Talking about sex & other topics that all come

Recently, I started thinking about activating my blog for what it is: A place to give my point of view on matters that I care about.

So what you’ll read in the post to come is the opinion of a 43 YO man, married for over 20 years now who developed a passion for pornography and sexuality. I’ve never been a faithful husband. I think that sexual exclusivity is a fraud both for men and women. I think that men are overall dominants and women overall submissive. I think that sex and love are 2 different things. I think that censors are everywhere etc.

I’m not objective. I’m just gonna state my thoughts on a few topics. To be honest, I doubt I’ll have a lot of readers and I don’t really care. Since French is my first language, my English might sound funny, so I apologies in advance for my spelling mistakes.

If you agree or disagree, feel free to tell me. I love to be challenged as long as it’s not a mud fight. I’m not saying I’m right, I’m not saying I got the truth, but I got my life experience and I’d like to share it.

So soon’ I’ll post on a range of topics going to pornography to how to survive the coming of a c***d in a couple from a sexual oriented male point of view.

See you soon
Published by tothebone
12 years ago
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IamAnonyMoose 12 years ago
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