Swimming lessons
The stories I like reading are the ones about first sexual encounters, and like so many, mine was at school. We had an open air lido in our town and we used to go there for swimming lessons. There wasn’t one big changing area and there cubicles and two people could change quite easily. I shared with another boy, who lived a couple of doors from me, and I was happy with that rather than with a load of boys. We changed into our trunks and of course eyed each others cocks, and looked at each but said nothing. I wanted the lesson to go quickly because I think we both knew that there was something going on. With the lesson over, we were back in our cubicle and towelling down. The action of rubbing a towel on our cocks certainly had an arousing effect, and without saying anything, we brought our cocks together. We pulled foreskins back to reveal the purple knobs. Not because they were cold! We smiled and I think we were about to touch each other, when a voice bellowed, “ Get a move on!!” I knew which move we wanted, but it wasn’t to be. And sadly it never happened again. It still hasn’t happened for me, but I like to think for my friend it did, because you never know what happens from a chance encounter.
7 months ago