Thanks for all the lovely breast poses!

The idea to dedicate entire albums to amateurs is turning into a great success and a real joy to do. I must thank Ezliner who commented one day on my ā€˜breast posesā€™ series about how she loved this idea. Ezliner is a gorgeous woman with the most beautiful breasts you can imagine and with lots of photos for a gallery. She sent me even more photos and I dedicated one of the first galleries to her:

At that time I had no idea if other women would like the idea of dedicating galleries to them and how this new series would develop. It turns out there are quite a few women who get it, like it, are flattered by the idea or even honored. One woman, Dee, enjoyed looking at the photos in her gallery and came up with the idea to comment on some of her photos: This added a new dimension to the gallery and I encourage all women to do the same.

Some women said that dedicating a gallery like that made them feel special ā€“ and I feel grateful and special too, every time I get the opportunity to create a new gallery for somebody. I go through her pictures and select the ones that fit in the ā€˜breast posesā€™ theme. Often there are many more, pictures with their boyfriends, pictures of other parts of her body ā€“ itā€™s an intimate experience going through these photos of someone you havenā€™t met in person. In one case I had to find the photos of somebodies girlfriend in between many photos of other women ā€“ I probably looked better at those photos of anonymous female bodies than ever before or than anybody else, and this girlfriend thoroughly deserved the attention:

There is something else that struck me: couples that post these photos often do so in celebration of their passion for each other.
Take a look these galleries:, and
Itā€™s something special and Iā€™m grateful that they share their photos with us.

Iā€™m proud of these galleries and of the women in them. Itā€™s not easy to show yourself naked to a photographer, even if it is your husband or friend. Itā€™s something else to make those photos public and give permission to a stranger to use those photos in a gallery. The women in this series did, which shows they are not afraid and not ashamed of their bodies. And they shouldnā€™t be: these women are lovely. I actually think they teach us something about beauty, in the way they accept themselves and show themselves. This is particularly striking in some of the galleries of mature women, take a look at or

The more galleries I do, the more I love them. Thanks to all of you!

Published by nbcollector
12 years ago
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