Hi friends im "dalefelder.webs.com"

hi friends im dale felder, im a author, designer, writer, photographer, and i live in sanfrancisco, california, you read my new photo books click the links here> http://www.blurb.com/books/3599526 http://www.blurb.com/bookstore/detail/3640438 http://www.youtube.com/goodvibetv

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hi friends my name is mr dale felder I live in san Francisco California, and this is my life story, I came here to San Francisco in 1979, but I was born in Kansas City mo., February 15,1957, today is the mouth of May 2012, so that makes me a 55 years old black man, so you do the math. ha ha and I know your probably riding high in the sky on a airplaine and reading my book just to pass the time away. Or maybe you're just sitting in a Starbucks coffee shop reading my book on your apple computer and your ebook. Or riding on a train with that little reading light on above your head and your just having a laid back quiet spiritrual moment with yourself our you good now? So let me tell you about my life's journey it starts in Kansas City mo, my mother and father met in the early 1950s and got married. My brother was born 1955, then me and my other brother came later 1957, then my mother had an enlarged weak heart and she died when I was two years old. And a day after my mother died my father marred the 18 year old girl who lived upstairs from us in the apartment building. so she became my step mother and she would baby sit me and my brothers when my mother was sick in the hospital. I never knew my real mother the sound of her voice her touch but never the less my dear sweet mother's life did have a purpose. and shortly after my mother's death my father used her life insurance policy to buy a two story house. now it's the year 1959 and were all living in this big house my mother's life paid for. and when I was a little boy I would all ways hear my step mother complaining about how she didn't really love my father. and how she really wanted to marry her young boy friend when he got out of the army. but she marred my father to got a big house out of the deal. and now it's the early 1960s and my step mother is going to nursing school and it's time for me and my brother to start kindergarten. And I was too young to understand my father's abusive behavior. But I remember one early morning I was late getting up for kindergarten and it was winter time. And my father came in the house and kicks the snow off his big rubber boots over the vent in the hallway. And was going to the bath room and my father screamed at my why you not ready for school? And then he kicks my little 4 foot tall body about 3 feet across the room and I landed on my ass! And then he said to every time you not up for school I will beat you and from then on and all thru my c***d hood my father found some crazy mental retardant reason to kick and beat me around the house. and my step mother would go to her sister's house on her days off from work at the hospital. and she would take me and my brothers with her and it was sort of fun to go somewhere and my step mother was young light skin party girl and she would have sex with other men when my father was at work and my father would have sex with other women and my father couldn't control my step mother from having sex with other men outside their marriage. So he would just be abusive to her. Now I want to tell you why my father was so abusive he was born in 1927, in the south, Atlanta Georgia and my father would tell us bits and pieces about his c***d hood in growing up in the south. He had two brothers and a sister, and when he was a boy he had to wear his older brothers hammy down shoes and when his brother grows out of the shoes. and my father had to go bear footed to school all his c***d hood because they was to poor in the 1930s and he only went to the six grade because my father had to work in the cotton fields, water melon fields, he was used as c***d labor back in the 1930s and my fathers, father killed his mother and a black preacher and his wife took him and his brothers in their home and treated him bad. the south treated him bad all of his life and when he was 18 years old in the 1940s my father went to the army in Paris and Germany his job in the army was to unload the ships like tanks, guns, bombs, and the black men had the most deadliest job unloading the bombs from the ships. And when my father got out of the army he ended up in Kansas City, mo., how? I don't know he never told us but Kansas City, mo. must have been better than the south. because he got good job at a steel company in Kansas city where he became foreman and supervisor of that company and I remember in 1970 I was the 7th grade my father was in the hospital for about two weeks my step mother told us a steel wire went thru his chest in his lung. but I really think my father had to fire a man on the job and the man stabbed my father in the chest. but my step mother never took us to see him in the hospital but I didn't care at that time. But all I know is I had a nice vacation from getting a beat down by him. When my father got out of the hospital his mental state of mind had got worse my father's definitely had a mental problem he drank vodka on his days off from work and beat me or he beat my step mother. But all I know is that some body in my house was going get beat down by my father. Just for no reason at all or when he was having mental flash back about his jacked up life. my step mother would leave my father and go stay at her mothers house for about two weeks and our house would be real quiet and my father didn't beat no body the house whole time my step mother was gone. but after my father would be on the phone pleading to my step mother to come back so she came back and my father just be mean and agian and my father could'nt stop my step mother from having sex with other men. so my father put her in a mental ward at the hospital. where she stayed for about two weeks and i remember it was in the spring of 1970 i think i was about 13 years old. my whole family is in our big green station wagon and my uncle was sitting in the front seat with my father. and my father just driving along and talking to my uncle and my father was swirling, weaving the car in the street and driving crazy in the street and my father was trying to drive the car in the parking lot of the hospital but he could'nt get control of the steering wheel and my uncle had to grab the steering wheel and got in the drivers seat and finish driving in hospital emergency entrance and my nucle got my father in to the hospital and he layed him down on one of those flat hospital beds in the hall way. And the hospital people were buzzin around in the hall ways of the hospital and it was taken such a long time for some body to take care of my father. And while my father was lying on that flatbed his eyes were red and just staring up in the ceiling all glassy eyed and my father's head was raised up. And he was looking into all of our faces like it was the last time he was going to see us. And the look on his face was like he was afraid he was going to die. But I had mixed feeling what would my life be without my father? But my father didn't die he stayed in a mental ward of the hospital for about two week. And our house was nice and quiet while my father was gone. So we all went to the hospital to visit my father and he looks so pitiful with his head in his lap. So while my family was visiting with my father. I went walking around this big hospital just amusing myself and I saw a tray with a fresh jello and pudding cups on it. so I help myself to the goodies and since my father wasn't at home I could think to myself and it felt good and peaceful for a change in my life and as time went by I found out why my father had to go in the hospital. It was on my father's day off from his job, and my uncle and my father was experimenting with some kind of speed d**gs and it had a bad reaction in my father's body so there now you know. and now I'm going to say this about my step mother she was a good mother and took good care of me and my brothers when we was sick because she was a nurse aid. and she tried to create a sense of normalcy in our home and on Christmas my step mother buys a green Christmas tree and sit it in the front room window and buy a lot of gifts and rap them up real nice and on the holidays all the family came over to our house because we had the biggest house in the family and we had some really big family picnics at that house there was big tables out in the big back yard and my father would put the ice cream machine together. and my step mother would make the ice cream mixture on the stove with eggs cream just all the stuff that make homemade ice cream etc., and all the aunts and grandmother's would be there cooking and the weather would be hot but we all just had a good family time. Things was not bad all and there were good time in my family but I just had to get the bad stuff out of my system and move of on with my life and my story. I like the early spring in that big house two story house. On 3217 Michigan, street, we lived in because my step mother would all ways be cooking food when I and my brothers would come in from school. And she would be cleaning that big house and waxing the hard wood floors. And the scent of pinesal would fill the air and a cool gentle breeze would blow through the open windows. after an early spring rain and make the flower printed curtains flap around and the white flower bushes in the front yard smell so sweet and I love smelling the yellow and white honey suckle vine that grew in the back yard and little thing like that made me feel happy and it's the early 1970s and I'm 15 years old and the family is loading up our furniture and moving to the suburbs pass 63th street where black people could not live in the 1950s and after the martin Luther king riot in 1968, the white people start leaving the so called whites only neighborhoods. And the black people start moving in so called white neighborhoods. And now our family is living in a new house in the suburbs it was small and had three small bed rooms and one little living room and a small kitchen. So now there are five of us living in this small house so now I'm going to a suburban high school and so what. That school and all the other schools I ever attended the teachers never did teach me anything. The teachers were beating me across my butt with a long thick wooden broad and that made my nervous system really bad thru out my c***dhood. Did you know I was in the seventh grade two times and the ninth grade two times well it's true. The Kansas City school system did nothing for me they got paid money for nothing. And there were no books in our house and whenever I would bring a school book home my father would throw it out and I never could find it any more. My father was not big fan of education so I just stop going to school. I wanted to be a photographer and clothes designer and there was no inspiration in my home and there was no inspiration in Kansas City in the 1970s so when I was nineteen years old in 1979 I went to job corps in Clearfield Utah it was my first airplane trip and it was a free trip to anywhere. And when I arrived in Clearfield Utah my fraternal twin brother had been there in job corps for an about two weeks and he was having mental stuff going on in his head. And fighting people in his dorm and when I found my brother he was sleeping on a top bunk when I walked in his dorm. but I didn't know I not allowed to enter the other dorms and few guys was looking at me real mean like they was going to beat me up. Until I woke my brother up then it was ok and we hung out and it was just like my brother was not even there, some time he was in space most time. and think we was together for a week and then the cafeteria had burn down and us job corps guys had to get up real early in the morning. And stand in the cool snowcapped mountain air and wait for this big yellow school bus to take us guys to a school cafeteria. to eat three time a day for about two weeks until they finish building our new cafeteria out of two dorm rooms on the job corps center and when I was at job corps I signed up to learn how to be cook. And I earned 25 dollars a week while I was in job corps but I really didn't like cooking but I kept cooking because job corps didn't have any other training I wanted to do. But I was having so much fun and all 80 guys living in my dorm would all go on these field trips high up in the Utah Mountains and along a rushing river. In a big wide beautiful green valley and we went on some many field trips I cannot count them. But I'm glad job corps was a part of my life journey for nine month of my young life and while I was in job corps it became a coed job corps center. The girls started coming in the job corps center from all over the world. And the guys in job corps were from all over the world and when the girls came to the center it was less fighting from the guys that was a good thing. and I was a big guy I could handle myself pretty good and it was three girls from the virgin islands and they like hanging out around me on the center I was sort of like a big brother to girls and job corps was a good experience for me to learn how to be on my own. I had good time and a lot of silly little boy fights but my nine months at job corps was up. and now I'm back home in Kansas City, mo. and my body is a lot bigger and my mind is a lot wiser and job corps sent me a 1000$ dollar check. And I never had that much money in my life. my oldest brother just got out of the navy and then he got married and his own home my other brother went to the navy I stayed at home for little while it was early spring my step mother had lift the home the same time I was going to job corps. and she was living in her own little apartment in midtown in our old hood on Linwood blv., and now im the last guy living at home and finally my father kicked me out the house. It was a hot summer day in Kansas City, mo. and got jobs as a dish washer at Denny's 24 hour restaurant on 39th, street main, because that's the only kind of work I could get. But I did eat well at those jobs and the economy was real good in the year 1979 and I thank god there were so many restaurants for me to work at. Now and I turned 20 years old and I'm on my own and no looking back ever again. everybody shut doors in my face so I lived in the YMCA hotel for 25 dollars a week in down town Kansas City, mo. and I was young and free gallivanting thru the city night life and I never been in a bar before so I walk in to this bar with low lights and it was a block from the ymca where I was staying and I order a soft drink. And I wasn't in there to long and the red head bartender lady said me hey frank over at the end of the bar want to buy you drink. I said ok and what kind of drink is that orange and red drink? The bartender said that's a tequila sunrise so I said I want one of those drink and this was the first time a man ever wanted to buy me anything. So I got up and walk and down to the other end of the bar and I sit next to this much older white man who had just bought me this drink. and I don't remember what we was talking about maybe it was the tequila sunrise and I didn't like the taste of liquor any way but the orange juice sure made it go down a lot easier.so while we're talkin and it seems like this white man's only interest was the size of my Johnson rod so this white man said to me lets go out to my car and I said ok and I do need some easy money so now we're sitting in this white man's car in the parking lot and whip out my Johnson rod and this white man grabs it and start bobbin my Johnson rod. I think I kind of like it or maybe it was just the tequila drink but any way I had just discovered that white men had a craving for the Johnson rod of black men. and discovered I can make money off my body and there was a time in the 1960s white men was chasseing black people out of their neighborhoods and in 1970s white men was driving in the black peoples neighborhoods to find young black guys to give oral to there Johnson rod what a laugh. And after I would get off from my food service job I would walk to down town Kansas City. And the bright neon light of the sex clubs and the strip clubs of Kansas City. HEY FRIENDS DO YOU WHAT TO READ MORE OS MY LIFE STORY? YOU GO TO THE LINK BELOW>http://www.blurb.com/bookstore/detail/3640438
Published by dalef
12 years ago
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