Sons and Mothers
Author :- Atomica24
It was one of those muggy summer days, you just knew a thunderstorm was building. I had emptied the dishwasher, folded the laundry and was at a loss when Vic walked in. Vic is my nineteen your old son, home for recess from Uni where he is studying Business Management. He doesn't want to get a summer job, why should he when student loans and his parents pay for everything. He was wearing his usual, boxer shorts and nothing else. Oh well, at least it kept the laundry down.
He didn't mention girls from Uni, I assumed that there were plenty, he was a good-looking boy and I doubted he would lack for attention, he just never mentioned them. He didn't as far as I knew, text or phone them from home, but then I didn't watch his every move. He was nineteen for goodness sake.
"I'll just grab some squash mum," he said, "if that's okay."
"Of course it is baby."
I was wearing a polo top and a skirt, nothing fancy, just doing stuff at home clothes, and of course comfy functional underwear, but then underwear doesn't really need mentioning, does it? My phone binged, a text from Sally, did I fancy meeting at the Spa near Bingley. Nothing desperate to do here, so I texted a thumbs up back and went up to get ready.
I stripped and checked I didn't need a shave, I didn't. Good. All was smooth down there. I put my costume on, pale gold, with a slight shimmer. I, rather too vainly I thought, considered it gave my body a good shimmer in the right light. Why was I even thinking of looking good? I have a husband that sees to my needs, and me, of course, to his. I don't need to attract anyone, nor did I really need to be in a position of fending people off. Way too old for that nonsense. I packed some après spa clothes in my bag, shouted goodbye to Vic and I was off.
I was in the Sauna at the spa with Sally, this was the ladies section, no men allowed and we were both nude, our costumes outside with our robes. It was so hot that our sweat evaporated as it formed. We had done the steam room, there we literally dripped, dripped from our noses, our ears, our nipples, the back of our knees, everywhere, but here in the sauna, dry, literally bone dry.
In the steam room there had been a few other ladies, but here in the sauna we were alone, just she and me. Sally was sat opposite me, her legs apart, her hands on the bench either side. Her fanny was glistening, her lips apart. Her fanny was quite different to mine, her inner lips were quite big and sort of protruded, even when her legs were together, her inner lips waved hello. Mine was quite different, my outer lips were quite fat and everything else was hidden inside. I suddenly had a flashback to our time in the halls of residence at uni. Such innocent fun days, exploring each other, goodness that memory made my fanny twitch, I could almost taste her again.
"I have to tell you something," Sally said, "but you have to promise not to tell anyone."
Intriguing, what could it be.
"Go on, I promise."
"I saw Phil's dick today." Phil is her nineteen year old son, home from Uni for the next ten weeks like Vic.
"What? How, I mean, why?"
"He was up in his room and I had been doing laundry, not that he has much, he just lives in shorts, and his door was half open. Luckily the way his room is arranged, as you approach his door you can see in his mirror first, and what I saw stopped me dead in my tracks luckily, if I had gone in, he would have been mortified I am sure."
"Go on, tell me, what did you see?"
"Phil was laying on his bed, his boxers down and his hand on his dick and he was moving quite fast, faster I thought than Gordon does."
Gordon is her husband, runs his own small engineering works in Shipley. From what Sally has said, he doesn't seem to have slowed down in the bedroom department, still seems to want sex every night in the week, and also early mornings at weekends.
"What? He was masturbating?"
"Oh gosh yes, was he ever. His hand was pulling his foreskin all the way down showing his red dickhead and then all the way back up, hiding it again, and so fast my gosh, it actually took my breath away."
"I don't think I have ever seen or even heard Vic doing it, I mean I assume he does, just I think he does it more privately. What did you do?"
"I should have gone and left him too it, I know that, but I couldn't stop watching, but that wasn't the worst, the one thing I can't get past."
"Oh, I mean wanking is just sex, it isn't that unusual."
"No, it is when he spurted, and oh my God there was so much, it is just that, as he spurted, he was calling my name, 'mum, yes mum' that kind of thing."
"Oh crumbs."
"I rushed into my room and shut my door, I was sure he wouldn't have known I was there watching and listening. Those moments, you know when we are doing it to ourselves, well, we want them to be private, don't we."
"Well yes, Sally, I know I do. I don't want anyone interrupting my fantasies, regardless of who they are about or what memories I conjure up."
She looked at me, "memories?" she asked.
I smiled and looked at her fanny, red, inviting, "yes, memories."
"I don't know what to do about Phil."
"What can you do, as you know those moments are fantasies."
"But does it mean he wants to have sex with me, and if he does, what am I supposed to do, I can hardly keep up with Gordon."
"Would you consider it, sex with Phil I mean? I know a few women do have sex with their sons, I have never considered it, but then I have not seen my son's dick. How does Phil's compare with Gordon?"
"About the same I suppose. I don't know if I would, it is all so confusing. If only he hadn't called out my name."
I sat back and closed my eyes. I hadn't seen Vic's dick since he was much younger and I used to bath him, and he has since grown into a man, I was pretty sure he would have grown down there too. My husband Mike isn't as attentive these days as he used to be, but Mike is getting older, and whilst I miss it, it is not as if we never do, it is just usually me and my battery operated boy these days. I hadn't thought of Vic sexually. When he wandered around at home in just his boxers, I never looked to see if he was packing a bulge, I just never did.
Back home from the spa I went up and showered, rinse off the chlorine and other spa chemicals, and then dressed in fresh clothes, bra, nickers, blouse and skirt. I felt comfortable. As I stood on the landing I glanced at Vic's door, ajar, and realised, like Sally that I would be able to see Vic on his bed in the reflection in his mirror. I had never realised that before, but then why should I?
I don't know why, but I undid the top two buttons on my blouse. Why? Who was I attempting to catch the attention of? My husband, my teenage son? Who? I went downstairs. Vic was lounging on the sofa in the front room, the door wide open. Mike would be home soon, I needed to think about tea. I quickly peeled some potatoes and get them onto boil, we would have mash. Some Chinese style pork steaks under the grill and a tin of sweetcorn. Not imaginative, but then, I am not a chef, and probably better than either of the boys could do.
Mike came in, kiss, and then he went up to change from his work clothes probably into shorts and a T. I checked on Vic, still lounging on the sofa.
"Tea soon Vic, you might want to put some clothes on please." He stood and as he stood, I happened to be looking just at his boxers and his dick fell through the fly hole. I don't think he noticed and just headed on past me and upstairs. Oh. Well, I hadn't expected to see that. And yes, he has grown since I last saw him and yes he is a big boy. I wouldn't say I was flustered, it is just not what you expect to see when you are about to serve chops and mash.
Tea was eaten and Mike was saying about a new customer he had that wanted some specific work doing that he didn't have the tooling for, and he had to work out if it was worth investing in the tooling or not, and I said well, if you have the tooling you can do the work, this customer may mention to others where he got the work done, and they then would come to you, but not if you didn't have the tooling. It was a no brainer to me, but to Mike it was all about the risk of investment against returns.
After tea I loaded the dishwasher, plates and pans on the bottom, smaller things on the middle and cutlery on the top. As I was loading the bottom tray I suddenly became self conscious, I don't know why, but I just suddenly felt as if someone was looking up my skirt. At least my knickers were clean. Of course there was only Mike in the kitchen, Vic had made himself scarce.
As Mike and I sat on the sofa watching some dreary reality show about the jungle, I cuddled up to Mike and then I rubbed his dick through his shorts and it got reassuringly hard.
"How about we have an early night husband," I half whispered, my hand gripping his dick hard.
"Mm, yes," he answered, turning the TV off.
We went up, I stood by the bed and undid the rest of the buttons on my blouse, letting it gape open, my bra showing. I undid the button and zip on my skirt and lowered it, stepping out and putting it on my chair. Mike had already stripped and came up behind me and held my boobs, squeezing them and slipping his hands inside the cups to feel my nipples. I murmured my approval as Mike turned me around and pushed me back onto the bed, his hand freeing my boobs and slipping down to rub my knickers into my crease.
It was almost like the old days when we went to the pictures and Mike used to slide his hand up my skirt to feel me through my knickers, it was such a powerful flashback especially when his fingers slipped inside my gusset and rubbed against the naked skin of my sex, before crooking a finger and burying it inside me. I could almost taste the stale cigarette smoke of the back row of the old cinema as his finger jiggled inside me.
I gasped, the memory pleasure so great as it melded with the here and now. Mike used his hands to ease my knickers down, my bra pushed up over my boobs, his finger deep inside, pushing, probing, pressing, my breath held in anticipation. He eased my knickers down, my bra still pushed up above my boobs, my blouse open and pinned by my arms, I felt like a teenager grabbing a quicky with my boyfriend on my parents bed.
"Wait a minute," I said and took a moment to remove my blouse and bra, and kicked my knickers off my leg. I lay back and held my arms up, welcoming Mike back. He leant down and kissed me, his dick nuzzling my thigh, and he leant between my legs, lifting them up, almost folding me in half, his dick now pressing at my entrance, as my legs were almost on my shoulders.
"Ooof," I gasped as he drove into me, his dick feeling larger than usual, his balls slapping against my perineum as he pressed against my very deepest. We hadn't shagged like this since we were very much younger, in fact since we had been trying for a baby, one of the baby pamphlets had suggested this was the way to get most sperm into the womb. Maybe, but it wasn't the most comfortable way.
Mike started moving, slowly at first and then harder and in earnest. As I looked down the bed I realised that Mike had left the bedroom door open and to my horror Vic was standing there watching. As I was realising what was happening Mike managed to drive inside me deeper than before and I gasped out loud, in pleasure, my pressures were building, the electrics were charging and my son forgotten. I gripped Mikes back with my fingers as I felt his dick move inside me, his pulse tickling at my inside, my toes were curling and my fingers gripping.
"Oh, argh," Mike gasped and I felt him spurt deep inside me, the catalyst for me, I screamed loudly as the air finally released from my lungs, the pleasures erupted and coursed through my body, electrics tingling. Mike leant back, his dick slipping from me and he rolled to the side. I let my legs down slowly, I was getting a bit old for these gymnastics, and I breathed a breath of relief and relaxed. A good one. I looked at the doorway, it was empty now. Vic gone back, I presumed, to his room.
Mike and I lay spooning and after a while we both slept, at some point Mike woke and eased my head off his arm, and shook it to regain circulation, but I slept until after first light. I slipped into the shower to wash away the residues of last night and as I went to go down to prepare breakfast, I shook Mike on the shoulder. "Shower is free baby," I said leaving him to get up or not, his choice.
I didn't say anything to Vic about him watching us, there was no point, and all it would do is create an awkwardness. I am not a young thing, sex is sex, it does not embarrass me, but it may make Vic feel awkward, so I just ignored it.
Later that day I went to the loo and realised how wet my knickers were, Mike was still leaking out of me, eurgh, I would have to go up and get some clean knickers. I flushed, washed and threw my soaking underwear into the washer, and was about to go upstairs when the doorbell went.
It was Sally.
"Are you free, is anyone else at home?"
"Yes I am, Mike is at work, Vic will be in his room, why?"
"I need to talk with you."
"Okay, let's go in the conservatory, we can talk quietly in there and no one will hear us. Do you want a drink?" She shook her head.
"What is it?"
"You haven't?"
"Okay, tell me."
"I was going to my bedroom and I heard noises from Phil's room, you know the sort of noises I mean."
I nodded. I didn't, but I just nodded anyway.
"I looked through the gap and he was laying naked on his bed, stroking himself, and he was saying my name. Again."
"Okay, so, how did this lead to..."
"I quietly opened his door and stepped in and stood next to the bed. He opened his eyes and looked at me but didn't stop. I knelt by the bed and replaced his hand with mine and I was doing it for him, I mean, it is only the same as me doing it for Gordon, isn't it?"
"Er, I suppose."
"And then I thought, oh God when he finishes it is going to go all over my clothes, and so I stopped stood up and took my clothes off. I was naked, my son was naked. I went to get on the bed and lay next to him as it would be easier for me to finish him, but as I straddled him, he grabbed me and pulled me down and before I knew it, his dick was inside me."
"Wow, how did it feel?"
"Too damn good. I started rocking and before long we were shagging, fast, hard."
"Wow. All the way?"
"Yes, he shot so much inside me."
"What did you do?"
"I climbed off him and went in the shower and cleaned myself as much as I could and then I realised what I had done. The reality struck home. I quickly got dressed and came here."
"Okay, so what is the reality?"
"I had sex with my son."
"And what?"
"And, has the earth stopped moving? Are the horns of the apocalypse sounding?"
"Well no."
"Exactly. You shagged your son. End of. Tonight you will shag your husband and all will be right with the world."
We chatted some more and eventually I think I calmed her down, it really wasn't the end of the world. After she left I made a mug of tea and went and sat back in the conservatory, just drinking tea and feeling calm with the world. Vic came down and sat with me, he was in the chair opposite me.
"Was that Sally?" He asked.
"Yes, she just wanted a quick chat."
"Oh. Can I ask you something?"
"Yes, of course."
"Is it because she was here that you have no knickers on, did I interrupt something?"
Oh my God, yes, I was just going to get some dry knickers on when Sally called, it completely missed my mind.
"No Vic, it is nothing to do with Sally."
"Only I watched you and dad last night, that was pretty poor by dad, so nineteen seventies."
I was silent. I wasn't sure what to say. He got up and stood in front on me and held out his hand. Hesitantly I took his hand. He pulled me to my feet and led me upstairs to my bedroom. He pushed me back so that I was sat on the bed. He took his T shirt and shorts off and stood naked before me, his erection proud. He widened my knees and knelt between my legs, dipped forwards and his tongue struck at my clitoris.
I gasped loudly and fell back, my legs apart, my son's head pressed between my legs, his mouth sucking my sex, my clitoris between his teeth, my resistance gone. I felt fingers at my opening, pressing, my petals parting as he pushed into the heat of my body, I felt stretched, widened, open. I felt vulnerable.
His fingers crooked within me, widening me even more. His tongue rasped at my clitoris, the heat building, pressures growing, electrics charging, how could one so young know so much. His fingers withdrew, I felt so empty, abandoned. His mouth pulled back, my clitoris suddenly felt cold. He stood and pulled me to a seated position, pulled my polo off and undid my bra. He undid the button and zip of my skirt and pulled them down. I too was naked.
"Get back onto the bed mum," his first words since he had brought me up here. I scooted back into the middle of the bed, knowing what would follow, was I prepared? I think I was, yes, what was to come was inevitable after the past few days, it was written.
He lay over me and reached down with his hand and guided his dick to my entrance. A flick of his hips and he was in me, not fully, but enough. My fanny welcomed him, pulled him inside me. He settled down and his dick slowly penetrated me all the way, filling me, more, it felt, than Mike. He slowly began to move, his dick sliding within me, his foreskin rolling within me, his dickhead revealed, scouring my inside, my lubrication easing his passage. He was pressing at my depth, his balls tickled beneath and behind me, just touching, their hairs stimulating where I had none.
He withdrew slowly, his foreskin recovering, rolling onto his head, my fanny emptying, my lower stomach feeling vacant. I stared up at him, unblinking, he looked back. Without warning he leant down and kissed me passionately on my lips, I gasped at the contact and his tongue dived into my mouth, probing, seeking. It was erotic, my son, deep in my fanny, deep in my mouth, I was possessed in a way no mother should ever be possessed, I knew he owned me, my tongue fought his and made its way into his mouth, a dance for lovers.
Slowly his dick moved within me, and then the tempo slightly increased with each movement, I could no longer feel the movement of his foreskin, it was just a blur within me, each pressure in made my electrics grow, each bump at my depth made me gasp, I was in synchronicity with the slaps as our bodies joined in the symphony of sex. Given willingly be me, joining with my son in an act as old as the heavens, my son the conductor, his mother the orchestra, we made music.
Faster he moved within in me, my pressures building my lungs filling, my electrics and pressures at the point of no return. My fingers scrunched the bed sheet, my back arched and I no longer gasped, my mouth widened and formed a perfect O and I exploded, my scream echoing around my bedroom, my body jerking as the pressures released, pain following pleasure to my extremities.
He pulled back, his dick slipped from me, still hard, yet wet from my excretions. I rolled and turned and took his dick in my hand and then fed it to my mouth. I was almost faint from my orgasm but Vic was still hard and ready for me, the virile youth in my bed was not done. I rolled his foreskin back, licked around his dick head, my tongue tracing his rim, he shuddered in pleasure, but still he did not ejaculate. My finger pressed at his taint, he resisted, that was not his way today.
He eased me away and turned me. "Hands and knees mum," He said and as I knelt he slid his dick along my wet valley, passed my still gaping entrance, and still further until his dick was pressing at my back passage. He pushed, my body resisted, yet he pushed more until there was a pop, a release, and he was inside. There was a moment of pain and then he eased further inside, deeper he went until I had taken his whole length.
He pulled out and then pushed in and soon he had a rhythm and was shagging my arse, my boobs swayed beneath me as he moved, me swaying on my knees and hands. Faster and harder he went, much faster than in my fanny, and then he thrust hard against me, and I felt a coolness inside me as a grunt escaped him. He had ejaculated inside me. He stayed pressing for a moment and then eased out and his dick fell from my arse. I could feel the cool air of the bedroom as it swirled around my gaping backside. I relaxed and lay down, laying on my back.
Now that was a shagging. Sorry Mike, but that was a real shagging, your son is bang up to date.
"Give me a few minutes mum."
Oh Lord, did he have more? I looked at his dick and it was already stirring. Vic was twice an hour, Mike was twice a week. Oh my bones would be aching.
It was one of those muggy summer days, you just knew a thunderstorm was building. I had emptied the dishwasher, folded the laundry and was at a loss when Vic walked in. Vic is my nineteen your old son, home for recess from Uni where he is studying Business Management. He doesn't want to get a summer job, why should he when student loans and his parents pay for everything. He was wearing his usual, boxer shorts and nothing else. Oh well, at least it kept the laundry down.
He didn't mention girls from Uni, I assumed that there were plenty, he was a good-looking boy and I doubted he would lack for attention, he just never mentioned them. He didn't as far as I knew, text or phone them from home, but then I didn't watch his every move. He was nineteen for goodness sake.
"I'll just grab some squash mum," he said, "if that's okay."
"Of course it is baby."
I was wearing a polo top and a skirt, nothing fancy, just doing stuff at home clothes, and of course comfy functional underwear, but then underwear doesn't really need mentioning, does it? My phone binged, a text from Sally, did I fancy meeting at the Spa near Bingley. Nothing desperate to do here, so I texted a thumbs up back and went up to get ready.
I stripped and checked I didn't need a shave, I didn't. Good. All was smooth down there. I put my costume on, pale gold, with a slight shimmer. I, rather too vainly I thought, considered it gave my body a good shimmer in the right light. Why was I even thinking of looking good? I have a husband that sees to my needs, and me, of course, to his. I don't need to attract anyone, nor did I really need to be in a position of fending people off. Way too old for that nonsense. I packed some après spa clothes in my bag, shouted goodbye to Vic and I was off.
I was in the Sauna at the spa with Sally, this was the ladies section, no men allowed and we were both nude, our costumes outside with our robes. It was so hot that our sweat evaporated as it formed. We had done the steam room, there we literally dripped, dripped from our noses, our ears, our nipples, the back of our knees, everywhere, but here in the sauna, dry, literally bone dry.
In the steam room there had been a few other ladies, but here in the sauna we were alone, just she and me. Sally was sat opposite me, her legs apart, her hands on the bench either side. Her fanny was glistening, her lips apart. Her fanny was quite different to mine, her inner lips were quite big and sort of protruded, even when her legs were together, her inner lips waved hello. Mine was quite different, my outer lips were quite fat and everything else was hidden inside. I suddenly had a flashback to our time in the halls of residence at uni. Such innocent fun days, exploring each other, goodness that memory made my fanny twitch, I could almost taste her again.
"I have to tell you something," Sally said, "but you have to promise not to tell anyone."
Intriguing, what could it be.
"Go on, I promise."
"I saw Phil's dick today." Phil is her nineteen year old son, home from Uni for the next ten weeks like Vic.
"What? How, I mean, why?"
"He was up in his room and I had been doing laundry, not that he has much, he just lives in shorts, and his door was half open. Luckily the way his room is arranged, as you approach his door you can see in his mirror first, and what I saw stopped me dead in my tracks luckily, if I had gone in, he would have been mortified I am sure."
"Go on, tell me, what did you see?"
"Phil was laying on his bed, his boxers down and his hand on his dick and he was moving quite fast, faster I thought than Gordon does."
Gordon is her husband, runs his own small engineering works in Shipley. From what Sally has said, he doesn't seem to have slowed down in the bedroom department, still seems to want sex every night in the week, and also early mornings at weekends.
"What? He was masturbating?"
"Oh gosh yes, was he ever. His hand was pulling his foreskin all the way down showing his red dickhead and then all the way back up, hiding it again, and so fast my gosh, it actually took my breath away."
"I don't think I have ever seen or even heard Vic doing it, I mean I assume he does, just I think he does it more privately. What did you do?"
"I should have gone and left him too it, I know that, but I couldn't stop watching, but that wasn't the worst, the one thing I can't get past."
"Oh, I mean wanking is just sex, it isn't that unusual."
"No, it is when he spurted, and oh my God there was so much, it is just that, as he spurted, he was calling my name, 'mum, yes mum' that kind of thing."
"Oh crumbs."
"I rushed into my room and shut my door, I was sure he wouldn't have known I was there watching and listening. Those moments, you know when we are doing it to ourselves, well, we want them to be private, don't we."
"Well yes, Sally, I know I do. I don't want anyone interrupting my fantasies, regardless of who they are about or what memories I conjure up."
She looked at me, "memories?" she asked.
I smiled and looked at her fanny, red, inviting, "yes, memories."
"I don't know what to do about Phil."
"What can you do, as you know those moments are fantasies."
"But does it mean he wants to have sex with me, and if he does, what am I supposed to do, I can hardly keep up with Gordon."
"Would you consider it, sex with Phil I mean? I know a few women do have sex with their sons, I have never considered it, but then I have not seen my son's dick. How does Phil's compare with Gordon?"
"About the same I suppose. I don't know if I would, it is all so confusing. If only he hadn't called out my name."
I sat back and closed my eyes. I hadn't seen Vic's dick since he was much younger and I used to bath him, and he has since grown into a man, I was pretty sure he would have grown down there too. My husband Mike isn't as attentive these days as he used to be, but Mike is getting older, and whilst I miss it, it is not as if we never do, it is just usually me and my battery operated boy these days. I hadn't thought of Vic sexually. When he wandered around at home in just his boxers, I never looked to see if he was packing a bulge, I just never did.
Back home from the spa I went up and showered, rinse off the chlorine and other spa chemicals, and then dressed in fresh clothes, bra, nickers, blouse and skirt. I felt comfortable. As I stood on the landing I glanced at Vic's door, ajar, and realised, like Sally that I would be able to see Vic on his bed in the reflection in his mirror. I had never realised that before, but then why should I?
I don't know why, but I undid the top two buttons on my blouse. Why? Who was I attempting to catch the attention of? My husband, my teenage son? Who? I went downstairs. Vic was lounging on the sofa in the front room, the door wide open. Mike would be home soon, I needed to think about tea. I quickly peeled some potatoes and get them onto boil, we would have mash. Some Chinese style pork steaks under the grill and a tin of sweetcorn. Not imaginative, but then, I am not a chef, and probably better than either of the boys could do.
Mike came in, kiss, and then he went up to change from his work clothes probably into shorts and a T. I checked on Vic, still lounging on the sofa.
"Tea soon Vic, you might want to put some clothes on please." He stood and as he stood, I happened to be looking just at his boxers and his dick fell through the fly hole. I don't think he noticed and just headed on past me and upstairs. Oh. Well, I hadn't expected to see that. And yes, he has grown since I last saw him and yes he is a big boy. I wouldn't say I was flustered, it is just not what you expect to see when you are about to serve chops and mash.
Tea was eaten and Mike was saying about a new customer he had that wanted some specific work doing that he didn't have the tooling for, and he had to work out if it was worth investing in the tooling or not, and I said well, if you have the tooling you can do the work, this customer may mention to others where he got the work done, and they then would come to you, but not if you didn't have the tooling. It was a no brainer to me, but to Mike it was all about the risk of investment against returns.
After tea I loaded the dishwasher, plates and pans on the bottom, smaller things on the middle and cutlery on the top. As I was loading the bottom tray I suddenly became self conscious, I don't know why, but I just suddenly felt as if someone was looking up my skirt. At least my knickers were clean. Of course there was only Mike in the kitchen, Vic had made himself scarce.
As Mike and I sat on the sofa watching some dreary reality show about the jungle, I cuddled up to Mike and then I rubbed his dick through his shorts and it got reassuringly hard.
"How about we have an early night husband," I half whispered, my hand gripping his dick hard.
"Mm, yes," he answered, turning the TV off.
We went up, I stood by the bed and undid the rest of the buttons on my blouse, letting it gape open, my bra showing. I undid the button and zip on my skirt and lowered it, stepping out and putting it on my chair. Mike had already stripped and came up behind me and held my boobs, squeezing them and slipping his hands inside the cups to feel my nipples. I murmured my approval as Mike turned me around and pushed me back onto the bed, his hand freeing my boobs and slipping down to rub my knickers into my crease.
It was almost like the old days when we went to the pictures and Mike used to slide his hand up my skirt to feel me through my knickers, it was such a powerful flashback especially when his fingers slipped inside my gusset and rubbed against the naked skin of my sex, before crooking a finger and burying it inside me. I could almost taste the stale cigarette smoke of the back row of the old cinema as his finger jiggled inside me.
I gasped, the memory pleasure so great as it melded with the here and now. Mike used his hands to ease my knickers down, my bra pushed up over my boobs, his finger deep inside, pushing, probing, pressing, my breath held in anticipation. He eased my knickers down, my bra still pushed up above my boobs, my blouse open and pinned by my arms, I felt like a teenager grabbing a quicky with my boyfriend on my parents bed.
"Wait a minute," I said and took a moment to remove my blouse and bra, and kicked my knickers off my leg. I lay back and held my arms up, welcoming Mike back. He leant down and kissed me, his dick nuzzling my thigh, and he leant between my legs, lifting them up, almost folding me in half, his dick now pressing at my entrance, as my legs were almost on my shoulders.
"Ooof," I gasped as he drove into me, his dick feeling larger than usual, his balls slapping against my perineum as he pressed against my very deepest. We hadn't shagged like this since we were very much younger, in fact since we had been trying for a baby, one of the baby pamphlets had suggested this was the way to get most sperm into the womb. Maybe, but it wasn't the most comfortable way.
Mike started moving, slowly at first and then harder and in earnest. As I looked down the bed I realised that Mike had left the bedroom door open and to my horror Vic was standing there watching. As I was realising what was happening Mike managed to drive inside me deeper than before and I gasped out loud, in pleasure, my pressures were building, the electrics were charging and my son forgotten. I gripped Mikes back with my fingers as I felt his dick move inside me, his pulse tickling at my inside, my toes were curling and my fingers gripping.
"Oh, argh," Mike gasped and I felt him spurt deep inside me, the catalyst for me, I screamed loudly as the air finally released from my lungs, the pleasures erupted and coursed through my body, electrics tingling. Mike leant back, his dick slipping from me and he rolled to the side. I let my legs down slowly, I was getting a bit old for these gymnastics, and I breathed a breath of relief and relaxed. A good one. I looked at the doorway, it was empty now. Vic gone back, I presumed, to his room.
Mike and I lay spooning and after a while we both slept, at some point Mike woke and eased my head off his arm, and shook it to regain circulation, but I slept until after first light. I slipped into the shower to wash away the residues of last night and as I went to go down to prepare breakfast, I shook Mike on the shoulder. "Shower is free baby," I said leaving him to get up or not, his choice.
I didn't say anything to Vic about him watching us, there was no point, and all it would do is create an awkwardness. I am not a young thing, sex is sex, it does not embarrass me, but it may make Vic feel awkward, so I just ignored it.
Later that day I went to the loo and realised how wet my knickers were, Mike was still leaking out of me, eurgh, I would have to go up and get some clean knickers. I flushed, washed and threw my soaking underwear into the washer, and was about to go upstairs when the doorbell went.
It was Sally.
"Are you free, is anyone else at home?"
"Yes I am, Mike is at work, Vic will be in his room, why?"
"I need to talk with you."
"Okay, let's go in the conservatory, we can talk quietly in there and no one will hear us. Do you want a drink?" She shook her head.
"What is it?"
"You haven't?"
"Okay, tell me."
"I was going to my bedroom and I heard noises from Phil's room, you know the sort of noises I mean."
I nodded. I didn't, but I just nodded anyway.
"I looked through the gap and he was laying naked on his bed, stroking himself, and he was saying my name. Again."
"Okay, so, how did this lead to..."
"I quietly opened his door and stepped in and stood next to the bed. He opened his eyes and looked at me but didn't stop. I knelt by the bed and replaced his hand with mine and I was doing it for him, I mean, it is only the same as me doing it for Gordon, isn't it?"
"Er, I suppose."
"And then I thought, oh God when he finishes it is going to go all over my clothes, and so I stopped stood up and took my clothes off. I was naked, my son was naked. I went to get on the bed and lay next to him as it would be easier for me to finish him, but as I straddled him, he grabbed me and pulled me down and before I knew it, his dick was inside me."
"Wow, how did it feel?"
"Too damn good. I started rocking and before long we were shagging, fast, hard."
"Wow. All the way?"
"Yes, he shot so much inside me."
"What did you do?"
"I climbed off him and went in the shower and cleaned myself as much as I could and then I realised what I had done. The reality struck home. I quickly got dressed and came here."
"Okay, so what is the reality?"
"I had sex with my son."
"And what?"
"And, has the earth stopped moving? Are the horns of the apocalypse sounding?"
"Well no."
"Exactly. You shagged your son. End of. Tonight you will shag your husband and all will be right with the world."
We chatted some more and eventually I think I calmed her down, it really wasn't the end of the world. After she left I made a mug of tea and went and sat back in the conservatory, just drinking tea and feeling calm with the world. Vic came down and sat with me, he was in the chair opposite me.
"Was that Sally?" He asked.
"Yes, she just wanted a quick chat."
"Oh. Can I ask you something?"
"Yes, of course."
"Is it because she was here that you have no knickers on, did I interrupt something?"
Oh my God, yes, I was just going to get some dry knickers on when Sally called, it completely missed my mind.
"No Vic, it is nothing to do with Sally."
"Only I watched you and dad last night, that was pretty poor by dad, so nineteen seventies."
I was silent. I wasn't sure what to say. He got up and stood in front on me and held out his hand. Hesitantly I took his hand. He pulled me to my feet and led me upstairs to my bedroom. He pushed me back so that I was sat on the bed. He took his T shirt and shorts off and stood naked before me, his erection proud. He widened my knees and knelt between my legs, dipped forwards and his tongue struck at my clitoris.
I gasped loudly and fell back, my legs apart, my son's head pressed between my legs, his mouth sucking my sex, my clitoris between his teeth, my resistance gone. I felt fingers at my opening, pressing, my petals parting as he pushed into the heat of my body, I felt stretched, widened, open. I felt vulnerable.
His fingers crooked within me, widening me even more. His tongue rasped at my clitoris, the heat building, pressures growing, electrics charging, how could one so young know so much. His fingers withdrew, I felt so empty, abandoned. His mouth pulled back, my clitoris suddenly felt cold. He stood and pulled me to a seated position, pulled my polo off and undid my bra. He undid the button and zip of my skirt and pulled them down. I too was naked.
"Get back onto the bed mum," his first words since he had brought me up here. I scooted back into the middle of the bed, knowing what would follow, was I prepared? I think I was, yes, what was to come was inevitable after the past few days, it was written.
He lay over me and reached down with his hand and guided his dick to my entrance. A flick of his hips and he was in me, not fully, but enough. My fanny welcomed him, pulled him inside me. He settled down and his dick slowly penetrated me all the way, filling me, more, it felt, than Mike. He slowly began to move, his dick sliding within me, his foreskin rolling within me, his dickhead revealed, scouring my inside, my lubrication easing his passage. He was pressing at my depth, his balls tickled beneath and behind me, just touching, their hairs stimulating where I had none.
He withdrew slowly, his foreskin recovering, rolling onto his head, my fanny emptying, my lower stomach feeling vacant. I stared up at him, unblinking, he looked back. Without warning he leant down and kissed me passionately on my lips, I gasped at the contact and his tongue dived into my mouth, probing, seeking. It was erotic, my son, deep in my fanny, deep in my mouth, I was possessed in a way no mother should ever be possessed, I knew he owned me, my tongue fought his and made its way into his mouth, a dance for lovers.
Slowly his dick moved within me, and then the tempo slightly increased with each movement, I could no longer feel the movement of his foreskin, it was just a blur within me, each pressure in made my electrics grow, each bump at my depth made me gasp, I was in synchronicity with the slaps as our bodies joined in the symphony of sex. Given willingly be me, joining with my son in an act as old as the heavens, my son the conductor, his mother the orchestra, we made music.
Faster he moved within in me, my pressures building my lungs filling, my electrics and pressures at the point of no return. My fingers scrunched the bed sheet, my back arched and I no longer gasped, my mouth widened and formed a perfect O and I exploded, my scream echoing around my bedroom, my body jerking as the pressures released, pain following pleasure to my extremities.
He pulled back, his dick slipped from me, still hard, yet wet from my excretions. I rolled and turned and took his dick in my hand and then fed it to my mouth. I was almost faint from my orgasm but Vic was still hard and ready for me, the virile youth in my bed was not done. I rolled his foreskin back, licked around his dick head, my tongue tracing his rim, he shuddered in pleasure, but still he did not ejaculate. My finger pressed at his taint, he resisted, that was not his way today.
He eased me away and turned me. "Hands and knees mum," He said and as I knelt he slid his dick along my wet valley, passed my still gaping entrance, and still further until his dick was pressing at my back passage. He pushed, my body resisted, yet he pushed more until there was a pop, a release, and he was inside. There was a moment of pain and then he eased further inside, deeper he went until I had taken his whole length.
He pulled out and then pushed in and soon he had a rhythm and was shagging my arse, my boobs swayed beneath me as he moved, me swaying on my knees and hands. Faster and harder he went, much faster than in my fanny, and then he thrust hard against me, and I felt a coolness inside me as a grunt escaped him. He had ejaculated inside me. He stayed pressing for a moment and then eased out and his dick fell from my arse. I could feel the cool air of the bedroom as it swirled around my gaping backside. I relaxed and lay down, laying on my back.
Now that was a shagging. Sorry Mike, but that was a real shagging, your son is bang up to date.
"Give me a few minutes mum."
Oh Lord, did he have more? I looked at his dick and it was already stirring. Vic was twice an hour, Mike was twice a week. Oh my bones would be aching.
6 months ago