
Hi there girls, guys and shemales!

I have an idea and wanted to ask you what you think about it!

How about making parties for all the horny users on here to meet, party and whatever somebody wants to!?

I think it would be much fun and would organize the first one here in munich (great city and very central in europe).

Maybe we can start something big and get some sponsors...

To make it clear I don't want to earn money or something. Just have fun with you naughty people out there!

I would organize a whole weekend-program for those who are interested, also with sightseeing and the party on a saturday.

Tell me what you think about and tell all your friends!
Share you ideas with me and I will bring em on here when I'm back from prague (would be also a great city for a xh-party!) next weekend.

Maybe we can start something cool and have much dirty fun!

Kisses, Paul
Published by Analpaul
12 years ago
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