What should your ideal Hairy woman look like?
What does your dream Hairy woman look like?
Share with me your thoughts about your perfect hairy woman...
For example in terms of physical attributes, how important is the hair and how would you rank order which hairy parts are most important to you (eg. pussy, legs, armpits, treasure trail, forearms, ass lower back, facial, etc)? For example, some viewers are happy with just a hairy bush while others prefer all natura. Within the latter group perhaps there are differences in terms of the weights they might place on the relative importance of the hairy legs versus the hairy bush. Of course, it would be nice to know how important the hairyness is in terms of the overall impact to your preference for certain women. Other attributes that you might weigh against the importance of hairyness might include such things as overall body shape, head hair colour, shape and length, age, ethnicity, type of boobs, type of pussy (small labia, larger labia, prominent mound etc), type of ass, length and shape of legs and of course facial features..
Share with me your thoughts about your perfect hairy woman...
For example in terms of physical attributes, how important is the hair and how would you rank order which hairy parts are most important to you (eg. pussy, legs, armpits, treasure trail, forearms, ass lower back, facial, etc)? For example, some viewers are happy with just a hairy bush while others prefer all natura. Within the latter group perhaps there are differences in terms of the weights they might place on the relative importance of the hairy legs versus the hairy bush. Of course, it would be nice to know how important the hairyness is in terms of the overall impact to your preference for certain women. Other attributes that you might weigh against the importance of hairyness might include such things as overall body shape, head hair colour, shape and length, age, ethnicity, type of boobs, type of pussy (small labia, larger labia, prominent mound etc), type of ass, length and shape of legs and of course facial features..
12 years ago
2 on the thick chubby side
3 very hairy pussy
4 thick prominent labia that are dark as well
5 big clit
6 big natural tits
7 round soft ass with hair from pussy to anus
Kisses, Marion
In order of importance...
Full bush extending from hip bone to hip bone, extending down the inner thighs three to four inches. Down along the labia and over the taint and around the asshole extending up to the top of the butt crack.
Butt crack
Butt cheeks
Lower leg
Upper leg
Treasure trail
Fore arms
Upper arms
Rare but love ladies with treasure trail extending up the stomach and ending in a nice patch between the breasts.
Breast hair around the nipples.
Butt crack hair that extends up the back to between the shoulders.
A nice light to medium weight lady mustache. A mustache on pretty lady is very sexy.
Also rare but very nice: Foot and toe hair. Full sideburns.
All this hair should be full length, meaning that it should not only not be shaved in any way it should not be trimmed short. For instance, girls who grow their armpit hair for a week or two don't qualify has really having armpit hair. It should be natural length.
If she's hairy other places like stomach, back and shoulders it's a nice plus.
Generally the hairier the more attractive. I'd rather a girl that is mediocre face and body-wise that is very hairy over a very pretty girl with a great body that is smooth.
Did I mention mustache? Hairy models with mustaches are too rare.