Some question

would you to use condom or not?
you want me to ride your dick?
you want me to suck your dick?
what is your favorite position?
where you want to cum?
what is your fantasy about me?
how many times you want to fuck me in one day?
Published by nikolettcs
12 years ago
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ednet76 10 years ago
ahogy, ahányszor, amikor akarod
jetraider 10 years ago
would you to use condom or not? Az csak természetes.
you want me to ride your dick? Ki ne szeretné?
you want me to suck your dick? Igen nem is kell kérdezni.
what is your favorite position? Bármelyik ha látom az arcod.
where you want to cum? A szép kis testeden bárhova.
what is your fantasy about me? Földön vizen levegőben.
how many times you want to fuck me in one day? Ahányszó csak birjuk.
szacs 10 years ago
would you to use condom or not? Az elején csak gumival. Utána, ha van bizalom, akkor lehet anélkül is akár.
you want me to ride your dick? Miért ne? :smile:
you want me to suck your dick? Szeretném.
what is your favorite position? Kutyapóz
where you want to cum? Rád. Zsebkendőbe = csalódás.
what is your fantasy about me? Szaunában és strandon.
how many times you want to fuck me in one day? Amennyiszer szeretnéd és amennyiszer lehetséges. Akár reggel is meglephetsz, a reggeli kötelező merevedéskor :smile:
nfndp 10 years ago
1, not
4, at side from behind as i comming deep inside
5,Deep inside you
6, you are one of the player in rolplaying
7, 4-5-6 if you can make it possible.
rodriguez80 10 years ago
1.Ha nem ismerem a partnert akkor igen
2.Örülnék persze ha elmennél a farkamon :smile:
3.Igen jól esne nagyon :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: de imádom a handjobot is :smile:
4.Van több is.. (priviben elmondom)
5.A szép pofikádat szivesen összekenném :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
6.Azt gondolom szereted a sexet :smile:
7.Az szerintem attól függene h vagy felöltözve,kifestve stb... :smile:
Yourassgoddamnit 11 years ago
would you to use condom or not? no way
you want me to ride your dick? ride me hard bitch
you want me to suck your dick? balls deep please
what is your favorite position? spoon
where you want to cum? deep inside you
what is your fantasy about me? fill you with my juice
how many times you want to fuck me in one day? depends on how durable you are
sunnyboyBUD 11 years ago
would you to use condom or not? japp
you want me to ride your dick? yes
you want me to suck your dick? yes deep!
what is your favorite position? I got more...
where you want to cum? ass`:smile:
what is your fantasy about me? hmm find it out :wink:
how many times you want to fuck me in one day? 3-4 would be okay
moeleboele 11 years ago
would you to use condom or not? No
you want me to ride your dick? Yes
you want me to suck your dick? Please
what is your favorite position? You riding me
where you want to cum? Face
what is your fantasy about me? Me fucking you anal and a dildo/vibrator in your pussy
how many times you want to fuck me in one day? 3 to 5 times a day.
Cucos 11 years ago
would you to use condom or not?- Prefer without one
you want me to ride your dick?-YES
you want me to suck your dick?-I will love too
what is your favorite position?- Me on top
where you want to cum?= inside of you and in your mouth
what is your fantasy about me?came to your house seduce you anf fuck you all day
how many times you want to fuck me in one day? = Nine time in ine day!
zotya_cs 11 years ago
1. te döntésed hogy használjuk-e
2. ha szereted te is
3. ha te vágysz rá
4. 69, kutya, lovaglós
5. bárhová
6. egy érzékit szeretkezni veled
7. ahányszor neked jól esik
sanyika89 11 years ago
1 Igen
2 Igen de lassú élvezetes módon :smile:
3 Igen de nem lennék hálátlan
4 69 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
5 cici közzé :grinning:
6 hmm ez helyzettől függ
7 minimum 1 de legalább 3 egy nap
areolafan 11 years ago
would you to use condom or not? ez a Te döntésed
you want me to ride your dick? igen, imádom, ha látlak közben....
you want me to suck your dick? akarom. nagyon.
what is your favorite position? ha látom a szemed, és fogom a melled, bármilyen póz bejön :smile:
where you want to cum? melleidre első körben
what is your fantasy about me? ezt majd személyesen meglátod, maradjon titok addig :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
how many times you want to fuck me in one day? egyszer. de az egy 24 órás menet lenne, kis megszakításokkal.
would you to use condom or not? ha lehetne, inkább nem, bízhatsz bennem :smile:
you want me to ride your dick? hát hogyne akarnám
you want me to suck your dick? imádom, ha szopnak
what is your favorite position? doggy
where you want to cum? az arcodra vagy a szádba, ha lehet
what is your fantasy about me? szeretném látni a mosolygó arcodat a spermámban úszni látni :smile:
how many times you want to fuck me in one day? legalább 3x
would you to use condom or not? nem
you want me to ride your dick? igen
you want me to suck your dick? igen
what is your favorite position? doggy, lovagló
where you want to cum? arc, popsi, punci
what is your fantasy about me? nyílvános szex egy kellően zsúfolt helyen
how many times you want to fuck me in one day? akárhányszor
x24u 11 years ago
would you to use condom or not? not
you want me to ride your dick? yes
you want me to suck your dick? are you kidding?
what is your favorite position? doggy
where you want to cum? deep inside
what is your fantasy about me? deep inside x 3
how many times you want to fuck me in one day? I want it to be an ongoing project...
loyi92 11 years ago
eleinte igen, de hosszútávon nem
naná :smile:
ki ne szeretné
ha szembe velem lovagolsz
egy napig ki se kelünk az ágyból
kipróbálnám hogy hányszor megy :smile:
zole27 11 years ago
nem szeretem a gumit!
nagyon szeretem főleg ha a melleid a számban vannak közben!
igen nagyon
hátulról közben popsidat izgatnám
ahova szeretnéd de szívesen az arcodra
szét nyalnám a puncid és a popsid!
ameddig kapok levegöt
Dreddbull 11 years ago
1. Nem szeretem, de ha a partner ragaszkodik hozzá, igen
2. Naná! Szeretném, ha lovagolnál :smile:
3. Igen, szeretném a szádban érezni a farkam
4. Hátulról
5. Az arcodra, melleid közé, hasadra, hátadra, ahova csak akarod
6. Kényeztetni téged egy másik pasival. Egyszerre használni a szádat, puncidat és a popsidat. A végén pedig rád élvezni
7. Ahányszor csak megkívánod
cumplay 11 years ago
1. would use a condom, not for oral
2. you should ride my dick hard
3. and suck me blindfolded
4. doggy style and 69
5. I want to cum on your face and in your pussy
6. pussy to mouth games and I want you to lick your own pussy juice from toys over and over again
7. depends, maybe 3-5 times a day, deep and hard
panzerdivision0 12 years ago
Nem használnék, nélküle sokkal élvezetesebb.
Természetesen igen.
Igen, igen és még egyszer igen.
Misszionárius és kutyapóz.
A hasadra.
Egy kis bor mellett a melegben az extázisba kényeztetsz.
Ameddig csak a testünk bírja.
panzerdivision0 12 years ago
Szívesen csinálom nélküle.
Minden további nélkül, természetesen.
Igen :smile:
Misszionárius és kutyapóz.
A hasadra.
Egy forró estén, bort iszogatva az extázisba kényeztetsz.
Amíg bírja a testünk.
Hungarian 12 years ago
Ha akarod, de nem ragaszkodnék hozzá
what you want....
a popódra
kukkolnám ahogy masztizol
egyszer sem...reggeltől estig....
cherchesalope 12 years ago
Don't like condoms
Want you to ride my cock very hard
Want you to swallow my cock down your throat
Doggy and 69
Want to cum in your mouth ass and pussy and on your face
Want to fuck your ass and throat so hard
Want to fuck as long as i can
cyberdaddy 12 years ago
would you to use condom or not? yes until i come in your mouth
you want me to ride your dick? yes
you want me to suck your dick? deepthroat my dick
what is your favorite position? doggy
where you want to cum? in your mouth first
what is your fantasy about me? fucking you in and on the car
how many times you want to fuck me in one day? until you say mercy
footixxx 12 years ago
feet and face
fuck u in car
over 5 times!!!!!!!!
Makelovin 12 years ago
1- I wouldn't want to
2- yes
3- yes
4- doggy
5- mouth
6- meeting up with you and eating that pussy till you cum all over my face
7- 5 times
HungarianMilfLover 12 years ago
No,yes,yes,doggy,in your asshole, to fuck you very hard,10
hv1604 12 years ago
would you to use condom or not? NO
you want me to ride your dick? YES
you want me to suck your dick? YES
what is your favorite position? DOGGIE
where you want to cum? MOUTH, PUSSY, ASSHOLE, ALL OVER YOU
what is your fantasy about me? CHECK YOUR PMS
how many times you want to fuck me in one day? UNTIL MY DICK WONT WORK ANYMORE
BeMyLittleSlut 12 years ago
would you to use condom or not? neeem...
you want me to ride your dick? igen
you want me to suck your dick? igen, bár az a szopás nem tartana sokáig, mert begerjedve megdugom a tündéri szádat... :smile:
what is your favorite position? doggy
where you want to cum? mindenhová, de főleg az arcodra
what is your fantasy about me? használni, használni, használni...
how many times you want to fuck me in one day? egyszer: reggeltől másnap hajnalig... :smile:
macius 12 years ago
My answers:
1. Condom. At first prefer in your mouth no condon
2. Yes
3. Yes
4. Doggie
5. Pussy and arse and face and legs and titts
6. All day session and you tied down I spank and fuck you
7. 24 h