Unlike most of the profiles we have come across here...our pics and vids are real. By real I mean they will always be of us or our friends. Not copying everyone elses vids and reposting them.
Someone recently copied and posted our "Fun with Dick & Jane" video.
Not sure how they get away with that as the content is not theirs. We were going to go after them for doing this...but since he has so many friends or what ever he did when he put it up...our video went straight into the top 10 for the week. That's cool, so I guess we'll let it slide.
After talking to my lawyer I relize that we are being fucked.
They changed the name of our video and are producing mass hits...this means they are making money off us.
This can not stand!
Even Later
I have shut him down!
Someone recently copied and posted our "Fun with Dick & Jane" video.
Not sure how they get away with that as the content is not theirs. We were going to go after them for doing this...but since he has so many friends or what ever he did when he put it up...our video went straight into the top 10 for the week. That's cool, so I guess we'll let it slide.
After talking to my lawyer I relize that we are being fucked.
They changed the name of our video and are producing mass hits...this means they are making money off us.
This can not stand!
Even Later
I have shut him down!
12 years ago
I have watched all your clips
Regards, dirtybob
Good Luck