Masturbation questionaire

Big thanks to Pystol for the idea!!

Sex: male/ female
How old were you when you started?
Have you ever been caught?(who/when/where)
Where is the weirdest place you have masturbated?
How often do you masturbate?
Have you ever given it up as a new years Resolution?
-if yes, why??
What was your best/worst experience?
Have you ever passed out in the middle of masturbating?
-if yes, why??
What do you use to help you get going? porn/toys etc...
Published by Colin_F10
12 years ago
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funtoplaywith69 8 years ago
Male aged 40
Started age 11
Been caught by my mum, wife, ex girlfriends, sister in law.
weird places bus stop very open, sister in laws house. female friends house
use porn to wank too who doesnt friends toys
simonenglish 12 years ago
Male aged 24
Started at 12

Been caught by all sorts. Mum, dad, brother, wife, mother in law. (mother in law didn't catch me as such but rather knocked on my door before entering giving me time to pull covers up)

Try to masturbate in friends houses (using their gfs underwear) and any wear I can. As a teen I baby sat and liked to wank in parents bedrooms using underwear!!

Weirdest.... Toilets at work, in a train carriage (not toilet), in a car park, on top of a mountain

Tried to give it up for lent a few times but failed miserably!

Obviously use porn. Wank over my sleeping wife and occasionally use her but plug up my bum!