Eva 2 - Harold

It was dark when Eva boarded the crosstown bus to head back home. Rush hour was long past. As she paid the bus fare, she noticed there were only three other people on the bus. One of them looked familiar.

It was Harold, from her fourth period math class. He was pretty good looking, and smart. Eva wondered what he was doing coming out of the 'bad' section of town. Harold had been dating Molly McGregor, but Eva heard a rumor Molly had dumped Harold after he tried to grab her tit and french kiss her at a party.

As the bus started to move, Eva walked down the aisle, and noticed Harold was focused on a book or something. He hadn't even noticed her get on the bus. As she got closer, Eva could see it was a porno magazine. Nothing really nasty, just pictures of women with large breasts.

"Hi, Harold." Eva smiled. Harold looked up quickly, and his face turned a deep red. He stashed the magazine into a brown paper bag, and placed the bag over his lap in an attempt to hide his erection. "Oh, hi, Eva - how you doing?" Harold gulped.

"Mind if I sit here?" Eva said, grabbing a rail and spinning down next to Harold. She didn't even give him a chance to say 'no'. "What are you reading?" Eva asked, getting a glimpse of the title of the magazine - 'Big Tits'. Eva remembered Wadeen's advice - 'interested, but not TOO interested' - and smiled at Harold.

"Uh, nothing." Harold stammered, trying to cover the dirty magazine. "Just a magazine."

"Those girls have some big tits." Eva noted. Harold got even redder in the face. "Way bigger than mine." Harold stirred in his bus seat. "I know I'm no pin-up, but maybe I can still help you out." Eva whispered. Harold was unable to answer.

"I bet you'd like a hand job." Eva said. Harold was still stunned. Eva had him right where she wanted. Wadeen's advice was paying off. "It looks like you're already excited."

Harold's breathing deepened. He'd been busted. He'd never been attracted to Eva, even though they sat next to each other in class. She was fat, short, and had a pig nose. But she was also a girl, a girl who was offering him something he really wanted. "You would do that?" Harold spoke. Eva nodded, looking Harold straight in the eye. "You'd rub my boner for me?

Eva nodded. Again, she tried to hold back on her own excitement. Remain in control, she thought - just as Wadeen had suggested. "Yes." Eva stated. "I'd rub your boner."

Eva was breathing hard, too. Eva knew that left to her own, she'd do more than 'rub his boner' - hell, she'd gladly suck his cock and fuck him and let him do all the nasty things she'd dreamed of, and more. But Wadeen's advice came back to mind - 'start off simple' - 'be confident'. "Would you like that, Harold?" Eva asked.

Harold had never had a woman offer to do this. He had taken the bus downtown to buy a magazine at a seedy news stand, take it home, and jack off to it. Here was a girl offering to do it for him. "Yes." Harold whispered.

"Yes, what?" Eva questioned, knowing the answer full well.

"Yes, I'd like you to play with my boner." Harold answered.

Eva smiled. "How about tomorrow, after school?" Eva offered, remembering the suggestion to make him wait.

"Yeah, Eva, that would be great." Harold answered. "My folks work late, so they won't be home for at least a couple hours after school."

"Good." Eva said. "That sounds nice. You live over on 5th Street, right?"

"Yeah." Harold answered, writing down his address, and handing it to Eva.

The rest of the bus ride went well. Eva even had Harold take out the magazine. Eva said the girl on the cover was pretty. Harold eased a little, and the two giggled.

The next day at school was fun for Eva. She felt a new confidence. Yes, she had hardly any tits, she was fat, and pimply. She also had a guy who was excited about her showing sexual interest. She had seen Harold in the hallway, and when they exchanged glances, it was evident Harold was sporting a hard-on. Eva just smiled.

Eva made things even harder on Harold in math class. She undid a couple buttons on her top, to the point where her bra could be seen. Harold noticed, and was trying to glance over to sneak a peek. 'Poor guy' Eva thought. 'This is fun.'

The two walked together over to Harold's house after school. His folks were well off, and it was a big house. Eva kept teasing. "You still have that boner, Harold? I'm looking forward to touching it." Harold just nodded, and kept on walking. His cock was stuck down the right pant leg of his jeans. Eva brushed it with her fat little hand, and Harold moaned. She then watched the cock stiffen even more.

They went straight to Harold's room when they got to the house. Harold's room was clean, and tidy - a couple of sports posters, and school books set out on a study desk. Eva sat down on the bed. Time to try this 'control' thing, Eva thought.

"Show me that boner, Harold." Eva was surprised to hear herself say such a thing.

Harold obeyed, unbuckling his belt, letting his jeans fall, and exposing a pair of white briefs. His cock was stiff behind the thin fabric. He pulled down his underwear, and his cock sprang out, stiff. Eva tried to remain calm. The cock was very nice indeed, quite a bit bigger than Mister Robert's. Harold also had a big pair of balls, and a thin growth of pubic hair.

"Show me that girlie magazine." Eva ordered. Harold complied, reaching under his mattress and pulling it out. 'Big Tits'. Eva reached over, and cupped Harold's balls in her fat, white palm.

Harold moaned. He'd never been touched this way. He had jerked off twice last night, once to the magazine, and a second time to the fantasy of having Eva touch his cock. Eva tugged gently on the head of Harold's cock. He thrust forward, and Eva let go, teasing him on purpose. She was in control, just as Wadeen had said.

"Show me how you rub your boner, Harold." Eva ordered. Harold didn't take his eyes off Eva, as he reached down and began to stroke himself. "Faster." Eva ordered. Harold obeyed. "Look at the boobies on this girl." Eva said, pointing to a page in the magazine. "Doesn't she have nice tits, Harold?" Eva questioned. Harold just nodded. Eva felt her pussy twitch.

Eva reached over, and resumed tugging and rubbing on Harold's hard dick. "Put down the magazine, Harold." Eva said. "Hands behind your back." Harold stood in place, pants at his ankles, underwear to his knees. He slowly put his arms behind. Eva remembered some more of Wadeen's lesson. "Oh, what a nice big cock." Eva purred. "It's so BIG." She sped up her rubbing. Harold was already bucking a little. Eva hadn't even needed to take off her clothes. Harold was literally in her hand.

"And such nice balls." Eva whispered. Harold's eyes were closed. "Ever had those balls squeezed?" Harold's eyes opened, he had a bit of fear. Eva clenched the cock a little harder as she rubbed, and reached out with her other hand, rubbing his nut sack. "Some boys get their naughty balls squeezed for looking at big tits." Eva didn't want to hurt Harold, but it was now or never. "Do you think I should squeeze your balls, Harold? Have you been a naughty boy?"

Harold was in heaven - and a little scared. He didn't know how to answer. "Well, Harold?" Eva repeated.

"Yes." Harold answered.

"Yes, what?" Eva asked, with just a hint of giggle.

"Yes, Eva, please squeeze my balls." Harold responded.

Eva picked up her rhythm, stroking Harold's stiff cock, and with her other hand, she wrapped her thumb and forefinger around Harold's ball sack - and gave it a little twist. "Harder?" Eva asked.

"Yes, please." Harold moaned. "Please twist my balls harder, please."

Eva remembered Wadeen's comment about guys wanting to be macho. "Are you a naughty boy?" Eva teased, prolonging Harold's torment.

"Yes, Eva." Harold grunted. "I am a naughty boy."

Eva gave a hard tug down, and a twist harder than she dared. She also squeezed Harold's balls hard. She was stroking his hard-on fast now, but it took only two more strokes after she squeezed his balls. Harold groaned, and began to squirt a load of thick cum. The shot narrowly missed hitting Eva, and landed on the bed next to her. Another blast. And another. Harold buckled. "You stay standing, naughty boy." Eva ordered.

Harold obeyed.

Eva felt triumphant. She was in control. A boy stood in front of her, crotch bared, and she had just made him cum. She didn't even have to kiss him. She had to resist leaning over and taking his cock in her mouth, or even licking his ass, which she gladly would have done. No, it was far more fun to use him this way - and Harold wasn't about to object. She thought about giving him a spank, but thought, 'no - we'll save that for later'.

"Sorry." Harold apologized. "I came kind of quick."

"That's okay." Smiled Eva. You are just a naughty boy who couldn't help it."

She was still rubbing his cock gently. Some of the sperm had gotten on her hand. Not saying a word, she lifted her fat little hand off his cock, and placed it to Harold's lips. He didn't have to ask. He began to lick his cream off of her hand.

Despite having just cum, Harold's cock was still pretty hard - and Eva leaned over to it close, her mouth only about an inch away. She formed her lips into an 'O', and peeked up at Harold. As much as she wanted to suck it, she backed off, and leaned back.

"No masturbating tonight, Harold." Eva said. "And no underwear tomorrow. I want you naked under your jeans, Harold."
Published by kb7
7 months ago
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BunnyUK51 3 months ago
Next Eva needs to sell him Her used panties - all hot and sweaty, fresh from her morning jilling session before school.
kirinaswan 6 months ago
Wonderful, exactly what the first part promised.
nastybutnice1 7 months ago
Harold is fortunate.