Sissy in chastity: 15 days without ejaculate

   When I write this, I have been six days of sexual abstinence, without ejaculating even a drop. These periods of abstinence that I impose to myself from time to time, are suitable to learn to control myself and be a good sissy girl. I can not deny to you that it's very difficult to meet with myself and be a "good girl"... but I have to.
   Till now, my biggest "record" without ejaculate is 14 days, two full weeks without spilling a single drop of cum and enjoy an orgasm... and now I plan to reach 15 full days without ejaculating. The decision has been made... and on my sixth day I added to my "toys" a chastity tube that I bought today, a precious CB-3000 in black color.

Sissy in chastity: 15 days without ejaculate
   I hope when I receive it, it will helps me to reach my record of 15 days without ejaculating and gradually become myself in a more disciplined sissy.
   However, I find it hard to reach and although sometimes I surprise myself with my hand under my skirt, caressing my bulge over the panties... I hope to reach the 15th day without shedding a single drop of my precious liquid, but at this time I know it will be difficult.

Sissy in chastity: 15 days without ejaculate 2
   When that day comes, I will enjoy, as I do at the end of each period of disciplinary abstinence: I'll play with my dildos till cum and ejaculate over a biscuit. Can you imagine what I do with this cookie?. Yes, it is a pleasure to savor a delicious cookie completely covered with a large amount of cum, the "harvest" of 15 full days... Mi prize.
   Just thinking about that hot, thick liquid pouring from my mouth, savoring it with my tongue and feeling spilled down my throat... drives me crazy and makes my small cock becomes hard under my panties...
   So... I guess I need urgently a chastity tube, it will help me to overcome the days that await me without cum and endure the desire to touch me. I must be a good and obedient girl, I must resist the temptation and be more disciplined... I know!. But it costs so much...
Published by cristina_aroa
12 years ago
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HerrPeterHH 6 years ago
sehr schön, wie geht es weiter
linusmad69 7 years ago
after 15 days dont cum on a biscuit but in a cup of coffee, it could be better
servetta 7 years ago
I have make cb6000 extra small
sjswnylon 7 years ago
Love you as a woman
Per61 7 years ago
Mmmm..Good girl Cristina
chris6slut 9 years ago
such a good girl... but would love to give you some milking when you are in chastity...
frits070 12 years ago
chastity is hard when you have to do it all by yourself. but 15 days is a great personal record :smile:
ohheckyeah 12 years ago
woooow speechless hehehe
barby 12 years ago
Wouldlove to share the cake
fucking hot!!!
dougadoo1976 12 years ago
very cool love your cock cage WOW!! not orgasming for days shit I haven't done that for 40 years
adrienneheels 12 years ago
I could never go 15 days without cumming!! You are a better girl than I am!