Lunch time
Once Ranma and Akane were
close to the school they heard
the bells begin to ring, "Oh no
Ranma were gonna be late"
Akane yelled with fear in her
voice, Akane had reason to fear
being late any girls who arrived
at the school late were marked
as lunch, they would be taken to
the kitchen and slaughtered and
cooked for the hundreds of
other students, everyday a few
girls were always late, maybe
they wanted to be roasted was
all anyone could guess.
Ranma being the faster one
picked up Akane and ran for the
school gates and passed them
just as the last bell chimed and
the gates were locked, on the
outside of the school gates stood
five girls who were then taken,
stripped, and stamped with
"Today's Lunch Meat" on their
rumps, some of Akane's friends
were among those stamped.
"AH OH, when they little Wahine's
what be late, being made lunch"
the headmaster said standing
behind Ranma and Akane
watching the five unlucky girls as
they were being taken to the
cafeteria, or were they the lucky
ones?, some of the un stamped
girls definitely thought they
"HEY, what are you doing
sneaking behind me you freak"
Ranma yelled to the headmaster
as he turned and saw him
holding a pair of gardening
shears, "Gimme dat pig-tail" the
headmaster said and then tried
to snip off Ranma's pig-tail,
Ranma dodges the shares and
kicks the headmaster clear over
the gates and he lands on the
ground on the other side out
cold, "So what do you think will
happen to those girls Ranma"
Akane asked as they turned from
the headmaster and walked
inside the school.
"There gonna be lunch I guess,
did you know any of those girls?"
Ranma asked as they walked into
the classroom, "Yes two of them
were friends, Kamiko and Musha,
I cant believe they would be late
on purpose to be cooked like
that" Akane said taking her seat
next to Ranma, "Maybe you didn't
know them as well as you
thought Akane' Ranma replied
taking his seat.
"Ok class today I have a special
treat for you all" said their
teacher a beautiful young
woman, "We are going to have
an in-class live demonstration of
proper vaginal spitting
technique" she added and
caught the attention of the
whole class, "OH NO" Akane
though to herself.
Akane has always feared when
the teachers had live
demonstrations because the girls
used are always alive when it
begins and then dead when its
over and almost always the girls
used are always her classmates
chosen at random by the
teachers, she hasn’t been chosen
yet and doesn’t want to be.
"BRING IN THE SOWS!" the teacher
yelled and two young men
entered the classroom each
holding a long chain in his hand,
the other end of the chains were
attached to collars around the
necks of two beautiful nude girls
with their hands bound behind
their back, ball gags in their
mouth's, Akane looked up and
recognized then immediately,
"Kamiko?, Musha?, you're today’s
demonstration?" Akane said
standing up from her seat losing
herself in the moment not
thinking of what she was doing
just acting on impulse she
walked over to her two former
friends and started playing with
their breasts and pussies causing
them to moan and squeal like the
sow's they are, "Akane Tendo
please do not call the sow's by
there former names, they
decided it would be fun to be
late today, so now their meat for
us to do with as we wish" the
teacher said walking up to the
two girls with a smile, "Having
fun yet?" she added and laughed.
"Akane would you like to help me
with the demonstration?" the
teacher asked causing Akane to
draw her hand away from
Kamiko's pussy quickly thinking
that the teacher was about to
have her stripped, bound and
used for today’s demonstration
in the same way as the two girls
she was standing next to, their
juices on her hand's, "Um what
do you mean?" Akane asked a
little afraid of the answer, "Do
you want to help me with the
demonstration?, I need someone
to help me prepare these two
sow's to take their spits" the
teacher replied and Akane
quickly agreed.
Akane returned her hand to
Kamiko's pussy when the teacher
went about her business getting
ready for the demonstration with
Akane's attention on the pussy in
her hand she did not see the
teacher walk back over to her
desk with two spit's from the
roasting cabinet and place them
on the desk behind them, "Ok
Akane since your so fond of the
sow formerly known as Kamiko
bring her over here so we can
start this demonstration and get
them back to the cafeteria ready
to roast for lunch" the teacher
said and Akane was happy to
deliver the sow to her.
Akane stopped in front of the
teacher her hand sill twiddling
inside Kamiko's pussy, “Ok Akane
you need to get down there and
use your tongue on that pussy its
very juicy but not nearly wet
enough to take a full three inch
thick spit, get to it girl” the
teacher said and Akane was
happy to get her tongue in that
pussy, causing Kamiko to moan
wilder while the teacher walked
over to them and looked Kamiko
in the eye’s "Ok meat if I remove
the gag will you promise not to
beg for your life or ask to be let
go?" the teacher asked and
Kamiko shook her head "YES!".
The teacher removed the gag, "I
would never beg, I have dreamed
of this day all my life and now I
will finally get the sharp end of a
spit, Musha wants it also!"
Kamiko said as soon as the gag
was removed, Musha tried to
smile and show she agreed with
Kamiko but with her gag holding
back her smile she could only
blush and beg the teacher to
remove her gag as well with her
The teacher took Kamiko's chain
from Akane's hand and bent the
sow over her desk locking the
chain to the bolt in the floor on
the opposite side of the desk this
left Kamiko bound to the desk
with her stomach and breasts
pressed flat to the desk, the
teacher then cuffed both of her
ankles to the legs of the desk
with the chains and cuffs
attached to each leg, Kamiko was
not going to get up from this
position ever again the next time
she gets up would be when they
carry her back to the cafeteria
after the spit has gone though
Musha was likewise bound in the
same way to a second desk that
had been brought in for this
reason, with both sow's bound it
was time for the demonstration
the teacher picked up the two
spits and handed one to Akane
who looked stunned as he
dropped it into her hands,
"What’s this for?" Akane said
looking at the spit and then at
the exposed pussy of Kamiko in
front of her, Kamiko’s juices
dripping from her face, "Come
now Akane you have seen this
demonstration before you know
where the spit goes" the teacher
taunted her, "You mean you
want ME! to spit her?!" Akane
said trembling with the spit still
in her hand one end touching
the floor as if ready to fall any
"I’ve never spitted a girl before"
Akane added trembling even
more now, "Yes Akane you said
you wanted to help me with the
demonstration, I cant spit two
sow's at the same time, can I?"
he said as he looked at Akane
and saw she was shaking, "I-I-I
cant do it" Akane said dropping
the spit to the ground and ran
from the room, Ranma wanted to
follow after her to see if she was
alright but his interest in
watching his two former
classmates get the spit was to
strong for him so he remained in
his seat as the teacher choose
another student to take Akane's
"Ranma would you like to come
up here and take Akane's place
as my assistant?" the teacher
asked Ranma who was now
sitting in the front row closer to
the action, "Sure teach, I would
love too" was his reply, "Take the
spit in your hands like this
Ranma" the teacher said and
Ranma picked up the spit and
held it like she told him too,
"Now class it is important that
when you insert the tip of the
spit into your sow's pussy that
you don’t go further then six
inches" the teacher said as she
inserted her spit in to Musha's
pussy and stop at the six inch
mark, Ranma followed her
movement exactly.
"When you reach the first bit of
resistance stop! that is the sow's
cervix, we don’t want to
puncture that yet, we want to
fuck the sow with the spit and let
her have one more cum before
we proceed" she said as she
began to slowly in and out fuck
her sow Musha with the spit until
she had her moaning and
groaning on the verge of
orgasm, Ranma once again
followed her every move until
Kamiko was also moaning.
After five minutes fucking their
spit both sow's were cuming
hard the sticky cum could be
seen oozing out of their pussies
around the spit's, "Now that they
had their last un-spitted orgasm
we can push though the cervix
and enter the womb, boys make
sure you pay close attention and
write this down there will be a
test tomorrow, girls make sure
you watch closely so you know
how to act when its your pussy
on the spit" She said as she
pulled back the spit until the
sharp end was almost out of
Musha's pussy and then pushed
it back in hard burying it about
15 inches into her womb, the
sound of ripping flesh could be
heard as the spit pushed though
the cervix, Ranma after seeing
what the teacher had done did
the same to Kamiko.
Musha and Kamiko were
moaning and squealing more
now, "I guess they really are
having fun!" the teacher said
with a laugh watching the two
sow's squirm on there spit's,
"Now class this is the tricky part,
going though the stomach and
diagram is pretty easy but to do
so without knicking the heart
and killing your sow prematurely
is hard, so Ranma let the spit go
and come over here, watch me"
she said, "But the spit will fall out
of her pussy wont it?" Ranma
asked looking at Kamiko's pussy,
"No its firmly embedded inside
your sow her pussy will hold it
there" Ranma let go of the spit
and Kamiko's pussy did indeed
hold the spit in place as he
walked over to Musha and the
"Now watch closely because
when im done your going to
have to do the same to your sow,
you will be graded on your
proformance" she said as she
held the spit tight and slowly
began to push the spit forward
causing Musha to gasp as the
spit punctured her stomach and
then went thought the diagram
quickly, in Ranma's opinion too
quickly before he knew it
Musha's spit was all the way
though and out of her mouth,
"And that’s how you properly spit
a sow, now Ranma lets see what
you have learned" she said and
lead Ranma back to his sow
Kamiko, "Just do what you saw
me do and you will be fine" she
said and Ranma took hold of the
spit still firmly embedded in
Kamiko's pussy and like the
teacher had done started to
slowly push it deeper in to the
Like an expert spitter Ranma had
fully spitted Kamiko and was
proud of his work as the teacher
examined every detail of the
spitted sow and announced he
would receive and A+ for his
proformance, "Wow Ranma that
was cool" called out one of the
other boys in the class, "I cant
wait until the day I get one of
those in me!" called out a girl in
the back everyone looked at her,
"Tomorrow’s meat!" was what
they though.
"Now everyone no time to
celebrate were not done yet we
have two sow's that have to be
bound to their spit's and sent to
cook before they bleed to death"
she said as she walked back over
to Musha picked on a small 15
inch stabilizer spit and rammed it
hard up her anus causing her to
cry out around the spit in her
mouth, she attached it to the
larger spit and then bent her legs
at the knee's quickly binding
them with cooking twine, Ranma
watch closely and did the very
same thing to Kamiko and she
too cried out around the spit
from the pain of a 15 inch
stabilizing rob being rammed up
her anus, “And now were done”
the teacher said as she tied off
the last of the twine, “What
about gutting them” one of the
boys in the room asked, “Yes
normally gutting and stuffing
them would follow the spitting,
but that’s another lessen and
were out of time, the kitchen
staff will take over now” she
When the class was over Ranma
decided to go track down Akane
while four of his classmates
volunteered to transport the
spitted sow's tears rolling down
their faces from the pain in their
anus's to the cafeteria to be
roasted it was nearing lunch
time and they needed the
roaster's, Ranma found Akane on
the roof of the school still crying,
"Akane you alright?" he asked as
he started moving closer to her,
"Go away Ranma, leave me be"
she said and turned away from
him, "Ok but come on down your
gonna miss lunch if you stay up
here" he said and started back
When Akane finally did go back
down she found Ranma and the
rest of her classmates in the
cafeteria salivating at the site of
two beautiful fully cooked spit
roasters an oven roasted sow
and a large pot of girl-soup
everyone fought over who would
get what parts of each girl while
Akane sat down next to Ranma
who already had his prepared
for him fully cooked Kamiko-Sow
fillet a reward for doing a good
job on spitting her.
"You better now Akane?" Ranma
asked as he stuffed a large bite
of Kamiko's pussy fillet into his
mouth, "Ya but im still freaked
out by the whole wanting to be
cooked thing" she replied taking
a bit of fillet off Ranma's plate
and eating it without even
thinking about it, "For someone
with a problem about spiting
girls you sure do love eating
there pussies" Ranma said
watching Akane swallow her bite
of fillet, "Well im hungry and it
taste just as good cooked as it
did raw" Akane said with a smile
as she took another bite.
The school day ended at the
sound of the final bell Ranma and
Akane along with some of their
friends decided to go to Ukyo's
for a snack, "So you think Ucchan
is open yet?" Ranma asked
walking along side Akane on top
of the chain link fence, "Sure she
is, look there's a line forming
already" Akane replied walking
into a run and Ranma following
close to the school they heard
the bells begin to ring, "Oh no
Ranma were gonna be late"
Akane yelled with fear in her
voice, Akane had reason to fear
being late any girls who arrived
at the school late were marked
as lunch, they would be taken to
the kitchen and slaughtered and
cooked for the hundreds of
other students, everyday a few
girls were always late, maybe
they wanted to be roasted was
all anyone could guess.
Ranma being the faster one
picked up Akane and ran for the
school gates and passed them
just as the last bell chimed and
the gates were locked, on the
outside of the school gates stood
five girls who were then taken,
stripped, and stamped with
"Today's Lunch Meat" on their
rumps, some of Akane's friends
were among those stamped.
"AH OH, when they little Wahine's
what be late, being made lunch"
the headmaster said standing
behind Ranma and Akane
watching the five unlucky girls as
they were being taken to the
cafeteria, or were they the lucky
ones?, some of the un stamped
girls definitely thought they
"HEY, what are you doing
sneaking behind me you freak"
Ranma yelled to the headmaster
as he turned and saw him
holding a pair of gardening
shears, "Gimme dat pig-tail" the
headmaster said and then tried
to snip off Ranma's pig-tail,
Ranma dodges the shares and
kicks the headmaster clear over
the gates and he lands on the
ground on the other side out
cold, "So what do you think will
happen to those girls Ranma"
Akane asked as they turned from
the headmaster and walked
inside the school.
"There gonna be lunch I guess,
did you know any of those girls?"
Ranma asked as they walked into
the classroom, "Yes two of them
were friends, Kamiko and Musha,
I cant believe they would be late
on purpose to be cooked like
that" Akane said taking her seat
next to Ranma, "Maybe you didn't
know them as well as you
thought Akane' Ranma replied
taking his seat.
"Ok class today I have a special
treat for you all" said their
teacher a beautiful young
woman, "We are going to have
an in-class live demonstration of
proper vaginal spitting
technique" she added and
caught the attention of the
whole class, "OH NO" Akane
though to herself.
Akane has always feared when
the teachers had live
demonstrations because the girls
used are always alive when it
begins and then dead when its
over and almost always the girls
used are always her classmates
chosen at random by the
teachers, she hasn’t been chosen
yet and doesn’t want to be.
"BRING IN THE SOWS!" the teacher
yelled and two young men
entered the classroom each
holding a long chain in his hand,
the other end of the chains were
attached to collars around the
necks of two beautiful nude girls
with their hands bound behind
their back, ball gags in their
mouth's, Akane looked up and
recognized then immediately,
"Kamiko?, Musha?, you're today’s
demonstration?" Akane said
standing up from her seat losing
herself in the moment not
thinking of what she was doing
just acting on impulse she
walked over to her two former
friends and started playing with
their breasts and pussies causing
them to moan and squeal like the
sow's they are, "Akane Tendo
please do not call the sow's by
there former names, they
decided it would be fun to be
late today, so now their meat for
us to do with as we wish" the
teacher said walking up to the
two girls with a smile, "Having
fun yet?" she added and laughed.
"Akane would you like to help me
with the demonstration?" the
teacher asked causing Akane to
draw her hand away from
Kamiko's pussy quickly thinking
that the teacher was about to
have her stripped, bound and
used for today’s demonstration
in the same way as the two girls
she was standing next to, their
juices on her hand's, "Um what
do you mean?" Akane asked a
little afraid of the answer, "Do
you want to help me with the
demonstration?, I need someone
to help me prepare these two
sow's to take their spits" the
teacher replied and Akane
quickly agreed.
Akane returned her hand to
Kamiko's pussy when the teacher
went about her business getting
ready for the demonstration with
Akane's attention on the pussy in
her hand she did not see the
teacher walk back over to her
desk with two spit's from the
roasting cabinet and place them
on the desk behind them, "Ok
Akane since your so fond of the
sow formerly known as Kamiko
bring her over here so we can
start this demonstration and get
them back to the cafeteria ready
to roast for lunch" the teacher
said and Akane was happy to
deliver the sow to her.
Akane stopped in front of the
teacher her hand sill twiddling
inside Kamiko's pussy, “Ok Akane
you need to get down there and
use your tongue on that pussy its
very juicy but not nearly wet
enough to take a full three inch
thick spit, get to it girl” the
teacher said and Akane was
happy to get her tongue in that
pussy, causing Kamiko to moan
wilder while the teacher walked
over to them and looked Kamiko
in the eye’s "Ok meat if I remove
the gag will you promise not to
beg for your life or ask to be let
go?" the teacher asked and
Kamiko shook her head "YES!".
The teacher removed the gag, "I
would never beg, I have dreamed
of this day all my life and now I
will finally get the sharp end of a
spit, Musha wants it also!"
Kamiko said as soon as the gag
was removed, Musha tried to
smile and show she agreed with
Kamiko but with her gag holding
back her smile she could only
blush and beg the teacher to
remove her gag as well with her
The teacher took Kamiko's chain
from Akane's hand and bent the
sow over her desk locking the
chain to the bolt in the floor on
the opposite side of the desk this
left Kamiko bound to the desk
with her stomach and breasts
pressed flat to the desk, the
teacher then cuffed both of her
ankles to the legs of the desk
with the chains and cuffs
attached to each leg, Kamiko was
not going to get up from this
position ever again the next time
she gets up would be when they
carry her back to the cafeteria
after the spit has gone though
Musha was likewise bound in the
same way to a second desk that
had been brought in for this
reason, with both sow's bound it
was time for the demonstration
the teacher picked up the two
spits and handed one to Akane
who looked stunned as he
dropped it into her hands,
"What’s this for?" Akane said
looking at the spit and then at
the exposed pussy of Kamiko in
front of her, Kamiko’s juices
dripping from her face, "Come
now Akane you have seen this
demonstration before you know
where the spit goes" the teacher
taunted her, "You mean you
want ME! to spit her?!" Akane
said trembling with the spit still
in her hand one end touching
the floor as if ready to fall any
"I’ve never spitted a girl before"
Akane added trembling even
more now, "Yes Akane you said
you wanted to help me with the
demonstration, I cant spit two
sow's at the same time, can I?"
he said as he looked at Akane
and saw she was shaking, "I-I-I
cant do it" Akane said dropping
the spit to the ground and ran
from the room, Ranma wanted to
follow after her to see if she was
alright but his interest in
watching his two former
classmates get the spit was to
strong for him so he remained in
his seat as the teacher choose
another student to take Akane's
"Ranma would you like to come
up here and take Akane's place
as my assistant?" the teacher
asked Ranma who was now
sitting in the front row closer to
the action, "Sure teach, I would
love too" was his reply, "Take the
spit in your hands like this
Ranma" the teacher said and
Ranma picked up the spit and
held it like she told him too,
"Now class it is important that
when you insert the tip of the
spit into your sow's pussy that
you don’t go further then six
inches" the teacher said as she
inserted her spit in to Musha's
pussy and stop at the six inch
mark, Ranma followed her
movement exactly.
"When you reach the first bit of
resistance stop! that is the sow's
cervix, we don’t want to
puncture that yet, we want to
fuck the sow with the spit and let
her have one more cum before
we proceed" she said as she
began to slowly in and out fuck
her sow Musha with the spit until
she had her moaning and
groaning on the verge of
orgasm, Ranma once again
followed her every move until
Kamiko was also moaning.
After five minutes fucking their
spit both sow's were cuming
hard the sticky cum could be
seen oozing out of their pussies
around the spit's, "Now that they
had their last un-spitted orgasm
we can push though the cervix
and enter the womb, boys make
sure you pay close attention and
write this down there will be a
test tomorrow, girls make sure
you watch closely so you know
how to act when its your pussy
on the spit" She said as she
pulled back the spit until the
sharp end was almost out of
Musha's pussy and then pushed
it back in hard burying it about
15 inches into her womb, the
sound of ripping flesh could be
heard as the spit pushed though
the cervix, Ranma after seeing
what the teacher had done did
the same to Kamiko.
Musha and Kamiko were
moaning and squealing more
now, "I guess they really are
having fun!" the teacher said
with a laugh watching the two
sow's squirm on there spit's,
"Now class this is the tricky part,
going though the stomach and
diagram is pretty easy but to do
so without knicking the heart
and killing your sow prematurely
is hard, so Ranma let the spit go
and come over here, watch me"
she said, "But the spit will fall out
of her pussy wont it?" Ranma
asked looking at Kamiko's pussy,
"No its firmly embedded inside
your sow her pussy will hold it
there" Ranma let go of the spit
and Kamiko's pussy did indeed
hold the spit in place as he
walked over to Musha and the
"Now watch closely because
when im done your going to
have to do the same to your sow,
you will be graded on your
proformance" she said as she
held the spit tight and slowly
began to push the spit forward
causing Musha to gasp as the
spit punctured her stomach and
then went thought the diagram
quickly, in Ranma's opinion too
quickly before he knew it
Musha's spit was all the way
though and out of her mouth,
"And that’s how you properly spit
a sow, now Ranma lets see what
you have learned" she said and
lead Ranma back to his sow
Kamiko, "Just do what you saw
me do and you will be fine" she
said and Ranma took hold of the
spit still firmly embedded in
Kamiko's pussy and like the
teacher had done started to
slowly push it deeper in to the
Like an expert spitter Ranma had
fully spitted Kamiko and was
proud of his work as the teacher
examined every detail of the
spitted sow and announced he
would receive and A+ for his
proformance, "Wow Ranma that
was cool" called out one of the
other boys in the class, "I cant
wait until the day I get one of
those in me!" called out a girl in
the back everyone looked at her,
"Tomorrow’s meat!" was what
they though.
"Now everyone no time to
celebrate were not done yet we
have two sow's that have to be
bound to their spit's and sent to
cook before they bleed to death"
she said as she walked back over
to Musha picked on a small 15
inch stabilizer spit and rammed it
hard up her anus causing her to
cry out around the spit in her
mouth, she attached it to the
larger spit and then bent her legs
at the knee's quickly binding
them with cooking twine, Ranma
watch closely and did the very
same thing to Kamiko and she
too cried out around the spit
from the pain of a 15 inch
stabilizing rob being rammed up
her anus, “And now were done”
the teacher said as she tied off
the last of the twine, “What
about gutting them” one of the
boys in the room asked, “Yes
normally gutting and stuffing
them would follow the spitting,
but that’s another lessen and
were out of time, the kitchen
staff will take over now” she
When the class was over Ranma
decided to go track down Akane
while four of his classmates
volunteered to transport the
spitted sow's tears rolling down
their faces from the pain in their
anus's to the cafeteria to be
roasted it was nearing lunch
time and they needed the
roaster's, Ranma found Akane on
the roof of the school still crying,
"Akane you alright?" he asked as
he started moving closer to her,
"Go away Ranma, leave me be"
she said and turned away from
him, "Ok but come on down your
gonna miss lunch if you stay up
here" he said and started back
When Akane finally did go back
down she found Ranma and the
rest of her classmates in the
cafeteria salivating at the site of
two beautiful fully cooked spit
roasters an oven roasted sow
and a large pot of girl-soup
everyone fought over who would
get what parts of each girl while
Akane sat down next to Ranma
who already had his prepared
for him fully cooked Kamiko-Sow
fillet a reward for doing a good
job on spitting her.
"You better now Akane?" Ranma
asked as he stuffed a large bite
of Kamiko's pussy fillet into his
mouth, "Ya but im still freaked
out by the whole wanting to be
cooked thing" she replied taking
a bit of fillet off Ranma's plate
and eating it without even
thinking about it, "For someone
with a problem about spiting
girls you sure do love eating
there pussies" Ranma said
watching Akane swallow her bite
of fillet, "Well im hungry and it
taste just as good cooked as it
did raw" Akane said with a smile
as she took another bite.
The school day ended at the
sound of the final bell Ranma and
Akane along with some of their
friends decided to go to Ukyo's
for a snack, "So you think Ucchan
is open yet?" Ranma asked
walking along side Akane on top
of the chain link fence, "Sure she
is, look there's a line forming
already" Akane replied walking
into a run and Ranma following
12 years ago