My First Cock TRIO
seemed just like yesterday, i still have those presous memories planted in my brain, sex is always great when ur young in this case i was around Twelve (IM18 NOW) i spend time in my aunts house in MEX. i had 4 cousins that was older than me 2(Twins) were 4 yrs younger then me, the other was even more. yes we did played alot back then we even took showers together and yes we even touch our hairless lil cocks ;D.. So one day my aunt and older cousin went to the store to get chinese food, we were playing with fire crackers during the day. once we fished them all we went inside the house and inthe bedroom and on the bed we were bornd and we made up a game called "Jala hevos" (nut gravers) lol yeah we made played till we got hurt then one of the twins looked to his moms closet and found a porno movie we played it and we saw what was going on, we saw agirl given head to aguy, my cousin said how douse that feel the twins wanted to do that so they played rock, paper, sissors. so me and my smaller cousin watched then get nude and sucked each others lil dicks off, i got so turned on my lil cousin was waring underware and i noticed a lil nice bumb so i got nude so did he and we did like a 69, omg his lil thing was so cute i juss had too eat it up! then the twins told me if i can blow them YES i said with a smile, i was sitting down inthe sid of the bed while they both stood with their nice cute stiff things i did what i do best suck and swirld i loved how they mound and how their faces react when i felt their things twitched no cum came out though juss ther smiles was n their lil mouns was amazing!! later when gaved me head we saw them doing eacher taken turns remined me when i got fuked really good (My First Gay EXP) such a great moment seeing my lil cousins in action while wathing porn=DD the end we made a square we gaved each other heads "heaven square" i had one of the twins the lil had me we did that for almost an hour! such great FUN!! my lil cousin sucked the best idk why he was the lucky one hes the only one that had cum my cum that is!SUTCH GREAT TIMES!!!
12 years ago