are excited by lesbian movies, like you. When they look for men to be fucked, that's not for a fuck between men but to confirm that the woman they have created is as much perfect as they want, to see her being fucked by a man. In a sense, it's to make this woman totaly female. I think that CD don't accept that a woman can be unperfect, wearing ordinary clothes and most of the time with the mind far from sex ideas... I think the porn culture made them thinking women are open but the reality is violent to their lust : women aren't open, less and less. And CD don't accept that easily... The solution, like for gays, is to have sex with open persons. But the only way to stay straight, that's means to have sex with an exciting female without going with a whore (and most of the whores aren't more open that ordinary women) is to create this exciting woman.

cdcraver 11 years ago
Really enjoyed reading you insight. I agree with a great majority of what you've written. I know how much joy and fun I have when I crossdress. It's a harmless fetish I have enjoyed all of my life. I'm a lucky guy, my wife enjoys me dressing and we always have wonderful sex when I'm dressed. I love seeing crossdresser's and would love to play with another crossdresser before I leave this earth. Crossdresser's are the hottest being on the planet in my opinion. It's an amazing thrill for me!