
I've just viewed that very first post I wrote and I see the site has asterisked out my awful language! I do hope I didn't offend anyone. And I hope you won't be offended by my naked pictures either, though I somehow doubt that or you wouldn't be here, would you?
Published by lisa-barnes
12 years ago
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pianoman_45 5 months ago
Xham for some reason blocks some seemingly innocent words while letting much naughtier ones through.  Don't worry about it, your class shows through
Bollox to the editing. They even blank out something like " B l o o d y hell" which we often use here.
Daduce 10 years ago
You are absolutely right, 100% correct little girl, we're here for one or two things,, maybe 3 or 4 :smile:,, to look at beautiful little dolls just like YOU, to get VERY HARD and talk VERY nasty - nastier than we ever would in person!, to pound our dicks - or wish we could watch you sweet girls fondle you sweet little pussys, and to have wild and wonderful fantasy's of having sex with beautiful girls,, something most of the guys cruising XHamster never had,, or we'd be having HOT sex with the ladys who are with us!! Right ' :smile:
Timmydoes 12 years ago
Don't worry about it, your pics are gorgeous!
genuineguy 12 years ago
Hey don't worry about the asterisks. In stories they asterisks the word 'sleep', so it is not correct and this is an adult site :smile: