Opinions. Everybody has one. Freedom. Everybody SHOULD have it. The rules of sexuality are simple. 1. Stay away from the k**s. 2. Everyone in the room says "yes". Thats it. If something is unattractive to you, dont watch it. If its, i dont know, a recommended video, rate it low and leave a non judgemental comment about it. Maybe stuff like that will not be recommended any more.
But, no matter what, dont dare speak out because we are all so fragile that the slightest bit of criticism will fracture our egos. I didnt know pornographers had such delicate sensibilities.
But, no matter what, dont dare speak out because we are all so fragile that the slightest bit of criticism will fracture our egos. I didnt know pornographers had such delicate sensibilities.
12 years ago
We each have our own preferences and right to choose. Just beacuase you've verbalized your preferences doesnt make them anything less than YOUR preferences.