My Cancuun lady - Part 1

It was during my sixteenth birthday that my brother gave me an envelope from him and my sister in law and family. I eagerly opened the envelope expecting to see a large card . What i had was an invitation to join his family for a holiday in Mexico before i go to college.
Before i knew it we were there in Cancuun with a room to myself overlooking our own private beach which had a huge pool inset. After a couple of days settling in i decided on a day by the beach pool while all the others did an excurtion to see some ancient ruins somewhere.
I was so relaxed soaking up the rays i got startled by a waiter who wanted to check my drink which he replaced. I gazed around the pool at the folk prancing around in the water when i noticed a figure strolling along the far side of the pool. She was wearing a skirt and blouse with her hair up in a bun. She paused and stared right back at me and smiled. I looked sharply down a bit embarressed
i'd been caught staring.
I looked back up and she was gone. I was just cursing my luck when i was aware of a figure standing beside me. 'Hi' she said as she squated down, 'mind if i join u for a moment?' Her high cheek bones pronounced her Latin features and her big dark brown eyes had a massive depth to them.
'Er Hi ..oh sure thats fine ' i stumbled and moved overon my towel so she could sit down. 'You are beautiful u have a boy friend here with you?' she asked ,her eyes twinkling.
'Um no i dont have any and im here with my brother and family.' i replied.
'Would u like to have a drink with me this evening ?' she asked with a questioning smile. I tried to keep my composure and said that i would and ill be ready for about 8.
'Great' she said and stood up, so I stood up and realised quickly that she was about 6 inches taller than me and much better built. I also realised she must have been in her thirties. She leaned forward and pecked me on the cheek and said she will meet me in the foyer and strolled off.
I was left with tingles down in my pussy and felt my nipples harden as i watched her stroll off.
Published by girlyluver
12 years ago
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manfed 12 years ago
we love to hear more
dazcat69 12 years ago
Quick quick with part 2 !!!! This is going to get intresting
Love Daz