Found In the Spanking Personals!

As the minuets ticked by Alice was getting more and more acanthus. It was only 9AM and she'd had a long restless night thinking about what would happen to her later this morning. She'd met him on line in the "Spanking Personals". The texts and e-mails went smoothly as did the meeting over coffee. He'd taken her over his knee for a nice hand spanking the first Saturday after that. He pulled his belt through the loops and laid into her last Saturday. But this Saturday, she'd asked him to really punish her. Implements were discussed and the cane was included in her list - why did she do that? She truly liked him and didn't want to Wimp out - but she was worried she gone too fast. Could she take it? Was it too soon for him to restrain her? Too soon for sex? Her mind raced as her heart pounded. He was going to be here in an hour. She'd already showered, shaved her legs and pussy and put on a minimum of make-up - she knew she'd cry and didn't want eyeliner running down her cheeks with her tears. She wore a sheer cotton dress with nothing under it but her shapely body.

A knock on her door of her apartment promptly at 10 made her cringe with anticipation. Once inside, Jim sat down the large gym bag he was caring before the couple embraced. They shared a cup of coffee and small talk till Jim stood and reached for her. Seemingly in a single motion, he swept her off her feet and carried her over to the dining table. Alice had pulled a chair out and turned it around while she was waiting. He sat down and pulled her across his knee in one smooth motion. Alice reached back pulling her dress up to offer him her bare ass. The warm up was short and the hand spanking soon had her squirming. Jim mixed in hard and moderate swats keeping his left arm tight on her back. When he transitioned to all hard swats, Alice started murmuring and kicking. After about five minutes, he paused and let her enjoy her endorphins. A few minutes later, he resumed spanking her for another five minutes. Alice returned to murmuring, squirming and kicking . When he stopped again, She was told to masturbate. Cought by surprise, Alice questioned: "what th" but Jim cut her short by bringing his hand down hard on her ass. He told her to cum for him. The slap on her ass immediately produced a "YES SIR" from Alice as her right hand made a beeline to her clit. Jim slowly spanked her while her fingers did their work. Soon Alice was shaking with the spasms of wonderful organism that lasted several minutes.

After her orgasm subsided; Alice stood and they embraced again. Jim reached down and with her help, pulled her dress over her head. Jim took a moment to admire her lovely nude body before he reached into his bag and handed her restraints. He secured cord around the table legs while she snapped the restraints around her wrists and ankles. Each of her limbs were pulled tightly towards a table leg spreading open her legs in a wide stance to expose both her ass and pussy to full view. This was humiliating for Alice, but moments later she had greater concerns. Jim took a light strap and came down on her ass with moderately at first. But soon, he built up the force with lashes alternating on each cheek. Alice was letting out a mummer with each one of the remaining 36 hard swats. Her ass was now very red. Jim paused before switching to the heavy strap. Her endorphin's worked hard to relieve her, but they had barely subsided when that strap came down across both ass cheeks. Alice exhaled a muted groan and her eyes watered. The next one came from the other direction as she pulled against the restraints. Jim continued alternating sides with punishing lashes marking her red ass with dark red/purple streaks. The slapping sound of leather striking flesh filled the room. He paused after 36 punishing lashes; her muted groans had become cries of pain. Alice was desperate for the endorphin rush that briefly followed.

Jim reached for the rattan cane and placed a leather bit in Alice's mouth. A moment later, the cane struck the junction between her ass and legs with force. She clamped down on the bit hard responding to the stinging pain. The second one landed just above the first. Welts rose up from each stroke marking the path of the pain stick as it marched up her ass. The harsh pain of the cane embracing her skin caused her to cry out through the bit with each stroke. Tears formed again in her eyes. The painful expression on her face reflected the intensity of what was being inflected on her. He paused after one dozen strokes. Alice relaxed - hoping that this was the midpoint of her caning. The pain she just received was intense, but she knew this is what she needed. The remaining dozen strokes were just as painful. The relentless assault on her ass continued to be punctuated with the fall of the cane ripping into her flesh. Her eyes remained watery, her lower lip was beginning to quiver and her arms were becoming fatigued from pulling at the restraints. Alice's jaw was starting to hurt from clamping down on the bit. But Jim continued caning her. Her cries through the bit echoed through the room. She was producing real tears at the conclusion of her caning. Alice was left restrained, bent over the table, relishing the little relief her endorphins could manage for a few minutes. Her red & purple ass was covered with twenty-four deep purple welts.

Jim undressed before he untied the rope around the table legs and let her up. He hugged her tightly and wiped her tears. Alice thanked him for her punishment while she pressed her nude body against his as hard as she could. Jim asked her if she'd learned her lesson? Alice replied: "Yes sir!" as she bent over to offer herself to her new friend. Jim was very aroused - he pounded her fresh welts with his pelvis while sliding his cox in and out of her wonderfully snug pussy. Alice fingered her clit vigorously with her right hand while her left hand grasped the table for support. Her convolutions shook through her body denoting the wonderful orgasm she was having below him. He breathed deeply and quickly above her climaxing about the same time. When her spasms subsided, Alice remarked that she loved what he did to her! While glancing at his watch, Jim replied that he loved their sessions too. Alice asked if he had another appointment? Jim smiled, nodding his head before he explained that he'd made lunch reservations for them at Benton's - an exclusive restaurant. Alice entered the restaurant holding her head high, walking arm in arm with Jim. But when Jim pulled the chair out for her, she sat down discretely pulling up her dress and sat her fresh welts directly on the wood seat. Alice looked at him across the table with a mischievous grin across her face.
Published by spanker_eric3
1 month ago
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spanker_eric3 Publisher 13 days ago
to tamina44 : Vielen Dank, da sind wir uns tatsächlich einig :wink:
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tamina44 13 days ago
Das ist die hervorragende Beschreibung einer idealen Spanking-Session mit einer noch nicht allzu erfahrenen jungen Frau. Ich finde es wichtig, dass sie schon früh lernt, dass eine Sklavin, wenn sie zu ihrem Meister geht, nur ein Kleidungsstück tragen darf und darunter nackt und intim rasiert zu sein hat. Interessant finde ich, dass sich die Sklavin schon nach der Aufwärmphase bis zum Orgasmus masturbieren musste. Das hat den Effekt, dass sie beim nachfolgenden Spanking sehr schmerzempfindlich ist und entsprechend laut schreit und weint. Ich wendete diese Methode immer an, weil Schreie und Tränen der Sklavin mich besonders geil machten. Das ermöglichte es mir, die Sklavin am Schluss mit einem harten Schwanz in den Arsch zu ficken, damit sie zu einem erneuten Orgasmus kam und dadurch die ganze Behandlung in angenehmer Erinnerung behielt. Ich bevorzugte einen Arschfick, weil ich einerseits ein Analliebhaber bin und anderseits das Klatschen meiner Lenden auf die geschundenen und schmerzenden Arschbacken der Sklavin zusätzliche Schmerzen bereitete. Am Ende erwähnst du etwas Wichtiges: Eine Sklavin muss sich immer und überall mit dem nackten Arsch auf eine Sitzgelegenheit setzen.
spanker_eric3 Publisher 1 month ago
to spankingjenny2 : Thanks! I hope you had a sore bottom like Alice when you came :wink:
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spankingjenny2 1 month ago
Mmmmmm now that I have regained my composure after masturbating like crazy, I love the story and how they met.
spanker_eric3 Publisher 1 month ago
to roadrunner1959 : thank you - glad you enjoyed it :wink:
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roadrunner1959 1 month ago
Love the picture pf pain and pleasure that your writing produced
artherzod 1 month ago
to spanker_eric3 : Yes a great way to teach girls the 6 and 12 times tables, how to make mathematics fun!
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spanker_eric3 Publisher 1 month ago
to artherzod : Thanks! Glad you enjoyed my 6-12-24-36 story :wink:
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artherzod 1 month ago
Glad to see California has adopted the British system of multiples of six swats :smile: Petrol (All vehicle gas) is sold in litres here, but we all say how many miles per gallon MPG we get. I believe WPS (welts per session) should be in sixes, the bonus being you get a few more! Thanks for the story.    