Sex More Often Please!!!
You always hear the phrase Men are from Mars and women women are from Venus....
I think the way men process their thoughts this may be true.
I see men complain more often than not they don't get enough at home. Hmmmm to that I say you have 2 reasons for this.
1. You picked the wrong chick!
2. If she started out fucking more and it dwindled with time....look in the mirror. You may be the cause.
Women want to feel like they are WANTED by the guy they are with. To a guy making you feel like you're wanted means grabbing your ass, or tit. To a woman that is a huge turn off! It shows only you want to fuck. It does not show you want HER!
It's cute in the beginning but as time goes on it's not. Don't grab my ass and think I am supposed to interpret that as you want me. Try something simple like......saying how much you want me. New concept for some I am sure but what you SAY and DO matters.
Try leaving a note out of the blue that says you think she's beautiful. Men tend to forget the emotional part of a relationship. When this is done it goes down hill for the woman.
You also know the saying, if mama isn't happy NO ONE IS.
Let me make it a little more simple.
MEN= Cock and brain not connected. Therefore men don't think much about sex on an emotional level they just do. You show a boob they want to fuck.
WOMEN= Brain and pussy connected. Women want their emotional needs met as well as their sexual needs. If emotional needs are not met then the desire for you lessens.
You would know what needs these are if you....brace yourself..... TALK to her and ask her what she needs Also try truly observing her and the things she does. You will see she may buy a certain kind of perfume more than not, these little things do matter.
You do this, chances are you will get sex more often than you need it. A lot of us love sex just as much or more than you do. But when you start to make us feel like a thing and not a person.....we no longer want YOU.
Food for thought.
12 years ago
What ever gets your juices churning.