Getting taken in

It's easy to get taken in here. You think you know who you are talking to. But we all pretend to a certain extent to be someone different, someone better, someone sexier. I can forgive all that. I'm sure I do it too. But sending phony pictures, unsolicited, that you snagged off the web is just not cool. And it's really not cool to snag them from someone else's profile on Hamster. WE aren't all beauties. We aren't all 19 years old. Sometimes it really is the mind we connect with, the personality, the wit. That's what matters. That's what is important.
Published by samgrant1865
12 years ago
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jankyt 3 years ago
Well said man.
samgrant1865 Publisher 9 years ago
I do so appreciate your authenticity. Glad to have made you as a friend.
comsome 11 years ago
Great topic. I'm not a phony but someday I hope to post my pics. All this time and still nervous about sharing that stuff on the internet.
samgrant1865 Publisher 12 years ago
You're absolutely right, Jenn. And I remember that happening to you. I don't want to embarrass this person publicly, and am not going to say publicly who it is. But let's just say that Google images can yield interesting results, you know? Still, one can forgive and forget if there is a come clean moment, which both of us experienced with someone we both deem a close friend here. So there you are.
christianbalerant 12 years ago
I agree. I had someone a few months ago that i figured out was running three profiles and they were all trying to engage me in different ways. When he/she (probably he) started being careless and using the same phrases I looked closer and realized some of the photos on the three profiles showed the same woman. It was obvious once you really looked. I confronted the person and said just be straight with me and I'll forgive and forget. The person just kept up the ruse so I disengaged. What disturbs me is that the woman in the photos was probably an ex wife and I doubt she knows her naked body is being displayed. Nobody has stolen my pics that I know of, but I'd be pretty pissed if they did because it is a little bit of a risk posting your own stuff. Like in real life, if you fess up, then it's ok, like Nova said, none of us are perfect.
samgrant1865 Publisher 12 years ago
Nova thats why you are so loved by your online friend's.
Dark_Witch 12 years ago
I agree with you. People do things for different reasons. Some people lie because of self confidence, some lie because they don't want the real them out on the net. Some are lying cause there actually a dude pretending to be a girl. Which goes into the last category. Some lie because there just a bad person. I am far from perfect and have made mistakes a long the way myself. But I did own up to them. Again I am very sorry about your friend. People that don't chat online or make friends online doesn't realize how it can hurt. *hugs*