TRUE FACTS about Office Sex
When your boss trusts you enough to allow you to suck his cock or to enjoy having his cock fucking you. he is best owing a great honor and privilage upon you.
With the legal environment today, he is risking a lot to allow you to suck his cock or to permit you the pleasure of him fucking you. It means he must trust you. He trusts you not to make some claim of sexual harrassment. It means he trusts that you are a girl who has honor and integrity, as opposed to one of those gold digger sluts who are just after money. He refuses to even consider allowing the other women in the office to suck his cock or to have his cock fucking them, because he does not trust them enough. It speaks volumes about how he thinks about you, that he trusts you so much.
All of the office girls are so eager to be the one he chooses. They all constantly compete for his attention with their short skirts showing off their creamy thighs, and their low cut blouses displaying their ample cleavage. They all tempt him and try to seduce him, flirting with him shamelessly. But he has chosen you over all of them. It is an honor and the ultimate compliment that you are first among all of the office girls. Of all the women in the office, of whom he could have any one he chooses, rather he chose you. By letting you suck his cock and allowing you the joy of being fucked by him, he is elevating you to a very special status in the office. He is making you his office mistress, his chosen lover, and that is a very high honor.
Only his wife has a higher status in his life than do you. Your are the second most important woman in his life, the one he turns to for erotic pleasure and joyous bliss, the one he enjoys so emphatically. Although he already has a wife, by permitting you to have sex with him, he has made it clear that he wants you, needs you, desires you, and that you are very important to him. You have a very special place in his life and you should realize how much of an honor it is for you.
Some women do not understand this relationship between a boss and his office girl, but those of us who enjoy office sex understand the trust involved and the honor he is bestowing on us.
12 years ago