The 2 question HOLLYWOOD ACTRESS version...

ok so as you all know i hav the 2 fun blog questions about what one porn star would you have sex with and what one would you get a blowjob from. a lot of you guys answered that question and i still hav a fun time reading all the answers coz i find it quite interesting how a lot of the answers are different but a lot are the same too... if you havent yet answered those 2 questions be sure to leave ur answers for those 2 questions under the the other blog on my page titled "My TWO fun BLOG questions for guys to answer"

This BLOG is the same 2 questions, only you hav to pick 2 Hollywood actresses.

1) if you could have sex with ONE Hollywood actress, who is 18 years old or older, who would it be?
- if u can think of it, also try to name a movie that she was in, maybe one you thought she was hot in or something - if u cant think of one thats ok
(remember to think long and HARD about your answer ;)

2) if you could get a blowjob from ONE Hollywood actress who is 18 years old or older, who would it be?
(also if u can think of it, also try to name a movie she was in - again, maybe one you think she is hot in or something..if you cant think of one thats ok too)

(the only limitation is that the actress has to be 18 or older)

i cant wait to hear what all the different answers will be, and if certain actresses will be named more than others...this should be quite interesting, maybe even more so that the porn star question in a way...

Published by luvz2meetnfuck
12 years ago
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GQTRADER1971 3 years ago
boy this is tough, I'd fuck Jennifer Lawrence and get head from Lucy Lui
Bobgoo2 4 years ago
1- Jennifer Love Hewitt  2- Kaley Cuoco
bobchelicopter 6 years ago
I like Jennifer Anniston in both cases.
ghorndog62 6 years ago
I wanna fuck Salma Hayek and get my cock sucked by Jennifer Lawrence
intimatemagic 6 years ago
Fuck Jennifer Lawrence, while she sucks Catherine Zeta-Jones clit!!
bceazy 7 years ago
So many to choose from but I'll take Jennifer Aniston any day, in both categories.
1 famke janssen golden eye 2 scarlett johansson the island, i rather eat their pussies endlessly if i have to choose...
Satchiel6942 8 years ago
to longhornee : hell yeah
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Satchiel6942 8 years ago
1. mila kunis 2. miley cyrus
marlonv 8 years ago
Emma Watson
DragonLord_ 8 years ago
Gillian Anderson
Stana Katic
bceazy 8 years ago
Jennifer Aniston
Sharon Stone.
seth4562 8 years ago
Britney Spears for both. She would make me cum instantly with the blow job, maybe after that I could last a few minutes having sex with her. Ive been jerking off to her for years and she can still get me rock hard.
therealdubb 9 years ago
1 Jessica Alba
2 Jessica Biel

1 Scarlett Johansson
2 Lucy Liu
to letsgo4it : Bro I' probably with you there age-wise, Heather Locklear was also a major crush of mine

1) Rebecca De Mornay, have had a crush on her since forever...and even now she does it for me
2) Mary MacDonald Pres. Roslin from "Battlestar Galactica" a perfect mature hotties.

Runners up:

1) Jessica " Sugar" Kuyper, the one who lost her top in an episode of "Survivor"
2) Serinda Swain of USA's "Graceland" hot federal agent who probably loves to give head!
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naughtybitch1 9 years ago
1. Elizabeth Banks movie:Walk of Shame
2. Demi Moore movie:Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle
scsexymf 9 years ago
1. Halle Barry.
2. Angelina Jolie and those DSLs of hers.
Six_gun 10 years ago
1. Marrisa Tomei "My Cousin Vinnie" all the way through to "The Wrestler"
2. Gabrielle Anwar

I love these two gorgeous creatures to distraction.
ponyboy1011 10 years ago
I would definitely fuck Emma stone an get a blow job from Jennifer Lawrence Emma stone in easy a an jeniffer Lawrence in x men fdays of future past! Also Emma stone would most likely want to try everything and anything :smile: Jennifer Lawrence because ill hate fuck her throat after seeing her in the silver lining playbook
carly25f 10 years ago
to f5f5f5 : i like your answer
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f5f5f5 10 years ago
Current Hottest version

Jennifer Lawrence for both!
f5f5f5 10 years ago
MILF version

Diane Lane
Sharon Stone
the_gremlin 10 years ago
1.Milla Jovovich
2.Liv Tyler
bigturk89 10 years ago
1. Jessica Alba
2. Angelina Jolie (Probably too generic but what can I say, her lips are too perfect for a bj)
yeoman73 11 years ago
For first i wish Kat Dennings
and for BJ i wish Sasha Grey, if it must be an Hollywood Actress i wish Kate Hudson
lewislantern 11 years ago
1. Liv Tyler 2. Ashley Williams
maddux 11 years ago
1 Alyssa Milano 2 Angelina Jolie
guustaafros 11 years ago
1) Natalie Portman
2) Halle Berry
bosondehiggs 11 years ago
1/ Scarlett Johansson
2/ Angelina Jolie
f5f5f5 11 years ago
1) Stana Katic
2) Grace Park