The Guest

I’d just finished dinner when the phone rang.

“Are you busy? I need you over here. And bring the toy bag.”

No problem. I didn’t have anything planned, and it was always fun to have a spontaneous adult playtime.

I entered through the back door, and was greeted with a kiss. “Come on in.” You invited. I wasn’t expecting to see another woman in the front room.

It was evident that you’d both had a few drinks. You weren’t drunk, mind you, but that giggly little state where some of the inhibitions are cast aside, and things are sometimes said that otherwise wouldn’t be.

“She doesn’t think that a guy could actually enjoy getting a spanking.”

Both of you giggled, and I’m sure my face turned more than a little red. “Well?” You asked. “Do you? Do you like getting spanked?”

I nodded. But, that wasn’t enough. “I think she needs to hear you.” You instructed.

“Yes.” I said.

“Yes, what?”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“Nice, but that’s not what I was asking. What do you like?”

Long pause. “I like getting spanked.”

The room was quiet. You grinned at the guest, as if to say ‘told you so’. The guest just sat in her chair, and took another sip of her drink.

“In fact, I don’t think he would mind a spanking right now.” You said.

This was new. We’d done some spanking before, using everything from bare hands to belts to paddles to canes. But never in front of anyone.

“Would you like a spanking? You said you like getting spanked.”

“Yes, Ma’am.” I replied.

“Good.” You turned to your friend. “I normally spank him on the bare ass. He might feel a little shy, though - Do you think I should spank him on his naked rear?”

Your friend nodded.

“Drop those pants.” You said. As I went to unbuckle my belt, you added something more. “Better yet, get all those clothes off. Everything. She needs to see this.”

I could feel my red face going white. I removed my shoes and socks. You continued to talk to your friend about me, as though I wasn’t even in the room. “He hasn’t done anything wrong, you know - I’m going to punish him just because I want to. And as you heard him say, he likes getting spanked.”

My shirt was next. I felt conscious of my belly. Then, the point of no return. I dropped my pants. I wasn’t wearing underwear.

Your friend giggled a bit. You could tell what she was giggling at. “Yes, his cock and balls are shaved! He keeps them that way! Doesn’t it look different? It’s almost like he’s even MORE naked.” Both of you laughed. I didn’t make any effort to hide my cock.

The discussion continued. You had me walk up to your friend ‘for a closer look’. You gave me a surprise swat on the butt with your bare hand, followed by a kiss on the lips. “Bend over, babe.” You whispered.

I bent over the arm of the sofa. “Look at those balls hang down!” You said. Your friend giggled. “The first time I spanked him was with a leather belt. Only a few swats. I didn’t think he’d like it that much. He’s really kind of a perv.” Laughter. You picked up your phone, and showed her a photo of my ass striped with welts from a cane. “He spanks me too.” You pointed out. “But not tonight.”

I felt your hand reach between my legs, rubbing my balls at first, then tugging my cock back. “I’ve even whipped his cock before with a little flogger.” You let go of my cock, and stepped into your room for a moment.

“This is our favorite.” You showed her the dogging bat. “It actually feels like a massage. It gives a nice warmup if you’re going to use a whip or a cane, too.”

I felt the leather being rubbed on my rear. It felt good.

“Twenty strokes.” You said. “Twenty.”

“Yes, Ma’am.” I answered.

I was a little surprised how hard the first stroke hit. And the second. And the third. You took your time between each stroke, ‘To let it settle in.’ The room was quiet, except for the swish of the leather and the smack as it hit. After the eighth stroke, you paused for a sip of your drink. “Butt up.” You ordered. I obeyed, and was met with a perfect shot across my lower cheeks.

Your friend wasn’t saying anything, but I could hear her breathing deepen. Her hand had casually dropped between her legs, and she had given herself a couple rubs. I felt somewhat honored that I had been able to stir those feelings.

15. 16. 17. Each stroke fell in a slightly different spot, each providing a little pleasure, and a little pain. I could hear your breathing intensify. You continued my discipline through the remaining strokes.

Twenty! I had made it. My ass was sore. I was bent, and naked in front of two women.

“Time now for a few cane strokes. Go get a roasting stick, you know where they are.” Giggles.

I stood up, went into your room, and fished a stick out of the bag. Intended for roasting marshmallows on camping trips, the sticks could also be used to roast a rear end.

“I think six should do it, don’t you?”

“Yes, Ma’am.”

“Then bend over.”

The roasting stick has much more of a sting than the dogging bat. It won’t leave any long lasting marks, but a stiff swat will leave a thin red stripe that looks worse than it feels. You were showing your friend the roasting stick, it’s thickness, how it flexes, and explaining how you don’t want the end to curl over the side of a cheek, but to land flatly on the butt.

“That way, the stick won’t break, either.” You explained.

The first three strokes were laid out from top to bottom, perfectly spaced. “That’s part of the advantage of a cane, you can get a lot of accuracy.” You noted, rearing back for stroke four.

*WHACK*! That one was on the top of my legs. It hurt. You laid the next two in the empty spaces in between the first three strokes. My ass was now red, and striped.

“Display those marks to her.”

I walked over, her eyes were focused on my cock. I turned, bent, and showed her my ass. The lamp next to her brought out every detail. She reached over, and felt one of the deeper welts. It hurt to have her touch it.

“How do we say ‘thank you’ for your punishment?” You asked.

“I lick your pretty pussy.” I answered.

“That’s right.” You smiled. “Go get the little blanket at the foot of my bed. I don’t think she needs to see my pussy, do you?”

You sat on the couch, and I knelt before you. You tossed the blanket over me and your lap, then undid your pants. I began to kiss and lick and suck. My poor bottom stuck out from under the blanket.

“He needs some encouragement.” You said. “Grab that dogging bat, and try a few swats yourself.”
I couldn’t see anything underneath the blanket, just focusing on the job at hand. I was a little surprised at how wet you had gotten just from spanking me. Maybe we should have gotten a towel.

The first landing of the dogging bat wasn’t hard, but it still caught me by surprise. I gasped.

“Oh, c’mon - harder than that! Remember, he likes this.”

Your friend obeyed with a much harder stroke.

Published by kb7
3 months ago
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roadrunner1959 1 month ago
Fuck that was such a turn on
Lucky_F 2 months ago
If you get real lucky, next visit the guest might get involved more actively  :imp:
BunnyUK51 3 months ago
Lovely images building in my sub brain