
Hruscheba in небольшом provincial city. The Husband-таксист, his(its) wife and two new familiar visitor client from capital. The Husband in elated mood - carried their whole day (more exactly mostly stood and waited). But have paid - for week seldom so much зашибал.

The Saws studiously. Naturally talks. The Anecdotes, for life, poverty, privatization, bitch-Elicin. The Roads, certainly. Here is beside you in Moscow But here, бля Well you have understood. The Wife modest, pretty woman of the years 35, after several liquor-glasses, gradually got accustomed to new guest, раскрепостилась. The Laughter louder, peephole fire an occasional shot.

Senior from guests several times accidentally placed the landlady under table hand on hip. Delaying her(it) on him all long. She immediately fell silent and reddened - probably, did not know, what react. Provincial education? Scrupled? The Scandal did not want? Though, certainly, could immediately firmly, but invisibly hand this under table to take away. And all became clear.

The Muzhiks gradually rally. The Husband quicker. The Build somewhat less, and guests already, unlike it, притормаживают. To nights he in zero. The General effort has pulled aside in sleeping. Returned to continue.

Atmosphere immediately changed. The Funs become солонее. She is dared, but probably, mildly feels nervous. They look at it otherwise colder and пристальнее. Already do not address on You , madam , голубушка or Tatiyana .

- Tani, водички налей. That so far? Sit here, поближе. Yes sit, sit. Here is so, рядышком. Well, flinched? For landlady. Neeee bottoms up, bottoms up.
The Hand senior lies her on hip.
- Else on one? Well, tell;narrate, as you here live?
Younger will get up, fills vodka. Back does not sit avoids her(it) behind and places the hands on shoulder. Spuskaet with shoulder robe together with strip of the underbodice. One hand compresses the nacked shoulder, the second grits the bosom under underbodice, begins her(its) rumple. The Hand senior already in panties.
- So the boys that you no need
Sounds quietly and timidly. And attempts two their own hands to take away four hands of the muzhiks малоубедительны.
- Well quietly, quietly. That you as the first once to be married.
- A Boys......I he did not change please
- But he you? Well? Nechego to say? How much years to be married? 14? And that, so and will be on one хую whole life to sit? But he can its put where wants? It Be Weakened. But that truth will wake.
Younger bends over to it through shoulder, for chin turns her(its) person to itself and впивается in lips. The Second hand continues to compress one bosom. Senior one hand fondles the teat other her(its) bosom. The Second in coward draws apart her thighs. The Finger lies between sponge, draws apart them and begins to move, sometimes slipping inside already humid vagina.
- A Legs раздвинь. Poshire Here is so, clever person
- the boys I so shame on you he проснется
- Schaz. Where he проснется.......Встань-ка. Let's the panties remove The Underbodice with it сними. Here is so. The Splendid bosom. give I them too
- Yes beside it and задница excellent.
- Ugu
- the boys
- Go here. Well-ka, what you beautiful? show Drumsticks. The Robe broader. No, from below. Broader, broader, before belt. The Clever person.
- Not, well splendid wench. And legs, and back, and bosom
- And not dialects. The Drumsticks раздвинь. You wet already? give-Ka me .. She already quite wet, прикинь. The Clever person.
- Yes? give Ya. Exactly.

- Not painfully?
- no
- If painfully we shall do say
- yes
- Te6e likes, when hand?
- Well? I, in my opinion, question has assigned.
- yes
- That - yes?
- likes
- Well. You her while пизденку поласкай, but I задницей and bosom to concern with.

- You language likes?
- no do not know
- No or do not know?
- do not know I did not try never.
- Did Not lick nor reek!? The Fig se. Tin plate. So, leave her(it) and shovel all with table.
- Ok. She sails already quite. As девочка straight (HA).
- See. But this- zh well, yes? (HA-HA)
- A Rug to beds.
- Why?
- A Table slithers. And coldly her will.

- Lie. Zadnicu closer to краю. So. The Drumsticks too on table put. On edge. Razdvini listen;hear, She sweet.
- Yes well?
- try. Well as?
- exactly

- Devochke likes?
- yes
- listen;hear, She finishes! Quietly, quietly девочка The Husband here even so.

- Well that, continue the talk? Or will repose?
- yes please little
- Clear - little. We too to want. As you your ебQт?
- I have asked.
- the boys please shame on you no need
- Since?
- usually
- On back?
- yes
- A Drumsticks задирает?
- no
- Doggy style puts?
- no now no earlier
- In vain. But you most what likes?
- on any
- A Language liked?
- yes
- Else want?
- Well?
- yes
- A Clever person. But as you else like?
- overhand but I nearly did not try
- Will Today try. Go to me. The Belly on table. So. give I твою pussy cat else поласкаю The Pancake......, no, can not more give вставлю Razdvini So well?
- yes yes
- You where her to finish will?
- In mouth first. But that with перепою and перестою замучается afterwards suckle.
- Sensibly Well, девочка, well finish, finish the clever person it be weakened. The Uncle поебет you else, well? Like, when I nearly whole take out?
- yes yes please can not .немного
- Mozheshi, можешь. You pleasantly that you like? And задница, and bosom the whole. Likes, when ебут? So, well, well, finish well
- but yes the boys
- Pizdec wench. In general nothing no need to do itself finishes, as заведенная!
- Huya se. This we nothing do not do? You gave her in mouth while, but that I счаз finish.
- the boys no need I never even beside husband
- A Mouth will open.
- please!......
- So, nanny goat. Has Said But dialects B. You think, husband is pleased, when will hear that you in mouth has not taken after here nacked doggy style finished?
- A Boys! You The Boys, you will not say nobody He will kill me please
- With what you has taken that we shall say whomever? Why? You obedient девочка?
- Well?
- obedient yes well I not wit
- Shall Teach. The Main with pleasure do and studiously. Will Open. Here is so, well deeper deeper the clever person She beside you will have time to to finish once again?
- Do Not know but you not засовывай in mouth too deeply it is necessary потренировать бля I itself here is-here is well, девочка, well .кончай!

Time was begin second. The Whole night ahead of.

No if you persist, possible and further......... icon_rolleyes.gif

We Continue the talk? icon_rolleyes.gif

Several times deeply засаживая, has finished. Vydohnul.
- For-shi-fight. Uf. As she? It Tries?
- Ugu. But sails. She already after all times 4 has finished? So, девочка. Let's, tear with table. Where, where! Izo рта not VWVtake out;4)take. The Belly with side tear. So. On коленочки will get up. continue.

Senior has rinsed the member on sink, fastened. Zakuril. Observes. With interest.
Younger one hand moves her(its) head. The Second покручивает the teat and rumples the bosom.
- Well, well, well let's lower;omit Hands, not to abut against. Well, so, so, so
- .мммм
- That?
- has tired the mouth
- Otdohni. Let's the lug. The Egg lick Here is so so Now language in top. From яиц. So. The Head by language not touch. Once again. Else. So Between legs. Yes from яиц to spectacles mmmm yes yes Vozimi in mouth.
Senior, затушив cigarette, approaches behind. Mildly stooped. One hand rumples the bosom, the other compresses the buttock Lowers the hand with задницы, sticks between legs. The Pair short light spanking on inner face бедер - obediently draws apart the legs.
- Else broader. I помогу little.

Rumples the пизденку. The Finger slithers between sponge, inside. Once again, once again. Takes out his(its) wet, slowly inserts in задницу. Moves in her all deeper and deeper, before the end.
- мммммм ouch no need ..не it is necessary there
- In mouth возьми!
- Can, you засадишь her? But that jaw is ed. Afterwards in mouth finish.
- Orderly, orderly. I already
Takes her(it) for head both hand.
- ммммм ммммм
- (hoarsely) Let's, let's The Hands lower;omit!........GOD FORBID although drop will drop......


Cost(stand)s lost. Tries to correct халатик, закрученный around waistline.
- All. In shower and sleep. We here приберем themselves.
Catches the bra, panties and slips out. Vdogonku gets the slap on prist.

- Was Written?
- Has Noticed?
- But that-zh.
- Must was. We shall Look?
- But sense? Unless it was written shall ask to repeat an encore?
- Gy.
- You better here is that I here itself finish;r)end;terminate, but you let's in room put. The Forshortening there, light that was enough. The Pancake, in that place memories most certainly did not remain . Can, with ноута write?
- Beside me clean there is. We Shall her(it) else?
- Without fall.

- Has Put(deliver)ed?
- Both and camera and whine.
- About! The Gavel. I have not thought.
- listen;hear ..Here is, this her(its) meekness winds so.
- But that. Exactly her(its) shyness and submissiveness so wind. If she from cowards became выпрыгивать as soon as muzhik was chopped down, quite not that was. Well fired on reek, and all deal.
- Me her(it) even somehow ..приласкать that, want.
- Nor-nor! Not even вздумай. She presently gets exactly that wants. That her it is necessary.
- Think?
- Certain.
- A Splendid wife must be. Sexual and obedient. With such temperament, but husband does not change.
- Itself-that has understood that счаз has said?
- Gy.


- Shall Tell her about record?
- Why?
- Nuuuu ..прижать quite.
- Yes, on my, she and so.
- But if intimate that in инете выложим
- (with interest looks) But you are going to выложить?
- But that? Us заретушировать
- Well here is what you хуйню-that carries? Even I not such bastard. But you even more.

- O key. include;switch on;list And callNname her(it).

Time полтретьего. How much whole possible have time to! icon_rolleyes.gif

She, probably, as well as not заснула hardly he has opened the door, raised oneself slightly on hand and in whisper, a little afraid: that? . Mahnul hand, practically not lowerring voice: Go here . Turned round, отошQл.
Has Slid down with beds, has barefoot darted out in room. Has Then and there closed the door for itself.
- a boys, quietly wake .
- That this on you?
- .ночнушка .
- remove;f, remove;f. Nifiga is not seen.
Removes through head. One sits on sofa, other cost(stand)s beside table with ноутбуком. A Certain time silently on she looks. Both all else dress;clad in for a suit trousers and chemise. From this feels itself else more nacked. If such possible.

- Took a nap?
- no .
- Why?
- I have thought you again for me shall come
- It is Correct has thought. But this not cause not to sleep.
Approaches to her. Withdrews from hand nightshirt, throws on floor. Compresses the waistline. The Hand downwards, on hip. Afterwards bosom and between thigh. For попку. Rumples and presses to itself. One hand rises on back, compresses the neck behind. Kisses in lips, all сильнее запрокидывая her(it) back. One hand that compresses the задницу, that is stuck between legs frontal or behind.
Comes off.
- Let's so. When I you between legs take, you their immediately draw apart. That without reminders. Well?
- well
- Go to us.
For hand leads to sofa, begins to get undressed. The Second already in one coward.

For hand attracts her(it) to itself.
- Lie here, between you and me. The Drumsticks пошире. Us two that each was got.

Fondle long. In my opinion, so взбитые cream eat. When their much and hurry nowhere. Twirl, are changed by places. Someone one constantly fondles the пизденку hand or language. The Second for this time is got all rest. Ditto not little.
When insert the finger in задницу only quietly всхлипывает nothing do not speak, does not protest.
She wet. The Eye close, color, дышит uneven. The Sponge has bitten that not to moan?
Now and then give in mouth. But do not tense, gradually and not deeply. Sometimes insert. But slowly and not for long that has not finished. Several motions and take out. She even so begins quietly постанывать. So well that already to spit проснется the husband or no?

- Your often you ебет?
- well boys
- Seriously.
- no
- Once at week?
- no
- A Month?
- no
- Well when he you трахал last? Polgoda back?
- ..нет ..больше
- A Fig to itself. So so was hungry?
- yes no I always such was
- And do not walk from muzhik!?
- sworn but as?.....beside us here all each other know immediately, the talks will go.
- Poor девочка. Go to me. You wanted overhand? Go.
She conservatively sits on it horseback. (It is impossible this do conservatively? I ditto so thought. Until has seen.)
- Podnimi попочку.
One hand enters him(it) in пизденку. Embraces the waistline a hand, pins.
- Move ditto.
Abuts against the hand to him in bosom. The Head is biased, hairs close the person. Moves. Nearly immediately begins постанывать.
- Well, well .глубже.
The Second behind takes her(it) for bosom. One hand takes away the hairs with person, holds at lip else wet finger. Draws apart him lips and зубки.
- Oblizhi.
Licks, a little приподняв head. The Finger concerns her(its) language, gums, holds at зубкам. She (instinctive?) begins to suck him(it), as member.

Neatly enters the finger in задницу.
- (in whisper) no .
- Quietly, девочка, quietly.
- Podozhdi. Beside me in beautcian vial - black such. Lyubrikant. Smazhi. Devochka gentile, попка узенькая. You after all did not give birth? Beside you and пизденка узенькая, as beside девочки.
- the boys .

For neck presses her(it) to bosom.
- Lyag on me quite. And попку to him substitute.
Inserts carefully (tenderly?). But don't care only enters moan.
- the boys .
- You painfully?
- no the feeling strange .
- Well.
Ebet, gradually all quicker and агрессивнее, compressing that waistline, that задницу.

From what she стонет?

She haves time to to finish two times, before that, as he has ed her in задницу. Oykaet.
- the boys become deserted I it is necessary
It Is Caught and races in shower.
- Ma-harmony-cy.
- But you has not finished?
- Aha, счаз. You are a kilogram 90?. And she not fifty kopecks less. A little, нах, the whole has not finished.
- Gy. She liked?
- On my. But presently with shame to blaze will, here is see.

Have Not seen. Returned, head omitted, person locked hair.
- Go to me. I ditto.
Now puts her(it) on back. Zadrav drumsticks to head, ебет greedily, as a****l.


Awoke late. Have Lunched. They Were Ed on hangover (the lad for type). They Were Cured, accordingly. She feels nervous lunges, giggles not впопад. The Eye stray that? Eeeeee, девочка . So it is impossible. We that you do not сдадим. But here is itself можешь пропалиться in light.

But gradually quiets down. They behave, as yesterday. On you . Madam , Tatiyana .
- Tanya, but what size beside You?
- What? (hi-hi)
- A Legs, madam, legs! (ha-ha)
- 37-y.
- Fine. I yesterday...систре for day рожденья loafers has bought. With size has пролетел beside it 38., as minimum. Here is, try.

The Loafers really splendid.
- Ouch, well that You
- Not, muzhiks, truth. All, yesterday orderly paid. Why such gift?
- So. First, this yesterday we beside you clients were. But today guests, seems? I not rights? Secondly. Priperlisi unacquainted muzhiks. Naelisi, drank once fill on caddish. The Midnight to sleep their own talk did not give. But afterwards she before morning, probably, took away here for us. (In mirror sees the expression of her(its) person, eye extended from terror. No, even so I bastard decent.). Not to thank for this landlady squalor. So? Here is and try.

The Loafers sit as infused. The Legs in they become absolutely irresistible.
- (all else смущаясь, but is seen that much like) I simply do not know ..Well such expensive gift .
(Else. When will hear, how much cost(stand) you woman, and will most certainly want to hear then exactly охуеешь).
- Tanya, we you big are obliged. (Exactly - a bastard). Do Not force itself to persuade. Simply awkwardly even.

When bade;bid farewell kissed in cheek. Mildly having concerned corner of the lips. And lung, instant touch lug.
Such thanks road cost(stand)s.
Here is only - for that thanked?
Published by piter736
11 years ago
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