Swimming lessons

The stories I like reading are the ones about first sexual encounters, and like so many, mine was at school. We had an open air lido in our town and we used to go there for swimming lessons. There wasn’t one big changing area and there cubicles and two people could change quite easily. I shared with another boy, who lived a couple of doors from me, and I was happy with that rather than with a load of boys. We changed into our trunks and of course eyed each others cocks, and looked at each but said nothing. I wanted the lesson to go quickly because I think we both knew that there was something going on. With the lesson over, we were back in our cubicle and towelling down. The action of rubbing a towel on our cocks certainly had an arousing effect, and without saying anything, we brought our cocks together. We pulled foreskins back to reveal the purple knobs. Not because they were cold! We smiled and I think we were about to touch each other, when a voice bellowed, “ Get a move on!!” I knew which move we wanted, but it wasn’t to be. And sadly it never happened again. It still hasn’t happened for me, but I like to think for my friend it did, because you never know what happens from a chance encounter.
Published by Bobblehat12
7 months ago
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Bobblehat12 Publisher 2 months ago
to Surwankalot : Yes, but there we are. I think he would have been the right person, we had similar interests. Thinking back, if I had been with someone else they may have been the wrong person? 
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Surwankalot 2 months ago
Such a shame your encounter was curtailed.  
redclay56 2 months ago
Lifelong pencil-neck-geek here...I'll never forget how overwhelmed I was when we first had to take showers after phys-ed classes, and I was confronted with the reality that there were boys my age who were WAY further along the road to manhood than I was. I thought I was pretty hot-shit up to that point because I had a paisley 3-ring binder and could play "Little Black Egg" on the guitar, but this was the first of innumerable rude awakenings. Still recovering.
Rman91 3 months ago
to SleekInterest43 : he was like 6cm or 7cm.. but i found it surprising that it was really thin. I agree.., i've heard of other guys knowing other guys's cock.
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to Rman91 : How small was your friends’s micro penis? I’ve not seen a real small one in the flesh. Mine and my friends were pretty much the same (about 18cms) and so we had nothing to worry about! I guess experimenting and and showing your friends your cock must have happened to a lot of guys, whether they will admit it or not, all part of growing up and finding out about life. 
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Rman91 4 months ago
to SleekInterest43 : Something similar happened with me... one of my best friends showed me his erection at school and I got surprised because he had a micro penis. At that moment nothing happened. Another time he showed it to me again at home and I had to show him mine, it was exciting but at the same time I felt ashamed because even when it was flaccid it was bigger? But to my surprise he was fascinated and to tell the truth I was also excited about the situation and I ended up getting hard in front of him. We didn't masturbate or touch each other, we just staring wide eyed at each other’s erections as you said... In other opportunities he used to send me erotic pictures to get hard, not porn...
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Bobblehat12 Publisher 5 months ago
Thank you for your response to my story. What you say about first experiences, nervous, scared and exciting…so true. We wish them not to be so, and we wonder if we will be put off, or the other person will similarly be affected. It is part of life’s journey of discovery. Sounds like you haven’t, so well done you!
funpics70 5 months ago
lovely times pity it didnt go further for you both
Bobblehat12 Publisher 6 months ago
to Fruit_Picker : Thank you for your response. So many have said they had a similar experience when they were younger. Some went on and it developed, others like me it didn’t. Or for them later in life. Posting more stories…mmmm. Well there wouldn’t be much. I’d rather write something I could be honest about rather than something I’ve fantasised about. Although, that could be a good story!?
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Fruit_Picker 6 months ago
Similar experiences too....Hope you post more stories 
littlenis 6 months ago
So many of us have had nearly experiences, how many lives would have turned out differently had it not been for parents, others, not getting angles right (my experience) when younger. I'm STILL waiting for my first bi-experience.
Sadly we didn’t get to touch each other’s cocks again, we showed them to each other a couple more times, but never touched, maybe it was the fear of being found out (who would know if we didn’t tell anyone) so we didn’t. 
Bobblehat12 Publisher 6 months ago
to SleekInterest43 : Thank you so much for your response. It too is a lovely story. What could be more instinctive than reaching for each others cocks. Hearts pounding also I’m sure! Hope you had a better and more relaxed opportunity later. Know what you mean about trapping foreskins. Ooooo wince!
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Lovely story! My first encounter was with my mate Stuart, we were sat in my bedroom, aged in our early teens and we were talking about the scraps of discarded pages from porn mags I had found on some waste ground, I pulled them out from under my bed (where I had stashed them for safe keeping) and showed them to him. The illicit nature of it was very arousing and I certainly got hard looking at them. Stuart said he was hard and then unzipped his jeans to show me. He pulled his pants to one side and his cock pinged out from within its confines and stood there proud and erect, his bell end shiny and very purple. Apart from my own (obviously!) I had never seen another erection and I was curious to how his looked to mine (so was he!) so I obligingly undid my jeans and pulled mine out too! So we are both sat on my bed, cocks out staring wide eyed at each other’s erections amidst some scattered pages of porn. We both simultaneously decided to reach across and stroke each other’s length with the back of our hands to gauge how hard we were, well I for one could have used mine to jemmy open tea-chests with mine and Stuart’s felt hard enough beneath my hand to lever off a truck tyre. Not sure what we were going to do next as I heard my father ascending the stairs so we hurriedly and in a right old panic stashed away our cocks, taking extra care to not trap foreskins in zips and chuck the porn pages under the duvet cover so as not to be discovered! Both of us now very red in the face!
nwukcupl 7 months ago
to Bobblehat12 : Yes, it can happen at any age? (As you can read in my first post, I was young). But after years as a 'normal Hetro' I slipped back into a sensuous, happy partnership with Lin)..
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Bobblehat12 Publisher 7 months ago
to nwukcupl : Thank you for reading and responding. Yes, one of those “ sliding doors “ moments. I’d like to think I’m somewhere near that “ different direction.” I’ve always leaned towards cross dressing and in the past few years I’ve been able to embrace it more, and think what it means to be bisexual, or at least bicurious. Thank you.
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nwukcupl 7 months ago
Hmm, it could have turned out differently? Could have led you in a 'different direction'?
Hendr1ck2 7 months ago
i agree the first time is amazing
Juicygob2 7 months ago
I’d love a c2c but alas like u hasn’t happened 
BonChance100 7 months ago
I would do the same with a friend when we were about 11/12. Lock ourselves in a cubicle and play with each others cocks! We would use his older sisters underwear to fress up in and fuck each other! What simple fun! This was the start of my adoration for lingerie! Paul xx