Porn stars I have fucked part 1

I have fucked a few pornstars, not top level famous ones but a few famous ones.

A lot of pornstars work as escorts so thats how you can fuck them, just takes a bit of travel and a bit of effort to get the best price for the piece of cunt of your choice.

Here are a few I remember,


this has done a few interracial scenes, got it while in California, not too expensive as it was never very famous. Got all the usual, handy, bj and fuck, anal not offered. Paid for 90 minutes but after about 30 her boyfriend/pimp rang and then kept ringing back every 5 minutes, so i told it to forget about it as it kept stopping. Next time the guy rang the cunt went into the toilet and had a scream down the phone then came out and said that sorry and he would not call back. After that the cunt was really nice in the end, it stayed until about 6am, we even had a few drinks after i was finished fucking it.

Marsha Lords

Had this one a while ago, very good fun, not too rushed, a real pro. Everything was done to make me feel good, i was brought to the edge of cumming then eased off, did that afew times and when i did cum she squeezed my balls while running a finger around may ass. I emptied my balls like a waterfall. Would keep an eye out, if you get a chance give it a go.

FTV girl

Dont know her porn name, she said her real name was Elise. Very expensive but well worth it, booked for two hours and after she made sure I washed my cock she got down to business.

She took her knickers off but left everything else on including her shoes, I was naked while she sucked me for a bit then she put the condom on me and I fucked her. She had already lubed up her cunt so it was real slippery, not too loose either, she could kind of twitch her cunt so that it tightened for a second.

After I cam she said I should fist her, had paid extra for this, so i watched her fist herself for a bit then i worked my hand in. Amazing, she loved it. She was great, she started singing the katy perry song but changed it to I fist a girl and she likes it, all this while i went wrist deep. Fucked her again after and she was super loose and very sloppy, i came so much she seemed to be suprised.

No anal offered, if she had I propably would have asked her to marry me.

patricia araujo

Just a perfect lady, so much more pretty in real life, had a great time with her, she really made me feel special with lots of kisses on my neck and down my chest before she took me in her mouth. She was really good, she could tell i was ready to cum after about 30 seconds so she stopped and smilled at me to let me have a break. She fucked me in the ass a little but came in my mouth after about five minutes of me sucking her, she said I was very good. I came in her mouth first, then her ass then her mouth at the end. Just a perfect perfect lady.

Allie Sin

Got a bj off this cunt in a florida strip club, most cunts can at least act like they are sexy and enjoying it but this one seemed to hate me. The whole time it had my cock in its mouth it kept pushing my hands off its hair and giving me filthy looks, 2 seconds after I cam it had stopped sucking and was putting its bra back on. Really really bad. Maybe it was a bad day for the cunt but it was useless with a cock, have had better blowjobs from from drunk cunts who have never touched a cock in their lifes.

Have had a fair few more, will write about more when i get a chance.

would like to hear if anyone else has tried any of the cunts mentioned.

Published by happy_wanking
12 years ago
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austinjames2813 4 years ago
Well some people like you, I guess get lucky occasionally, but apparently it has happened to several times. I say several be cause you say there is more than these ones.  See I could have said a few, but a few is a label that can be used for as any thing  from 3 to infinity, well not infinity I guess. However if you said to let's say the World Bank. Could I have a few dollars, I'm a little short this month. Now I don't know how much cash they actually have. I do believe they are suppose to know how much cash the World has.  I guess in case we want to go and buy another planet!?!?!. My point is if the USA is in debit to China for $10,000,000,000,000 + still then $1,000,000 would be a few.  Hence, you say more than these. 5. In using several as the label, I also factored in. What are the chance of some average guy living in, say middle America just running into a pornstar in a bar, having a drink. Well unless it a strip club,/bar. Your chances there might go up, but taking her home drops to, less than zero ( unless). Now I am not going to start naming, names, or put a number here. All I will say is, for me this was one of the areas, that I tended to have good luck, plus an aunt and uncle that had go connections, so I'm not just talking about pornstar. Celebrities, athletes, singers&musicians..  But I am getting away from the point.  So it's not just females I have meet. As an example; was asked to come back to work one night. Did I want to cook for the Red Hot Chili Peppers. . Now the city I lived in then, not a lot of concerts etc. A few miles across a river. Will many place for concerts, because they where a large enough city to have at least one team in every professional sport. What we had in that city I lived in off and on from the mid-80's to the mid-00's. Well it had 12+ adult entertainment clubs. and the rules in that city were different than the one a few miles away, because it is in a different country. So I can tell you that at the 4 high end clubs, the feature dancers was always a name you knew if you were watched porn.  At the mid-range 4 clubs, they were up&comers or has been still trying to support a coke habit. As for the 4 + places. Well I never  The thing is you might get a pic with her, or a kiss but really when she sat in your lap for the pic,  and you were poking her in butt. She won't be waving you over to the vehicle she is going to her hotel in.  However, if you happen to go to a place like 'the cathouse' and Mila or Sunset Thomas is available,  just so you can say you fucked  a porn star.. Really, I think that is kinda pathetic.. 
happy_wanking Publisher 7 years ago
to sexymarty : did a few others but none were top level famous cause they cost big money
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sexymarty 7 years ago
fun to read. you should post any more like this
fuck me i loved reading this!
Hope you post about more...
happy_wanking Publisher 8 years ago
to TSaddictUK : Yeah that was one of the best days of my life, must have wanked of a good few hundred times since thinking about it
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TSaddictUK 8 years ago
Getting a piece of Patricia Araujo. Fuck man, I'm jealous.
Ibangsluts 8 years ago
I fucked Bettina from private
jbparise 11 years ago
Even though your expierence with Allie Sin wasn't good. For me personally she would be the one I would choose. Different guys may get different results. But Marsha Lords has a great look and would be the best choice
sexistpigpornadict 11 years ago
Porn stars I fucked when I worked in the industry:
Very hot blog cant wait yo hear more. :smile:
mdk32 12 years ago
patricia araujo ! you fucking legend.