Hello JO bro's,

Well, looks as though I am posting blogs about a month apart. Seems normal and appropriate, as this totally is not a blogging site lol...

I live in a rural area, with little chance of finding like-minded Bros that would be interested in what I'm looking for, which is a chill friend that likes to party, chill, watch porn, hang, you know, rock out with cocks out with other guys, w/o expecting sexual/physical contact. Is this an odd thing to expect (the no sex)and even the just having a chill b*o like I described? Just wondering if you have the same interest and if you have, or had, a b*o... Was it difficult to find a like-minded buddy? BTW, it probably doesn't help that I'm totally not in the "scene" and nevergo down to the valley to the bars, or that I'm not a socialperson...

Well, I discovered Craig's List has a personals section for the general area in which I live, and it seems pretty active, to my surprise, and I have been regularly looking at the posts, for the last month or so. While I have not replied to any, I have tried posting a couple to see what response I may get. Well, after deleting all the fucking MalWare and spam-bot BS, I didn't get many replies, except requests for sex! I was totally specific and said if "you are wanting to hook-up, move on, I'm not interested, friends only" need apply! So, ya, that is my CL experience and it sucks! Do you use CL and have you had any luck? Have you posted for friends only or JO buddy and received only sex requests? Just curious if anyone else has had better luck and if I'm just totally expecting too much from this type of site...

Feel free to take a couple of minutes and leave a comment regarding your CL experience, which would be totally appreciated!

It's summer again, time to head out to the nude beach... Do you have a nude recreation, beach, river, lake close to you? I have 2 options close by and totally enjoy going. I'm able to get nude and enjoy the sun and water w/o trolls making a nuisance of themselves! That's a good time, and nice that people don't invade your space... One beach is mostly all dude and out-in-the-open hook-ups, occasionally a group of boys/girls will come down and party naked and do their thing, everybody staying cool. The other beach is family-oriented nudity,k**s and grandparents too, and the dudes go up into the hills to hook-up. BTW, both are on rivers and legal/posted for nudity...

That's all I have, and please leave a comment if you feel like sharing a bit, Happy Jacking!
Published by dirtypug40
12 years ago
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