How to watch me on a phone

If you're reading this, we've probably talked about Whereby

Some of my Xham friends would like to check out what it's like to watch on cam, maybe even explore joining on cam, but they only have a phone for playing online.

Here a tip to try, if that's the case. It's really quite simple... But if you're somewhat tech challenged, here's an advance of what you'll do:

First, you have to open your phone's web browser. Your phone likely came with a default, i.e., iPhone with Safari, and with Android, likely Chrome.

Xham doesn't like posting of URLs that would lead someone off their site, so instead of the normal triple-W you see at the beginning of most URL addresses, I'm using "3Ws" below, to represent what you would type.

You'll want to type into the web browser's URL address search window this:

1st: 3Ws
then: .tinyurl. (a period before and after the word tinyurl)
then: com/S45Cam
(all one word, NO spaces, and NO need for caps, you can do it in lower case)

and hit return.

Hopefully that works!

Once there, you'll be asked for a nickname. Make it easy for me, i.e., use something similar to your nickname here, I control who can access viewing. You'll then be offered a couple of options: If you're just there to only watch, then answer no to the Open-Cam? and Open-Mic? questions. If you are coming on to cam with me, well, approve them, then! ;-)
Published by simba45
6 months ago
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