Cavers have descended

In more wondrous news, cavers have descended into core of Vietnam’s Annamite Mountains and what they found there was nothing short of other-worldly

These caves, Hang Son Doong, are not the dank, creepy, bat infested places of darkness. With rooms large enough to accommodate a block of New York City skysc****rs, 300 foot wide shafts of light descend from natural skylights to illuminate deep blue lagoons, a gorgeous jeweled river, a dense underground jungle, massive calcite walls, and air so humid it has formed its own cloud system.

Emerald green algae carpet rock surfaces where light reflects from the smooth blue pools. Unchecked ferns, snaking vines, and towering trees reach hundreds of feet up towards the light while thick jungle growths descend back into darkness. It is a lost civilization that far outpaces the scope and breadth of my imagination. One cavern is aptly named “Watch out for dinosaurs.”

Some of the rock formations resemble the skeletal ruins of a fabled Narnian castle.

I am humbled by the knowledge that spectacular places like this can still exist untouched by the damaging hands of human consumption. I cannot express to you how much pleasure I feel knowing this place exists.

These caves have seemingly no end. They go on for at least 150 miles of subterranean wonderland, like something out of Jurassic Park, as beautiful and foreign as another planet. During the monsoon months the caves fill with water, making them impassable to sky dwellers.

For these pictures and more, please visit the National Geographic website

Published by Black--Widow
12 years ago
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Thanx, is difficult to find a post about
something so different instead of the usual matters discussed on this site, I made it, but was
a joke
just beautiful