Eva 4 - Miho
Eva was looking forward to seeing her friend Wadeen. Eva showered, put on some makeup, and got into her new black dress, hose, and shoes which Harold had paid for - not to mention one of her new thongs. Eva was still a short, pudgy, pignosed girl, but she felt hot.
At about 3:45, a car pulled up outside, and a nicely-dress man knocked on the door. Eva had explained to her mother she'd be going to a holiday party with 'some of the girls', and her mother was actually pleased to learn her daughter had been invited to a social event.
"Miss Eva?" The driver asked. "Your car is ready, Ma'am."
Eva made the drive downtown in the back seat of a red Mercedes. She'd never been treated quite this well. The car pulled up and parked outside of what appeared to be an old warehouse.
A large black man at the back door smiled as Eva approached. "Welcome, Miss Eva." He smiled, opening the door.
The room inside was much nicer than the outside - it was clean and well lit, with a stage and a dance floor that could serve for many purposes. A small group stood around a small bar on one side of the room.
"Eva!" Came a call. Eva turned, and saw Wadeen running towards her. Wadeen looked nicer than usual, in a short blue dress and belt, her hair styled. "Eva, honey, you're looking good enough to eat! Please come this way - I'd like you to meet Maurice..."
Maurice looked like he could have been a banker. Button down shirt, tie, and sport jacket. He had a touch of grey to his hair, and wore glasses. He noticed Wadeen approaching, holding Eva's hand, and stretched out his hand to greet them.
"Are you the pimp?" Asked Eva, causing several girls nearby to giggle. "I mean, I don't want to offend, but I don't know."
"Well, now, I'd prefer to call myself the 'business manager'." Smiled Maurice. "I try to help these girls out as best I can in a tough market." The girls around him all smiled. They didn't seem scared.
Wadeen enjoyed introducing Eva to some of her friends. Sapphire. Rula. Tawnee. Jade. Mary. Jahkay. Each of them looked sexy in their own way.
As Wadeen introduced Eva to the girls, Maurice had made his way up to the stage, and began a pleasant introduction. "I don't know if you'd call this a show, or a school, but I think you're all going to have fun. First up, the lovely Beaulah!"
Beaulah got up on the stage to applause. Beaulah was a big black woman with short, cropped hair, broad arms, broad legs, and a smooth complexion. She was darker than most of the girls.
"Don't be fooled, Eva." Said Wadeen, sitting next to Eva. "This lady has got it going on."
Beaulah began to speak in a fairly heavy accent. She was from Bermuda, and she would be talking about her specialty - which was deep throating. Eva couldn't pick up all the words, but she could get most of it. Particularly when Beaulah grabbed a massive dildo, put it to her lips, and pushed the whole thing down. The whole thing. Eva's mind thought of a sword-swallowing act she'd seen on TV once.
Beaulah smiled, and explained how not all girls can do this, but there were things they all could do to learn. A little at a time. Practice. Lots and lots of lube. Find your gag spot. Keep it moving. Say 'aaah' while you swallow. Breathe through your nose. Practice. More lube. Lick the balls while you're down there. Lay back with your head over the edge. Practice with a man who won't be forceful. Don't use a banana, or anything that can break off in your throat. Eva even wrote down a few notes. It was like watching a magician reveal his tricks. Beaulah capped off the lesson with an even bigger dildo, burying it down her throat. Eva could see her throat bulge. Beaulah withdrew the dildo after what seemed like a very long time, to strong applause and a standing ovation.
Next up was Miho.
Eva wasn't sure what to make of this, as the Japanese woman appeared to be at least 70 years old. Maurice even had to help her on stage. Miho couldn't have been 100 pounds, and must have been about four foot ten. Eva looked quizzically to Wadeen.
"Just watch, Eva." Wadeen smiled. "Big dynamite comes in small packages."
Miho was even harder to understand than Beaulah, but that just made Eva pay even more attention. Miho had a few props she would be working with, and her apparent speciality was bondage.
"Boy, please." Miho smiled. A slim man came on stage, who was well over six feet tall. He towered over little Miho.
"Watch this." Wadeen whispered to Eva.
"Take off belt, please." Miho smiled. She was always smiling. The man tilted his head like a curious dog might, then removed his belt, and handed it to Miho. "Hands behind, please." Miho said. The man put his wrists behind him, as Miho quickly looped the belt around both wrists. "Inhale deep, now." Miho ordered. The man inhaled, and as his stomach drew in, Miho swiftly tightened the belt in front with a hard pull. The man's eyes opened wide as he realized he was now helpless. Miho smiled to the crowd, who applauded. The whole motion hadn't taken 20 seconds.
Miho unzipped the man's pants and pulled them down, revealing his dick. Miho pulled the pants and shorts down to his ankles. "Now, he not run away." Miho explained. The crowd laughed. Miho reached into a bag, and pulled out a small cord about five feet long. She made a loop around the base of the man's cock and balls, and tightened. The man gasped. Another loop around the balls. Tug. The man gasped again. Miho drew both ends up the the belt around the man's waist. "Inhale again, please." Much harder for him this time, the man inhaled, giving Miho just enough room to slide the rope ends under the belt. One more quick movement, and Miho made a simple looking tie that slid around the man's cock head, and gave another tug, stretching his cock upwards.
The man stood in front of the crowd on stage, his hands helpless behind him, his dick now taut and tight and stretched across his belly. His balls stuck out, helpless. His pants were a puddle around his ankles. The crowd was silent.
"Now, whip." Miho smiled. She reached into a bag, and pulled out a leather whip about two feet long. It didn't look that nasty, until she slapped it across the man's cock, right below the head with stunning accuracy. The man didn't react at first, as the feeling took a moment to hit.
"AAAHH!" The man finally grunted. Miho just kept smiling. She gave another shot to the mans's balls, just as hard. "AAAAHHH!!" The man screamed.
"You too loud." Miho noted, pulling a red ball out of her bag. "Open, please." Miho ordered. The man obeyed, and Miho effortlessly stuck the ball into his mouth. "Not so loud now." Miho chuckled.
Miho let loose with another shot of the whip across the man's outstretched dick. The slap of the whip echoed throughout the hall. "mmmmff." Cried the man behind the gag.
"Better now." Smiled Miho. "Stand up straight, please." The man obeyed, only to be rewarded with another shot to his cock. Miho bowed. The crowd cheered.
Miho took her time undoing the man, rubbing his cock and balls as she undid the cord. His punished cock was stiffening from the attention, as Miho undid the belt and released his hands. Miho bowed to the man, as the crowd gave him polite applause for volunteering.
Miho had an oversized phallus she brought out, and demonstrated the tie she had performed with a larger rope. The visual aid helped Eva to understand - Miho even went over the tie a couple more times in slow motion, making it look simple. Eva was mesmerized.
"You, come up, help." Miho said, pointing directly at Eva.
"Me?" Eva gasped.
"Yes, you." Miho smiled. Eva walked up the steps to the stage, feeling very out of place. The lights were brighter than she thought they would be.
"Another boy, please." Miho called out. An older man walked up on the stage to volunteer, and introduced himself to the girls.
"Now strip, boy." The man did as he was told.
"You try tie." Miho said, handing Eva a cord, wanting her to demonstrate it on the oversized dildo.
Eva had been paying close attention, and made the loop, the tug, and the ball tie.
"Very good." Miho praised. "You try this now." Miho brought out a second, identical oversized phallus. "Watch close." Miho did another loop. Eva copied. Another loop. Then, a twist of the rope a few times. Run that section of twisted rope between the balls. Another loop. Up and around. Eva followed right along. She knew she'd be doing this on Harold very soon. "Very good." Miho smiled. "See? Even young girl figure out. give clapping, please." The crowd roared. Eva was almost crying tears of joy.
"Now, you show on boy." Miho smiled, handing Eva another cord.
Wordlessly, Eva took the rope, went over to the man, and smiled at him. Loop. Tug. Second loop. Tug. The man groaned hard. Twist the rope. Bring it up between the balls. Another loop. Tug. Wrap a quick tie around the man's wrists behind him. The man's balls pushed out comically to the sides. His cock was now helpless.
"Good girl." Miho smiled. "Good girl." The crowd applauded. Eva reached down, and gave the man's cock a gentle rub. "VERY good girl." Miho smiled. The stroke caused the man even more agony.
After Eva left the stage, Miho's demonstration continued for another 20 minutes or so. The older man Eva had tied was freed and released, and another man brought up. In less than a minute, Miho had the man naked, a collar and leash around his neck, a steel hook up his ass, and a blindfold over his eyes.
"Like doggie?" Miho giggled. The crowd laughed. The man indeed looked like a dog, a dog who yelped when Miho did a simple pull on the rope connecting his hook to his collar.
After Miho's presentation, there was a brief 'fashion show' where some of Maurice's girls modeled some of their latest styles. Wadeen looked stunning in a sling bikini that barely covered her pussy and nipples. A stunning, tall woman wore a see-through dress that looked even sexier than if she were naked. A bald black woman wore a tough looking outfit composed of leather and chain. A small woman with pink hair skipped out wearing a schoolgirl outfit, sucking a lollipop. Eva's hands almost hurt from the applause. What a show!
The 'presentation' portion of the party was now over, and the house lights came back up, and the girls were relaxing and laughing. A man played guitar in the corner.
"Thank you, Wadeen." Eva said humbly. "I mean, for more than the invitation - you showed me how just a few minutes of caring can change a life. It was like you flipped a switch that allows me to be me. I AM smart. I AM in control. I may be ugly and have little tits and a pig nose, but I AM sexy."
Wadeen gave Eva a huge hug, and whispered in her ear: "You are going to keep that boner boy happy, and other boner boys, too." Both women were tearing up. "One other thing - would you mind if I licked your pussy for you? I mean, I'll need to check with Maurice, as I'm kind of his 'hired gun', but I think you deserve a little pleasure. I don't think he's going to have a problem with it."
Eva didn't have to think very long. "Yes, Wadeen. I'd like that very much."
The two girls walked over to a table where Maurice was standing. As they got closer, they realized Maurice was talking with Miho.
"Eee-VAH!" Miho exclaimed, seeing her approach. Miho excused her attention from Maurice for a moment, and reached behind into a box. She then handed Eva a book. "You take, you keep." Miho smiled.
Eva didn't know what to think. The book was oversized, with Japanese writing on the cover. She opened the book, and was surprised to see a picture of a young Miho, tied in an intricate 'shibari' style. Another page showed a strong man tied up, his erection standing tall. Eva flipped through the pages. A beautiful woman sucking a cock. Miho tying up two young naked women. A man tied with a huge dildo in his ass, and another in his mouth. Miho again, nude and radiant, being fucked by a lover.
"What an honor..." Maurice stammered, looking on. "That book is worth hundreds, if not thousands. It's not a book that can be bought in a store. It's like a manual given to wealthy newlyweds, a tradition going back centuries. it is exquisite."
Eva was silent. Each picture was beyond erotic. There were even some diagrams of rope ties, carefully hand drawn, detailing ways of bondage and pleasure. "Domo..." Eva uttered. "Domo arrigato." Eva didn't know Japanese, but the words came from her without thought. She bowed deeply to Miho.
Miho began to speak in Japanese. Rapidly. Eva could not understand a word. Suddenly, the chauffeur who had driven Eva in the Mercedes chimed in: "Miho says she can feel your sex was only recently sparked, but that your flame burns in a rare color." Miho continued to talk, and the driver attempted to interpret. "With you, pretty comes full circle. Not sure how to translate, but it's like 'you are so ugly you are beautiful'... A swan... smoke... your suffer will pleasure others." Miho made a dancelike moverment with her hands, and continued to talk.
"You are early on the path." The driver continued. "You will meet teachers on the way, these are already written in the sky but cannot be seen yet. Sensei will appear at the right time with the proper lesson." Miho bowed deeply to Eva. Eva returned the bow.
There was a silence, broken by Wadeen asking Maurice a question. "Mister Maurice, may Eva and I have a private room for a bit of girl play?"
Maurice handed her a key. "Room three, Wadeen. Pleasure her well." The two girls turned and headed to a hallway.
"Fuck." Whispered Wadeen. "That was intense." Eva smiled, equally stunned. The book under her arm felt heavy and light at the same time.
Wadeen unlocked the door in the dim hallway, the two girls entered, and turned on a light, a single bare bulb hanging from the ceiling. A plain white bed, a wooden chair, and a table. "Fuckin' honeymoon suite." Wadeen giggled. Both girls laughed out loud.
"I can't believe this book." Whispered Eva, sitting down on the bed, and opening the book to yet another perfect picture. A woman was hanging upside down over a man's cock. Wadeen joined her on the bed, and the two girls drank in the picture silently, a silence that was broken when Eva's cell phone chirped.
'HI EVA THINKING OF U - HAROLD' Read the text.
"Oh, honey! It's your boy!" Wadeen giggled. "He's all excited, and thinking of you! Bet he's got a boner right now..."
Eva grinned, and tapped back a message.
The girls both giggled. A few seconds went by, and the phone chirped again, with a close up picture of a stiff, white cock. "Damn, that's a pretty good looking dick!" Wadeen smiled. A second shot followed, a 'timer' shot where Harold had squatted over the phone with his cock, balls, and asshole in clear view.
Eva looked at Wadeen, smiled, and shut off her phone. "Like you said, act interested, but not TOO interested." Both girls laughed.
"Time for you to lick."
Wadeen began by giving Eva a loving kiss, her fat lips on Eva's pimply, white face. They tasted each other's color. For Eva, it was one of the only times she had ever been given a loving kiss. Eva then felt Wadeen's hand on her breast. Still deep in a kiss, Eva reached over and cupped Wadeen's breast with her hand.
Wadeen broke away gently from the kiss, stood, and removed her dress. Eva drank in the view. She could see why men desired the black woman. Her belly was toned and flat. Her pussy hair was curly and trimmed. Her legs were long and dark.
Eva laid back on the bed as Wadeen knelt before her, and lifted the hem of Eva's black skirt. Eva felt a light kiss on the front of her thong, which was then pulled aside. Another kiss. Eva began to understand Wadeen's earlier comment about how only a woman can really understand what another woman needs.
The two spent nearly an hour together in the room. Eva's first orgasm was a potent explosion, after which she kissed Wadeen's face, wet with her juices, then made her way slowly down to return the favor. Eva had never done this, but knew instinctively what to do. Kisses. Licks. A finger inside. Oh, so light on the clit. Wadeen telegraphed her climax with a shudder and a roar.
The two melted for a while, not moving. Both girls were spent. Eva felt as if she were a firecracker that had just gone off.
Eva rested her head back on the rear seat of the Mercedes on the ride home. Miho's book sat on the seat beside her.
"Where did you learn Japanese?" Eva asked the driver.
"I was in the military, at a base near Tokyo." the driver answered. "I really liked Japan." A pause. The driver continued. "Miho really likes you. She thinks you are chosen."
"For what?" Eva asked.
"I don't really know." Answered the chauffeur. "It wasn't really that easy to translate. Some words have several different meanings, and Miho speaks in poetry. She is from the Hokkaido area, and some phrases have subtle differences than they might in the south, or in a city. Like, 'your suffering will pleasure others' - that can mean you causing the suffering, or receiving the suffering."
"The whole thing was kind of magic." The driver continued. "Miho is revered in Japan, and didn't really know why she would be drawn to a gathering of black prostitutes. She just knew she had to go, so she went. I didn't even know why I was there, except for Maurice hiring me as a driver. Then, when Miho began to speak, I understood."
The car drew Eva home, and the driver opened the door, and helped Eva out. Eva thanked him, and the driver then bowed to her. "Thank YOU, Miss Eva. It has been my pleasure."
Eva cleaned up for bed, and took one more look at a picture in the book. It was Miho, wearing a tight bra made of rope, nipples glistening. The perpetual smile. A tongue at Miho's crotch. Couldn't tell if the tongue was that of a man, or a woman. It didn't matter. Each picture told a full story, without any words. Eva could feel the tension of the ropes in the photo, and the pleasure of the tongue. It was a balance.
At about 3:45, a car pulled up outside, and a nicely-dress man knocked on the door. Eva had explained to her mother she'd be going to a holiday party with 'some of the girls', and her mother was actually pleased to learn her daughter had been invited to a social event.
"Miss Eva?" The driver asked. "Your car is ready, Ma'am."
Eva made the drive downtown in the back seat of a red Mercedes. She'd never been treated quite this well. The car pulled up and parked outside of what appeared to be an old warehouse.
A large black man at the back door smiled as Eva approached. "Welcome, Miss Eva." He smiled, opening the door.
The room inside was much nicer than the outside - it was clean and well lit, with a stage and a dance floor that could serve for many purposes. A small group stood around a small bar on one side of the room.
"Eva!" Came a call. Eva turned, and saw Wadeen running towards her. Wadeen looked nicer than usual, in a short blue dress and belt, her hair styled. "Eva, honey, you're looking good enough to eat! Please come this way - I'd like you to meet Maurice..."
Maurice looked like he could have been a banker. Button down shirt, tie, and sport jacket. He had a touch of grey to his hair, and wore glasses. He noticed Wadeen approaching, holding Eva's hand, and stretched out his hand to greet them.
"Are you the pimp?" Asked Eva, causing several girls nearby to giggle. "I mean, I don't want to offend, but I don't know."
"Well, now, I'd prefer to call myself the 'business manager'." Smiled Maurice. "I try to help these girls out as best I can in a tough market." The girls around him all smiled. They didn't seem scared.
Wadeen enjoyed introducing Eva to some of her friends. Sapphire. Rula. Tawnee. Jade. Mary. Jahkay. Each of them looked sexy in their own way.
As Wadeen introduced Eva to the girls, Maurice had made his way up to the stage, and began a pleasant introduction. "I don't know if you'd call this a show, or a school, but I think you're all going to have fun. First up, the lovely Beaulah!"
Beaulah got up on the stage to applause. Beaulah was a big black woman with short, cropped hair, broad arms, broad legs, and a smooth complexion. She was darker than most of the girls.
"Don't be fooled, Eva." Said Wadeen, sitting next to Eva. "This lady has got it going on."
Beaulah began to speak in a fairly heavy accent. She was from Bermuda, and she would be talking about her specialty - which was deep throating. Eva couldn't pick up all the words, but she could get most of it. Particularly when Beaulah grabbed a massive dildo, put it to her lips, and pushed the whole thing down. The whole thing. Eva's mind thought of a sword-swallowing act she'd seen on TV once.
Beaulah smiled, and explained how not all girls can do this, but there were things they all could do to learn. A little at a time. Practice. Lots and lots of lube. Find your gag spot. Keep it moving. Say 'aaah' while you swallow. Breathe through your nose. Practice. More lube. Lick the balls while you're down there. Lay back with your head over the edge. Practice with a man who won't be forceful. Don't use a banana, or anything that can break off in your throat. Eva even wrote down a few notes. It was like watching a magician reveal his tricks. Beaulah capped off the lesson with an even bigger dildo, burying it down her throat. Eva could see her throat bulge. Beaulah withdrew the dildo after what seemed like a very long time, to strong applause and a standing ovation.
Next up was Miho.
Eva wasn't sure what to make of this, as the Japanese woman appeared to be at least 70 years old. Maurice even had to help her on stage. Miho couldn't have been 100 pounds, and must have been about four foot ten. Eva looked quizzically to Wadeen.
"Just watch, Eva." Wadeen smiled. "Big dynamite comes in small packages."
Miho was even harder to understand than Beaulah, but that just made Eva pay even more attention. Miho had a few props she would be working with, and her apparent speciality was bondage.
"Boy, please." Miho smiled. A slim man came on stage, who was well over six feet tall. He towered over little Miho.
"Watch this." Wadeen whispered to Eva.
"Take off belt, please." Miho smiled. She was always smiling. The man tilted his head like a curious dog might, then removed his belt, and handed it to Miho. "Hands behind, please." Miho said. The man put his wrists behind him, as Miho quickly looped the belt around both wrists. "Inhale deep, now." Miho ordered. The man inhaled, and as his stomach drew in, Miho swiftly tightened the belt in front with a hard pull. The man's eyes opened wide as he realized he was now helpless. Miho smiled to the crowd, who applauded. The whole motion hadn't taken 20 seconds.
Miho unzipped the man's pants and pulled them down, revealing his dick. Miho pulled the pants and shorts down to his ankles. "Now, he not run away." Miho explained. The crowd laughed. Miho reached into a bag, and pulled out a small cord about five feet long. She made a loop around the base of the man's cock and balls, and tightened. The man gasped. Another loop around the balls. Tug. The man gasped again. Miho drew both ends up the the belt around the man's waist. "Inhale again, please." Much harder for him this time, the man inhaled, giving Miho just enough room to slide the rope ends under the belt. One more quick movement, and Miho made a simple looking tie that slid around the man's cock head, and gave another tug, stretching his cock upwards.
The man stood in front of the crowd on stage, his hands helpless behind him, his dick now taut and tight and stretched across his belly. His balls stuck out, helpless. His pants were a puddle around his ankles. The crowd was silent.
"Now, whip." Miho smiled. She reached into a bag, and pulled out a leather whip about two feet long. It didn't look that nasty, until she slapped it across the man's cock, right below the head with stunning accuracy. The man didn't react at first, as the feeling took a moment to hit.
"AAAHH!" The man finally grunted. Miho just kept smiling. She gave another shot to the mans's balls, just as hard. "AAAAHHH!!" The man screamed.
"You too loud." Miho noted, pulling a red ball out of her bag. "Open, please." Miho ordered. The man obeyed, and Miho effortlessly stuck the ball into his mouth. "Not so loud now." Miho chuckled.
Miho let loose with another shot of the whip across the man's outstretched dick. The slap of the whip echoed throughout the hall. "mmmmff." Cried the man behind the gag.
"Better now." Smiled Miho. "Stand up straight, please." The man obeyed, only to be rewarded with another shot to his cock. Miho bowed. The crowd cheered.
Miho took her time undoing the man, rubbing his cock and balls as she undid the cord. His punished cock was stiffening from the attention, as Miho undid the belt and released his hands. Miho bowed to the man, as the crowd gave him polite applause for volunteering.
Miho had an oversized phallus she brought out, and demonstrated the tie she had performed with a larger rope. The visual aid helped Eva to understand - Miho even went over the tie a couple more times in slow motion, making it look simple. Eva was mesmerized.
"You, come up, help." Miho said, pointing directly at Eva.
"Me?" Eva gasped.
"Yes, you." Miho smiled. Eva walked up the steps to the stage, feeling very out of place. The lights were brighter than she thought they would be.
"Another boy, please." Miho called out. An older man walked up on the stage to volunteer, and introduced himself to the girls.
"Now strip, boy." The man did as he was told.
"You try tie." Miho said, handing Eva a cord, wanting her to demonstrate it on the oversized dildo.
Eva had been paying close attention, and made the loop, the tug, and the ball tie.
"Very good." Miho praised. "You try this now." Miho brought out a second, identical oversized phallus. "Watch close." Miho did another loop. Eva copied. Another loop. Then, a twist of the rope a few times. Run that section of twisted rope between the balls. Another loop. Up and around. Eva followed right along. She knew she'd be doing this on Harold very soon. "Very good." Miho smiled. "See? Even young girl figure out. give clapping, please." The crowd roared. Eva was almost crying tears of joy.
"Now, you show on boy." Miho smiled, handing Eva another cord.
Wordlessly, Eva took the rope, went over to the man, and smiled at him. Loop. Tug. Second loop. Tug. The man groaned hard. Twist the rope. Bring it up between the balls. Another loop. Tug. Wrap a quick tie around the man's wrists behind him. The man's balls pushed out comically to the sides. His cock was now helpless.
"Good girl." Miho smiled. "Good girl." The crowd applauded. Eva reached down, and gave the man's cock a gentle rub. "VERY good girl." Miho smiled. The stroke caused the man even more agony.
After Eva left the stage, Miho's demonstration continued for another 20 minutes or so. The older man Eva had tied was freed and released, and another man brought up. In less than a minute, Miho had the man naked, a collar and leash around his neck, a steel hook up his ass, and a blindfold over his eyes.
"Like doggie?" Miho giggled. The crowd laughed. The man indeed looked like a dog, a dog who yelped when Miho did a simple pull on the rope connecting his hook to his collar.
After Miho's presentation, there was a brief 'fashion show' where some of Maurice's girls modeled some of their latest styles. Wadeen looked stunning in a sling bikini that barely covered her pussy and nipples. A stunning, tall woman wore a see-through dress that looked even sexier than if she were naked. A bald black woman wore a tough looking outfit composed of leather and chain. A small woman with pink hair skipped out wearing a schoolgirl outfit, sucking a lollipop. Eva's hands almost hurt from the applause. What a show!
The 'presentation' portion of the party was now over, and the house lights came back up, and the girls were relaxing and laughing. A man played guitar in the corner.
"Thank you, Wadeen." Eva said humbly. "I mean, for more than the invitation - you showed me how just a few minutes of caring can change a life. It was like you flipped a switch that allows me to be me. I AM smart. I AM in control. I may be ugly and have little tits and a pig nose, but I AM sexy."
Wadeen gave Eva a huge hug, and whispered in her ear: "You are going to keep that boner boy happy, and other boner boys, too." Both women were tearing up. "One other thing - would you mind if I licked your pussy for you? I mean, I'll need to check with Maurice, as I'm kind of his 'hired gun', but I think you deserve a little pleasure. I don't think he's going to have a problem with it."
Eva didn't have to think very long. "Yes, Wadeen. I'd like that very much."
The two girls walked over to a table where Maurice was standing. As they got closer, they realized Maurice was talking with Miho.
"Eee-VAH!" Miho exclaimed, seeing her approach. Miho excused her attention from Maurice for a moment, and reached behind into a box. She then handed Eva a book. "You take, you keep." Miho smiled.
Eva didn't know what to think. The book was oversized, with Japanese writing on the cover. She opened the book, and was surprised to see a picture of a young Miho, tied in an intricate 'shibari' style. Another page showed a strong man tied up, his erection standing tall. Eva flipped through the pages. A beautiful woman sucking a cock. Miho tying up two young naked women. A man tied with a huge dildo in his ass, and another in his mouth. Miho again, nude and radiant, being fucked by a lover.
"What an honor..." Maurice stammered, looking on. "That book is worth hundreds, if not thousands. It's not a book that can be bought in a store. It's like a manual given to wealthy newlyweds, a tradition going back centuries. it is exquisite."
Eva was silent. Each picture was beyond erotic. There were even some diagrams of rope ties, carefully hand drawn, detailing ways of bondage and pleasure. "Domo..." Eva uttered. "Domo arrigato." Eva didn't know Japanese, but the words came from her without thought. She bowed deeply to Miho.
Miho began to speak in Japanese. Rapidly. Eva could not understand a word. Suddenly, the chauffeur who had driven Eva in the Mercedes chimed in: "Miho says she can feel your sex was only recently sparked, but that your flame burns in a rare color." Miho continued to talk, and the driver attempted to interpret. "With you, pretty comes full circle. Not sure how to translate, but it's like 'you are so ugly you are beautiful'... A swan... smoke... your suffer will pleasure others." Miho made a dancelike moverment with her hands, and continued to talk.
"You are early on the path." The driver continued. "You will meet teachers on the way, these are already written in the sky but cannot be seen yet. Sensei will appear at the right time with the proper lesson." Miho bowed deeply to Eva. Eva returned the bow.
There was a silence, broken by Wadeen asking Maurice a question. "Mister Maurice, may Eva and I have a private room for a bit of girl play?"
Maurice handed her a key. "Room three, Wadeen. Pleasure her well." The two girls turned and headed to a hallway.
"Fuck." Whispered Wadeen. "That was intense." Eva smiled, equally stunned. The book under her arm felt heavy and light at the same time.
Wadeen unlocked the door in the dim hallway, the two girls entered, and turned on a light, a single bare bulb hanging from the ceiling. A plain white bed, a wooden chair, and a table. "Fuckin' honeymoon suite." Wadeen giggled. Both girls laughed out loud.
"I can't believe this book." Whispered Eva, sitting down on the bed, and opening the book to yet another perfect picture. A woman was hanging upside down over a man's cock. Wadeen joined her on the bed, and the two girls drank in the picture silently, a silence that was broken when Eva's cell phone chirped.
'HI EVA THINKING OF U - HAROLD' Read the text.
"Oh, honey! It's your boy!" Wadeen giggled. "He's all excited, and thinking of you! Bet he's got a boner right now..."
Eva grinned, and tapped back a message.
The girls both giggled. A few seconds went by, and the phone chirped again, with a close up picture of a stiff, white cock. "Damn, that's a pretty good looking dick!" Wadeen smiled. A second shot followed, a 'timer' shot where Harold had squatted over the phone with his cock, balls, and asshole in clear view.
Eva looked at Wadeen, smiled, and shut off her phone. "Like you said, act interested, but not TOO interested." Both girls laughed.
"Time for you to lick."
Wadeen began by giving Eva a loving kiss, her fat lips on Eva's pimply, white face. They tasted each other's color. For Eva, it was one of the only times she had ever been given a loving kiss. Eva then felt Wadeen's hand on her breast. Still deep in a kiss, Eva reached over and cupped Wadeen's breast with her hand.
Wadeen broke away gently from the kiss, stood, and removed her dress. Eva drank in the view. She could see why men desired the black woman. Her belly was toned and flat. Her pussy hair was curly and trimmed. Her legs were long and dark.
Eva laid back on the bed as Wadeen knelt before her, and lifted the hem of Eva's black skirt. Eva felt a light kiss on the front of her thong, which was then pulled aside. Another kiss. Eva began to understand Wadeen's earlier comment about how only a woman can really understand what another woman needs.
The two spent nearly an hour together in the room. Eva's first orgasm was a potent explosion, after which she kissed Wadeen's face, wet with her juices, then made her way slowly down to return the favor. Eva had never done this, but knew instinctively what to do. Kisses. Licks. A finger inside. Oh, so light on the clit. Wadeen telegraphed her climax with a shudder and a roar.
The two melted for a while, not moving. Both girls were spent. Eva felt as if she were a firecracker that had just gone off.
Eva rested her head back on the rear seat of the Mercedes on the ride home. Miho's book sat on the seat beside her.
"Where did you learn Japanese?" Eva asked the driver.
"I was in the military, at a base near Tokyo." the driver answered. "I really liked Japan." A pause. The driver continued. "Miho really likes you. She thinks you are chosen."
"For what?" Eva asked.
"I don't really know." Answered the chauffeur. "It wasn't really that easy to translate. Some words have several different meanings, and Miho speaks in poetry. She is from the Hokkaido area, and some phrases have subtle differences than they might in the south, or in a city. Like, 'your suffering will pleasure others' - that can mean you causing the suffering, or receiving the suffering."
"The whole thing was kind of magic." The driver continued. "Miho is revered in Japan, and didn't really know why she would be drawn to a gathering of black prostitutes. She just knew she had to go, so she went. I didn't even know why I was there, except for Maurice hiring me as a driver. Then, when Miho began to speak, I understood."
The car drew Eva home, and the driver opened the door, and helped Eva out. Eva thanked him, and the driver then bowed to her. "Thank YOU, Miss Eva. It has been my pleasure."
Eva cleaned up for bed, and took one more look at a picture in the book. It was Miho, wearing a tight bra made of rope, nipples glistening. The perpetual smile. A tongue at Miho's crotch. Couldn't tell if the tongue was that of a man, or a woman. It didn't matter. Each picture told a full story, without any words. Eva could feel the tension of the ropes in the photo, and the pleasure of the tongue. It was a balance.
7 months ago