Lusifer momma

They Should’ve Named Him
Lusifer Momma.
I got up and turned the box on
and listened while Jenny brushed
her teeth. Jill burst
into the room crying.
“They should’ve named him
Lusifer Momma, He’s Satin in
human form” she yells
“Did he hurt you baby” Aunt
Marie says .
“Not at first Momma he was
sweet, gentle and loving almost,
it was beautiful I could see
heaven in his eyes. He took my
virginity so tenderly I was in
heaven, I just knew god was
looking over me and somehow
had made him good for me.” Jill
says still sobbing.
“Sssh Baby tell Momma all about
it” Aunt Marie says trying to
console her.
“Then the Anti-Christ showed up
the things he did to me momma
and the things he was
going to do I can’t do it again”
she says crying louder.
“I know baby it’ll only be a short
while then it’ll be over baby once
your pregnant” Aunt
Marie tells her.
“But Mom, he’s evil I looked into
his eye before I left and I saw hell
and I was there with
lusifer fucking me in the ass
again” she cries.
“I know baby but I’m sure it’s not
that bad you can do it till your
pregnant for the
family” Aunt Marie says.
“But mom, a seed that bad can’t
grow no matter how good the
ground he plants it in”
Jill says.
“It’ll grow Jill have faith” Aunt
Marie says.
“Even if I did get pregnant Mom
something as evil as him
probably eats his young” she
says sobbing.
I hear Aunt Marie snicker at that
comment “I’m sure he won’t
“Don’t laugh mom, His Mom and
Dad were brother and sister and
look how bad they
were and he’s got a Double Dose
of Bad Seed momma” she says.
Mom and Dad were brother and
sister. What the fucks she talking
about I think to
myself. It does explain one thing
I always wondered about though
why I have a big dick,
in the movies the inbreed retards
always did. Gods way of
compensating them for being
stupid I guess.
“Look I know it’s bad but go
back and be with him as a wife
until Christmas is over”
Uncle Bob says coldly.
“I can’t go back he’s probably
fucking Jenny already and he’ll
want me to clean her
pussy when he’s done like he
made Jenny clean mine” she cries
begging her mom not to
send her back.
“Well Jenny has had her period
so she’s fertile, maybe she’ll get
pregnant” Uncle Bob
I think to myself I know I got
problems but this family has
some serious issues. Hell their
pimping out their daughters so
the men don’t have to get jobs
and they call me evil and
sadist. It’s quiet in the room now
besides Jill’s muffled sobs as her
mother tries to
console her. Jenny laid on the
bed beside me the whole time
listening with me.
“Would you like me to carry your
c***d JJ” she asks
I think for a moment “no” I say.
Jenny’s face gets sad “Why” she
says as her eyes begin to tear up.
“If you get pregnant now I will
be leaving and wouldn’t be able
to fuck you while your
pregnant and that’s all the fun of
having a baby” I say smiling as I
imagine her with a big
belly and her breasts full of milk.
She smiles at that and lays her
head on my chest.
“Go get Jill and tell her to get in
here, you and her will sleep with
me tonight” I tell
“Yes sir” she says grabbing her
night gown.
“Go naked Jenny” I tell her.
She looks at me and drops the
night gown and heads out the
door, arriving at Uncle
Bob’s room moments later.
“Jenny where’s your clothes”
Aunt Marie asks.
“JJ says Jill is to come sleep with
us now” Jenny tells her.
“I can’t tonight Jenny it’s too
much” Jill says.
“You allowed him to take your
virginity Jill, so in god eyes he’s
your husband whether
you like it or not Jill, god
commands you obey your
husband so get to his bed now”
Uncle Bob says.
Moments later both girls are in
my room, Jenny comes over and
curls up with me and Jill
reluctantly does as well. I figure I
caused enough damage for one
night so I kiss Jill softy
until I see a little smile on her
“Jenny I’ll have to pop your
cherry tomorrow” I say knowing
I’m already tired and doubt
she could get me hard again
tonight anyhow.
She just smiles and kisses me
and snuggles into my chest. I get
up at 5 am and decide to
go for a run. Out on my run I
pass Officer Rick, he actually
smiles and waves like we’re
friends. At 630 I return home
and head upstairs to my room.
The girls are just waking
up and I turn the shower on
when I hear a knock at the door.
“Come in” I yell and Uncle Frank
walks in looking at the girls then
“I gods eyes the girls are now
your wives since you took their
virginity. They will both
stay with you and obey you as a
wife should. We ask that you
treat them well and take
care of them” he says then turns
and leaves.
I didn’t take Jenny’s virginity last
night but I’m not telling and I’m
pretty sure she won’t
either. Jenny comes meet me
“We‘ll have to fix the virginity
thing soon before they find out”
she says.
“So do you want to go to the bed
and make it official, take you like
I did Jill last night” I
“Not now I want you well rested,
and not like you took her
virginity. I want it like you
took her after” she says stepping
into the shower.
“It’s going to hurt a lot” I warn
“I can handle it, now turn around
so I can wash my husband” she
says smiling.
Jill joins us a few minutes later
with a smile. After we shower we
head down stairs and
to my surprise they waited on us
for breakfast and my spot was
open at the head of the
table with 2 extra chairs for my
new wives.
Jenny and Jill each take a hand
for prayer not allowing me to eat.
The family eats and
talks like normal during breakfast
asI sit considering how to handle
this whole situation.
Doc Addison had taught me
many valuable lessons. I was still
the same rude uncaring
prick I was before. But I had
learned how to fake being
normal somewhat and how to
get what I wanted thru
Like this family if they believe I
will take care of the family, I can
abuse these two girls
sexually all I want, with their
blessing. Officer Rick he believes
I’ve changed and now
waves like we’re old friends.
After breakfast me and the girls
head up to the room.
“JJ sit on the bed with us we
would like to talk to you” Jill says.
“JJ, I want to be with you, like
when you took my virginity I can
fall in love with that JJ.
I’ll give you anything you want as
your wife but I can’t handle the
mean or rough JJ” Jill
“I’ll be your bad little slut wife,
you can do anything you want to
me” Jenny says then
they both look at me.
Perfect I think to myself
“Well I can except that but here
are my rules” I lay them out for
the girls.
1. They will obey me will out
2. They will be available at all
3. They will clean my cock after
we have sex.
4. They are mine alone but I may
do as I please.
5. They will keep their pussies
shaved at all times.
6. All females will be naked in my
home at all times unless I say
different. That includes
The last rule served two
purposes first who wouldn’t
want to see them naked all the
time and I wanted to move to the
pool house. It’s a 2 bedroom self-
contained house. I
could just force my Aunt and
Uncle out but I want the family to
think it’s their idea. I get
what I want and they think they
won the battle.
The girls look at me and strip
agreeing to my terms. I grab
Jenny and begin kissing her
while Jill slides behind me and
starts kissing the back of my
neck as she undoes my
pants. I stand and pick Jenny up
and lay her on the bed, Jill
removing my pants as I do. I
begin caressing her body slowly
as I kiss her.
Jill is unsure what to do so I grab
my now hard cock and point it
towards her. She slides
down taking me into her mouth,
She’s actually doing pretty good
and taking about half
it in her mouth. I break my kiss
with Jenny
“You ready” I ask her
“Whatever pleases you husband”
she says with a smile.
“But I prefer to wait until tonight
if I can” she adds.
“Ok” I say pulling Jill up from my
cock as I lie back on the bed
I have Jill lay beside me, Jenny
move toward my cock with her
mouth but stops when I
spread Jill’s legs wide and begin
rubbing her clit and sucking on
her nipples. Jenny
moves between her legs and
begins eating her pussy.
“Use your fingers on her as many
as you can fit” I tell Jenny.
Jenny works three fingers inside
Jill’s wet pussy. The sloppy wet
sounds coming from
Jill’s pussy as Jenny finger fucked
her had my cock throbbing. Once
Jill finished cumming
I pulled Jenny up to me and
kissed her licking all Jill’s pussy
juice from her face as I did.
Jenny goes back down to Jill’s
pussy getting her mouth covered
in juice again then
comes back up to me but I push
her over to Jill. Jenny smiles and
kisses Jill pushing her
tongue into her mouth. Jill
doesn’t respond at first but
eventually is returning her kiss
with fire.
My cock was throbbing as I
pulled Jill on top of me with her
legs straddling me. I ease
my cock into her tight little pussy,
she moans softly I can tell she’s
still sore.
“Ok Jill ease back on to my cock
slowly, this position will allow
you to take as much as
you want and as fast as you
want.” I say just before Jenny
straddles my face and shoves
her hot wet little bald pussy into
my mouth.
Jill slowly slides my cock about 7
inches in then back out as I slide
my tongue inside
Jenny’s little virgin pussy
releasing her trickles of virgin
cum to be licked up by my eager
tongue. As Jill slowly rides my
cock I eat Jenny’s pussy and
begin working a finger into
her virgin little asshole.
I look around Jenny’s ass and her
and Jill are kissing and playing
with each other’s
breasts. Jill begins riding me
deeper and faster as I slide a
finger inside Jenny ass up to
the first knuckle causing her to
moan and squirm in pain.
Jenny cums first and very hard,
squirting my face with her cum. I
like her even more now
I think as I lap up her cum. Me
and Jill cum at the same time and
Jill collapses on my
chest and Jenny curls up beside
Once my cock softens and slides
from Jill’s pussy I say
“Jill would you run down and get
us something to drink please”
“Yes husband” she says with a
content smile, stopping to put on
“Rule number 4” I remind her.
She turns red in the face but
opens the door and walks out
naked and cum dripping
from her freshly fucked pussy. I
look down at my limp cum
covered cock then at Jenny.
She smiles and slides down and
takes my cock into her little
mouth. It’s a long while
before Jill comes back, I’m sure
the family had questions.
“Uncle Frank would like a word
with you when we are done JJ”
Jill tells me upon her
Jill climbs back in bed and helps
Jenny finish cleaning my cock.
Little Jenny curls up on
my chest as I doze off. It’s 1130
before we wake up, lunch time
so I put on my boxers
and head down with the girls
following naked behind me.
Uncle Frank and the other
adults meet us in the hall way.
“I know this is your house and
they are your wives so you can
do as you wish. I think a
solution would be to move you
and the girls to the pool house
and you can do as you
please there. All we ask is you
dress when you come in the
main house” Uncle Frank
Worked like a charm I think to
“I can live with that” I say
We head back to the room and
dress ourselves the returning for
lunch. After I load up a
big plate I noticed that everyone
else takes small portions and
there’s none left when
everyone is served. I’m rich so I
never thought much about it
before but the 5000 a
month they get as an allowance
and all these people to feed isn’t
much. I’ll have to
make sure I’m served first I think
looking at the empty bowls.
After lunch we head to the mall,
first stop Victoria’s secrets we
got a few strange looks
as I picked out the girls clothes.
Jill got some sexy girly stuff and
Jenny got the slut
clothes. Cash talks though and
the store clerks didn’t say a word
when the girls modeled
the outfits for me.
I notice the girls looking in awe
at all the stores like they had
never been to a mall
before, They had of course but
never had money to buy
anything so I loaded them up
and we headed over to my
lawyers office.
We talk for a while and it is
decided the girls can have a
credit card each but he puts a
250 cash and 500 credit a week
limit on them. For the holiday I
talk him into giving
them each a 10000 limit to buy
gifts. I explain it to the girls and
hand them their cards. I
get several hugs and kisses then
we’re headed back to the mall.
“Ok girls remember 10k seems
like a lot but goes very fast so
don’t go crazy” I say.
They smile. “JJ can me and Jenny
shop alone for a while, we would
like to get your gift”
Jill says.
“Ok, but we have to make a stop
first” I say as we head to a cell
phone dealer and get
the girls each a cell phone.
“Ok, girls call me when your
done” I say then give each girl a
long kiss before I leave
drawing several stares from
I headed over to the food court
to get a drink and stopped dead
in my tracks when I
spotted Alessa and Lily sitting at
a table. I hadn’t really ever asked
where her mom lived
when she moved, come to think
of it I never asked her anything
about herself.
Alessa was looking pretty good
but when she stood up my cock
twitched. She was
pregnant and had a nice round
belly sticking out. She was too far
along for it to be mine
I’m sure since it had only been 4
months and she looked to be at
least 7 months along.
I walked over and sat at the table
with her, Alessa had a shocked
look on her face seeing
“Sit down slut” I say pulling her
back to her seat.
Alessa just stares at me as she
sits before she finally talks.
“What are you doing here” she
“Well if you mean this town my
family lives here. If your talking
about the mall I was
shopping but now I think I’ll take
you and Lily into the bathroom
and fuck your pregnant
ass” I say smiling.
“I won’t do that, you’ve done
fucked my life up enough JJ” she
says before going into a
long rant about her miserable
existence living with her mom.
I won’t bore you with the long
story but basically she lost her
car and has to ride the
bus, the only job she could get
was fast food for minimum
wage, Her husband divorced
her, she’s pregnant and her step
father beats and ****s her ass
almost every night.
I listen till she finishes her story.
“Ok take your panties off and
place them on the table
slut” I instruct her the look at Lily
“you too” I say.
Lily didn’t think twice about it
and removed her panties and
placed them on the table,
but Alessa hesitated until I
slapped her inner thigh hard. I
could see her eyes tearing up
as she placed her panties on the
table. I got up and went dump
the tray in the trash
along with their panties.
When I returned to the table I
grabbed Lily hand.
“Me and Lily are going to the
restroom” I say before walking
away with Lily.
Alessa sat at the table as I walked
Lily into the family Restroom and
locked the door. Lily
smiled as I pulled my hard cock
out and sat on the toilet. She
wrapped her little lips
around my cock and started
sucking like she was starving.
“My little cum slut is hungry” I say
Lily just mumbles yes and bobs
her little head faster. It’s only a
few minutes before I
hear the soft knock on the door.
“JJ let me in” Alessa whispers.
I let her in and lock the door
back then turn and slap her face
hard bringing tears to her
“Get naked slut while your
daughter finishes sucking my
cock” I say sitting back down
and holding my cock for Lily to
continue sucking.
Alessa undresses slowly as Lily
sucks me until my cock erupts in
her little mouth. She still
couldn’t swallow fast enough
and some dribbled to the floor.
“Lick it up” I tell Lily
I stand and walk over to Alessa
and rub her big belly as Lily licks
the cum from the floor
happily. Alessa and bruises all
over her body and cigarette
burns on her nipples ass and
pussy I noticed as I bent her over
the sink. I guess her step daddy
wasa sadistic fuck I
think as I push my cock all the
way into her tight pussy in one
hard stroke.
“Dam your pussy is tight, your
step dad must have a small dick”
I say making
conversation as I pound her
pussy hard.
Lily is sitting naked on the toilet
rubbing her little bald slit
watching as I fuck her mom
hard. I start fucking Alessa
harder slamming into her hard
enough that her head hits and
shatters the mirror over the sink.
“He only fucks my ass” Alessa
whispers between grunts.
I look down at Alessa’s little
asshole and you could see it was
red and raw. My thumb
slipped in easily but not with out
pain as I worked my other
thumb into her raw asshole.
“Good keep it that way, I like
your pussy tight” I say shoving
hard into her pussy before
cumming deep inside her.
I pulled out after the first squirt
and gave her a nice cream pie.
Lily had her little lips
wrapped around my cock before
the cool air hit the head. She
eagerly sucked all the
cum and pussy juice from my
cock while I fingered Alessa hard
until she came. Lily licked
my fingers clean then went
straight for the cum dripping
from her mom’s pussy.
I smacked Alessa hard on the ass
and knelt down and kissed Lily
before dressing. Lily
was still standing up licking and
sucking my cum from her
mother’s cunt when I slipped
out the door.
As I entered the food court I
spotted an older man watching a
few teens. I sit down and
he looks at me.
“Knock on family Restroom 3, tell
her JJ sent you” I say then walk
away with a smile.
I spotted the girls running from
one store to the next already
carrying several bags. It’s
going to be a long wait so I
decided to head over for a shake
at the local drive in and see
if any of my old buds were
hanging out. As I pulled in there
was a lot of traffic and I spot
Officer Rick and a young girl
talking. The girl I recognize from
the pictures on Rick’s desk
years ago it’s his daughter.
I park two slots down from him
and watch, she’s much older
now and no longer the
skinny little girl with braces and
pigtails. She looks about 16 and
smoking hot, She had
an athletic build, 5’2” tall and
100lbs soaking wet, with nice
small c cup breast. Her butt
was nice and round and sticking
out of her little car hop uniform.
I’m not sure if it was the fact that
she was Rick’s daughter or
something else about her
but she had me mesmerized. I
had to have her for reasons I
couldn’t understand at the
time. I did know enough about
Officer Rick to know that he was
very religious and
judging from the cross necklace
she wore I’m sure she either was
a good little virgin
daddy’s girl or the wild slut cop’s
I order a shake then get out,
Officer Rick comes over and
congratulates me on doing so
well at the academy and even
says he’s proud of me and what
a fine young man I’m
turning out to be. I couldn’t have
him liking me if his daughter was
a little slut she would
never go for a daddy approved
boy. If she is the virgin daddy’s
girl well I doubt I’ll live
long enough to get in them
panties the old fashion way.
I spot his daughter standing
bent over taking an order and
admire her fine little round
ass sticking out.
“Now that is a nice piece off ass
wouldn’t you agree Rick” I say
starring at his daughter’s
He is noticeably annoyed but says
nothing continuing to make
small talk. She turns and
smiles to her daddy as she heads
in. She had a set of nice full lips,
the kind that feel so
good wrapped around your hard
“Man those are some dick
smoking lips, I bet she could suck
the chrome off a trailer
hitch and spit out nickels b*o” I
say admiring her smile.
That gets under Officer Ricks skin
but he says nothing ignoring my
comments. Melody I
see on her name tag when she
comes back out and brings my
shake. I make it obvious
I’m eyeing her up like my next
“Man when I get to death row I
want her to be my last meal” I
say when she leaves,
watching her round ass wiggling
back to the door.
Rick can’t take anymore,
“Son that is my 16 year old
daughter your talking about” he
says trying to control his
anger and put an end to my
“Dam Rick that is some good
seed you got there b*o you could
make a fortune with her.
Put her on the table and open an
all you can eat buffet, I’ll be your
first customer” I say.
Before he can say anything a
young boy (officer ricks son)
riding a bike hit’s the curb and
wipes out, when he gets up and
starts to walk he trips on his
own shoe lace sending him
and the bike back to the ground.
Everyone starts laughing at the
poor boy.
“Look at that, there is some
village out there being deprived
of their idiot, I’ll bet there a
reward for him, I’ll split it with
you b*o” I tell Officer Rick looking
at his son.
The boy shits down and as luck
would have it the bench brakes
send him back to the
ground for a third time.
“That a prime example there b*o.
You Can’t Fix Stupid” I say
laughing at the boy.
“And that’s my son” Officer Rick
says clenching his teeth to
control his anger.
“No fucking way b*o, All you can
eat buffet and the village idiot
aren’t from the same
seed. One of them is the
milkman’s and you better pray
it’s the village idiot” I say.
Officer Rick couldn’t take
anymore clenching his fists and
gritting his teeth he gets in his
“You really haven’t changed JJ
your still the same scumbag dirt
ball loser you were the
day you ****d your mom and
slept off your high while your
dad beat her to death. Do
yourself a favor and stay as far
away from me and my family as
possible and as for my
daughter don’t ever make the
mistake and even talk to her” he
says fuming and drives
away squealing the tires.
Melody was standing starring as
he did, she couldn’t hear the
conversation but I’m sure
could tell her dad didn’t like me. I
played the odds and was wrong
from the expression
on her face she was daddy’s little
I get back in my truck and drink
my shake watching little Melody. I
hatch a plan to get
into those little panties. I make a
few phone calls to some old buds
a few towns over,
who put me in contact with a
real low life gang banger. For 5k
cash he’ll attack and ****
I will come to her rescue
unknown to him of course me
being a black belt it should be
easy enough. That should get
them little legs spread wide I
think as I watch her. I do a
little recon and find out she gets
off at 7. It’ll be just getting dark
this time of year. She
lives only a few blocks from here
and it’s a nice neighborhood so
she usually walks.
I meet the guy at the mall and set
it up, giving him a bullshit story
it’s payback because
her dad busted me. I pay him in
cash and make sure he never
gets a good look at me
just encase.
I meet up with the girls, Fuck
they got a load of shit I think as
the whole back seat is
filled with their bags. It’s about
6:15 so I head over to the drive
in and we wait drinking
our shakes and talking.
I spot Melody leaving but she has
a friend with her a little blonde
about her age. I
figured it was off but after a few
minutes I head to the alley where
the attack was
supposed to happen. I see three
guys and the 2 girls, One guy is
holding each girls from
behind with a hand over their
Their shirts ripped open and
breasts bouncing around as they
struggle. Their skirts and
panties are already in a pile at
their feet. The third gangbanger
is standing in front with
a hand at both girls pussy. I park
the truck facing them I had killed
the lights already
“Girls stay in the truck, don’t get
out. Jill when I reach them turn
the lights on and flip
the fog light switch” I say
pointing out the switches to Jill.
“No matter what happens don’t
get out the truck or open the
doors” I add before
kissing them both and stepping
I sneak over to the action
“Their both virgins boys we’re
going to pop some cherries to
night” the 3rd guy says
excitedly pulling his fingers from
the girls virgin pussies.
He steps between Melody’s legs
and begins rubbing his cock on
her pussy. Melody is
kicking like crazy and he slaps
her hard
“Calm that bitch down while I go
try the other one” he says
stepping over between the
legs of the girl and starts trying
to enter her.
She kicks and squirms as well
only to be punched in the face
busting her lip and nose.
The one holding Melody isn’t
being much nicer groping her
virgin pussy and slapping her
face hard enough to bust her lip
when she resists.
I move a little closer and grab the
one I had hired and spin him
around grabbing with
both hand on his head I drive his
head down with all my strength
and my knee up,
impacting his nose and driving
the bone into his brain. I release
him as he falls to the
ground dead as my truck floods
the alley with light.
The other gangbangers drop the
girls and pull out knives and
come at me. Those years
of martial arts pay off and their
down in no time but I inflict way
more damage than
necessary. I walk over and place
my jacket on melody and my shirt
on the other girl as
the alley begins to flood with
police lights.
The girls are terrified and crying
as the first cops get to the scene
guns drawn.
“Lay on the ground” the officer
“Fuck that b*o, I ain’t lying on the
ground I just helped these girls”
I yell back the
adrenaline still pumping thru my
“Sir lie down on the ground
now” he repeats.
The girls I can see are now with
an officer pleading with them
that I had helped them.
“No fucking way am I going to lie
down b*o” I yell back as my
adrenaline levels go even
I see Officer Rick arrive and walk
over to his daughter as two cops
move forward with
batons to take me down. It
wasn’t happening today though
and I take them both down
quickly. A few seconds later I feel
the sting from the first tazzer
and go to one knee as
the shock passes thru my body,
then the second one hits me.
The adrenaline was the only
thing keeping me up and as I’m
about to collapses it stops.
It takes a minute before my
vision clears and Officer Rick is
helping me back to my feet.
I guess Melody told him the story
because he’s thanking me and
calling me son. I hear
the shot and feel the burning
pain in my side as I go back
down to my knees.
The alley erupted in gunfire as I
look back at the gangbangers
lying in the alley. Their
bodies jerking as a hail of bullets
hit them. I look down and I’m
bleeding from my left
side badly. I got a gash about 9
inches across my left side were
the bullet grazed me.
Another Officer walks up and
helps Rick get me back to my feet
and thanks me
introducing himself as John
Hammond the local state police
barracks commander. The
other little girl was his daughter.
The paramedic are there trying
to help me but I refuse treatment
not wanting to spend
any time in the hospital. I look at
the state police officer
“Am I free to go” I ask John
“Yes, you’ll have to do a
statement later but you need
medical attention son your
bleeding pretty bad” he replies.
Rick was also trying to get me to
go to the hospital, it wasn’t part
the original plan but I
decided to make Rick regret his
earlier words and turn to him.
“You made your opinion of me
clear already at the drive in b*o” I
say as I walk over and
get in my truck.
I look back as I get in Rick is just
staring at me a hurt look on his
face. I drop the truck in
drive and smoke all 6 tires as I
spin around 180 degrees and
drive off. The girls are all
freaked out by the blood but I
know it’s only a bullet graze, just
a lot of blood. We stop
at Wal-mart and Jill goes inside to
get me clothes, bandages and
stuff while Jenny sits in
the truck with me.
“Don’t think this little scrap gets
you out of getting popped later
slut” I say smiling.
She just smiles and kisses me
until Jill returns and they clean
me up, it’s not bad a few
stitches and I’ll be fine. I’m
standing outside leaned against
the truck while Jenny is
stitching me up when 2 cruisers
“Sir we would like you come with
us” one says as they approach.
“Do I have a choice” I ask
“Yes sir, the girls requested we
find you so they could thank you
sir” he says as they
stare at Jenny trying to stitch me
“Tell the girls I appreciate it but
Officer Rick has made it clear
how he feels about me
and I’m to stay away from his
daughter and family” I say
knowing they will go back and
tell him exactly what I said.
The officers give me a confused
look as I put my shirt on and
leave. I call my lawyer and
even though it now 830 he
meets me at his office. I fill out a
statement and he notarizes
it then delivers a copy to the
state police and local police.
I had always intended to kill the
gangbanger but he brought
friends the bastard messing
up everything I think to myself,
there’s no honor left among
thieves. As I drive home my
cell rings its Officer Rick so I just
hang up, then John the state
police commanders calls.
“Hello” I answer.
“JJ this is John, I’m not sure what
is going on son but I and the
girls would like you to
come down so we can thank you
in person, You’re a hero son” he
“Well Sir I appreciate the
comments but I’m not, I just did
what anyone would have
done I’m sure. I’m just happy
their safe now and tell them no
thanks are necessary” I
“Look son just come down and
let the girls and us thank you” he
“I can’t do that John, Officer Rick
made it clear earlier I was never
to speak to his
daughter. I’m sure he can explain
it to you” I say not waiting for a
reply before I hang up
and turn my phone off.
I figure I’ll give it a day and let
the pressure build on Officer Rick
before I turn it back on.
My lawyer had given me keys to
an apartment my father kept in
town for business
Client’s so we headed there to lay
low. Once at the apartment the
girls call the family
and tell them everything,
describing me as some
superhero ninja master.
“Girls why are you dressed in my
house” I ask. They both look at
me having forgot about
the rule and smile as they strip
their clothes off.
We all climb in bed naked and the
girls curl up on either side of me.
I was dead tired
from the adrenaline rush and
blood loss. I flip the TV on to pay
per view and select the
xxx channel.
“Ok girls I’m going to take a
quick nap you watch and learn” I
As I doze off I her the girls
giggling and their taking turns
with my cock gently teasing it
with their mouths as they watch
the show. I guess the blood loss
took more out of me
then I thought because when I
woke it was 5 am. Both girls
were sleeping on my chest
and the room smelled like sex,
my cock is limp and there is cum
in Jill’s hair.
I flip to the news channel and
there is a story about the
incident, local hero saves 2 girls
names being withheld. I flip my
phone back on and the mail box
is full, reporters and
people I don’t know. Each of the
girls left a tearful message
thanking me for what I did
and begging me to come see
them so they could meet me.
Just hearing Melody’s voice
begging got my dick hard. John
left a message as well trying
to convince me to come. Rick left
several apologizing for the drive
inn, and asking me to
come see the girls. Melody’s as
good as mine I think as I turn my
phone back off and roll
over and slide my hard cock into
Jill’s wet pussy.
Jill just moans softly and pokes
her ass out so I can get deeper
into her tight little pussy.
Published by Nimmy
12 years ago
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mikey1ra 11 years ago
very good