Task 2 - Orgasm Control

Day 1, 18.September, first edge:
Its 18:35 in germany I startet my mistres_sinpkin`s task 2. I lie on bed and have a hard cock. After 10 min I want to cum, but I have to jerk stopped.


Day 1, second edge:
21:11 til 21:18 my cock is hard all the time, I jerk my cock, but I I stopped in time. I am already so horny, bur its not allowed to cum


Day 1, third edge:
23:13 til 23:15, only 2min. A user wrote me: he has a big dildo in and cum. for me its not allowed:(


Day 1, 4. edge:
00:29 - 00:33 in front of my computer, ahhh it was tough, the wish to cum is growing!!! thanks mistress to please you!
I hope I can sleep tonight


Now its 01:11 I go sleep with hard cock, because I try it

02:50 I woke up and I have a pain in my cock. Is it a kind of side sting? The only thing I think is cuuuummmm.

Day 1, 5. edge:
03:00 - 03:08 the pain is like after sounding my cock. I stop before I would cum. I am proud . I hope you are too. thanks for the task my mistress!


Day 1, 6. edge:
07:27 - 07:32, speed wank without cum. How would be my next orgasm? thanks mistress


I fear the next trial I cum. As a precaution I put a plate next to the bed. thanks mistress_simpkin for this task

Day 1, 7. edge :
10:50 - 10:54 Thanks Mistress_Simpkin. Its not allowed to cum and I don`t cum
11:15 upload doesn`t work :( I try it later
Here is the pic from edge 7:


Day 2, no edge :( sorry Mistress. I was so horny and I cum, but I recorded all at video. the video will be online saturday or sunday. I am expecting my punishment.
Published by ffisterr
12 years ago
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soldierde 10 years ago
gefällt mir, nice
schwestermaria 10 years ago
Ich kann meinen Orgasmus im Moment auch gut kontrollieren! Finger liegen auf der Tastatur! :grinning:
ffisterr Publisher 12 years ago
thanks, but i have this task not finished, i will repeat it