A Little More About Me - Updated 1/28/15

Hmm, well, one of the reasons I got on this site was to meet new people and chat with them, and so far I've had a lot of ups and downs with that, but the people that I do chat with regularly make it worth it to keep coming back :)

Anywho, I thought I'd fill you all in on a few more things about me that I get asked a lot (both sexual and non-sexual) so that you can get to know me better.

I'll try to keep this updated as I think of things, but you can always PM me if you have any other questions.

Just FYI, I don't mind sharing parts of my life on here, but please don't be rude or pushy in asking me about them. I'll let you know what I'm ok telling you.

Not really sure how to write all this, so I'm just gonna put down things randomly as I think of them.

1) Yes my boobs are real, and they are 36D.

2) My favorite kind of food is steak, then pizza, then spaghetti.

3) When I want to relax, I like to put on my ipod and lay on my hammock in the backyard and sleep.

4) I love classic rock, especially 70's garage stuff and early punk. A few things always on my playlist are the Doors, Led Zep, Iggy and the Stooges, the Stones, and Thin Lizzy. I also love the Clash and the Ramones.

5) My fave kinds of porn (if you can't tell from my faves) are interracial (white girls with black guys) creampies, anal, lesbian, and some old/young stuff.

6) I like funny movies a lot, action movies sometimes, and scary movies only when I have friends who will let me scream in their ear and grab their arm constantly without getting mad at me, lol

7) The answer is "yes" to the following questions about my sex life: Oral, Swallowing, Creampies, Anal, Girls, Toys, Roleplay, Interracial, Threesomes, Older Men

8) I have a fetish for bbc, but I'm not an exclusive bbc girl. I like partners of any kind, chemistry is always the most important thing.

9) No you can't have my facebook account, sorry.

10) I love when people leave me comments, and I always try to comment back too.

11) Yes I do like to drink sometimes, and even smoke pot sometimes.

12) I'm a closet nerd. During winter in AK there's not much to do or places to go, so I end up watching a lot of things on Netflix. I recently started watching some like, scifi shows just cuz I'd already watched other stuff, and surprisingly liked them.

13) My favorite Ninja Turtle is Michaelangelo, cuz I think nunchucks are cool.

14) I once had to scare off a bear by shooting at it.

15) I usually orgasm at least 2-4 times a day, either by masturbating or having sex, or a combination.

16) Yes, I shave EVERYTHING. I prefer it that way, it just looks and feels sexier.

17) I don't mind if guys don't shave everything, but I absolutely REFUSE to lick hairy balls. That's just gross, and I won't do it. Groom it up boys.

18) Whether I want a girl or a guy is just a mood thing. I don't prefer one more than the other, its just how I feel at the time and who I feel connected to.

19) Thank god for the pill, because condoms suck. I hate that rubbery feeling, and how you guys have to stop and change them each time you cum. Its so hot when a guy cums and just stays hard and keeps going, so having to stop just ruins the moment.

20) My fave sex positions with a guy are doggy and cowgirl. I like missionary a lot if my legs are pushed all the way back (not open, but back so my knees are by my head). I also really love laying on my tummy with my legs straight behind me, ankles crossed over and having cock pushed into me. (I guess this last one is called the "prone" position. Thanks to my fellow Hammy's for educating me, lol)

21) My fave things with girls are lots of kissing and cuddling, deep tongue licking everywhere, tribbing, and lots of teasing each other to stay on the edge.

22) I prefer circumsized cocks, but I dont mind if it's not.

23) My first job was at a grocery store when I was 15. Then I was a waitress for a few years. Now I'm going to school full time to become a nurse.

24) A few of my friends have pilot's licenses and sometimes they let me steer the plane when I go up with them.

25) People ask how I stay in shape - Well, sex counts as aerobics right? Lol. I do actually work out. I do a yoga dvd every morning, and I usually try to walk most places when I can. I go to the gym in town about 3 days a week for the zumba class (I LOVE ZUMBA!)

26) One of my fave things to do is kayaking. I have my own sit in, an on-top, and a tandem. It's the best way to experience Alaska :)

27) I love cum, but I hate mayonnaise. Don't ask me to explain, its just how it is, lol.

28) A lot of people ask what I do to pass time in winter (besides have sex). Um, I watch movies online, I read a lot of books, I chat with friends.

29) Yes I have been dog sledding, and it's amazing! A friend's uncle has a sled team and he's let me lead them a few times around his backyard course. Those dogs are so awesome!!

30) My drink of choice is whiskey or beer. I don't go for girly stuff, overpriced dance clubs don't exist in my town. One of the easiest ways to get beat up in Alaska is trying to order a strawberry daquiri from the pub. LOL

31) No, I don't know anyone from Deadliest Catch, lol, sorry.

32) A lesson for the boys - Just because a girl says 2 fingers feels good, doesn't mean we want you to instantly turn our vagina into a carnival game of "Hide the Hand" lol. If and when we want more, we'll let you know.

33) "Do you like big cocks?" - Well, I certainly don't hate them, lol. I wouldn't say I'm a size queen, but I will admit that I do get turned on more by good sized cocks (especially black ones). I think its just a natural instinct, same with looking at boobs.

34A) "Do you have any toys?" - Yes, like all naughty girls I do have a sex toy. I have a 7" vibrator that has 4 speeds, and it's quite wonderful, lol.

34B) I don't understand the jealousy guys exhibit over not wanting to use toys during sex. If you could give your girl an incredible orgasm that leaves her begging for more and more, why wouldn't you invest $5 in a pack of AA batteries?

34C) I don't always use a vibrator when I masturbate. Toys are fun, but fingers can be just as amazing. It's just a mood thing, whether I want to use my toy or not, even at that I don't always turn on the vibrating part when I do use it. Also (and I'm sure my female Hammy's can attest to this) sometimes it's just easier to curl my fingers and pleasure certain parts of me than it is to hang my butt off the bed and try and angle my toy in all crazy, lol.

35) My favorite breakfast food is waffles! And I ain't talking about no frozen/Eggo stuff either. I want real homemade Belgian waffles. So get practicing my Hammys! :P

36) It should be a rule of xHam that if you have a porn avatar then you know which vid it comes from, or at least who the people in it are.

37) My fave book of all time is Alice in Wonderland/Through the Looking Glass.

38) Lots of guys ask me, "How come so many girls don't/won't swallow cum?"

There are lots of reasons, some think it's demeaning, others don't like the taste, etc. But the main reason is its a textural problem.

Want to know what I mean? Try this little experiment:

Get a raw egg, crack it into a glass, scramble it until its all gooey, get a mouthful, and see how much of it you can swallow down.

After you finish gagging/throwing up all over yourself, go back and apologize to every girl you criticized for not swallowing.

And for God's sake, you better treat us girls that do swallow like the goddesses we are. ;)

39) I'm currently working on my Nursing degree, I want to be an RN.

40) The first time I had sex was with a girl. She is a very close friend of mine and has been for a long time, so I love her and trust her very much.

40a) I consider this to be the moment I lost my virginity. As a bisexual girl, I view men and women as equals, and sex with them to be equal. I don't think sexuality is limited to just hetero, so therefore I don't consider "penis in a vagina" to be the only way to lose one's "virginity".

Hmmmm well, that's it for now I guess, I'll try to put more later if I think of anything, or if you all ask me stuff.

Have fun watching porn! lol

Hugs, Kelly

PS. Just as a test to see who/how many ppl actually read this, send me a private message with your favorite quote from either Anchorman, or Step-Bros :P

Published by kellykins2u
12 years ago
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Jonny-699 3 years ago
Cool as a cat! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
tamina44 4 years ago
Mir gefällt es sehr, dass du eine sexuell vielseitige Frau bist und alle Arten von Sex geniesst.
gkcguy 4 years ago
Hey there!  I hope all is well.  I was given your profile link by a 'xham' "friend" for some reason, so for the hell-uv-it, I thought I'd take a peek.  I'm GLAD I did!  I found this mini-bio of yours quite enjoyable.  You really seem like a cool chick.  No, I am not a PC kind of man, so if I offend, let me know.  I'd like to chat sometime you're up for it.  I also find your 'pics of me' enjoyable.  Great smile, GREAT rack :wink: !!!  Hope to hear from you soon... G
sweept 4 years ago
I understand this text is quite old, but still describing you as a very interesting, down to earth girl. 
Most of your explanations I am sharing, however, while I understand that a bigger cock is more attractive, I am personally not in favour of bigger boobs (specially not bigger than yours).
And I am not a movie fan, so no quote :wink:
mikethemotormouth 6 years ago
"That really escalated quickly"
gslahhl 6 years ago
very well done. preaty much says it all and like it is
roccop122 6 years ago
I don't have a quote from the movies but I do know you have been with older me. Does that qualify as having read your profile? Which is great insight into you. I also love you scared off the bear!
jnthn1 7 years ago
I did read your blog.
I don't have a favorite quote from either Anchorman, or Step-Bros.
Thanks for sharing.
carly25f2 7 years ago
you seem so cool, so honest in your description of yourself. btw your musical choices are so many of mine
anrianri 8 years ago
epic3min4 8 years ago
Informative and amusing. Gotta love a woman who drinks whiskey or beer. My 2 go to drinks in any bar. Bartenders love me and I'm sure they love you for it as well
You look funny and smart Kelly :smile:
I promise i won't ask about 27., but i'd be curious to know more about 22.

(sorry for the quotes but i know neither of them)
restonman2001 9 years ago
"I want to roll you up in a little ball and shove you into my vagina" - by Alice in Stepbrothers
crazyboutsex 9 years ago
Had to laugh at #27
ng25 9 years ago
It's great that you're studying to become a nurse. I wish the best of luck on that.

Now for questions, I have a couple for you.

What sort of roleplay are you into?

I notice that you like girl-on-girl rimming. Have you ever done or are open to girl-on-guy rimming?

You said that tribbing is something you enjoy with girls. Do you enjoy pussyjobs with guys, especially as a tease?
letsgo4it 9 years ago
Okay, I hate condoms too, but the pill does not protect from s-t-d's young lady. Thank God this is America and a free country. Not only do they reduce sensitivity, but damn condoms feel like they restrict blood flow too.
bylhamclarabella 9 years ago
I back sorry for not write more comment before. I like some of the topics you have wrote. I found your profile from favourites blog of a person friend name sassybri.
I wish ask have you seen film 8 below?
it walt disney about huskey dogs.
They be left in south pole I think and owner cant get them for a while so they need survive.
Its amazing film.

I would agree bout condom they are yuck feeling inside. My honey only ever wore 1 time so I could oral love him and taste the flavour of it.
Very strong artificial strawberry it was.

I never wanted him wear one again. And he dont.

Fave position mine is being gambole onto his chest as he sit on bed or sofa and hook legs at knees over shoulders.
Nice to be oral loved for hours.

Try it.

Anyway would like chat more but dpnt want appear troll.

Will only if you might be interested chat back.

If not, Enjoy life be happy.
Dont let idiotas here get to you.
Your better than them.
I have same problems here to point close account then realise I would suffer so reopened it.

People be stupid and vulgar in net. Because they cant do to face. No balls.

Be ok Miss.

Abbraccio ( Hug)

bylhamclarabella 9 years ago
I read it but dont know step bros sorry or anchorman.
teetime5 10 years ago
BTW thanks for all your wonderful content, and I agree with Jelly below its your awesome personality that is so attractive, seductive and sexy.
teetime5 10 years ago
reference to 40 and 40a...I think you might like this..."Think of sexuality as a long line. At one end of the line are the people who are 100% Gay and at the other end of the line are people who are 100% straight. Now somewhere in between these extremes are the rest of us, nearer to one end or the other, and through life we may move about on this line.".. Reference to 38..I don't mind the girl not swallowing but I love it when I can convince my wife to cum kiss.
js22290 10 years ago
I haven't seen either of those movies. Thank you, though for being real! :smile:
Nice to know more about you. Thanks for sharing :smile:
Jelly1111 10 years ago
" You have one breathtaking hiney" I ve started to read some of your blogs and have enjoyed them too.i too am a pilot but have never flown in Alaska ,that must be a lot of fun. I've never flown bush but many pilots haven't flown up in the corridor . That's that Hudson River up past ny and nj . That's breathtaking too especially as it starts to get dark and the lights start coming on. How did I get on that?! Anything to do with sex ,I look! It seems I'm not offended by much lol. What makes you different is your personality comes out and that will explain why you have so many responses .thanks
bjf42 10 years ago
I'd love to sit beside you watching a scary movie.
justplayin 10 years ago
way cool Kelly. thanks..
scheleman 10 years ago
your a funny girl.

honest ..like that..
shawn1956 10 years ago
Very nice thanks for sharing.
imburley 10 years ago
Good to know
2damnhorny 10 years ago
voajerista 10 years ago
This is really nice writing!!! You are listening good music!!!