My Stepmom Carol Part 1

My stepmom arrived on the scene several years ago from the East Coast. I knew my dad was going to be a happy man from then on, and you can be sure he was. Sophie was her first name, but she went by Carol. Nonetheless, I came up with the nickname "Soap" early on, and it stuck. I remember fondly when I used to play basketball with her; my waist brushing against her behind and her girlish smile as she would score the occasional hoop on me.

Though now in her early 40s, Carol still has an incredible body. When she leans over her behind is tight and shapely against the tight black pants she brought with her from New York. Occasionally at the dinner table she would bend over and I couldn't help but look over at those round hips. Four years ago Carol had a baby with my dad. My dad liked to talk about how he was sure she became pregnant on their first try - and I believe it - you could tell she was flushed and plumb with fertility. But that didn't change a thing. She was still as shapely (and I'm sure just as fertile) as ever and increasingly I found myself fantasizing about her.

It started when she'd come into my room at night and give me back massages. Her smooth hands felt like heaven against me, and I could swear that she was trying to be sensual with them, knowing that she turned me on. "Relax, David. You're so tense," she would say. I'd fantasize about Carol coming into my room at night when my dad was asleep and sitting on me, I kneading her full, succulent breasts. Her breasts are perhaps her best feature. So big and juicy; I'd look down her bra as she leans over to zip up my jacket or put plates on the table, in her sweet, motherly way.

My teenage sister was never anywhere near as beautiful as my stepmother. She knew this and became jealous of the attention my dad and I gave to this older woman. Even in my sister's most beautiful years - age 16 or 17 - you could see clearly in a photo of them trying on skirts that Carol had a much rounder, fuller figure, her long dark brown hair flowed gracefully down over her breasts. She is slender, yet her breasts and hips are round and full with softness and that beautifully tender skin.

When Carol was downstairs talking on the phone with that sweet sexy voice, I'd find myself in the bedroom soaking up the scent of her bras and panties, listening to her voice and imagining how it would sound under the covers with her smooth, voluptuous thighs on me. Sometimes in the morning when she thought I was asleep she'd walk by my room and I got the pleasure of seeing her full figure; her baby-white skin and those cute little feet thumping softly on the wooden floor. Having the baby several years before clearly hadn't change Carol's hips and butt. Her bottom stuck up tightly against her panties like the16 year-old girls I flirt with at school. I guess it's just nature's way of letting you know that she's still ripe with fertility.

My dad went away on business trips quite often, and I think my stepmother was becoming a little lonely. And her body was so ripe with womanhood, in want of a younger, more vibrant sex life. Indeed, in want of someone she really deserved. One night when my dad was away and Carol was cooking dinner for me, she leaned all the way over to clean up something on the floor, and, my dad not being there, I jumped at the chance to take in that beautiful rump. I could see her pussy lips faintly outlined through her pants. Carol's lovely behind was a foot away from my face! I immediately became hard, and couldn't believe how good she looked. Carol seemed to realize this and righted herself and pulled at her tight panties a bit ( I guess she had a wedgie). She flushed a little and looked at me with her eyes wide, knowing what I must be thinking. She giggled and then smiled at me, then, clearly embarrassed, went to put her young son to bed. That night Carol came into my room with some laundry and a bright, eager look in her eyes. Right then I knew what she had been thinking about that whole evening.
Published by smit121
12 years ago