Alexandra's Story

Alexandra was an xHamster member who used the profile name honeypuss. I met her quite by accident: I believe we both commented on someone's story. I discovered that she was also a writer of erotic stories, as am I, and I sent her a PM. We quickly bonded, and we corresponded several times every day after that.

Besides the excellent stories she wrote (most of them were true life stories of her own experiences) I learned that she had been born with many serious physical ailments, including heart problems and other internal problems, plus she was crippled from the waist down and was wheelchair bound. In addition, her mother was killed in a car accident when Alexandra was only 6 months old, leaving her father to care for her. Over the years, she endured countless operations, as her body grew. She was in constant pain.

Despite all that, she was very stubborn and headstrong, and she refused to sit by and do nothing. She managed to get a college degree, and she landed a good job as a logistics specialist, which she loved. She also had a special car that she could drive using hand controls, so she got around just fine. When her father and doctors suggested she go on disability, she dismissed the idea, saying disability was for people who couldn't work. She backed up her words by getting a good job that she excelled at.

When she was born, the doctors gave her only months to live, but she kept defying the odds, and willed herself to keep living. When I met her here on xHamster, she was 34 years old and thriving. I was fascinated with her life story, and I supplemented my knowledge that she willingly shared of her life by reading her erotic stories. She was quite in tune with her sexuality, and wasn't afraid to share her experiences, both the good and the bad.

I got to know her quite well in very little time: only five days total. On the fifth day, she wrote and told me that she didn't wake up as usual that morning, and her father couldn't revive her either. He rushed her to the hospital where they brought her around, and did a bunch of tests on her. She needed heart surgery for the fifth time in her life. She kept me informed that evening from her hospital bed. She figured she would end up spending a couple weeks in intensive care, then another week in a regular hospital bed, then she would go home and her father would care for her. (He became a practical nurse after her mother died so he could take care of her). Her last PM to me that night before surgery read: "If I told you I wasn't scared, I'd be lying".

Several days later, me and many of her xHamster friends were busy sending her get well wishes, knowing that she couldn't go online in intensive care. That was when her father came onto her page and informed us all that she died on the operating table during surgery.

He figured that she knew she wasn't going to make it, and she stayed awake all night, putting together her last wishes for her father to take care of. Among her directives was to go on xHamster and close her account. When he did so, he saw all these messages from friends she had made, and he felt he couldn't just close her account without telling everyone what had happened.

It was a very profound and moving experience for me. I felt like I knew her all my life, such was the intensity and closeness of our relationship. I couldn't believe it was only 5 days. I began to correspond with her father every day after her death, for a few months, just trying to be there for him in his grief and loss. She was his only ch1ld, and he cared for her constantly for 34 years. I got to know him fairly well, and he is a remarkable man. He worked in a ch1ldren's hospital, and he is very caring and dedicated. I am happy to say that he has worked through much of his grief, and has been able to move on some with his (new) life. He retired from his hospital job, sold their house and bought an RV to go traveling around the country with his long time friend Susan, who is now also his fiance.

He told me that just months before she died, Alexandra ordered a special bicycle that she could operate with just her hands. It was like an over sized tricycle, but with hand controls, like her car. When it was delivered, he put it together for her, and watched her ride off with some of the neighborhood ch1ldren, riding a bike for the first time in her life, a big grin on her face.

Her favorite way to end a PM was to say: "Love and Light". She was all of that and more. I will always remember the short but precious time we had together. She is a true inspiration, as is Roger, her father.

Alexandra was a very special person, and I am happy to have had the honor to know her and to be her friend.

Published by billy69boy
12 years ago
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alibodge 7 months ago
inspirational stuff
xx1236 3 years ago
Really good friends are hard to come by & you had one..AAA++
Matrixfn3 4 years ago
Thank you for sharing such a touching tribute. 
sandycpl02 8 years ago
a very moving story...thanks for sharing it...
tsloverdude 8 years ago
Sorry for the loss of your friend. That is an amazingly touching story.
grafton64 8 years ago
A very touching tribute to a very inspirational, brave young woman whose presence the world has been robbed off.
divedog1960 8 years ago
It does make you feel the need to push on after reading such a story... so many people give up and have so much to liv for.. she had a hard life .. but never gave up.
southernand7up 8 years ago
Life is too short and unfair at times. Live, Love and Laugh as much as possible.
X_PAC6969 10 years ago
I never read any of her stories at least she it at peace with her mother.R.I.P Alex
dustyjeans5959 10 years ago
oh wow !!! such a moving story .....I would have loved to met her ...
alibodge 10 years ago
what a story, inspiring, what happened to her stories, surely they are her epitaph, she wrote them for our world, they should be still about thats the way to be remembered.
SassyBri 11 years ago
I feel touched to have gotten to know Alexandra through your eyes. I came upon your story through Michaela's blog. The picture reflects grace and beauty beyond words.

Thank you.
SassyBri ~
rose__girl 11 years ago
Ran across your blog because of a post about it

I had a brief time with Alexandra and I'm sorry to read now that she has passed.
toms17947iv 11 years ago
A sad loss of a remarkable woman, she certainly new how to live a full and happy life for as long as she could.
Love and light

Thanks for this so beautiful story.
LadyCrow 11 years ago
Thank you for sharing this so beautiful and moving story. Despite everything that has happened in her life, she has remained strong and courageous till the end. She was a remarkable person to all points of view, that has showed us she might live almost like everyone else. I admire her and I regret not having known or not to have had her as a friend. It's a great loss for his father and for some individuals here. He was able to take it upon himself for informing her friends on xHamster, instead of closing the account, as planned. By doing this he kept the memory of his daughter in mind, that he shared by staying in touch with some people.
Try to keep these five days talking with her in your heart and mind, and never forget this wonderful human being who had lessons to teach us about life.

Respectfully yours, ¤ Lady Crow ¤
MorePeter 11 years ago
Thanks for sharing this. She would be proud at her father for not just closing her account but letting her friends now why. This is one of those stories telling you never to give up. Enjoy your life and don't hesitate to do what you like to do.
And make some friends on the way.
And be an example to others.
Mikebasil 11 years ago
A beautiful and inspiring tale of a young woman who never gave up on life even as life gave up on her. Her courage and inner beauty touched the souls of all who were privileged to know her. Thank you for this loving tribute to her memory.
queenalena 11 years ago
dropping tears moved.
May she RIP
42gary 11 years ago
Such a heart warming story, of a very brave young women, and the fight to enjoy and embrace life, it moved me to tears. Thank you for sharing.
wildrick 11 years ago
A most moving story
kamat7235 11 years ago
Thank you for the post. Quite a moving anecdote. Much to think about and consider for everyone, whether you knew her or not, as I didn't have the pleasure. But just by sharing, you keep her memory alive.
very moving...makes you see how well off most of us got it...and she never gave up
George178 11 years ago
Amen! And Amen!
Volfy 11 years ago
Sorry to say I never met the lady. She sounds like a very special human being. May God bless and keep her soul, and may she live in your hearts forever. --ALSO, may her father know that she had such good, caring friends. Love and Light, folks. Love and Light
maxmanx4 11 years ago
Your story moved me.
It made me think. If she can endure the troubles her body caused her, get a degree, drive a car, get a job. Becoming a tax paying member of this country.
Then why the fuck should I complain of the minor problems my body causes me. of which are manageable by meds , they sometimes cause me depression. After reading this moving message. I am going to stand up and kick my own ASS !
Wish I had known her.
Tell me where to find some of her stories.. Don't worry , I know there is a special place for ANGELS , like Alex.

mikey1ra 11 years ago
i remember her wonderful stories about the good times & bad she will be sorely missed here & in life. may her stories never be deleted from here.
puzzle63 11 years ago
thank you for story what a very brave lady gone but not forgotten may her star burn bright for years to come
gibgazz 11 years ago
Thankyou, browsing through this maze of amazing content to be found here on xhamster, this telling of Alex brought me to tears. There are very many fighters in this world for all the right reasons, and sadly most of us touch on just a few.
mscotton12 11 years ago
Thanks for sharing. Anyone who knew Alex realized that she was more than a special person. She was Love and Light !