Eva 1 - Meeting Wadeen
Eva stood out front of the Rialto Theater, and started to sob.
Eva had taken the bus downtown in hope of a movie date with a boy from school, who had mentioned a movie he'd wanted to see - Eva had even offered to buy the tickets. This wasn't the first time Eva had been stood up, but this one felt even worse than usual.
On the chubby side, Eva had been a 'late bloomer'. Her breasts were small, her skin was pale, and her thin blonde hair was cut short in a manner that made her look even fatter. It didn't help that Eva's mother dressed her in long, floral-print, flour sack dresses.
Once a proud movie theater, the Rialto was located in an older section of town. It was now surrounded by cheap bars, porn shops, and prostitutes.
The movie had already started five minutes ago. Eva broke down, and was crying hard.
"You okay, girl?" Eva heard a voice say. She turned and saw a black woman who was dressed like a streetwalker. No surprise, because that's what she was. A whore. "Yeah, you..." The woman was staring at Eva now.
"My date didn't show up." Sobbed Eva, trying to regain her composure. "We were going to meet here for a movie... and..." Eva broke down even harder.
"I'm Wadeen, honey." The black woman said, with a light southern drawl. "And what's your name, girl?"
"Eva." She sobbed out. "I'm sorry."
"Nothin' to be sorry about, girl." Wadeen said, putting her hand on Eva's shoulder and offering her a tissue. "Let's sit down a spell and talk, okay?"
The two sat on a bench, and Eva poured her heart out. Wadeen listened and nodded, just letting the girl vent. Eva was lonely. She wanted the love of a boy. Most any boy. She was an ugly duckling, and she knew she would not turn into a beautiful swan.
"Honey, let's go up to my apartment." Wadeen offered. "I think we need to have a little talk, okay?" Eva nodded, dried her eyes, and the two walked over to a second floor room at a nearby hotel.
Wadeen opened a window, got Eva a glass of sweet tea, and sat down on the couch next to Eva.
"Honey, listen up, and listen up good. I'm gonna help you out a little." Wadeen began. Eva took a small sip of her tea, and looked up at the black woman sitting next to her.
"For one thing, all men are assholes." Wadeen began. Eva smiled, and Wadeen continued. "Second thing, men are always horny. Even if they say they aren't, they think with their dick. They'll do anything they can to get into your little cunny. But the good news is, you're in control."
"How much sex have you had, girl?" Asked Wadeen.
"Not much." Eva whispered. Eva then related a story of a boy she met at a party once. He was fat and pimply and not very smart. They had been kissing in a back room, and the boy even touched Eva's breast on the outside of her dress, but then the pizza delivery arrived - and the boy got up so he wouldn't miss out on his dinner. Eva would have let the boy go as far as he wanted, but she had fallen short to a cheese pizza.
"Poor baby." Wadeen comforted, reaching out for Eva's hand. "Titties and pussy - half the population's got 'em, but most don't know what to do with 'em. And you ain't gotta be no beauty queen to get men right where you want 'em." Eva listened eagerly.
"Start off simple with the boys in school, honey. Just like I did." Wadeen offered. "You ain't gotta be blowin' or fuckin' or nothin' yet. Find a boy you like, and act interested - but not TOO interested. Maybe ask him if he'd like a nice hand job."
"What's a hand job?" Asked Eva innocently.
"You just rub his nugget." Wadeen explained. "All men like their cock rubbed. Those high school boys are always hard, and they don't care about love. As soon as they got their cock out, and in your hand, you're in control."
Wadeen's eyes opened with a knock at the door. She peeked out a window - "It's Mister Robert's car!" Sure enough, Mister Robert was heading home from work, and wanted a 'quicky' with the black whore.
Eva didn't know what to do. "Don't panic, girl." Wadeen said. "This won't take long. This man's got a little dick, and a big wallet."
Wadeen opened the door. "Ooo, you here to love me, Daddy?" The man wore a suit and tie, and carried a briefcase.
"I already paid Maurice. I saw him downtown, he said you'd be here." Mister Robert said. "And who is this girl? I ain't paying for no second girl."
"Oh, honey, 'dis here is my little neighbor, Eva - we just been havin' some girl talk." Wadeen smiled. "She young, and still learning about being a woman. Is it okay if she watch?"
Mister Robert put down his briefcase, and removed his suit coat. "Yeah, I suppose so... If you say it's okay, Wadeen."
"Ooo, baby - I'm so glad you're here - I been SO horny - been thinkin' all about you." Wadeen was already undoing Mister Robert's belt, her southern accent getting noticeably thicker. "I done got naked last night and played with my muffin just thinkin' about that big white dick of yours." Wadeen made a little wink at Eva, who was transfixed by what was going on.
Wadeen pulled down the man's pants and shorts, revealing a little, pasty white prick. "Oh, Daddy! It so BIG! Oh, you gonna make love to my little dark coochie? Please, baby?" Wadeen was rubbing the little white shaft, which was beginning to stiffen. Mister Robert groaned, and removed his tie and shirt.
"Oh, I can't WAIT, Daddy - please make love to me, honey!" Wadeen was now on her back on the sofa. Mister Robert didn't wait long. He dropped on top of her, and Eva watched as Wadeen put the little prick at the head of her pussy. "Oh, baby - push it IN!" Mister Robert grunted and thrust forward. "Ooo!" Howled Wadeen. "Oh, my word - I ain't never had such a BIG white dick in my little black hole! Oh, it so BIG! - Oh, it hurt, Daddy..." Wadeen winked at Eva, who cracked a little smile.
Wadeen kept up the talk. "Oh, honey - you is makin' LOVE to me so good - aw, baby - fillin' up my love hole - I never had it so good - you so good to me, Daddy!" Mister Robert was getting into a rhythm now, and Wadeen's words were having an effect. "Oh, shoot that seed into my womb, Daddy! FUCK 'dis black girl! Oh, you DOIN' it, honey! You so BIG, so STRONG!" Wadeen lifted her arm up behind Mister Robert, and Eva could see her checking the time on her wristwatch. Eva had to stifle a giggle. "Oh, please shoot that manly white load into my po' black cunny! You fuckin' it SO good!" Mister Robert was close now.
Oh, FUCK, baby! You gonna make me CUM, honey! Oh, cum WITH me, baby! Oh, I never done cum so HARD!" Wadeen winked at Eva again. Mister Robert took the bait. "Uh - uh - uh - UHHH!" Mister Robert made one final push. He had shot his load. Wadeen let him rest a moment, then handed him his pants.
"You are a special girl, Wadeen." Mister Robert said. "Here's an extra twenty." Wadeen took the money, smiled, and squealed - "Oh, FANK you, Mister Robert! You so good to this girl! I hope you come back soon and teach me more about love makin'!"
Mister Robert was out the door, and in his car. It hadn't been 15 minutes. Wadeen explained to Eva, "He's heading home to his wife, now. I figure I've done her a favor, as she won't have to fuck him." She cackled. "See, honey - it's all an ACT - just got to make him THINK he's a hot cock, and he'll be back for more."
This wasn't the sex education Eva had gotten in school. And class was still in session.
"You don't have to fuck those school boys yet." Noted Wadeen. "But you can use some of the same magic. Even if you're just rubbing his dick, you can still talk to them just like I was talking to Mister Robert. "Oh, you go big, you so hard, and all that shit. You give him a kiss, or let him touch your titty, and he's gonna nut and think he's the luckiest boy around. Same with girls - if you like a girl, you just kiss her, play with her cunny and miss clitty, and give her a nice gentle finger fuck and lots more kissing, and she's yours. In fact, I think only a girl knows exactly how a girl wants it."
Eva was paying close attention to every word. Wadeen had drifted away from the thick southern drawl she'd used with Mister Robert - that was apparently part of the act.
"Miss Wadeen, you said all men are assholes." Eva noted, adding: "I think some of them just want to degrade me."
"That's true, honey." Wadeen answered. "The game is ALL about control. Good news is, you're in control more than you know. You just gotta be confident with it. Fact is, lots of men want a girl to take control, and degrade THEM. Not ALL of 'em, but more than you think."
"All kinds of things you can do, honey." Wadeen continued. "For instance, if you're jacking a boy off, reach back and put a finger on his bung hole, and tell him you're gonna poke it. Ask him if he'd like that. If he says 'yes', stick it in. Finger fuck that boy's butt, and tell him how nasty he is. He's gonna squirt baby batter all over." Eva began to smile. She was learning more than she ever would in the sex ed class at school.
Wadeen wasn't done. "A lot of men even like being spanked, or having their junk played with rough. Gotta be careful, but that's half the fun. Just ask them, 'You want it harder?' Most men, they act all tough, and want to be macho and shit - but their cock and balls are a nice weak spot. You can tie up that junk, spank it, just mess with 'em." Wadeen obviously had some experience. "You can even make him DO shit."
Eva was giving her full attention. "What kinds of things, Miss Wadeen?"
"Whatever you want, honey!" Wadeen laughed. "Remember, you are in control. Once he's got his dick out in front of you, or he's looking at your titty, he think's he's in Disneyland. Fact is, YOU are making the rules now. I had a boy early on who was a stone fox, and I made him do all sorts of shit. One day, I said, 'I want a sperm sample. You better jack off in front of me.' And the boy stood up, pulled his cock out, and did it right there. Later on, I'd make him take ALL his clothes off, and even make him lick some of that jizz up. You just got to be creative. Make him BEG to lick your pussy. Act all excited, even if you aren't - and order him what to do, and how to do it. 'Lick it harder, baby - lick it softer, baby.' Just remember, YOU are in control."
"What if I WANT to suck his penis, Wadeen?" Asked Eva. "I think I want to be used that way - and ordered around and stuff."
"Then you TELL him, honey." Wadeen answered. "Funny thing, the slave's got more control than the master, sometimes. You need to go ahead and tell the boy real nice, 'May I please suck your cock?' - He's probably gonna let you. If he does something you DON'T like, say 'NO'. Remember, you are in control. Tease him. Tell him shit like, 'Tomorrow at 3:30 after school in your car.' He's gonna get all excited and be tryin' to walk straight with a hard-on all day. Young bucks are EASY to tease."
"Thank you so much, Wadeen." Eva sighed. "But I need to get home."
"No problem, honey." Wadeen leaned over, gave Eva a hug, then wrote down her phone number on a scrap of paper. "You can call whenever you like."
Eva had taken the bus downtown in hope of a movie date with a boy from school, who had mentioned a movie he'd wanted to see - Eva had even offered to buy the tickets. This wasn't the first time Eva had been stood up, but this one felt even worse than usual.
On the chubby side, Eva had been a 'late bloomer'. Her breasts were small, her skin was pale, and her thin blonde hair was cut short in a manner that made her look even fatter. It didn't help that Eva's mother dressed her in long, floral-print, flour sack dresses.
Once a proud movie theater, the Rialto was located in an older section of town. It was now surrounded by cheap bars, porn shops, and prostitutes.
The movie had already started five minutes ago. Eva broke down, and was crying hard.
"You okay, girl?" Eva heard a voice say. She turned and saw a black woman who was dressed like a streetwalker. No surprise, because that's what she was. A whore. "Yeah, you..." The woman was staring at Eva now.
"My date didn't show up." Sobbed Eva, trying to regain her composure. "We were going to meet here for a movie... and..." Eva broke down even harder.
"I'm Wadeen, honey." The black woman said, with a light southern drawl. "And what's your name, girl?"
"Eva." She sobbed out. "I'm sorry."
"Nothin' to be sorry about, girl." Wadeen said, putting her hand on Eva's shoulder and offering her a tissue. "Let's sit down a spell and talk, okay?"
The two sat on a bench, and Eva poured her heart out. Wadeen listened and nodded, just letting the girl vent. Eva was lonely. She wanted the love of a boy. Most any boy. She was an ugly duckling, and she knew she would not turn into a beautiful swan.
"Honey, let's go up to my apartment." Wadeen offered. "I think we need to have a little talk, okay?" Eva nodded, dried her eyes, and the two walked over to a second floor room at a nearby hotel.
Wadeen opened a window, got Eva a glass of sweet tea, and sat down on the couch next to Eva.
"Honey, listen up, and listen up good. I'm gonna help you out a little." Wadeen began. Eva took a small sip of her tea, and looked up at the black woman sitting next to her.
"For one thing, all men are assholes." Wadeen began. Eva smiled, and Wadeen continued. "Second thing, men are always horny. Even if they say they aren't, they think with their dick. They'll do anything they can to get into your little cunny. But the good news is, you're in control."
"How much sex have you had, girl?" Asked Wadeen.
"Not much." Eva whispered. Eva then related a story of a boy she met at a party once. He was fat and pimply and not very smart. They had been kissing in a back room, and the boy even touched Eva's breast on the outside of her dress, but then the pizza delivery arrived - and the boy got up so he wouldn't miss out on his dinner. Eva would have let the boy go as far as he wanted, but she had fallen short to a cheese pizza.
"Poor baby." Wadeen comforted, reaching out for Eva's hand. "Titties and pussy - half the population's got 'em, but most don't know what to do with 'em. And you ain't gotta be no beauty queen to get men right where you want 'em." Eva listened eagerly.
"Start off simple with the boys in school, honey. Just like I did." Wadeen offered. "You ain't gotta be blowin' or fuckin' or nothin' yet. Find a boy you like, and act interested - but not TOO interested. Maybe ask him if he'd like a nice hand job."
"What's a hand job?" Asked Eva innocently.
"You just rub his nugget." Wadeen explained. "All men like their cock rubbed. Those high school boys are always hard, and they don't care about love. As soon as they got their cock out, and in your hand, you're in control."
Wadeen's eyes opened with a knock at the door. She peeked out a window - "It's Mister Robert's car!" Sure enough, Mister Robert was heading home from work, and wanted a 'quicky' with the black whore.
Eva didn't know what to do. "Don't panic, girl." Wadeen said. "This won't take long. This man's got a little dick, and a big wallet."
Wadeen opened the door. "Ooo, you here to love me, Daddy?" The man wore a suit and tie, and carried a briefcase.
"I already paid Maurice. I saw him downtown, he said you'd be here." Mister Robert said. "And who is this girl? I ain't paying for no second girl."
"Oh, honey, 'dis here is my little neighbor, Eva - we just been havin' some girl talk." Wadeen smiled. "She young, and still learning about being a woman. Is it okay if she watch?"
Mister Robert put down his briefcase, and removed his suit coat. "Yeah, I suppose so... If you say it's okay, Wadeen."
"Ooo, baby - I'm so glad you're here - I been SO horny - been thinkin' all about you." Wadeen was already undoing Mister Robert's belt, her southern accent getting noticeably thicker. "I done got naked last night and played with my muffin just thinkin' about that big white dick of yours." Wadeen made a little wink at Eva, who was transfixed by what was going on.
Wadeen pulled down the man's pants and shorts, revealing a little, pasty white prick. "Oh, Daddy! It so BIG! Oh, you gonna make love to my little dark coochie? Please, baby?" Wadeen was rubbing the little white shaft, which was beginning to stiffen. Mister Robert groaned, and removed his tie and shirt.
"Oh, I can't WAIT, Daddy - please make love to me, honey!" Wadeen was now on her back on the sofa. Mister Robert didn't wait long. He dropped on top of her, and Eva watched as Wadeen put the little prick at the head of her pussy. "Oh, baby - push it IN!" Mister Robert grunted and thrust forward. "Ooo!" Howled Wadeen. "Oh, my word - I ain't never had such a BIG white dick in my little black hole! Oh, it so BIG! - Oh, it hurt, Daddy..." Wadeen winked at Eva, who cracked a little smile.
Wadeen kept up the talk. "Oh, honey - you is makin' LOVE to me so good - aw, baby - fillin' up my love hole - I never had it so good - you so good to me, Daddy!" Mister Robert was getting into a rhythm now, and Wadeen's words were having an effect. "Oh, shoot that seed into my womb, Daddy! FUCK 'dis black girl! Oh, you DOIN' it, honey! You so BIG, so STRONG!" Wadeen lifted her arm up behind Mister Robert, and Eva could see her checking the time on her wristwatch. Eva had to stifle a giggle. "Oh, please shoot that manly white load into my po' black cunny! You fuckin' it SO good!" Mister Robert was close now.
Oh, FUCK, baby! You gonna make me CUM, honey! Oh, cum WITH me, baby! Oh, I never done cum so HARD!" Wadeen winked at Eva again. Mister Robert took the bait. "Uh - uh - uh - UHHH!" Mister Robert made one final push. He had shot his load. Wadeen let him rest a moment, then handed him his pants.
"You are a special girl, Wadeen." Mister Robert said. "Here's an extra twenty." Wadeen took the money, smiled, and squealed - "Oh, FANK you, Mister Robert! You so good to this girl! I hope you come back soon and teach me more about love makin'!"
Mister Robert was out the door, and in his car. It hadn't been 15 minutes. Wadeen explained to Eva, "He's heading home to his wife, now. I figure I've done her a favor, as she won't have to fuck him." She cackled. "See, honey - it's all an ACT - just got to make him THINK he's a hot cock, and he'll be back for more."
This wasn't the sex education Eva had gotten in school. And class was still in session.
"You don't have to fuck those school boys yet." Noted Wadeen. "But you can use some of the same magic. Even if you're just rubbing his dick, you can still talk to them just like I was talking to Mister Robert. "Oh, you go big, you so hard, and all that shit. You give him a kiss, or let him touch your titty, and he's gonna nut and think he's the luckiest boy around. Same with girls - if you like a girl, you just kiss her, play with her cunny and miss clitty, and give her a nice gentle finger fuck and lots more kissing, and she's yours. In fact, I think only a girl knows exactly how a girl wants it."
Eva was paying close attention to every word. Wadeen had drifted away from the thick southern drawl she'd used with Mister Robert - that was apparently part of the act.
"Miss Wadeen, you said all men are assholes." Eva noted, adding: "I think some of them just want to degrade me."
"That's true, honey." Wadeen answered. "The game is ALL about control. Good news is, you're in control more than you know. You just gotta be confident with it. Fact is, lots of men want a girl to take control, and degrade THEM. Not ALL of 'em, but more than you think."
"All kinds of things you can do, honey." Wadeen continued. "For instance, if you're jacking a boy off, reach back and put a finger on his bung hole, and tell him you're gonna poke it. Ask him if he'd like that. If he says 'yes', stick it in. Finger fuck that boy's butt, and tell him how nasty he is. He's gonna squirt baby batter all over." Eva began to smile. She was learning more than she ever would in the sex ed class at school.
Wadeen wasn't done. "A lot of men even like being spanked, or having their junk played with rough. Gotta be careful, but that's half the fun. Just ask them, 'You want it harder?' Most men, they act all tough, and want to be macho and shit - but their cock and balls are a nice weak spot. You can tie up that junk, spank it, just mess with 'em." Wadeen obviously had some experience. "You can even make him DO shit."
Eva was giving her full attention. "What kinds of things, Miss Wadeen?"
"Whatever you want, honey!" Wadeen laughed. "Remember, you are in control. Once he's got his dick out in front of you, or he's looking at your titty, he think's he's in Disneyland. Fact is, YOU are making the rules now. I had a boy early on who was a stone fox, and I made him do all sorts of shit. One day, I said, 'I want a sperm sample. You better jack off in front of me.' And the boy stood up, pulled his cock out, and did it right there. Later on, I'd make him take ALL his clothes off, and even make him lick some of that jizz up. You just got to be creative. Make him BEG to lick your pussy. Act all excited, even if you aren't - and order him what to do, and how to do it. 'Lick it harder, baby - lick it softer, baby.' Just remember, YOU are in control."
"What if I WANT to suck his penis, Wadeen?" Asked Eva. "I think I want to be used that way - and ordered around and stuff."
"Then you TELL him, honey." Wadeen answered. "Funny thing, the slave's got more control than the master, sometimes. You need to go ahead and tell the boy real nice, 'May I please suck your cock?' - He's probably gonna let you. If he does something you DON'T like, say 'NO'. Remember, you are in control. Tease him. Tell him shit like, 'Tomorrow at 3:30 after school in your car.' He's gonna get all excited and be tryin' to walk straight with a hard-on all day. Young bucks are EASY to tease."
"Thank you so much, Wadeen." Eva sighed. "But I need to get home."
"No problem, honey." Wadeen leaned over, gave Eva a hug, then wrote down her phone number on a scrap of paper. "You can call whenever you like."
7 months ago